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A little gem from a Poopey fan on Twitter regarding AA...


'Is Mr andronIkou a "FIT AND PROPER " administrator Or is he working for those who must not be named down the road'




To quote blackadder if he is working for us it must be part of a plan that's as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?


Club options and possible outcomes last summer -

A. Put some money away to clear debt and prepare for CVA - maybe flirt with relegation as a result.

B. Spend way too much, really badly, on players - thus nailing on further bankruptcy issues and insolvent trading, but still hoping for sympathy.


We spent all our money, we don't have any now, we didn't realise that would happen, can you help?...

The business plan of an idiot.



Fan options last summer -

A. Demand to know why the club is overspending again in a suicidal cycle of criminality under the control of dodgy owners.

B. Pretend the club isn't still being used by organised crime, as the only thing that matters is what happens on the pitch.


And our very occasional visitor Ho's claims that you wouldn't buy a club under the eagle eye of Lampitt and his former colleagues for money-laundering as it would be really difficult for a criminal to take control , well history shows that that little beast fell at the first.

As does the claim that pompey fans have been all over the detail of this way in advance of some on here.

Yeah :lol:

Especially as The News is really choosy about what they feed their public when it comes to the nasty stuff about pompey - you tend to get it first on here.


You cannot alter facts - the club is still being run VERY badly.

That isn't the fans' fault, but the few do tend to turn a blind eye when criminality occurs, only getting involved when it leads to wins at St Marys, or Wembley - cos that makes it okay.


The club image is tarnished beyond repair.

Criminality has dogged it for the best part of ten years, and don't tell me it was all hunky dory and above board until the owner who was only pretending to be the owner, lost money in the market when his child-maiming goods became too expensive to sell to war-mongerers the world over.

Not true - like the recent story I was told about our owners having being a vital cog in the Nazi war machine! - roll up for another Portsea pub myth lapped up by a sad little band of toothless fantasists - what a night out - some lucky heather, cheap cider and its off to the home on two wheels for some sister-fiddling into the early hours.


You cannot rewrite history, pompey have had it, the real fans have given up defending club actions, they just want a club to support that they aren't ashamed to be associated with.


AFC Portsmouth 2012 is the only way forward if fans want to have a shred of respect from the rest of the sport - 'the brand' has had it bigtime.


Like Ho's street cred, it's over, long gone - they need to let Chanrai's little puppet circus die, and build a new clean club that runs to the rules, has a proper financial structure, and doesn't try to gain sporting advantage through criminality.

That club would have my respect at whatever level they played.


Wonder if the receipts from the 'well attended' friendly against Rostov went to the advertised cause or were the proposed recipients left feeling short changed?


There must also be a number of local businesses (the owners of Pompey's training field at Stoneham amongst them) who will be very nervous of their invoices being honoured as will those who recently purchased half season tickets at Fratton.

as for being bullied by a skate, dont be so ridiculous!


Interesting that you should choose to respond to what was just a jokey comment. I wonder what a psychologist would make of that.


Club options and possible outcomes last summer -

A. Put some money away to clear debt and prepare for CVA - maybe flirt with relegation as a result.

B. Spend way too much, really badly, on players - thus nailing on further bankruptcy issues and insolvent trading, but still hoping for sympathy.


Without a crystall ball last summer why would Antonov do that? He had plenty enough cash back then to buy the players we did AND service the CVA. Your post is that of a very, very silly man


We spent all our money, we don't have any now, we didn't realise that would happen, can you help?...

The business plan of an idiot.


Seems very similar to the business plan Cortese/ Liebherr put in place to buy you out of L1 to me


Fan options last summer -

A. Demand to know why the club is overspending again in a suicidal cycle of criminality under the control of dodgy owners.

B. Pretend the club isn't still being used by organised crime, as the only thing that matters is what happens on the pitch.


Pompey fans were way ahead of you in giving the details from Rumafia.com (and other backgroun info) to both the FL and various journalists because of concerns about Antonov's past. They were assured there was nothing to worry about. David Conn acknowledged he'd go his information for his recent article from Pompey fans, did he not?


And our very occasional visitor Ho's claims that you wouldn't buy a club under the eagle eye of Lampitt and his former colleagues for money-laundering as it would be really difficult for a criminal to take control , well history shows that that little beast fell at the first.

As does the claim that pompey fans have been all over the detail of this way in advance of some on here.


That's not what I said at all. What I asked was for someone to explain to m why anyone would buy Pompey as a mony laundering operation when every transaction had to be monitored and approved by the FL. If they wanted to launder money why not buy any other club which would be more suitable for that purpose.


As for my claim that Pompey fans had the details from the Rumafia.com website before you, it was proven on here before. Like my point about Shelley Narkis earlier, you spend so much tim slapping each other on the back and you miss half the story


Especially as The News is really choosy about what they feed their public when it comes to the nasty stuff about pompey - you tend to get it first on here.


PMSL. The ****ing deluded arrogance on here has to be seen to be believed.


You cannot alter facts - the club is still being run VERY badly.


The club was *****il Antonov's recent arrest) being run in a very similar fashion to yours. Bankrolled by a wealthy individual.


Criminality has dogged it for the best part of ten years, and don't tell me it was all hunky dory and above board until the owner who was only pretending to be the owner, lost money in the market when his child-maiming goods became too expensive to sell to war-mongerers the world over.


Again, another one you repeatedly get wrong. Gaydamak made his money from oil in Angola. It was his contacts there that made him useful as a broker (IE middleman) in the arms deal between France/ Russia and Angola). Yep, he was involved but an arms dealer like Khashoggi (or the UK Govt) he most definitely isn't. Personally, I find his involvement in Angolan blood diamonds far more questionable but maybe you investigative genius' haven't got that far yet?


You cannot rewrite history


Really? you certainly have a bloody good go at it on here


pompey have had it, the real fans have given up defending club actions, they just want a club to support that they aren't ashamed to be associated with.


And you base this insight on a poll of what percentage of Pompey fans?


Like Ho's street cred, it's over, long gone - they need to let Chanrai's little puppet circus die, and build a new clean club that runs to the rules, has a proper financial structure, and doesn't try to gain sporting advantage through criminality.

That club would have my respect at whatever level they played.


Your last line is interesting because there seems to be a definite trend in the media over the past week in accepting that Pompey as a club and it's fans have been failed both by owners and the football authorities. These journalists certainly seem to have respect for us, just not some of the ******s that have attached themselves to the club.


As for all the smug arrogance on here, let's not forget that if SISU had been successful in buying you before Liebherr you'd currently be staring at your second administration in a few years. And who knows what will happen when the Liebherr's get fed up of bankrolling you or decide to cash in. Don't be too smug, you never know what's around the corner


Smug Arrogance?


As opposed to what? Stating the bloody obvious that your club is a magnet for low life owners?


Yes we struck lucky by getting Markus - but all in all, the guy had an impeccable background. How many of your recent (how many?) owners can you say that of??


The day the majority of Skate fans obtain respect from us lot is when you hold up your hands and say 'Yes, we cheated and our club is run poorly, even now'


Hell will freeze over first I know.... :lol:


Ho ho ho.... :facepalm:



As for all the smug arrogance on here, let's not forget that if SISU had been successful in buying you before Liebherr you'd currently be staring at your second administration in a few years. And who knows what will happen when the Liebherr's get fed up of bankrolling you or decide to cash in. Don't be too smug, you never know what's around the corner


This highlights the difference - we were desperate for cash, but not cash at any price - SISU's plans were not deemed good enough and they were told to Foxtrot Oscar. PFC on the other hand.....well, not too choosy eh?


As for the Liebherr's - we have the benefit of a dying man's wish - to see us in the PL and challenging for the CL places if I recall correctly. I hope I am not being presumptious in saying this is an emotional investment for the Liebherr family. Sure, when the dream is achieved, or when it appears impossible to achieve - they may decide they have done all they can and look to sell up - but I do not expect them to pull the plug leaving SFC saddled with debt. For that reason, I do not fear what is around the corner or what the post-Liebherr era might bring.


Without a crystall ball last summer why would Antonov do that? He had plenty enough cash back then to buy the players we did AND service the CVA.


Pompey fans were way ahead of you in giving the details from Rumafia.com (and other backgroun info) to both the FL and various journalists because of concerns about Antonov's past. They were assured there was nothing to worry about. David Conn acknowledged he'd go his information for his recent article from Pompey fans, did he not?



Both replies from Corp ho ho ho in the above post 45454. Ho Ho, Do you think that Antonov realised the money he was throwing at Poopey, was ripped of from Snoras bank customers, as for servicing the CVA, when's that happening, he, according to you at the time, is filthy rich, so why didn't he pay off all the debts at once, like the honourable Herr Liebherr.


As for the second comment re the Rumafia articles, I for one have been following your slimy forums for 18 months now, and the first mention of this was after it appeared on here. Not cross your scaly mind, that perhaps Mr Conn got his wires crossed here?

Without a crystall ball last summer why would Antonov do that? He had plenty enough cash back then to buy the players we did AND service the CVA.


Pompey fans were way ahead of you in giving the details from Rumafia.com (and other backgroun info) to both the FL and various journalists because of concerns about Antonov's past. They were assured there was nothing to worry about. David Conn acknowledged he'd go his information for his recent article from Pompey fans, did he not?



Both replies from Corp ho ho ho in the above post 45454. Ho Ho, Do you think that Antonov realised the money he was throwing at Poopey, was ripped of from Snoras bank customers, as for servicing the CVA, when's that happening, he, according to you at the time, is filthy rich, so why didn't he pay off all the debts at once, like the honourable Herr Liebherr.


As for the second comment re the Rumafia articles, I for one have been following your slimy forums for 18 months now, and the first mention of this was after it appeared on here. Not cross your scaly mind, that perhaps Mr Conn got his wires crossed here?


or perhaps that Mr Conn realised if he mentioned the info came from Saints fans he'd just get slated?!


I'd hazard a guess that 85-90% of Skates still think Al Faraj was real.


I'd hazard a guess that 85-90% of Skates still think Al Faraj was real.


I heard he is real but that he is staying at the north pole with Santa which is why he has not been spotted for a while.

There's a few Ali Al Faraj's on Linked In - I guess we could start a 'Where's Wally' competition... :lol:


As far as pompey are concerned I think a "Where's not a Wally" competition would be harder.

Posted (edited)
Now, what about Dubya' £8m budget. Anyone care to comment on that little fact that one of you got wrong (another one)


Right troll


My original post stated The budget for F1 was 8mil. It is likely that the same budget is being applied for the takeover of poopey. I then asked CAN ANYONE FIND ANY MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION?


Nobody found any OTHER figure.


two weeks later I posted the SAME question.


Again nobody came up with a better answer. SO based on the ONLY information we had we said it is likely that the budget is the same.


So the troll went off and demanded that I posted confidential data about an American Multi National's annual budgets onto football forum a web site. Duh.


Then the troll seemed to think he had won some bug debating point (oh BTW I meant bug such low life wouldn't understand big). There is NO WAY I would ever answer any question relating to how my former employers allowed me to run their business.


Anyway, we now have ONE comment in the press that the sum is 10.8mil. Wow. A Financial figure given by an officer of poopey.


PMSL when has ANY financial number form them been shown to be accurate?


So dear troll go toss yourself off that you think you won a debating point over 2.8mil. When you STILL don't get it - 1) the investment was NOT zillions out of Vlad's 300mil and 2) it was stolen money anyway.


So no we were NOT wrong. Vlad wasn't pumping 300 mil into you he had a budget and it was a hell of a lot less.


BUT the really GOOD news. That 10.8mil and Lampitts big mouth will be what finally kills you all off

Edited by dubai_phil
Posted (edited)

Corp disappeared for 2 weeks and then has come back with his usual load of tosh. I cannot be particularly bothered to correct the fool or even to seriously read his gibberish but whilst scanning through his latest outburst of venom and bile I did notice the classic:


The club was *****il Antonov's recent arrest) being run in a very similar fashion to yours. Bankrolled by a wealthy individual.


There is so much mileage in this comment. Its almost worth a psychological case study in its own right!! How someone can have contributed to this thread over the last 2 and a half years and still think that Pompey and Saints are run in a very similar fashion just beats me. It is priceless!!



And then the cretin says


let's not forget that if SISU had been successful in buying you before Liebherr you'd currently be staring at your second administration in a few years.


What a thicko. If SISU had bought us when they bid in 2007 we would not have gone into administration in 2009 would we ??? Poor old Coventry look like going t i t s up now but SISU saved them from going into administration at the time of their original purchase. The same would have applied to us.


Are all people from Portsmouth as thick as our mate Corp Ho??

Edited by Tamesaint
Well, Pompey fans had the Rumafia.com information months before you did...


Prove it, because when the link was posted here, you dismissed it as nonsense and unbeliveable.

Interesting that you should choose to respond to what was just a jokey comment. I wonder what a psychologist would make of that.




Your last line is interesting because there seems to be a definite trend in the media over the past week in accepting that Pompey as a club and it's fans have been failed both by owners and the football authorities. These journalists certainly seem to have respect for us, just not some of the ******s that have attached themselves to the club.


As for all the smug arrogance on here, let's not forget that if SISU had been successful in buying you before Liebherr you'd currently be staring at your second administration in a few years. And who knows what will happen when the Liebherr's get fed up of bankrolling you or decide to cash in. Don't be too smug, you never know what's around the corner


You really are a bell end aren't you. Nobody has respect for you. The SISU comment above...seriously? Seriously? Yeah, and if you hadn't been bought by a succession of dodgy owners you wouldn't have got into this mess in the first place, you wouldn't have been known as The Cheats, you wouldn't have had 2 FA Cup wins, you wouldn't have had a European adventure, you wouldn't have spent all the tax payers money to achieve that.......


What counts is SISU didn't buy us because our board of directors, for all their faults, could see that it was a horrendous deal for the club. Your directors? What did they do? Yes, they sold to people who don't give a toss about the club, and they didn't care if or how they were looking to fund. And guess what, the majority of you embraced it, loved the fact that you were billy big time for once. Revelled in the fact that you were buying players and paying them £100k a week whilst investing jack s hit in the infrastructure, lapped up the bidet on the waterfront at x hundred million pounds.


In the meantime, you've come on here, a rival clubs fansite, and produced laughable claim after laughable claim about Maradona, Riquelme, Saviola, Walt Disney, German trillionaires, South African money men, Libyan dictators etc etc etc all investing in, or coming to play for, your grubby little cesspit of a football club. Not once did you think to ask why they would be interested in Pompey.....not once. Your embarrassing, cringeworthy comments (highlighted on the previous page again for all to see) showed that you didn't give a toss how you were funded. For every decent Pompey fan there are 10 people like you who just can't give it a rest. All we hear being trotted out all the time by you is 'why would they want to launder money through Pompey as we're so closely monitored by every footballing authority'. You never actually answered the question 'so what possible reason could they have to want to buy a club with no infrastructure, sh it support, no academy, a CVA hanging over them?'.


If you had the decency to come on here an fess up to behaving like some kind of loon over the last 2 and a half years, admit that you were wrong, and didn't try and defend all the different crackpot owners you've had, you may have had some respect.


Instead, you blindly go stumbling on trying to draw parallels with what might have happened if we had been taken over by a bunch of numpties 6 years ago, and what might happen in the future to us, without drawing a conclusion that we might actually have something that someone will want to buy (infrastructure). Whereas there is no reason why anyone unless they're a billionaire lifelong Pompey fan with money to burn, would look twice at Pompey.


Your pathetic defence of the owners past and present is a joke and an embarrassment to decent, honourable people. It's not about tribal loyalties to your club, it's about knowing right from wrong. Didn't your parents teach you anything?



Interesting that you should choose to respond to what was just a jokey comment. I wonder what a psychologist would make of that.


I wonder what a psychologist would think of your two and a half year campaign of false statements, incredulous lack of foresight and ignorance.

Prove it, because when the link was posted here, you dismissed it as nonsense and unbeliveable.


If Ho had tried to use the search he would find that the first mentions of both rumafia and Antonov were made by Danish Saint on the day that the news broke of Antonov possibly buying pompey. Now maybe Ho could tell us how they knew about the rumafia pages months before Antonov's name came up in relation to Pompey?

You really are a bell end aren't you. Nobody has respect for you. The SISU comment above...seriously? Seriously? Yeah, and if you hadn't been bought by a succession of dodgy owners you wouldn't have got into this mess in the first place, you wouldn't have been known as The Cheats, you wouldn't have had 2 FA Cup wins, you wouldn't have had a European adventure, you wouldn't have spent all the tax payers money to achieve that.......


What counts is SISU didn't buy us because our board of directors, for all their faults, could see that it was a horrendous deal for the club. Your directors? What did they do? Yes, they sold to people who don't give a toss about the club, and they didn't care if or how they were looking to fund. And guess what, the majority of you embraced it, loved the fact that you were billy big time for once. Revelled in the fact that you were buying players and paying them £100k a week whilst investing jack s hit in the infrastructure, lapped up the bidet on the waterfront at x hundred million pounds.


In the meantime, you've come on here, a rival clubs fansite, and produced laughable claim after laughable claim about Maradona, Riquelme, Saviola, Walt Disney, German trillionaires, South African money men, Libyan dictators etc etc etc all investing in, or coming to play for, your grubby little cesspit of a football club. Not once did you think to ask why they would be interested in Pompey.....not once. Your embarrassing, cringeworthy comments (highlighted on the previous page again for all to see) showed that you didn't give a toss how you were funded. For every decent Pompey fan there are 10 people like you who just can't give it a rest. All we hear being trotted out all the time by you is 'why would they want to launder money through Pompey as we're so closely monitored by every footballing authority'. You never actually answered the question 'so what possible reason could they have to want to buy a club with no infrastructure, sh it support, no academy, a CVA hanging over them?'.


If you had the decency to come on here an fess up to behaving like some kind of loon over the last 2 and a half years, admit that you were wrong, and didn't try and defend all the different crackpot owners you've had, you may have had some respect.


Instead, you blindly go stumbling on trying to draw parallels with what might have happened if we had been taken over by a bunch of numpties 6 years ago, and what might happen in the future to us, without drawing a conclusion that we might actually have something that someone will want to buy (infrastructure). Whereas there is no reason why anyone unless they're a billionaire lifelong Pompey fan with money to burn, would look twice at Pompey.


Your pathetic defence of the owners past and present is a joke and an embarrassment to decent, honourable people. It's not about tribal loyalties to your club, it's about knowing right from wrong. Didn't your parents teach you anything?




Excellent summary....to be honest if Ho wasn't such a joke I'd say ban him but **** don't ever do it, to have a such a loser and misguided fool in one person is just too funny.


One point of order Chin Strain.


The ONLY people who supported SISU were our Board of Executive Directors (who allegedly stood to benefit by at least retaining their jobs) and certain vociferous anyone but Lowe Saints Supporters led by the (now almost defunct) Saints Trust. (the latter failed mainly because Lowe had actually already gone at that stage, but some seemed so thick they hadn't noticed, or was it the Seat on The Board for a fan that.........)


The SHAREHOLDERS (including Crouch Wilde & Lowe saw through it and rejected the bid) the division that was caused by SISU was seen at the Charlton game and our demise from the internal fighting between Crouch/Wilde & the Execs set the seal for our subsequent demise.


SISU was NEVER a serious bid (except in the vivid imaginations of some who could have seen their return to power or their bank balances improved.


Unrelated of course it was interesting that one of the Execs re-surfaced to help drive Coventry into disaster/despair


ANYONE who could read an internet forum or even Google could see what a Hedge Fund did for a living and what they would bring to the club.

Is there any news on their points deduction? Why is the football league being so quiet on this?

League meeting in a few days I believe but the chances of they deciding anything is about as likely as Ho admitting he was wrong.

Is there any news on their points deduction? Why is the football league being so quiet on this?


There is a Football League meeting on Thursday 8th December and the issue of a possible points deduction is on the agenda.

Every single time Corp has had a chance to admit he was wrong, show even the slightly hint of intelligence or insight and contribute, he's fcked it up and dug deeper into the narrow-minded moron hole. For shame.


I think the hole Corp has dug for himself reached a mineshaft in Australia when anothersaintinsouthsea first posted the 'best of corp ho' quotes a while back. Now I believe the hole is around 3 light years into outer space


The more I read the more I beleive Corp Ho is in fact Peter The Storrie-Teller!


Surely there can't be two blagging, delusional fantasists attached to Blue Few???

The more I read the more I beleive Corp Ho is in fact Peter The Storrie-Teller!


Surely there can't be two blagging, delusional fantasists attached to Blue Few???

are you kidding? that describes most of their (dwindling ) support

Prove it, because when the link was posted here, you dismissed it as nonsense and unbeliveable.


They didn't. We found it at the same time as then but then someone else posted it a few months later and some people hadn't seen it the first time.

I'll be glad when this thread is dead and buried, because that will mean the subject of this thread is in a similar position.


Don't be silly.


Knowing that lot they'll manage to screw up the new AFC Poopey's ownership as well.

I'll be glad when this thread is dead and buried, because that will mean the subject of this thread is in a similar position.

The thread will never die.


Poppey may be liquidated

A new club might be started in the blue square

Former owners/directors might have been on trial..


... But ho will still be coming back demanding to know why Dubai Philip once made a speculative comment about budgets.

One point of order Chin Strain.


The ONLY people who supported SISU were our Board of Executive Directors (who allegedly stood to benefit by at least retaining their jobs) and certain vociferous anyone but Lowe Saints Supporters led by the (now almost defunct) Saints Trust. (the latter failed mainly because Lowe had actually already gone at that stage, but some seemed so thick they hadn't noticed, or was it the Seat on The Board for a fan that.........)


The SHAREHOLDERS (including Crouch Wilde & Lowe saw through it and rejected the bid) the division that was caused by SISU was seen at the Charlton game and our demise from the internal fighting between Crouch/Wilde & the Execs set the seal for our subsequent demise.


SISU was NEVER a serious bid (except in the vivid imaginations of some who could have seen their return to power or their bank balances improved.


Unrelated of course it was interesting that one of the Execs re-surfaced to help drive Coventry into disaster/despair


ANYONE who could read an internet forum or even Google could see what a Hedge Fund did for a living and what they would bring to the club.

Sorry, Phil, you often speak a lot of sense on here but every single word of that is garbage.

Sorry, Phil, you often speak a lot of sense on here but every single word of that is garbage.


Playing Devils Advocate then Steve, care to elaborate? FWIW, I see it not too far off DP's view...

Sorry, Phil, you often speak a lot of sense on here but every single word of that is garbage.


?? Sorry Steve I thought that Hone/Duleiu backed the bid (hence why Ken got the job at Coventry) whereas Leon/Mike didn't. Thought that was around the time that there was the split with the Non-Execs (who IIRC included Leon.


Also around that time wasn't there the meeting in Fleet with all the main protagonists in the same room?


Need a beer some time to get the other side of the story if I have the wrong end of it.


So if it was garbage sorry


I remember Cortese mugging off the skates last time we played, as they (as now) didnt have a pot to **** in... he didnt demand payment of £35k for there tickets to SMS, instead taking the moral high ground in helping our poor relations down the road. I recall reading him say that the money is insignificant to us and they can pay it when they are able to.


So, my question is:


Did they pay us our £35k?


We are football creditors so we are entitled to the full amount.


If, like the childrens cancer charities, they couldnt be bothered/afford it we have a couple of options:


dont give them a penny for the game on the 18th

slap down a winding up order when they are on their knees - twist the knife and finish them off




we could even get the skate supporters trust to cough up the dough, they keep banging on about getting fans on the board, providing a 'safety net' if they cant find a credible buyer etc...


These trusts always amuse me, the skates have set up a 'board of directors' (normally just some loud mouths from the pub)... It would be great if they siezed control, Moneyfields would be getting closer by the day.


sos pompey should be alright to run the club.

They just need to run a few bucket collections to buy off various owners.


Once they have raised something like £40M at the next two home games, that will leave them secure to the end of the season.


Then they just need another £20M to see them through next season and the jobs a goodun, could even be in profit by about 2015.

Looks like the way forward now that Ridsdale and Storrie have committed themselves elsewhere.


The only hitch might be that once they've raised £40M through jumble sales and sponsored walks, that amount of money will attract the same characters that have been there for the last ten years.

Though if the tabletop sales and meat draws are that profitable they might want to abandon football and concentrate on them.


The away team doesn't get any of the gate money in a league game. All we could do is take the tickets from them and then deduct the £35k from any money that is taken from our fans in payment for them.

Interesting that you should choose to respond to what was just a jokey comment. I wonder what a psychologist would make of that.




Your last line is interesting because there seems to be a definite trend in the media over the past week in accepting that Pompey as a club and it's fans have been failed both by owners and the football authorities. These journalists certainly seem to have respect for us, just not some of the ******s that have attached themselves to the club.


As for all the smug arrogance on here, let's not forget that if SISU had been successful in buying you before Liebherr you'd currently be staring at your second administration in a few years. And who knows what will happen when the Liebherr's get fed up of bankrolling you or decide to cash in. Don't be too smug, you never know what's around the corner


Except that when SISU were trying to buy us we weren't in administration, so we wouldn't. However, i see you're point about never knowing whats around the corner.

Someone who feel they need to run a webchat even though they appear to know nothing more than the people asking questions.


He was as deluded as the skates asking him questions. He defended Clotteril when I questioned the most expensive XI and quality over quantity , and fobbed it all off as legacy issues... typical deluded skate...


he agreed with Moneyfields though, although I think his prediction of '5000 fans to watch AFC poopey in the Rymand League' stunk of deluded fishy fantasy... 1-2k tops for the few.

There is a Football League meeting on Thursday 8th December and the issue of a possible points deduction is on the agenda.


And the men and woman making the decision are listed here



It is interesting that 5 of the 8 are linked to Championship Clubs. (Glick (Derby); Harvey (Leeds); Lamb (Boro); Ritchie (ex director at WHU) and Clarke (ex leicester director)).

I cannot see those 5 voting for liquidation because Lamb & Clarke "teams" will lose 1 point, and the other 3 will lose 3 pts for their teams.


I expect they will "fudge" the decision of Thursday and ask some 3rd party to look at the accounts since they last came out of Admin and to explain the £10.5m from CSI that was spent on players.

( http://www.football-league.co.uk/championship/news/20101024/pompey-exit-administration_2293322_2193579 ) dated 24 Oct.

There is a wonderful quote in that article

The Football League will now work with the club to encourage it to operate in a sustainable manner. This includes increased financial reporting requirements and restrictions on player signings that will help the club live within its means going forward, as well as meeting the commitments made to the creditors of Portsmouth Football Club in accordance with the agreed CVA."


IMO the "increased financial reporting" should have told them about the £10.5m from CSI so there should be no need for a 3rd part to look at the Accounts.


following that meandering pointless webchat I think we need to set up dial-a-scummer - all of your financial questions answered, even the ones the News avoids.


Tis the only way the facts actually get out into Portsea, and despite what Ho says, it's clear that most of their fanbase have no idea what state they are in, or any understanding of the implications on the business.

'Why can't the FA pay off our CVA now using our parachute payments to make it easier to sell the club'....:?


And they still had room for a new myth - 'the Liebherrs have said they don't want to run a football club....'I must have missed that press conference, was it the same one that Nicola used to list his transfer targets?

And the men and woman making the decision are listed here



It is interesting that 5 of the 8 are linked to Championship Clubs. (Glick (Derby); Harvey (Leeds); Lamb (Boro); Ritchie (ex director at WHU) and Clarke (ex leicester director)).

I cannot see those 5 voting for liquidation because Lamb & Clarke "teams" will lose 1 point, and the other 3 will lose 3 pts for their teams.


So, in other words, the Football League have a 'court' system whereby the people tasked with coming up with an objective judgement on another football club have a vested interest in the outcome?


Yep, that'll work just fine and dandy.

So, in other words, the Football League have a 'court' system whereby the people tasked with coming up with an objective judgement on another football club have a vested interest in the outcome?


Yep, that'll work just fine and dandy.


Unfortunately none of them seem to be connected with a club near relegation this year, so they'll no incentive to deduct points! .... not vested enough!


Any one know how often these league meetings are? Think its fairly certain that they will dodge any decision this time but who knows what the situation will be next time.

Any one know how often these league meetings are? Think its fairly certain that they will dodge any decision this time but who knows what the situation will be next time.


There was another FL meeting today....



jordansibley Jordan Sibley


Off to London for a meeting at FL HQ. Bringing @MrSimonWilliams along for the ride whilst @TomCoull gets to cover the U18s Vs Arsenal!

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