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According to the people.....I know,I know,sh1t paper.


'southampton will offer shearer a return to the club as manager after being rejected by Gordon strachan'


The article is dated 5th July and talks of the Pinnacle Group bringing him in. I think we can disregard this one.

This one must be right up there in the "lazy journalism" league.



The op not reading dates you mean?


Incidentally, the bbc website did post as part of their daily gossip so some of the eyeball rolling must be aimed at them as well.


Shearer as Head Coach and Keegan as Director of Football might be a good combination.


Shearer learning the trade at a League 1 club with Keegan to add his experience to the set up ? It also keeps Keegan a bit more out of the lime light which he may prefer.

Shearer as Head Coach and Keegan as Director of Football might be a good combination.


Shearer learning the trade at a League 1 club with Keegan to add his experience to the set up ? It also keeps Keegan a bit more out of the lime light which he may prefer.


Christ, how much would that management team **** off the georgie contingent! I would welcome that though.


Bring it on!

Shearer as Head Coach and Keegan as Director of Football might be a good combination.


Shearer learning the trade at a League 1 club with Keegan to add his experience to the set up ? It also keeps Keegan a bit more out of the lime light which he may prefer.


No thanks to either of them. GS or NP for me, with a slight bias towards NP because he's a young manager.


Russian eurosport claiming saints offer shearer 40 million budget.


Southampton» invites Shearer


« Саутгемптон » готов предложить незадачливому рулевому «Ньюка*ла» Алану Ширеру тренер*кий бюджет и умопомрачительный для клуба третьего дивизиона тран*ферный бюджет в 40 миллионов фунтов. «Southampton» is ready to offer hapless helmsman «Newcastle» Alan Shearer trainer's budget and killing for a third division club Transfer budget of 40 million pounds.


Интере* «*вятых» к одному из лучших форвардов в летопи*и британ*кого футбола имеет под *обой и и*ториче*кие о*нования: именно в этом городе и этой команде юный Ширер 20 * лишним лет тому назад впервые заявил о *ебе как игрок. Interest «sacred» in one of the best forwards in the annals of British football and has a historical reason: it is in this city and this team of young Shearer 20-odd years ago for the first time established itself as a player.

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