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Well, hypothetically of course, supposed you were owed sod all, but claimed a totally bogus debt, £28 million say, which a dodgy administrator willingly accepts (maybe in agreement to get some of it back). Wouldn't you be happy to vote for 20% of that?


Any resemblance to bastards living or dead is purely coincidental.


So what's all the bollix with the car park for then? Is that just for show? I suppose the £28m, which is Gayboy Snr's anyway, goes to pay off his debt to Chainrape.


Well done Nickh for being right all along 630 pages of wishful thinking. :cry:

Further evidence of the falseness of my parents claim when I was small (long time ago!) that "Cheats never prosper."

It seems that the HMRC counsel fluffed this one from what I have read, by not focussing on the specifics but making it general and complicated. In my inexpert opinion that allowed the tear jerking appeal by the Admin's QC to take advantage of the Judge. I thought that the Judge was only able to consider whether or not specific rules had been broken. So much for British "Fair Play." :lol:

Posted (edited)

Its disgusting and its a mess!

The only sollice is we watch them scrape from week to week, scratting for a team in a rusting hulk of a ground with an owner who dosent want to own them.

They have fans who dont turn out. I doubt any away fans will want to visit that dive, I wouldnt be suprised if thier away matches wern't boycotted too.

We will see Harry and Peter in court. The can't exactly be very hot sponsorship property. They couldnt possibly meet thier CVA or turnover projections.....


However a piece of me wants to raid tonight and demolish the place.....

Edited by tony13579

****ed off with this as a saints fan would with this decision , but would think fans of Luton Bournemouth Darlington Palace etc will think as all of football should do that justice is not done, but sweet justice if they do go down this season with no points reduction, hope all teams they play against this season remember this, but somehow I just doubt it, heres hoping

Just come across this post on the forum 'footballforums':

Originally Posted by TheFrattonEnd View Post

All I am going to say is.. (and I advise all other Pompey fans to join me is)!


We have one our appeal, we are back on our way to being out of an embargo and out of admin... We will have no punishment, we have a good enough team to stay up and everything is looking pretty tidy!


So I am absolutely Delighted! So I say haha to the tax payers (and I know I am one but hey I couldn't care less I to those who think we should be Liquidated ect, haha, you getting all in a state makes me laugh! and mainly to all the people who hate us! LOL!!!

PLAY UP POMPEY!! The team that where a disgrace to football and got away with it with no punishment HAHA



Typical Skate ****.


Just spoke to a mate from Bermondsey. Up there they just can't believe it.


Even Millwall (no-one loves us we don't care) hate the feckers!

Posted (edited)

Some of these seem funny, but a good few of these small businesses

cannot afford to take pennies on the pound like the taxman can. This is justice?



108 Medical Ltd: £1


AON: £154,934.27


British Gas: £473.62


BT: £1,335.68


Canterbury Europe: £1,398,486.86


Carlsberg: £1,039.33


Concorde Club Hotel: £7,558.70 (That's a lot of pay-per-view porn)


Faith and Football: £1,998 (Linvoy Primus had something to do with this)


Fareham Shopping Centre: £310.50


Hampshire Flag Company: £917.81


House of Weddings: £270


Johnston Newspapers South: £20,062.59 (That's The Portsmouth News, so it's no surprise if there are a few sniffy stories about them in the paper)


King Edward VI School: £41,714.01


Kitbag: £129,407.75


Land Ladies Rent Account: £12,066.50 (Interestingly, the address given for this one is 'Portsmouth Football Club')


Ministry Of Defence (financial management): £626.92


nPower: £2,677.16


Pasta King: £1,296.35


Performing Rights Society: £19,438.83


Portsmouth FC Supporters Club: £300


Pukka Pies: £40


Priory Community Sports Centre: £11,000


Qatar Airways: £0.20


Richard Auger: £340,000 (The amount piqued our interest, so we did a quick Google search, and the first result that came up was for a massage therapist)


Ryde School: £318


Scout Association: £697


Southampton FC: £35,000


St John's Ambulance: £2,701.91


St John's College: £6,660

Edited by Ohio Saint
Will the embargo be lifted?


I think the sale has to go through first. Then the Chancer has to satisfy the FL that he is a fit and proper person.


Then they have a mountain to climb.


Surely, during their C.V.A., if they start to spend extortionately, they can be brought back to revisit how much they can afford to repay?


Filching, twisting, theiving, dirty, smelly Westw00ds!


Anyone else listening to Talksport? Mike Hanc*ck is talking out of his arse! "I'd hate to think how much this pointeless endeavour by HMRC has cost the taxpayer - why did they have to pick on poor old Pompey?"

Anyone else listening to Talksport? Mike Hanc*ck is talking out of his arse! "I'd hate to think how much this pointeless endeavour by HMRC has cost the taxpayer - why did they have to pick on poor old Pompey?"


Typical ConDem politwo@, jumping on the gravy train in an effort to gain votes.


Go on ESB, say it how you see it.


Bottles of wine 2 ESB 0 :D:rolleyes::blush:

Some of these seem funny, but a good few of these small businesses

cannot afford to take pennies on the pound like the taxman can. This is justice?



108 Medical Ltd: £1


AON: £154,934.27


British Gas: £473.62


BT: £1,335.68


Canterbury Europe: £1,398,486.86


Carlsberg: £1,039.33


Concorde Club Hotel: £7,558.70 (That's a lot of pay-per-view porn)


Faith and Football: £1,998 (Linvoy Primus had something to do with this)


Fareham Shopping Centre: £310.50


Hampshire Flag Company: £917.81


House of Weddings: £270


Johnston Newspapers South: £20,062.59 (That's The Portsmouth News, so it's no surprise if there are a few sniffy stories about them in the paper)


King Edward VI School: £41,714.01


Kitbag: £129,407.75


Land Ladies Rent Account: £12,066.50 (Interestingly, the address given for this one is 'Portsmouth Football Club')


Ministry Of Defence (financial management): £626.92


nPower: £2,677.16


Pasta King: £1,296.35


Performing Rights Society: £19,438.83


Portsmouth FC Supporters Club: £300


Pukka Pies: £40


Priory Community Sports Centre: £11,000


Qatar Airways: £0.20


Richard Auger: £340,000 (The amount piqued our interest, so we did a quick Google search, and the first result that came up was for a massage therapist)


Ryde School: £318


Scout Association: £697


Southampton FC: £35,000


St John's Ambulance: £2,701.91


St John's College: £6,660



If this is a footballing debt we should get all of this....?


Qatar Airways are going to love their cheque for 4p

If this is a footballing debt we should get all of this....?


Qatar Airways are going to love their cheque for 4p


My point was that these blood sucking bastards have been bleeding their own community dry for years.

Typical ConDem politwo@, jumping on the gravy train in an effort to gain votes.


Go on ESB, say it how you see it.


Bottles of wine 2 ESB 0 :D:rolleyes::blush:


I agree actually, and i'm a Lib Dem! If he was MP for any area other than Portsmouth & Havant, he would've been laying into them.

Might actually phone Talksport up tonight, those presenters are complete kn*bs.


I've just been catching up with this and do you know what? I really don't care that effing much. I thought I would but I don't. I do think justice has not been served, but that seems to happen a lot.

On the plus side this thread has been great fun through the footie-less months but there's a new season starting on Saturday. And when the media furore ends Poopey will just be another potless CCC club whose sister-fondling, fish-molesting, knuckle-dragging fans will return to their caravan parks for another fifty years of obscurity as we march onwards and upwards.

I agree actually, and i'm a Lib Dem! If he was MP for any area other than Portsmouth & Havant, he would've been laying into them.

Might actually phone Talksport up tonight, those presenters are complete kn*bs.


Don't tell 'em I've only had two bottles of wine!


Given that the £13m was removed from the CVA voting, and yet that tax liability has been formally issued by HMRC, does that mean they now owe that tax liability in full, as it is not part of the CVA?


Just to wind us up

posted 1 Hour Ago


We've got some half priced cracked ice

And miles and miles of carpet tiles

TV's, deep freeze and David Bowie LP's

Pool games, gold chains, wosnames

And at a push

Some Trevor Francis track-suites

From a mush in Shepherds Bush, Bush, Bush,

Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush



No income tax no VAT..PFC beat HMRC,blue and white, rich or poor

We'll cut prices at a stroke


Play Up PFC..We Beat HMRC

Viva Admin Andy

Long live Admin Andy

C'est magnifique Admin Andy

Magnifique Admin Andy



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Is the King Edwards School 41k for rental of Wellington Sports Ground for their training ? If so, can Ke's tell them to **** off and go train in their PO postcode shiit hole


IS the £35k they owe us for the FA Cup tickets? AS previously mentioned surely this is a footballing debt. I am a bit confused as to what is and what isn't a footballing debt.


Well done Pukka Pies' credit controller, but all other companies dealing with Portsmouth will now be asking for cash on the nail. Where will they end up training - anybody know? Having played at quite a few of the council sports grounds around Portsmouth they've got some lovely pitches to look forward too (cough, cough).

So what's all the bollix with the car park for then? Is that just for show? I suppose the £28m, which is Gayboy Snr's anyway, goes to pay off his debt to Chainrape.

That's all about £. There's nothing to stop Gayboy ripping off the blue few, on top of getting 20% of something he never lent (allegedly). There's no love lost between him and them now.

Hate the f*cking barstewards.


I guess that Hull will be much relieved tonight, they now know that administration holds no fears for them!

But they'll get -10 points. Just like the rosey cheeked bastard, if they go into administration now their timing will be terrible.


So the cheating Civilains Under Naval Training Schemes have got away with it, but what happens in the instance that they do not meet their repayments under the CVA?


The annoying thing is, they've got away without really even having a points deduction affect them. Yes, they got -9 last season, but lets be honest they were certs for relegation before that.

So the cheating Civilains Under Naval Training Schemes have got away with it, but what happens in the instance that they do not meet their repayments under the CVA?

Just watch the amount owed to unsecured creditors drop as quickly as a pair of knickers in Portsmouth now that AA has succeeded in stopping HMRC getting the required 25%. That, plus 4p in the £ this year (minus costs, apparently), could encourage BC to push for a quick return and PL riches. It's almost like they have a pact with the devil. First time going up they had Mad Milan and the Digital ITV collapse on their side, and this time increased parachute payments, Scudamore helping them out, McWhiney leaving just in time and a much more spineless FL (embargo not properly enforced), HMRC screwing up, the list goes on. I reckon it's more likely they'll go up this year than go down. Hope I'm wrong.



So the cheating Civilains Under Naval Training Schemes have got away with it, but what happens in the instance that they do not meet their repayments under the CVA?


Absolutely nothing probably. They have just got away with cheating the taxpayer out of millions. I think it is hardly likely that they are going to get done now for four poxy pence in the pound over the next four years. Let's face it these are football ethics - who really actually gives a shyte - it would appear, nobody.


I also wonder IF HMRC will actually proceed with their actions against Mr Redknapp, Mr Storie and Mr Mandaric seeing as how

they were so out-thought by PFC today.


IF they do carry on lets hope they use a better lawyer and go in front of a better judge as well.

Just listening back to Danny Kelly's show...25mins in Hour 2...Neil Allen from News...


Chinarai lent Pompey the money at 28% interest rate....




28% - **** me that's a bit steep. I am sure that Ocean Finance would have been cheaper. If he is charging that much then I don't think that he really is in it for the long run. While I realise that no one else would have lent any money at all, 28% is a huge amount to repay. I presume to lift the embargo then he will have to loan the company some more.


So he has lent them £17m, so let's round that up to £50m to clear most of the footballing debts and what he has already lent. I presume that it will still be at 28%, so that could be £14m in interest payments alone per year. If 28% on only his £17m loan, then that is near £5m a year. The fish may be crowing today, but tomorrow is another day and I have a feeling that they might be a little anti-Chainrape in a few weeks/months time.

Just watch the amount owed to unsecured creditors drop as quickly as a pair of knickers in Portsmouth now that AA has succeeded in stopping HMRC getting the required 25%. That, plus 4p in the £ this year (minus costs, apparently), could encourage BC to push for a quick return and PL riches. It's almost like they have a pact with the devil. First time going up they had Mad Milan and the Digital ITV collapse on their side, and this time increased parachute payments, Scudamore helping them out, McWhiney leaving just in time and a much more spineless FL (embargo not properly enforced), HMRC screwing up, the list goes on. I reckon it's more likely they'll go up this year than go down. Hope I'm wrong.




Cloth pegs and Lucky Heather Guv!

Absolutely nothing probably. They have just got away with cheating the taxpayer out of millions. I think it is hardly likely that they are going to get done now for four poxy pence in the pound over the next four years. Let's face it these are football ethics - who really actually gives a shyte - it would appear, nobody.


Actually, missing a payment would probably be grounds for a creditor to issue a winding up order, the HMRC for one are still owed more than £750.

I am gutted,they have played a blinder.Cheating gits.



Apologies for the next bit but i cannot start a thread or PM because my subsription run out,i used paypal to pay as per the norm,how long does it take to process and also i have had to change my email address but when i try to states my email is banned by admin.

It prompts you to send a message to admin which i have done twice over the last couple of day but alas no reply or correspondance.



Someone pass this on if poss.


Ta muchly.


Hi St L, I have sent a P.M. to Steve Grant for you S.I.P.

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