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Latest on the News website is that Jesus wasn't born in Poopey because they couldn't find 3 wise men......or a virgin.


Good chance it was scumhampton,,,,,,,,,loads of stables ann-all that.


Just like Grant before him, everytime Cotterill opens his mouth something ridiculous spills out.

He's an idiot who has no grasp of football finance and the vital relationship between the team and the business.


Where do they find these people?

They need a manager who can manage every facet of the club, not a 'yes man' who thinks an unfit squad player on £36K a week plus his image rights is an asset to an insolvent business.


I feel sorry for one or two like Mack, their club is still being run by buffoons.

Give Haim away, you can't afford him, leave him by the skip - with the other eight you can't afford.


- "Mr Chanrai, Mr Chanrai...!"


- "What are you want Dave?"


- "We need an extra £200k each month, please sir."


- "Whathafugg?"


- "Yes, you know that fat bloke who was here back in August?"


- "The one the cartoon villain, he loved?"


- "Yes."


- "Yes?"


- "He is coming back".


- "Gofugyaself."


Oh dear oh dear an extra 36k on the wage bill as of January and not a new player in sight. I guess the charities go to back of the queue again


In their new wage structure that's 4 players wages. When we were fighting against administration, that was nearly our whole starting 11, which kind of puts into perspective the difference between the two clubs.


We should still be dousing the pavement with rose petals when Storrie walks by, 36k a week for Ben Haim, comedy gold

To be honest I'd forgotten about him, but hey ho, I'm sure they can afford another player on £36k/week in the CVA arrangement....




Love this one.............



21/12/2010 13:16:04

why do you all keep supporting BC. we need a fresh start.


I and many thousands of others arent attending games while he is here, yet millwall is pretty much a sellout?


this is a sleeping giant.


Any substance to this...................................




22/12/2010 05:14:20

See Chainrais PR starts again,how come the charities have been paid just in time for christmas,when we were told they couldnt be paid early? Blatant PR.

If TBH comes back and we are forced to pay Spurs the 1m back,which we will,then admin will be another step closer as BC and Kushnir will not invest anything in Jan.

All I want for christmas is for BC and Kushnir to go.

Merry Christmas.

Give Haim away, you can't afford him, leave him by the skip - with the other eight you can't afford.


I think they have tried, but he's **** and he signed a four year deal when he joined the Skates in September 2009.


I have this image of half their squad desperately clinging to the last big payday of their career.

Ludicrous contracts agreed by Storrie, Redknapp etc that no other club can match.


The likes of Nugent, Kanu, Haim will never earn that sort of money elsewhere.

They have given up on career prospects at a higher level and are hanging on for the cash.


Storrie's little signature on the contract is worth millions to them and the football creditor rules assure them of every penny.

It would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that they are still doing it.

Kitson and Lawrence anyone?

No, only Pompey are willing to outbid Prem clubs to pay them that much.


I didn't see before that Androids firm have earned a million quid to date and Walker Morris (the lawyers helping them) another million. Neither can be paid in full as there is no funds available so Boateng transfer will be used to cover the shortfall.

creditors meeting is 5 mins in ;)


It is probably reminiscent of Avrams afternoon sessions in Horton Heath, bend over and take one from AA and PFC or those terminally ill children wont get there 3p in the pound.


The creditors are about to witness round one of AAs superhero-financial-powers, where he tells them he has juristiction to do what ever the **** he likes with the CVA, and hes decided that they will now be revised down to 2p in the pound, because him and his lawyer chummys need paying (100p) before any school, charity or local business (4/3/2p).


Maybe, the deluded creditors will wake up this time and realise that the tax man was right and AA is going to rape them, all the spin about keeping the club alive blah blah... only to let an aggressive money lender to sieze control.


Terry the builder, you silly skate ****.


They have been groomed and raped...


pompey is a rapist.


a serial rapist.


Sorry to say we cant pay you the 4p in the pound, with all the deduction ,fees and cost etc you actually owe us money, so if you can hurry up and pay us we can continue with the rest of the season.


With love AA.

Sorry to say we cant pay you the 4p in the pound, with all the deduction ,fees and cost etc you actually owe us money, so if you can hurry up and pay us we can continue with the rest of the season.


With love AA.


Would have been really funny if we didn't actually believe that it was true.

Would have been really funny if we didn't actually believe that it was true.


If this did happen could any of the creditors apply for a WUO for the new company?


Or is it protected by this because they've already agreed to the CVA?


holepuncture has made a good point there - AA only pushed the unworkable cva through by grooming the creditors.


It must have been quite a shock to them when they arrived at the meeting to discover that he isn't a 13 year old girl who likes ponies and X Factor.


Terry the gullible builder should write to a Portsmouth MP complaining about sexual harrasment, the MP should be able to assist with that.

If this did happen could any of the creditors apply for a WUO for the new company?


Or is it protected by this because they've already agreed to the CVA?


Any default on the CVA surely changes everything, no ?

This to me would be logical but I'm afraid I don't know the law concerning this !

Any default on the CVA surely changes everything, no ?

This to me would be logical but I'm afraid I don't know the law concerning this !


I would imagine that the clumsy dinlo's at HMRC might take umbridge at having their 4p return cut to 2p or whatever, and would have a second bite at the cherry !

However their previous record in enforcing WUO's on the cheating fishmongers hardly stands up as an example of an iron fist !!

holepuncture has made a good point there - AA only pushed the unworkable cva through by grooming the creditors.


It must have been quite a shock to them when they arrived at the meeting to discover that he isn't a 13 year old girl who likes ponies and X Factor.


Terry the gullible builder should write to a Portsmouth MP complaining about sexual harrasment, the MP should be able to assist with that.


The resident MP would take no interest as Terry, I believe, is neither female or a Russian spy.

Any default on the CVA surely changes everything, no ?

This to me would be logical but I'm afraid I don't know the law concerning this !


A default would in theory yes, but it depends whether the spiel for "you are all going to get shafted because we're spending all the money on the first team instead" bit of the CVA was included in the small print and all the creditors missed it/were gullible enough and agreed to it anyway. Therefore is it technically a default?


I'm no expert by any means but I wonder if it's possible to shaft the creditors this way and avoiding any punishment on this technicality

A default would in theory yes, but it depends whether the spiel for "you are all going to get shafted because we're spending all the money on the first team instead" bit of the CVA was included in the small print and all the creditors missed it/were gullible enough and agreed to it anyway. Therefore is it technically a default?


I'm no expert by any means but I wonder if it's possible to shaft the creditors this way and avoiding any punishment on this technicality


I suspect this is the viscious money lenders wicked plan, taking advantage of what a appears to be a loosely regulated, yet legal administration process in the UK.


This is why AA was the man, not only because he fits in well with the likes of Avram and Storrie, but because he has demonstrated his ability to revise CVA's on small print technicalities, evidenced through his previous administration with Swindon FC.


I read a lengthy article on AA's handling of Swindon creditors... every CVA meeting, AA would once again announce that his CVA would need to be revised (creditors getting less).


I am convinced this is his strategy with the Skate creditors. Spin to the press the 20p/£1 figure, 4p P.A (less costs) isnt as attractive.


AA will get his bonus, but the creditors will be getting 1p in the pound.


Merry Christmas from PFC

I suspect this is the viscious money lenders wicked plan, taking advantage of what a appears to be a loosely regulated, yet legal administration process in the UK.


This is why AA was the man, not only because he fits in well with the likes of Avram and Storrie, but because he has demonstrated his ability to revise CVA's on small print technicalities, evidenced through his previous administration with Swindon FC.


I read a lengthy article on AA's handling of Swindon creditors... every CVA meeting, AA would once again announce that his CVA would need to be revised (creditors getting less).


I am convinced this is his strategy with the Skate creditors. Spin to the press the 20p/£1 figure, 4p P.A (less costs) isnt as attractive.


AA will get his bonus, but the creditors will be getting 1p in the pound.


Merry Christmas from PFC


Oh come on holepuncture, you know as well as us that what you posted here is complete bullsh1t


They won't get 1p in the pound


the creditors are idiots and have already legally agreed to accept 1p in the pound via the 'less expenses' wording - they queued up like dim lemmings and surrendered all rights by approving the insane unworkable cva that a backward three year old could see right through.

We all know the creditors will get properly shafted like a Latvian model on the top table at the West Ham Xmas do, but how stupid are they??

I'll let gullible Terry off as he's a fan and doesn't care about the money but most of the others have voted like simpletons.


Is this the most distasteful and criminal saga in UK corporate history yet or does Chanrai have to delay and haggle a bit more with the terminally ill children to claim that crown?

Despite raping the charities and local businesses they are still paying a fortune on overpriced PR services so perhaps we will be treated to some nice Xmas shots of Kitson etc waving their wage packets at ill children in hospital.

Or has that local ward been shutdown in light of tax shortages as well?


Tis still a disgrace, they are forever tainted.

We all know the creditors will get properly shafted like a Latvian model on the top table at the West Ham Xmas do, but how stupid are they??


Pure poetry.


On a separate note, the million they were banking on for Muntari, is going to court in March..... The only problem is that it is an Italian court.

If you think that aa played the UK legal system wait until you see the Italians in action.



Pure poetry.


On a separate note, the million they were banking on for Muntari, is going to court in March..... The only problem is that it is an Italian court.

If you think that aa played the UK legal system wait until you see the Italians in action.




Excellent news!


Even if ( and its a bloody big IF) the Skates are entitled to the £1 million, it is delayed by another 3 months at least which adds extra strain on Baloo and co to balance the books !

Excellent news!


Even if ( and its a bloody big IF) the Skates are entitled to the £1 million, it is delayed by another 3 months at least which adds extra strain on Baloo and co to balance the books !


There is another little twist to this. Udinesse are claiming an additional 1/2 million based on a contract cluase of pompey qualifying for Europe. Now technically they did qualify, but didn't take up the option, so it will be down to the judge to pick the bones out of that one. What they thought was going to be a million pound credit, could well turn into a 1/2 millon debit. I hope they had some contingency for a 1.5 million pound delta.


If you think that aa played the UK legal system wait until you see the Italians in action.


Fortunately, although I live there I have had no recourse to the Italian legal system. I can say however, that "action" is the last word that I would associate with it. So no monies will be changing hands between the clubs for years. Wouldn't like to comment on the legal fees though......

Fortunately, although I live there I have had no recourse to the Italian legal system. I can say however, that "action" is the last word that I would associate with it. So no monies will be changing hands between the clubs for years. Wouldn't like to comment on the legal fees though......


As they say in Pompey's top restaurant " I'm lovin it" !!

Tut tut Nawty boy Murvo, Fishin in Southampton waters when it looks like being a Lean winter. You know they are snapping at the smallest crumb at the MO.


unfortunately mate, I think its going to be happening from what the majority are saying, and the big question is will we be allowed into admin a second time or straight to liquidation


personally I just want to see a Plan B now and have a nice clean club, before I lose interest in football and its motives altogether

unfortunately mate, I think its going to be happening from what the majority are saying, and the big question is will we be allowed into admin a second time or straight to liquidation


personally I just want to see a Plan B now and have a nice clean club, before I lose interest in football and its motives altogether


Now, now, Mero, don't be so downhearted. There are plenty of other clubs around to support. ;)


Have a great Christmas lads, always good to hear from you.

unfortunately mate, I think its going to be happening from what the majority are saying, and the big question is will we be allowed into admin a second time or straight to liquidation


personally I just want to see a Plan B now and have a nice clean club, before I lose interest in football and its motives altogether


Behave son better a club slightly bent than no club at all


yeah, to Mero and Mack a happy Christmas, thanks for joining in the entertainment in a mostly sensible way, respeck - and to your football team, a happy Christmas and a very short and painfully insolvent new year that leads to liquidation, criminal charges, and a fresh new club that may one day become our rivals.


And while we are on - seasonal greetings to all my fellow antagonists, analysts and the deeply outraged of red Hampshire, one year soon we will redress the balance my friends, oh yes..... though I fear it won't be in 2011.



I agree with you Rallyboy.Merry Christmas to you Mero And Mack, No one knows what will happen to your club over the next 12 month's, but it will be fun speculating,

Still you can always come over to the red side if you want to watch Football.


And you really must forward our most heart-felt and sincere season's felicitations to Mr W******d.


I am sure his feelings towards our humble selves will be most graciously mutual.


Merry Christmas Skates, may you look forward to the further recriminations of your Pyrrhic FA Cup 'victory' in the upcomming year.


Filthy vermin.


WTF is going on? Look Mero & MR are only close to qualifying as human beings, but FFS this is the season of peace and goodwill to all MEN.


So WTF are you lot up to wishing seasonal greetings to a bunch of Fish?


They are SKATES FFS.


Enough already.

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