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[TD][Comment From saint61 saint61: ]

as I said this morning good luck in this matter . we all need a strong club with genuine supporters who care for it and a healthy South Coast relationship. All Saints fans are with you on this. Fingers crossed. [/TD]







Lol obsessed boys ;)



Aw c'mon Mero, at least allow us to have a couple of days to sit on here and bask in the Glorious Communal Glow of self satified smugness as we all have our


We told you so





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[TD]Comment From BrownBread

Whichever way this goes I will always support our great club through thick and thin. Let's raise a glass and toast Pompey. PUP! [/TD]





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[TD]Comment From BrownBread

Whichever way this goes I will always support our great club through thick and thin. Let's raise a glass and toast Pompey. PUP!







Great one :)

They must be on to me.


Posted a comment about three administrations equalling automatic expulsion from the league, and they aren't letting it through!

I'm not entirely sure that's accurate anyway, Luton have been in admin three times and weren't booted out of the league.


I wonder if HMRC or FSA might swing into action. I can't believe that they are not investigating something somewhere behind the scenes, and that journo intimated that there was a sort of D notice in place.



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[TD]Comment From BarryHornesBoots

This waiting around is killing me. Time for some lunch. Marmite or Jam on my toast? [/TD]





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[TD]Comment From BileysMullet

Dom, I just hope we scrape through this. PFC means everything to me, it's my bread and butter.





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[TD]Comment From BarryHornesBoots

This waiting around is killing me. Time for some lunch. Marmite or Jam on my toast? [/TD]




Guilty as charged!


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[TD]Comment From BileysMullet

Dom, I just hope we scrape through this. PFC means everything to me, it's my bread and butter.





Well, let's face it after years of exposure to it, they're never going to spot anything fishy in their webchats


Keep up the Good Work Peeps.


Decided to head out for a change to Rock Bottom and Toast the few by making sure a copious number of Blue Drinks go down well (unlike them)


Bullfrogs all round tonight



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[TD]Comment From Hovis

Why does the heat always seem to be on Pompey? It's really getting to me now. [/TD]






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[TD][Comment From Mel Ba Mel Ba: ]

Are we toasting Pompey yet? Surely has to be some good news.







[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]3:29


[TD=class: chatmsgtext viewer_text, bgcolor: #FFFFFF][TABLE=width: 100%]



[TD][Comment From Mel Ba Mel Ba: ]

Are we toasting Pompey yet? Surely has to be some good news[/TD]






Antanov out on bail according to Talksport.
that follows the trend when anyone Pomey goes to court. How can somebody be bailed on an extradition charge?

Talk about route one!!!!






[TD][Comment From Page893Page893: ]

Can't believe the last few years. The Pompey Takeover Saga just keeps on going [/TD]



Talk about route one!!!!






[TD][Comment From Page893Page893: ]

Can't believe the last few years. The Pompey Takeover Saga just keeps on going[/TD]




Nice one :-)




[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]3:41


[TD=class: chatmsgtext altcaster_text, bgcolor: #FFFFFF]Mark Acheson, deputy editor: Antonov granted bail as hearing adjourned. More asap fb_share2.png

Friday November 25, 2011 3:41







[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]3:43[/TD]

[TD=class: chatmsgtext altcaster_text, bgcolor: #FFFFFF]Mark Acheson, deputy editor: District Judge Caroline Tubbs granted Antonov and Baranauskas conditional bail.


Antonov must pay a security of £75,000, surrender his passport, live and sleep at his London home, and report to Notting Hill police station between 8am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Baranauskas was released on condition that Antonov's wife puts up surety of £250,000 for him and that he surrenders his passport, lives at the address in Kent and reports to Bromley police station daily between 8am and 10am.


The next hearing will be at the same court on December 16.






[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]3:43[/TD]

[TD=class: chatmsgtext altcaster_text, bgcolor: #FFFFFF]Mark Acheson, deputy editor: District Judge Caroline Tubbs granted Antonov and Baranauskas conditional bail.


Antonov must pay a security of £75,000, surrender his passport, live and sleep at his London home, and report to Notting Hill police station between 8am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Baranauskas was released on condition that Antonov's wife puts up surety of £250,000 for him and that he surrenders his passport, lives at the address in Kent and reports to Bromley police station daily between 8am and 10am.


The next hearing will be at the same court on December 16.





What fantastic timing!!!!



[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]3:43


[TD=class: chatmsgtext altcaster_text, bgcolor: #FFFFFF]Mark Acheson, deputy editor: District Judge Caroline Tubbs granted Antonov and Baranauskas conditional bail.


Antonov must pay a security of £75,000, surrender his passport, live and sleep at his London home, and report to Notting Hill police station between 8am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Baranauskas was released on condition that Antonov's wife puts up surety of £250,000 for him and that he surrenders his passport, lives at the address in Kent and reports to Bromley police station daily between 8am and 10am.


The next hearing will be at the same court on December 16.





December 16? Oh what a weekend that could be...

Posted (edited)
December 16? Oh what a weekend that could be...





3 more weeks of Googling & Detective work.


3 more weeks of not knowing down the road.


3 more weeks nearer to the next pay day and tax bills


Oh bless


I think the lyrics of this song hit the spot we're currently at You can do it few.


Edited by dubai_phil



[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]3:50


[TD=class: chatmsgtext altcaster_text, bgcolor: #FFFFFF]Mark Acheson, deputy editor: Court told that City of London Police arrested the pair at Antonov's offices in Bishopsgate, central London, yesterday afternoon and held them in custody overnight.



Friday November 25, 2011 3:50




Posted (edited)



Antonov is charged with misappropriation and forging documents to cover up his theft, the court heard.


Baranauskas is accused of misappropriation, false accounting, abuse of an official position and forgery.


They could face up to 10 years in prison in Lithuania if they are convicted of stealing the money, the court was told.


The pair, who were dressed in dark blue suits over open-necked shirts, both said they did not consent to being extradited to Lithuania.


The court heard that both men had arranged that they would voluntarily be arrested by the Metropolitan Police on November 30 in connection with the Lithuanian authorities’ investigation, and were taken by surprise when City of London Police held them yesterday.


Rachel Scott, defending Antonov, said the Russian businessman had longstanding ties to Britain.


He was granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK in 2005 and his wife and two young children live with him in Notting Hill.


“He strenuously denies dishonesty in any of his dealings as regards the bank,” Ms Scott said.


District Judge Caroline Tubbs granted both men conditional bail.


Antonov must pay a security of £75,000, surrender his passport, live and sleep at his London home, and report to Notting Hill police station between 8am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Baranauskas was released on condition that Antonov’s wife puts up surety of £250,000 for him and that he surrenders his passport, lives at the address in Kent and reports to Bromley police station daily between 8am and 10am.


The next hearing will be at the same court on December 16.


Earlier, Pompey co-owner Roman Dubov spoke briefly to The News outside the City of Westminster magistrates court, saying: ‘I am trying to save the business and help a lot of people in employment.’


He appeared to be referring to, but did not specifically name, Convers Sports Initiatives, which bought Pompey earlier this year.


Later, he told a journalist from a Lithuanian paper: ‘Antonov’s arrest - we are all very much affected and are trying to save the business.’


Antonov was arrested in London yesterday after a European arrest warrant was issued by the Lithuanian authorities after the collapse of the Snoras bank, in which he is a major shareholder.

Edited by trousers

Not all bad news for Vlad - the amount that ConversMoney have lent today is around £325,000 more than yesterday so that business is on the up!

Not all bad news for Vlad - the amount that ConversMoney have lent today is around £325,000 more than yesterday so that business is on the up!

Just think of the interest at 2562% APR :poundit:

Not all bad news for Vlad - the amount that ConversMoney have lent today is around £325,000 more than yesterday so that business is on the up!


Perhaps they borrowed it to pay the bail.


another damaging day as the PFC brand is dragged through the courts, through the British national media going right across Europe to Lithuania and Latvia... as the said 'business as usual'


Antonov must pay a security of £75,000, surrender his passport, live and sleep at his London home, and report to Notting Hill police station between 8am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Baranauskas was released on condition that Antonov’s wife puts up surety of £250,000 for him and that he surrenders his passport, lives at the address in Kent and reports to Bromley police station daily between 8am and 10am.[/Quote]


so is that house arrest for him, or can he leave the house to go and support his club at the arena?


Why would his wife pay for the other guys bail?

Not all bad news for Vlad - the amount that ConversMoney have lent today is around £325,000 more than yesterday so that business is on the up!

Wow! that's a huge amount. Enough to pay their .....oh......:smug:

Be very interesting to see how they pay the wages now.


Perhaps Ho's friend, whom he sees socially every two weeks or so, with excellent contacts at the club, may know?


That's the area that we need to know about now. We know out chums are going to pay many a happy visit to police stations for the next few weeks but what is going to happen to the various companies in that time? I assume the Lithuanian government are not going to wait for the extradition date to try to stop as much money as possible disappearing. Does anyone know what sort of international agreements we have on the financial front akin to the European arrest warrants?

Good to see u back Missile.

Many thanks. Back from a lengthy holiday in California. Missed the West Ham and Middlesborough games, but at least I got to see exactly how low the standard of football is in the MLS. Saints would walk that league and beckham wouldn't make our bench.

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