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I am not going to quote all that 76 because IMHO it is semantic pseudo-intellectual nonsense. I don't care about itthat much - I am just saying that if you attend an ashes match and start shouting "rag head" at monte panasar then the police will arrest your arse whether monte finds it offensive or not. If you disagree then fine.


Over Political world we live in TBH


If someone shouted white c*nt, nobody would bat an eyelid.

Over Political world we live in TBH


If someone shouted white c*nt, nobody would bat an eyelid.

I don't think the ladies like the c word much but i get your point ;-)

I don't think the ladies like the c word much but i get your point ;-)


I know, i apologise, it is in my top 1 favourite words list. If the girls don't like it i am sure i can sort it for them ;)

Posted (edited)
I am not going to quote all that 76 because IMHO it is semantic pseudo-intellectual nonsense. I don't care about itthat much - I am just saying that if you attend an ashes match and start shouting "rag head" at monte panasar then the police will arrest your arse whether monte finds it offensive or not. If you disagree then fine.


indeed. my point... but the first summer that Monty was in the team I very much remember a line of 'barmy army' in the crowd at the oval wearing fake turbans and beards in honour of Monty. And while he was relegated to field at the boundary betwix his bowling overs he enjoyed good hearted banter with them. So, my question to you is: were they being racist by impersonating him or just normal beered up cricket fans?

Edited by 1976_Child
You still up ?? you should be asleep, or is shane playing his music loudly again ?


Seriously? Shane! Get down here now! You have a whipin' coming my lad...

I'm not starting on anyone else, i am worn out :(


then off to the land of nod you should go... just remember that it is not a dream.... we really are a safe club with a future!!! Up the Saints!!

This is the best post I have ever read. I’m actually tempted to print this and pin it up on my cork board.


I thought you were in Bracknell. Have you moved?

Lol! No, 7 pints in pub, 1 pint at home, 0.5 pint still in glass...


Potatoe product ce soir est le pomme frite, quand je can be arsed to go and turn le oven on... avec le poisson avec batter.


Eh? from whence did this Franglais come?


CCryptic 1976, very criptic methinks. :smt039

Are you Fabrice Fernandes. YCDAJFU

thank you. But why is 'rag head' any more un-pc than referring to a banker as a 'pin-striped, braces-wearing moron'


Be careful not to dilute true racism (being the criminal subjugation of one DNA-specified race by another) with the solvent of culture, which is neither inflamatory nor provocative. Indeed much of public debate surrounding immigration has its seed sown from the hopper of culturism rather than true racism, which is abhorent in any sane man's mind.


... a bit like me taking the rib over a chap wearing a skate shirt....


"raghead" is offensive, "'pin-striped, braces-wearing moron" is a descriptive term for pin striped, braces wearing morons.


Don't thank me.

indeed. my point... but the first summer that Monty was in the team I very much remember a line of 'barmy army' in the crowd at the oval wearing fake turbans and beards in honour of Monty. And while he was relegated to field at the boundary betwix his bowling overs he enjoyed good hearted banter with them. So, my question to you is: were they being racist by impersonating him or just normal beered up cricket fans?

That was in 'homage' to him I believe, not a reference to his forfathers opression at our forefathers hands. You are ragheads and don't you forget it. It was and always will be an offensive term. Only telling you what I think, not arguing.



I am not going to quote all that 76 because IMHO it is semantic pseudo-intellectual nonsense. I don't care about itthat much - I am just saying that if you attend an ashes match and start shouting "rag head" at monte panasar then the police will arrest your arse whether monte finds it offensive or not. If you disagree then fine.


why would any body shout Rag head at Monty as he is a Sikh any way this is a pointless discussion as arabs also use the term rag head / towel head in as much the way blacks can use the term ****** and white people cant there is too much PC all over the world now people get a life we are all different but the same get over it




UAESaint on tour in an inn in Singapore

Posted (edited)

Do you remember that great film "The Dambusters" starring Michael Redgrave as Barnes Wallis and Richard Todd as Guy Gibson? They're remaking it for today's audience. Gibson's dog, a jet black labrador, and an integral part of the story, was called "N1gger". No longer. History is being rewritten by scriptwriter Stephen Fry to appease the PC brigade!


Back to the OP. 8.5 pints? These days that would mean a three day hangover exacerbated by a sleepless night of trips to the bog for a p1ss! An uplifting anecdote none-the-less. Nice one.

Edited by StInky
PC filter caught me out with N1gger and p1ss!!!!!
Do you remember that great film "The Dambusters" starring Michael Redgrave as Barnes Wallis and Richard Todd as Guy Gibson? They're remaking it for today's audience. Gibson's dog, a jet black labrador, and an integral part of the story, was called "N1gger". No longer. History is being rewritten by scriptwriter Stephen Fry to appease the PC brigade!


Back to the OP. 8.5 pints? These days that would mean a three day hangover exacerbated by a sleepless night of trips to the bog for a p1ss! An uplifting anecdote none-the-less. Nice one.


I find the changing of the name of Gibson's dog to be an outrage. Not because of the dog himself, but because it was the code word transmitted back by the aircraft to indicate the Moehne dam had been breached.


It is integral to the history of the raid.

why would any body shout Rag head at Monty as he is a Sikh
LOL - like the sort of people who would shout such a thing would know the difference!! :-) Reference to Monte is in response to a previous post - have a read back through.......or maybe not. Time to move on.
I am not going to quote all that 76 because IMHO it is semantic pseudo-intellectual nonsense. I don't care about itthat much - I am just saying that if you attend an ashes match and start shouting "rag head" at monte panasar then the police will arrest your arse whether monte finds it offensive or not. If you disagree then fine.
it just shows how ignorant some people but i don,t think it was malicious.
I find the changing of the name of Gibson's dog to be an outrage. Not because of the dog himself, but because it was the code word transmitted back by the aircraft to indicate the Moehne dam had been breached.


It is integral to the history of the raid.


How can you possibly talk about the "History of the raid" based on that film.


The raid in real life was a disaster that achived nothing other than the pointless deaths of our best bomber crews and alot of forced labourers.


They didn't even breach both dams in real life.

How can you possibly talk about the "History of the raid" based on that film.


The raid in real life was a disaster that achived nothing other than the pointless deaths of our best bomber crews and alot of forced labourers.


They didn't even breach both dams in real life.





How can YOU possibly talk about the ‘history of the raid’, there were three dams targeted: Möhne, Sorpe and Eder dams not two as you state. Both the Möhne and Eder were breached. The Sorpe was always known to be the most difficult because it was an earth mound rather than a concrete structure. Other reserve targets were the Ennepe Dam, which was attacked but not breached, the Lister and Schwelm Dams that weren't reached or attacked. So please get your facts right before having a dig at others.


It is easy to say with hindsight that, and I quote you, ‘the raid in real life was a disaster that achieved nothing other than the pointless deaths of our best bomber crews and a lot of forced labourers’. The MOD could only act on information and intelligence available at the time.


Also you can’t isolate the attack as a complete failure, the raid had other affects including:

1. Showing Stalin that Britain was able to mount such a raid on enemy territory and that showing him that we were a worthy ally. And yes we did need him as an ally at the time.

2. There was an effect on production of electricity and water output but for only a short time of a couple of months. Admittedly this was the main reason for the attack, expecting much more disruption to electricity supplies and manufacturing.

3. The biggest advantage, which wasn’t known at the time, was the effect on food production with farm animals being killed and arable land flooded and unusable.

4. There was a morale boost at home, showing people that the fight was now being taken to Germany.

5. German resources were being used to defend such raids that could have been used against the allies on the front lines.


So the raid may not have been the success in the way that was intended and around 40% casualty rate was a massive price to pay, but you cannot look at these things in isolation. This was a war not a single battle and no one will get it right every time.


There ends today’s in brief history lesson.

Do you remember that great film "The Dambusters" starring Michael Redgrave as Barnes Wallis and Richard Todd as Guy Gibson? They're remaking it for today's audience. Gibson's dog, a jet black labrador, and an integral part of the story, was called "N1gger". No longer. History is being rewritten by scriptwriter Stephen Fry to appease the PC brigade!


Back to the OP. 8.5 pints? These days that would mean a three day hangover exacerbated by a sleepless night of trips to the bog for a p1ss! An uplifting anecdote none-the-less. Nice one.


Sorry to interupt you classy saints having a pop at each other but this is a them and us thread, you're supposed to take a pop at me.


Black Dog was also an integral part of the story in Treasure Island. For some reason I've always thought of him as white but since he wasn't called white dog, well, maybe he was black as his name suggests. I seem to remember he ran of fast when he saw Jim Hawkins so maybe he was a black sprinter. Was Billy Bones anorexic as starved as a saints fan waiting for a trophy? Now could I have some traditional greetings.

Whatever the argument, anyone who goes to the pub in a football shirt has lost it.


What about going to the Chapel Arms in a Saints shirt on match ??? isn't that the one time when you've definitely won it ?


I would like to point out that I just got a virtual spanking from SS Marshall Ponty for using the term "rag head".


Well, to all the Orwellian Administrators out there: you don't have enough Digital Zyclon-B to purify this forum! Fascists! The Truth Will Set Us Free! We the lucky few! We the virtuous few! Us Silent Board Members who know the truth!


Monty is a rag-head.... A damn good bowler (wicket permitting), but none the less someone who wears a rag upon his head.


(Note, I have not qualified my remark about his rag. I do not use my post to lend weight to a theory that he might be slightly 'sub-white' for sporting his turban upon his head.. I am merely pointing out that he does indeed wear a rag upon his head...)

I would like to point out that I just got a virtual spanking from SS Marshall Ponty for using the term "rag head".


Well, to all the Orwellian Administrators out there: you don't have enough Digital Zyclon-B to purify this forum! Fascists! The Truth Will Set Us Free! We the lucky few! We the virtuous few! Us Silent Board Members who know the truth!


Monty is a rag-head.... A damn good bowler (wicket permitting), but none the less someone who wears a rag upon his head.


(Note, I have not qualified my remark about his rag. I do not use my post to lend weight to a theory that he might be slightly 'sub-white' for sporting his turban upon his head.. I am merely pointing out that he does indeed wear a rag upon his head...)

"Rag head" is a derogatory term. Whether you believe you're applying it as such is more a question of your ignorance than that fact.


Also, whining about infractions is pathetic, especially when it's as blatantly deserving as yours. The only question that remains is, do you get another 4 points for continuining to use the phrase?

I have just returned from my local here in Brighton, where I consumed many a pint (in celebration of Saint Markus) with my Albion friends - who were jealous, extremely jealous, nay even suicidaly jealous - when what should walk in?? A fat lard-ass wearing a Skate shirt. I had to get a hold of my horses, 'cause I was ready to go and ask him how his bunch were doing - you know, what with all the 90 Million of debt, rag-head-buyer getting cold feet, **** urine-soaked stadium, VAT bill unpaid and no chance of staying in the Prem season after next....


... I was just itching to let him know that we have a stadium worthy of an England international, we had bigger turnstile numbers in the championship than they did in the prem; they couldn’t even fill fratton in the prem! We have a bigger – much bigger – fan base, we have better training facilities and we have a better academy. Oh, and I am sure there is something else too? Mmmm? What can it be now? Gosh, I am going senile…. Ah Ha! Yes! That is it! Our club’s 124 year history is now safe in the hands of a proven business man, a man worth £2.5 billion, and a man who is dedicated to our club.. and, lest I forget, we have not a single solitary penny of debt at all! We – through our Magnificent Saviour – own our own stadium outright – which has physical foundations in place to increase the capacity-, and our own training ground and our own academy!!


But, as itching as I was to jump off my barstool and let him know that the Mighty Saints were back I couldn’t. After all, we all know that we are a cut above them don’t we? The last few years were an aberration and there is nothing to be gained in kicking a lowly creature in the guts. So I just sat upon my stool and sipped my beer, with pride in my heart, and looked at his daft blue shirt and gave thanks to the good Lord that I was born a Saint!


Up the Saints!


Nice start to the morning, put a major smile on my face.....lovely post :D

No one is trying to hound you into court just wishing you would stop being a rude c#nt when there is no need for it.


You can split hairs all day whether something is racist or not either way its just ignorant. Still its good to see your general studies gcse is going well, you can use this as coursework to demonstrate that you are making progress within the context of your cultural studies learning goals.

Whilst not condoning any possible racist content to either 76`s posts (or anyone elses), the thing that confuses me in all this, is, why is it wrong to call someone a "raghead" but O.K. to call them "a rude ****"? Surely by including the c-word you make any argument pointless. Isn`t calling somebody "a ****" also ignorant?

I have just returned from my local here in Brighton, where I consumed many a pint (in celebration of Saint Markus) with my Albion friends - who were jealous, extremely jealous, nay even suicidaly jealous - when what should walk in?? A fat lard-ass wearing a Skate shirt. I had to get a hold of my horses, 'cause I was ready to go and ask him how his bunch were doing - you know, what with all the 90 Million of debt, rag-head-buyer getting cold feet, **** urine-soaked stadium, VAT bill unpaid and no chance of staying in the Prem season after next....


this is where your claim to be better than a skate came off the rails

I would like to point out that I just got a virtual spanking from SS Marshall Ponty for using the term "rag head".


Well, to all the Orwellian Administrators out there: you don't have enough Digital Zyclon-B to purify this forum! Fascists! The Truth Will Set Us Free! We the lucky few! We the virtuous few! Us Silent Board Members who know the truth!


Monty is a rag-head.... A damn good bowler (wicket permitting), but none the less someone who wears a rag upon his head.


(Note, I have not qualified my remark about his rag. I do not use my post to lend weight to a theory that he might be slightly 'sub-white' for sporting his turban upon his head.. I am merely pointing out that he does indeed wear a rag upon his head...)


It's definitely a derogatory term though. Why keep using it?, plus they are not exactly wearin a rag are they the definition of a rag is a tatty used piece of scrap textile thats condition is not important

I would like to point out that I just got a virtual spanking from SS Marshall Ponty for using the term "rag head".


Well, to all the Orwellian Administrators out there: you don't have enough Digital Zyclon-B to purify this forum! Fascists! The Truth Will Set Us Free! We the lucky few! We the virtuous few! Us Silent Board Members who know the truth!


Monty is a rag-head.... A damn good bowler (wicket permitting), but none the less someone who wears a rag upon his head.


(Note, I have not qualified my remark about his rag. I do not use my post to lend weight to a theory that he might be slightly 'sub-white' for sporting his turban upon his head.. I am merely pointing out that he does indeed wear a rag upon his head...)


You're accusing the admins of being fascist when its you that’s banging on about how superior you are when compared to a skate and throwing terms like rag-head about? Irony isn't your strong point, is it?


Do Saints fans have a natural God-given superiority over the Skates? Absolutely not. We prove that we are better people through our actions. So, 1976 Child, I recommend that you stop talking and thinking like a Skate in case you start being mistaken for one ;)

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