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Speaking of Baker Tilley, I don't recall them issuing any report to say that the Skates had a clean bill of health in their financial dealings. As it has been almost a year since they began their investigations, why is it taking so long?


Have you tried reviving documents that have been passed through a cross-cut shredder ?

A message from Brian Howe,one of the prospective bidders..........



Portsmouth Football club update.......Vince and I have been waiting since last week for paperwork we required to make an educated bid for the club.

From what I understand a deal has now been done with the preferred bidder. I might suggest that the person/people concerned were the only bidders as I don't think anyone else was sent the required paperwork either.

I am a Pompey fan first and foremost and I am worried that there never was a chance of anyone really buying the club unless Mr Chanrai was involved.

I hope I am wrong but I am looking into it.........stay tuned.


As posted 12 hours ago on here... Keep up ;-)


I'm surprised at Cala's claim of eight players' earnings amounting to £1.1 a month.

If true that's crazier than any of us thought.

I guess with the NI etc and win bonuses it could be possible.


It would also mean that Lampitt has been spending money on wages at a ridiculous rate as half of those would have been agreed under his watch, the 'legacy issues' claim has run out of time, it's the current management who are responsible.


I've often wondered how they've been allowed to outbid other teams while trading insolvently or actually in administration.

Call me Mr Picky as that's a minor crime by their standards, but it must annoy other clubs.


but we didn't cheat bleat the few...

Being unable to service debts when they are due = insolvency.

Paying money you don't have to gain a sporting advantage = cheating.


I would chuckle if Ipswich take two of their youngsters in return for one overpaid old bloke.

I'm surprised at Cala's claim of eight players' earnings amounting to £1.1 a month.

If true that's crazier than any of us thought.

I guess with the NI etc and win bonuses it could be possible.


It would also mean that Lampitt has been spending money on wages at a ridiculous rate as half of those would have been agreed under his watch, the 'legacy issues' claim has run out of time, it's the current management who are responsible.


I've often wondered how they've been allowed to outbid other teams while trading insolvently or actually in administration.

Call me Mr Picky as that's a minor crime by their standards, but it must annoy other clubs.


but we didn't cheat bleat the few...

Being unable to service debts when they are due = insolvency.

Paying money you don't have to gain a sporting advantage = cheating.


I would chuckle if Ipswich take two of their youngsters in return for one overpaid old bloke.


Well, from the youngsters point of view, they are probably taking the short term view to ensure they stay in football beyond 11 weeks from the next takeover :)

Posted (edited)
I cannot wait for the IPO for Portsmouth Football Club. I might even buy some shares, just for the lulz.


If this US stock market wheeze was ever to happen then I would imagine some kind of reverse takeover of Cala Corp occurring.


I think we should get in there quick and buy a few thousand shares at $0.0002.... You never know...this might all make cents in the end... ;-)

Edited by trousers
... “I am 90 per cent certain [about the deal] but I do have some reservations, mainly about the player contracts. It is my desire to close the deal as soon as possible. “Portsmouth have eight players who earn £1.1 million a month between them. That is in a league with an average budget of £8 million a year,” he said. “Without these eight players the club is healthy, in fact it would be profitable. “I will not come in and spend money just to prove I have it. I say to the fans, trust me, I will spend what we earn.”


If true - I find it hard to believe but wouldn't be surprised.


So much for the words of wisdom from AA to cut the wage bill down to £10m a year after last season. Eight players receiving £32k a week - who would they be?


May be, just maybe there is a little bit of sense in all this nonsense. Cara comes in and pays 14 million quid (As per the Telegraph article) and slashes the wage bill to have the club running within its means, the parachute payments may or may not cover the CVA, but parachute payments come in over two years and the CVA lasts for five, so perhaps a few million on his hip for a couple of years. His pitch to the FL, is slash the wage bill, no investment, club lives within its means (Would have to, can't borrrow money and cara unlikely to put all his wealth into a journeyman pro looking for a final contract) ....and that's probably enough. pompey living within its means, is a mid table league one club..........so the Championship get to say goodbye (In the sameway as the Premier League) and any pending points deductions are irrelevant as if he is slashing the playing squad, then relegation and living within its means will happen at some point either this season or next.

Cara gets a club (Chuck in reverse takeover, which gives cara corporation some revenues) and everyone is happy.

May be, just maybe there is a little bit of sense in all this nonsense. Cara comes in and pays 14 million quid (As per the Telegraph article) and slashes the wage bill to have the club running within its means, the parachute payments may or may not cover the CVA, but parachute payments come in over two years and the CVA lasts for five, so perhaps a few million on his hip for a couple of years. His pitch to the FL, is slash the wage bill, no investment, club lives within its means (Would have to, can't borrrow money and cara unlikely to put all his wealth into a journeyman pro looking for a final contract) ....and that's probably enough. pompey living within its means, is a mid table league one club..........so the Championship get to say goodbye (In the sameway as the Premier League) and any pending points deductions are irrelevant as if he is slashing the playing squad, then relegation and living within its means will happen at some point either this season or next.

Cara gets a club (Chuck in reverse takeover, which gives cara corporation some revenues) and everyone is happy.


I note he's citing his involvment in 1980s hotel projects in Hawaii in that Telegraph article (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/portsmouth/9021385/Portsmouth-90-per-cent-certain-to-be-taken-over-by-Joseph-Cala.html)


Plenty of Google search fodder there...he even names the hotels....should be plenty of public domain information available....I'll be back....


p.s. Shouldn't he be paying off the $14,000,000 Cala Corp debt with his "personal fortune" before throwing more money at another project?


So, in summary then


Somehow, poopey could be getting the takeover that everyone wanted.


Us for the lolage


The FL for finally living within their means


And the few have a new owner with Vision and Dreams



Try again


Why can I not get a photo up! I clicked on Image and entered valid URL


Maybe it's a protected photo (on the host website)? What's the URL?

If true this is unbelievable...is there such a thing as a fit and proper persons test, for whimsical folk from la la land, or is a letter from matron sufficient.


This thread could last for years.




Document details Cala Corporation’s wealth

PROSPECTIVE new Pompey owner Joseph Cala has moved to defend the performance of his Cala Corporation firm.

A Form 10-Q filed by Washington DC-based financial regulators US Securities and Exchange Commission details Cala Corporation’s quarterly performance ending September 30, 2010.

The document details the firm recorded a net loss total of $2,439,726, with total assets accumulating to $6,377 from January 1, 2007, to September 30, 2010.

The firm, which Mr Cala describes as a ‘dormant’ company, changed from Magnolia Foods Inc from January 1, 2007, to concentrate on developing an underwater resort and casino.

The report details the firm recorded an accumulated deficit of $11,886,789 and $2,439,726 during its development stage, compared to $11,861,259 of additional paid-in capital.

Mr Cala said: ‘The losses are credits to be used against future profits.

‘The US tax code allows every research and development (R&D) dollar investment to be used as credit against future profit.

‘Cala Corp is a dormant company used as the R&D for the Undersea development. Most of the expenses or losses went into the Undersea Resort R&D.’



They're only a week or so behind publishing what was posted on here then....


“I am 90 per cent certain [about the deal] but I do have some reservations, mainly about the player contracts. It is my desire to close the deal as soon as possible. “Portsmouth have eight players who earn £1.1 million a month between them. That is in a league with an average budget of £8 million a year,” he said. “Without these eight players the club is healthy, in fact it would be profitable. “I will not come in and spend money just to prove I have it. I say to the fans, trust me, I will spend what we earn.”


And there Ladies and Gentlemen you have it.


Proof (once again) that since the summer the posters n this thread have been RIGHT.


Despite all the statements, despite Lampitt's appointment, and DESPITE THE FL OVERSEEING THE CLUB CLOSELY - an admission in Public that the club HAS been run in a way that it has NOT been under wise Financial Stewardship - AGAIN.


Proof that they still spent money that they did not have UNLESS CSI gave it to them.


But again - Joe baby. You CANNOT simply tear up footballers contracts. Those liabilities will stay with you for YEARS. You think a 10 point penalty is a problem? Hell you tear those up and you won't be embargoed, or deducted you'll simply be banned AND still taken to court for the full amounts due.

Document details Cala Corporation’s wealth

PROSPECTIVE new Pompey owner Joseph Cala has moved to defend the performance of his Cala Corporation firm.

A Form 10-Q filed by Washington DC-based financial regulators US Securities and Exchange Commission details Cala Corporation’s quarterly performance ending September 30, 2010.

The document details the firm recorded a net loss total of $2,439,726, with total assets accumulating to $6,377 from January 1, 2007, to September 30, 2010.

The firm, which Mr Cala describes as a ‘dormant’ company, changed from Magnolia Foods Inc from January 1, 2007, to concentrate on developing an underwater resort and casino.

The report details the firm recorded an accumulated deficit of $11,886,789 and $2,439,726 during its development stage, compared to $11,861,259 of additional paid-in capital.

Mr Cala said: ‘The losses are credits to be used against future profits.

‘The US tax code allows every research and development (R&D) dollar investment to be used as credit against future profit.

‘Cala Corp is a dormant company used as the R&D for the Undersea development. Most of the expenses or losses went into the Undersea Resort R&D.’



They're only a week or so behind publishing what was posted on here then....


He is SO going to fit right in down there.


His ONLY assets are




Posted (edited)


Cala: “In the 1980s I was a broker between banks and developers in Hawaii and I operated on a fee of 30 per cent of equity on successful projects. I was involved in major hotel developments including the Grand Wailea and the Western Maui.”


Found a reference to the Grand Wailea hotel in this Cala article: http://www.granatissimi.com/2011/02/joseph-cala-incontrera-il-sindaco-vincenzo-de-luca/


Joseph Cala incontrerà il sindaco Vincenzo De Luca


Maurizio Grillo 12/02/2011



E domani si gioca, quasi ce n’eravamo dimenticati. La travolgente giornata di ieri ha fatto passare l’evento sportivo in secondo piano. Bene ha fatto Breda a ricordare stamattina che per lui, al momento, esiste solo la gara col Pavia e bisogna concentrarsi solo su quella.

La squadra al completo stasera era presente alla festa del Club Milano Granata del presidente Luigi Coppola ed ha avuto modo di assistere anche all’incontro tenuto dai commercialisti Antonio Sanges ed Antonio Opromolla sul progetto “Salerno Granata” di azionariato popolare. Calciatori concentrati? Speriamo. D’altronde in questo cambio della guardia i primi a guadagnarci, nel vero senso della parola, sono anche loro.Un risultato positivo in terra lombarda porterebbe una ventata di ulteriore ottimismo, oltre che punti importantissimi per la classifica. Una vittoria da dedicare magari al nuovo patron Joseph Cala, le cui idee sono chiare, come il suo parlare. Volendo guardare con ottimismo al futuro, forse siamo ad una vera svolta. Un altro segnale positivo che arriva è la riapertura del dialogo con le istituzioni, in particolare col sindaco Vincenzo De Luca.Joseph Cala ha già fissato l’appuntamento e lo incontrerà la settimana prossima per parlare di tante cose, compresa la questione della tribuna autorità. Ma soprattutto per chiarire che d’ora in poi, con l’uscita di Antonio Lombardi, Salernitana e Primo Cittadino possono tornare insieme come ai bei tempi. C’è chi giura che nella prossima gara interna il sindaco tornerà addirittura allo stadio Arechi ad assistere alla gara dei granata. Se è un sogno tutto questo, non svegliateci!


Any Italian translators....? The comments section beneath that article looks potentially interesting going by the number of exclamation marks....


Responses to “Joseph Cala incontrerà il sindaco Vincenzo De Luca”



    13/02/2011 at 00:10 | Permalink
    Macellino pane e vino
    Il Toro non se lo in..la nessuno? Forse non è un male, Macello. L’acquirente della Salernitana, Joseph Cala (o Giuseppe Calà, come si chiama originariamente), non è un nome nuovo, per noi. Fu uno di quelli che poco tempo fa dissero voler acquistare il Toro. Cairo non lo prese neppure in considerazione (mica scemo, nota personale). Chi è “Mr. Cala”? Un siciliano trapiantato negli USA, proprietario della Cala Corporation. Cosa fa detta società? Costruisce (prevede, vorrebbe, millanta di costruire) alberghi sottomarini. Il buon Peppe, come viene chiamato dagli amici, dice di averne già costruiti 2, ma subacquei solo al 15%. Quali sono (meglio: dice che siano)? Il Grand Wailea alle Hawai e l’Atlantis alle Bahamas. A sentire lui sarebbero 3, ma il Maui Hotel non esiste neppure. Stonano solo due piccoli particolari, riguardo questi alberghi: non sono sott’acqua neppure all’1% e, soprattutto, non sono nè stati costruiti nè sono di proprietà della Cala Corp. Il Grand Wailea fa parte della catena Waldorf Astoria, l’Atlantis è della Kerzner International. “Mr Cala” nel 2000 disse che voleva costruirne uno sottomarino al 95% a Catania (anzi, portarcelo con una nave dall’America. Unica difficoltà: il passaggio nel canale di Panama, una bazzecola facilmente risolvibile…), parte di un mega progetto per far diventare la città siciliana la Las Vegas dell’isola (niente di meno!), con la costruzione di 33 grattacieli per uffici (!!), 150 mila camere d’albergo (!!!), 3 campi da golf (!!!!), 2000 villette (!!!!!), 200-300 mila appartamenti (!!!!!!), il centro congressi più grande d’Europa (!!!!!!!) ecc, promettendo e prevedendo la creazione di 1 milione e ½ di posti lavoro in dieci anni (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) e un futuro roseo per la trinacria. Primo passo, l’acquisto della Costanzo, società di costruzioni, dato per fatto. Peccato che non sia vero. Peccato anche che dopo dieci anni non si sia visto nulla di tutto questo progetto da sogno. E potrei continuare a darti notizie su questo Paperone di Broccolino (ma forse Paperino sarebbe più consono). Un Ciuccariello trans-oceanico, lo si potrebbe definire. Se vai a leggerti i commenti dei tifosi della salernitana, al di là di quelli che ci cascano e si bevono ogni cosa (quelli ci sono dappertutto, vero Macello?), ce ne sono che parlano apertamente di bufala, altri che arrivano a sospettare sia un’operazione di riciclaggio. Insomma, non vi è poi un grande entusiamo. Visto di chi si sta parlando, credo sia giustificato, un pò di scetticismo… In ogni caso, caro Macello, prima di invidiare gli altri, vai a dare un’occhiata qui. Abbastanza esilarante… http://xoomer.virgilio.it/lorenzobarone/_peppe_cala.html
    Con questo post chiudo la mia presenza con il presente nick. Devo cambiarlo. Pensavo davvero di essere “l’unico d.o.c.”, ma mi sono dovuto ricredere e fare un bagno di umiltà. Mi inchino al Maestro Davino: gli spetta di diritto, non voglio usurpare qualcosa che di fatto appartiene ad altri per meriti indiscutibili. Un’ultima cosa per gion uein: non ti preoccupare per quel che succede in Egitto. Silvio potra’ sempre dire che la prossima ragazzina è nipote di Gheddafi…
  • Giovanni
    13/02/2011 at 07:00 | Permalink
    Si ma prima Cala deve farsi la tessera del partito, altrimenti nisba


Edited by trousers
Thought you might appreciate it. Thanks for your help. Not sure why I could not post it. Clicked on image put in the URL and I have checked my profile. I can post images!


I had to click on the image which displayed it in a new window which in turn gave it a different URL. But, yep, no idea why the 'root' URL wouldn't work.


Rough translation of the response posted by Trousers;


The buyer of Salernitana, Joseph Cala (or Giuseppe Calà, as they called originally), is not a new name to us. He was one of those who recently said to want to buy the Bull. Cairo took him not even consider (mica fool, personal note). Who is "Mr. Cala"? A Sicilian transplanted in the USA, owner of the Corporation. What does that company? Builds (predicts, would build millanta) underwater hotels. Good Peppe, as it is called by friends, says to have already built, but only 2 divers at 15%. What are (better: says they are)? The Grand Wailea Hawaii and Atlantis in the Bahamas. To hear him would be 3, but Maui Hotel doesn't exist either. Mendacious only two small details about these hotels: there are underwater even at 1% and, above all, there are neither constructed nor are property of Cala Corp. The Grand Wailea is part of the Waldorf Astoria, Atlantis is of Kerzner International. "Mr. Cala" in 2000 said that he wanted to construct a submarine to 95% in Catania (indeed, portarcelo with a ship from America. Only fix: passing in Panama Canal, a no brainer easily fixable ...), part of a mega-project to make the Sicilian town of the Las Vegas (no less!), with the construction of skyscrapers, Office 33 (!!), 150 thousand hotel rooms (!!!), 3 golf courses (!!!!), 2000 villette (!!!!!), 200-300 thousand apartments (!!!!), the largest Convention Centre in Europe (!!!!) etc., promising and foreseeing the creation of 1 .5 million jobs jobs in ten years (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and a rosy future for the trinacria. First step, the purchase of Constantius, construction companies, given for fact. Sin that is not true. Pity that after ten years we have seen nothing like this dream project. And I could continue to give you news about this Scrooge of Brooklyn (but perhaps Donald would be more appropriate). A trans-oceanic Ciuccariello, you might define. If you go to read the comments of fans of salernitana, beyond those that fall and you drink anything (those we are everywhere, real Slaughterhouse?), there are speaking openly of hoax, others who come to suspect is a recycling operation. In short, there is then a great enthusiasm. See who you're talking about, I think it is justified, a bit of skepticism ... In any case, dear Slaughterhouse before envy others, go take a look here. Pretty hilarious ...


Any Italian translators....? The comments section beneath that article looks potentially interesting going by the number of exclamation marks....


Responses to “Joseph Cala incontrerà il sindaco Vincenzo De Luca”



    13/02/2011 at 00:10 | Permalink
    Macellino pane e vino
    Il Toro non se lo in..la nessuno? Forse non è un male, Macello. L’acquirente della Salernitana, Joseph Cala (o Giuseppe Calà, come si chiama originariamente), non è un nome nuovo, per noi. Fu uno di quelli che poco tempo fa dissero voler acquistare il Toro. Cairo non lo prese neppure in considerazione (mica scemo, nota personale). Chi è “Mr. Cala”? Un siciliano trapiantato negli USA, proprietario della Cala Corporation. Cosa fa detta società? Costruisce (prevede, vorrebbe, millanta di costruire) alberghi sottomarini. Il buon Peppe, come viene chiamato dagli amici, dice di averne già costruiti 2, ma subacquei solo al 15%. Quali sono (meglio: dice che siano)? Il Grand Wailea alle Hawai e l’Atlantis alle Bahamas. A sentire lui sarebbero 3, ma il Maui Hotel non esiste neppure. Stonano solo due piccoli particolari, riguardo questi alberghi: non sono sott’acqua neppure all’1% e, soprattutto, non sono nè stati costruiti nè sono di proprietà della Cala Corp. Il Grand Wailea fa parte della catena Waldorf Astoria, l’Atlantis è della Kerzner International. “Mr Cala” nel 2000 disse che voleva costruirne uno sottomarino al 95% a Catania (anzi, portarcelo con una nave dall’America. Unica difficoltà: il passaggio nel canale di Panama, una bazzecola facilmente risolvibile…), parte di un mega progetto per far diventare la città siciliana la Las Vegas dell’isola (niente di meno!), con la costruzione di 33 grattacieli per uffici (!!), 150 mila camere d’albergo (!!!), 3 campi da golf (!!!!), 2000 villette (!!!!!), 200-300 mila appartamenti (!!!!!!), il centro congressi più grande d’Europa (!!!!!!!) ecc, promettendo e prevedendo la creazione di 1 milione e ½ di posti lavoro in dieci anni (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) e un futuro roseo per la trinacria. Primo passo, l’acquisto della Costanzo, società di costruzioni, dato per fatto. Peccato che non sia vero. Peccato anche che dopo dieci anni non si sia visto nulla di tutto questo progetto da sogno. E potrei continuare a darti notizie su questo Paperone di Broccolino (ma forse Paperino sarebbe più consono). Un Ciuccariello trans-oceanico, lo si potrebbe definire. Se vai a leggerti i commenti dei tifosi della salernitana, al di là di quelli che ci cascano e si bevono ogni cosa (quelli ci sono dappertutto, vero Macello?), ce ne sono che parlano apertamente di bufala, altri che arrivano a sospettare sia un’operazione di riciclaggio. Insomma, non vi è poi un grande entusiamo. Visto di chi si sta parlando, credo sia giustificato, un pò di scetticismo… In ogni caso, caro Macello, prima di invidiare gli altri, vai a dare un’occhiata qui. Abbastanza esilarante… http://xoomer.virgilio.it/lorenzobarone/_peppe_cala.html
    Con questo post chiudo la mia presenza con il presente nick. Devo cambiarlo. Pensavo davvero di essere “l’unico d.o.c.”, ma mi sono dovuto ricredere e fare un bagno di umiltà. Mi inchino al Maestro Davino: gli spetta di diritto, non voglio usurpare qualcosa che di fatto appartiene ad altri per meriti indiscutibili. Un’ultima cosa per gion uein: non ti preoccupare per quel che succede in Egitto. Silvio potra’ sempre dire che la prossima ragazzina è nipote di Gheddafi…
  • Giovanni
    13/02/2011 at 07:00 | Permalink
    Si ma prima Cala deve farsi la tessera del partito, altrimenti nisba



Babelfish's effort:


The Taurus not if in .la nobody? Perhaps it is not an evil, Slaughter house. The purchaser of the Salernitana, Joseph Cala (or Giuseppe Cala, as he calls himself originally), is not a new name, for we. It was one of those which little time makes said to want to acquire the Taurus. Cairo not taken not even in consideration (at all dumb, famous staff).


Who is “Mr. Cala”? A sicialian transplanted in the USA, owner of the Corporation Cala. What makes said society? It constructs (it previews, it would want, millanta to construct) submarine hotels. The good Peppe, as it comes called from the friends, says to only have some already constructed 2, but underwater ones to 15%. Which are (better: it says that they are)?


The Grand Wailea to Hawaii and the Atlantis to the Bahamas. To feel it would be 3, but the Maui Hotel does not exist not even. Single Stonano two little ones details, care these hotels: not they are sott'acqua not even to 1% and, above all, neither they have not been constructed neither they are of property of the Corp Cala.


The Grand Wailea makes part of the chain Waldorf Astoria, the Atlantis is of the Kerzner International. “Mr Cala” in 2000 said that it wanted to construct of a submarine to 95% to Catania (indeed, to carry it to us with a ship from the America.


Only difficulty: the passage in the channel of Panama hat, an easy solvable trifle…), part of mega a plan in order to make to become the sicialian city less the Las Vegas of the island (nothing), with the construction of 33 skyscrapers for offices (), 150 thousand rooms of hotel (), 3 you live from golf (), 2000 villette (), 200-300 thousand apartments (), the greater center conferences of Europe () etc, promising and previewing the creation of 1 million and ½ places job in ten years () and a rose-colored future for the trinacria.


First step, the purchase of the Costanzo, society of constructions, data for fact. Sin that is not true. Sin also that after ten years it has not been looked at null of all this plan from dream. And I could continue to darti news on this Paperone di Broccolino (perhaps but Paperino would be more consono).


A Ciuccariello trans-South Sea islander, could be defined. If you go to leggerti the comments of the tifosi of the salernitana, beyond those which they fall to us and those are drunk every thing (are everywhere, true Slaughter house), of they are that they speak to us openly about bufala, others that succeed in suspecting or a money laundering operation. Insomma, not there is then a large one entusiamo.


Approval of who is being spoken, creed is justified, a skepticism P2o… In any case, beloved Slaughter house, before envying the others, you go to giving a glance here. Enough esilarante… http://xoomer.virgilio.it/lorenzobarone/_peppe_cala.html With this post I close my presence with the present nick. I must change it. I indeed thought to be “the only one d.o.c. ”, but they have had to me to ricredere and to make I bathe of humility. Me ducking to Master Davino: it is up of right, I do not want usurpare something that of fact it belongs to others for unquestionable merits. A last thing for gion uein: not to worry you for that it happens in Egypt. Silvio potra' always to say that the next child is grandaughter of Gheddafi…

Rough translation of the response posted by Trousers;


The buyer of Salernitana, Joseph Cala (or Giuseppe Calà, as they called originally), is not a new name to us. He was one of those who recently said to want to buy the Bull. Cairo took him not even consider (mica fool, personal note). Who is "Mr. Cala"? A Sicilian transplanted in the USA, owner of the Corporation. What does that company? Builds (predicts, would build millanta) underwater hotels. Good Peppe, as it is called by friends, says to have already built, but only 2 divers at 15%. What are (better: says they are)? The Grand Wailea Hawaii and Atlantis in the Bahamas. To hear him would be 3, but Maui Hotel doesn't exist either. Mendacious only two small details about these hotels: there are underwater even at 1% and, above all, there are neither constructed nor are property of Cala Corp. The Grand Wailea is part of the Waldorf Astoria, Atlantis is of Kerzner International. "Mr. Cala" in 2000 said that he wanted to construct a submarine to 95% in Catania (indeed, portarcelo with a ship from America. Only fix: passing in Panama Canal, a no brainer easily fixable ...), part of a mega-project to make the Sicilian town of the Las Vegas (no less!), with the construction of skyscrapers, Office 33 (!!), 150 thousand hotel rooms (!!!), 3 golf courses (!!!!), 2000 villette (!!!!!), 200-300 thousand apartments (!!!!), the largest Convention Centre in Europe (!!!!) etc., promising and foreseeing the creation of 1 .5 million jobs jobs in ten years (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and a rosy future for the trinacria. First step, the purchase of Constantius, construction companies, given for fact. Sin that is not true. Pity that after ten years we have seen nothing like this dream project. And I could continue to give you news about this Scrooge of Brooklyn (but perhaps Donald would be more appropriate). A trans-oceanic Ciuccariello, you might define. If you go to read the comments of fans of salernitana, beyond those that fall and you drink anything (those we are everywhere, real Slaughterhouse?), there are speaking openly of hoax, others who come to suspect is a recycling operation. In short, there is then a great enthusiasm. See who you're talking about, I think it is justified, a bit of skepticism ... In any case, dear Slaughterhouse before envy others, go take a look here. Pretty hilarious ...


Better than my Babelfish effort! Cheers :-)


It's hard to believe it could be true. 1000th page by the end of the month, anybody?

My own little conspiracy theory remains that Cala will buy on HP again from Chinny at exorbitant interest rates, he will spunk what little he has on some new & overpriced players for his shot at the big-time, & when it inevitably goes t1ts up, it will emerge that Chinny still has a charge over everything, so yet again the unsecured creditors will get screwed, and Handy Andy will reappear, 'desperately' searching for a new owner to take the club forward. Then the whole process will be repeated until the PPs have run out & he lets them die. Hell - 1000th page, we're talking 2K at least on this saga.


I am just gobsmacked that this bloke really might end up as their new owner. Thought he was just a sad Walter Mitty type like those idiots at Pinnacle that nearly screwed up our move out of admin, and that it must be someone else that AA was referring to, but apparently not.


Surely even AA can't have the brass nerve to pretend he is a serious buyer? It was 7 days he lasted at that Italian club before they threw him out because he paid none of the money he promised, wasn't it?


My only concern is that the daft skates have welcomed all their previous owners, claimed them to be good for the club and have been universally wrong.


This time, they don't want this guy anywhere near the club and expect him to be a disaster.


What if their 100% record of being totally wrong about their new owners continues? :uhoh:


Also....the few have spoken. Bless....but I don't think AA really gives a sh1t, but nice try.




When it all goes wrong again, queue... all the FLs fault whaaaa whaaa whaaa, Fit and Proper Blah blah blah, Poor Plucky Portsea weep weep weep - Never questioned Gadymack or Vladimir did you gents!


I'm surprised that the Pompey Trust kind offer to help AA with the vetting of new owners hasn't been accepted :lol:


This fan on the board nonsense really makes me chuckle, as does the PST... its a load of footy forum superstars who shout the loudest, and have now bought some old second hand 'trust' bus and hold meetings in the corners of pubs...


This thread can be AAs one stop shop for 'vetting' Chinnys latest puppets if he wishes to do so, however I dont think he does!





And as for the £13.2m P.A wages for the top 8 earners... Limpitt and Clotteril may I doth my cap to you, the fantasy quality over quantity has left a legacy befitting of a man capable of building the Sicillian Las Vegas and the Underwater super casino!


With wages as astronomical as that you can see why the Russian mafia had to pump £10.8m into the black hole, and why AA needs another £11m to see out the year!


Im really looking forward to JoCa's 11 days in charge of Poopey... then off to Moneyfields you go!

When it all goes wrong again, queue... all the FLs fault whaaaa whaaa whaaa, Fit and Proper Blah blah blah, Poor Plucky Portsea weep weep weep - Never questioned Gadymack or Vladimir did you gents!


You think this guy is OK then and we shouldn't question the FL about it? Pompey fans spoke to the FL about Antonov too when he was looking to take over.

And as for the £13.2m P.A wages for the top 8 earners... Limpitt and Clotteril may I doth my cap to you


So you believe Cala when he says we're paying 8 players £31K a week?


PS Thanks for last Friday Granty - LOL. Some MOD/ board owner you are ;-)

So you believe Cala when he says we're paying 8 players £31K a week?


PS Thanks for last Friday Granty - LOL. Some MOD/ board owner you are ;-)


I think that youre best option is plan b. You're never going to be rid of these fckers, Time to fck them over, start from fresh, youknow it makes sense.

8) Even Matt Slater & his buddies are having a laugh about Cala's assets being losses


I might just try that approach with my credit card provider next time they request a payment....


"I don't owe you this money, it's a figment of your imagination"

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