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man u and berbatov


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I absolutely detest Man U with a passion & I sincerely hope that something is done about their latest situation. These top 4 clubs should not be untouchable.
Hey hold on Pompey are not whiter than white. You have a club that has had its computers confiscated and also involved in dodgy deals and so should also look at your own actions.
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Hey hold on Pompey are not whiter than white. You have a club that has had its computers confiscated and also involved in dodgy deals and so should also look at your own actions.


I never said we were.


It just makes me laugh that they were screaming to all & sundry about Real approching that tosser & they've done more or less the same thing with Spurs.


Top 4 clubs - one rule for them & another for everyone else. Shouldn't be allowed to happen & until the lillywhite FA pull their heads from out of the top 4's arses it'll continue to kill football.

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I never said we were.


It just makes me laugh that they were screaming to all & sundry about Real approching that tosser & they've done more or less the same thing with Spurs.


Top 4 clubs - one rule for them & another for everyone else. Shouldn't be allowed to happen & until the lillywhite FA pull their heads from out of the top 4's arses it'll continue to kill football.

They havent sorted your lot out and so why would we expect the top 4 to be looked at. Man u etc are such a draw they have all the power and the PL are frightened to upset them.

Until fans like myself get the will to stop Sky subscriptions the big clubs will weild more and more power.

In the 80's Iwas beating the drum to cut the big clubs adrift as they were flexing their muscles to go into a european league unless we gave in to them regarding the home gate receipts not being shared anymore.The league caved in and then they just got bigger and the gulf is widening every season.

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I never said we were.


It just makes me laugh that they were screaming to all & sundry about Real approching that tosser & they've done more or less the same thing with Spurs.


Top 4 clubs - one rule for them & another for everyone else. Shouldn't be allowed to happen & until the lillywhite FA pull their heads from out of the top 4's arses it'll continue to kill football.


I agree, but I would go even further and suggest that there is one rule for Manchester United, another for the remaining Top 3, and yet another for the rest in the Premiership.

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I notice with Berbatov he never came out and said come and get me to Man utd,seems to just left Spurs in the dark as much as possible.

But it is about time the FA/Premier league did something about various transfers because regardless of the money you get back these players signed contracts they liked at the time then ignore however long it has left to run,take Ronaldo he has about 4 years left on his deal another club should not be aloud to aproach him full stop.

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The phrase "hush money" is being banded about. Bet that didn't go through the books hey Mr. Levvy! ;)


Spurs are just as bad, the way they tapped up Dean Richards, amongst others. This sort of thing has been going on for years, Cloughie did it all the time.

Don't forget their "fact-finding" mission in Seville this time last year where they just happened to bump into Juande Ramos... ;)

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,take Ronaldo he has about 4 years left on his deal another club should not be aloud to aproach him full stop.


i do agree with the sentiment, and really ******* hate man utd and their hipocrosy (sp?), but at the same time, if you or i sign a contact in just about any other job, we have the right to excercise notice to end it. why should football be any different

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Football should be the same and i agree a player should have the right to exercise notice to end it but and it's a big but you or i are not going to have another company paying 30 or 40 million pound for us.

So maybe they have to look at letting the player go for an agreed transfer fee with compensation for remainder of contract and if it's a big club some comensation for merchandise,which is also one of the main reasons for signing a big name.

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