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So then, how did we get on?


The closest analogy I can muster is Tony Blair and Gordon Brown got away with running the country (badly) for 13 years.


3 down, 10 to go ;-)

So then, how did we get on?


Oh, let me see.....


Still £130m in debt.

Now regarded as 'cheats' by the wider footballing world - not just Saints fans.

Still have Jurassic park for a ground.

Still no training facilities of your own.

Still got a few of the mercenaries on the books draining your meagre resources.

Still haven't made £15m player sales to service the CVA - not that that matters at all, as your barristers admitted that the figures used to work out the CVA in the first place are complete nonsense as you've already had some of the parachute payments last year!!!

Still haven't got a pot to pis5 in :D

Still in the championship and still pretty much favourites to go down :D

Looking likely to be 'bought out' [sic] by a man not interested in running a football club.



But, never mind, on the plus side you've still got the **** with the bell :D

So then, how did we get on?


You don't have to pay all the tax you should have to, to the tune of millions. But don't worry, you still have the CVA you can't service to fulfil, and your next dodgy owner in the wings.

Plus, it used to be us just hat disliked you, with the rest of the counrty taking you into their hearts as Plucky little pompey. But now, everyone hates you, as the public had money stolen from the public purse to fund your phony FA cup triumph. But don't worry. We still hate you the most. : )


To be fair we all knew that they would win the case. It was a lot of wishful thinking. But that does not mean they have got away with it. Far from it. They will be bought out by a guy who has admitted he is only really interested in making money. He won't be pumping money in to get the club up the table. The squad they have is very poor and will be made poorer. The way they ran the club will not be able to happen again. They will have eyes all on them from now on. Once the club is sold AA will have to do the investigation into the club that was promised. Nobody will be wanting to put a foot wrong now.


The club cheated their way into punching above their weight. They will still probably go down this year in my opinion. I hope they don't as i would like to play them next year. But without someone who is going to put cash into the club they are going nowhere but down. So many clubs go into freefall after these types of things and i expect this time to be no different. They had their day in the sun, they didn't put on sun protection, and now they will burn.


I said before today that i didn't want them to be liquidated.


I now wish they had been. The reaction from the absolute invalids who follow shambles of a football club has been even more disgraceful than that of their club.


I have had countless phonecalls from all the pompey boys I know, They are all laughing there heads off, Bragging about it.


I know they are not out of trouble yet, but like when i tried to tell them they were in deep poop last time, they wont listen. There far too busy laughing there two heads off. If I hated them before, there is not a work in my vocabulary that can describe my feelings to them now. An embarresment to our Nation.

Talk sport have been summing things up quite well. Bet sky sports haven't got the balls to see it how it really is.



Talksport and Weston super saint have summed it up quite well!

It should have ended in liquidation, but it didn't.


Thankfully we still have months of enjoyment to come but no doubt Nick will inform us all that they are going back up as champions.


VFTT, please have a little humility. Nick has hit more nails on the head than you have on this thread. They continue to get away with it and, although I appreciate that it's not all over yet, you have been very assured that they will fall at each successive hurdle yet, strangely, they're still here. So please don't blame Nick for not being wrong so far.


It's better this way, we get to see them slowly rot over the next few years and may possibly get revenge for the 4-1's.


If they had gone pop, there would likely have been some Princess Diana style outpouring of grief from supporters of all the other clubs (bar Saints) and they would have gone regarded as heros with the best fans in the world...

It's better this way, we get to see them slowly rot over the next few years and may possibly get revenge for the 4-1's.


If they had gone pop, there would likely have been some Princess Diana style outpouring of grief from supporters of all the other clubs (bar Saints) and they would have gone regarded as heros with the best fans in the world...


I don't see why people are so confident that they will have a lingering death, bravado it seems to me.

If the FL get tough then perhaps, but....

All this means is their death will be more lingering. Today the end could have been swift and with little pain. Now it will slow and agonising and we all have ringside seats.


Providing they don't go straight back up in the upcoming season. They've still got a half decent team even if losing the likes of KPB and JU.

All this means is their death will be more lingering. Today the end could have been swift and with little pain. Now it will slow and agonising and we all have ringside seats.


Chainrai's legal chap was on SSN a min ago and it sounded like chainrai was thinking about being at the club more long term and a cash injection to make his investment worthwhile didn't sound like it was out of the question.


Chainrai wants money out of his investment but doesn't want the debt, he takes it into admin then buys it on the cheap.


How the hell that is right I will never know!!!

VFTT, please have a little humility. Nick has hit more nails on the head than you have on this thread. They continue to get away with it and, although I appreciate that it's not all over yet, you have been very assured that they will fall at each successive hurdle yet, strangely, they're still here. So please don't blame Nick for not being wrong so far.


Umm, no. I've said what should happen, not what will happen as it is (finance) out of my area of knowledge.


Regarding the embargo I've said what will happen as it's what I've been told by the FL.


Clear enough for you?


Assuming they don't come out of administration by 3pm on Saturday then they should still be deducted 10 points, this is from the Football League rules - http://www.football-league.co.uk/staticFiles/78/3/0,,10794~888,00.pdf (page 7/34)


Rule 12.3.3

If any club relegated to the League from The Premier League (in accordance with

the Rules of The Premier League) whilst it was a member of The Premier League,

took or suffered any such action as set out in Regulation 12.3.1 of these regulations

at any time following the end of the season (as defined in the Rules of

The Premier League) but before it becomes a member of The League, then that

club, upon being accepted as a member of The League in accordance with

Regulations 7.4 and 10.1 shall suffer a deduction of 10 points, such points

deduction to apply in respect of the following Season such that the Club starts that

Season in Division One on minus 10 points.


Now that Court Case is over I have written to the FA saying that most Football fans at all bar one Club EXPECT the FA to now bring CHARGES against the CHEATS.




Cheats Football Club (sometime known as Pompey)


As the legal challenge to the CVA in the High Court is over I assume that the FA will now be being CHARGES against the Club over Financial Irregularities for the many issues that have come to light over the last year, for example using a CLIENT BANK ACCOUNT to run the Club etc.


What has happened today in the High Court is viewed by most Football fans at all bar one Club as a complete JOKE and sends out the wrong message to other clubs, e.g. Cardiff/Southend have sold players in an attempted to pay off their debt but the CHEATS have stuck 2 fingers up at the FA / FL and Taxman and have managed to CHEAT the way out of ANY PENALTY (The 9 pts made no difference as they were already down).


Today is a sad day for English Football as it can be seen that CHEATING does win, however I hope the FA uses it's power as they did with other clubs e.g. Luton (who's "crimes" were less than 10% of what the Cheats have done) to charge Portsmouth Football Club with FINANCIAL IRREGULARITIES .


From every single unbiased source I've been reading or listening to, there is an overwhelming consensus that this was the wrong decision. Whatever happens in the future, if Poopey survive they will be a pariah in the footy world for a long time to come

Assuming they don't come out of administration by 3pm on Saturday then they should still be deducted 10 points, this is from the Football League rules - http://www.football-league.co.uk/staticFiles/78/3/0,,10794~888,00.pdf (page 7/34)


Rule 12.3.3

If any club relegated to the League from The Premier League (in accordance with

the Rules of The Premier League) whilst it was a member of The Premier League,

took or suffered any such action as set out in Regulation 12.3.1 of these regulations

at any time following the end of the season (as defined in the Rules of

The Premier League) but before it becomes a member of The League, then that

club, upon being accepted as a member of The League in accordance with

Regulations 7.4 and 10.1 shall suffer a deduction of 10 points, such points

deduction to apply in respect of the following Season such that the Club starts that

Season in Division One on minus 10 points.

No, wont be an administration related deduction unless PFC is still in admin at the point of the FL's next AGM (June 2011)

I still think the Football League will give them a points penalty this season.


They could do that for any reason they could think of, and for 40 points.....The other clubs would not give a flying fook. :)


well you have to give it to AA, he put together a ridculous and flawed cva that he can't fund BUT managed to outwit HMRC's finest!


I guess that's what happens when you get a civil servant beancounter to attempt something beyond counting paper clips - they seemed poor in court despite a really good case.

That left Mr Mann (can't call him justice) to approve a Crook's Charter, he's opened the door for all clubs to launder money and shaft taxpayers, charities and small businesses alike.


When the folk of Portsea want to know where their new school or cancer treatment centre is, well we all know now that the funding was stolen by plucky little pompey.


And when the idiots that voted for the cva find that they don't get their 4p a year less expenses on time I will laugh at their stupidity.

The cva is clearly unworkable and can't be financed, so those dim creditors deserve to be ripped off for the way that they have supported a corrupt and criminally run business.


A black day for taxpayers and honest businesses everywhere, partytime for dodgy football clubs, money launderers and people who live in caravans with their toothless sisters.



BUT that aside, the future is still very red and white!

On what grounds?


Dunno, hopefully if Storrie gets done for tax evasion that will give them an excuse.


The other clubs will be after blood and they can change the rules whenever they want like they did with Leeds.


What happens if PCFC break the terms of the CVA? What happens then?


I am sure that it won't matter as if anyone does buy the club, then I am sure that they could find a few £m to sort out the mugs. Still can't understand why Gayboy voted for the CVA. Seems that he must have been stitched up over it, hence why he is playing silly bug*ers over the car park.

Providing they don't go straight back up in the upcoming season. They've still got a half decent team even if losing the likes of KPB and JU.

Exactly. Despite all their bullshit about not having a enough players for a starting 11, they have just beaten a full-strength Fulham (admittedly in a friendly). Now that he has been given a green light to pay 4p in the £ this year to the creditors (and the amount AA concocted for the CVA vote will surely be greatly reduced in reality), and with some of the parachute money going directly to BC (as a "secured creditor"), and with the FL seemingly a lot more spineless now that McWhiney has gone, I can see him funding a promotion push. Whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen of course, but I certainly don't share the optimism of others here that they are certainties for relegation.


I'm not happy.




I had a case conference in London today, across the road from the Royal Courts of Justice. Came out just before 5, and checked my phone for the result. Walked passed the courts whilst finding out HMRC had lost, and 5 o'clock struck. The bells around the courts started ringing out the Pompey chimes. Says it all really :(

What happens if PCFC break the terms of the CVA? What happens then?


I am sure that it won't matter as if anyone does buy the club, then I am sure that they could find a few £m to sort out the mugs. Still can't understand why Gayboy voted for the CVA. Seems that he must have been stitched up over it, hence why he is playing silly bug*ers over the car park.


It should be specified in the CVA agreement however 99% of the time If a company subject to a CVA breaches the terms of the CVA then the CVA supervisor is obliged to seek to place the company into compulsory liquidation.


The supervisor of the CVA is... Oh.

I still think the Football League will give them a points penalty this season.

The same Football League (sans McWhiney) who, despite the so-called embargo, gave them the green light to bring in more players? God knows what deals (and brown envelopes) are going on behind closed doors. Cheats FC don't play by the same rules as Bournemouth, Luton, Saints etc.


I wish I shared your optimism.


I am gutted,they have played a blinder.Cheating gits.



Apologies for the next bit but i cannot start a thread or PM because my subsription run out,i used paypal to pay as per the norm,how long does it take to process and also i have had to change my email address but when i try to states my email is banned by admin.

It prompts you to send a message to admin which i have done twice over the last couple of day but alas no reply or correspondance.

Someone pass this on if poss.

Ta muchly.


Reading the brief quotes form the Judge, essentially he seems to be saying that if he found in favour of HMRC they (and every other Creditor) would be worse off. There si nothing so far about the validity or otherwise of HMRC's claim - only that they were not prejudiced by the vote. To that extent Pompeys brief had it right when he played the "poor Pompey" card.


The final written summation may have more to it that simply finding in Pompeys favour. The result is, they survive.


Just how workable the CVA is though, is a moot point. And the financial irregularities thing still haunts them. No buyer is liely to come forward, other than Chennery, whilst that shadow hangs over them. And he would be bonkers to through money at it whi9lst they could yet be relegated for those crimes.


In hope.

well you have to give it to AA, he put together a ridculous and flawed cva that he can't fund BUT managed to outwit HMRC's finest!


I guess that's what happens when you get a civil servant beancounter to attempt something beyond counting paper clips - they seemed poor in court despite a really good case.

That left Mr Mann (can't call him justice) to approve a Crook's Charter, he's opened the door for all clubs to launder money and shaft taxpayers, charities and small businesses alike.


When the folk of Portsea want to know where their new school or cancer treatment centre is, well we all know now that the funding was stolen by plucky little pompey.


And when the idiots that voted for the cva find that they don't get their 4p a year less expenses on time I will laugh at their stupidity.

The cva is clearly unworkable and can't be financed, so those dim creditors deserve to be ripped off for the way that they have supported a corrupt and criminally run business.


A black day for taxpayers and honest businesses everywhere, partytime for dodgy football clubs, money launderers and people who live in caravans with their toothless sisters.



BUT that aside, the future is still very red and white!


Rallyboy, I always find your posts entertaining, informative, and they nail Cheats FC perfectly. Keep up the good work. :)


Just come across this post on the forum 'footballforums':


Originally Posted by TheFrattonEnd View Post

All I am going to say is.. (and I advise all other Pompey fans to join me is)!


We have one our appeal, we are back on our way to being out of an embargo and out of admin... We will have no punishment, we have a good enough team to stay up and everything is looking pretty tidy!


So I am absolutely Delighted! So I say haha to the tax payers (and I know I am one but hey I couldn't care less I to those who think we should be Liquidated ect, haha, you getting all in a state makes me laugh! and mainly to all the people who hate us! LOL!!!


PLAY UP POMPEY!! The team that where a disgrace to football and got away with it with no punishment HAHA


Typical Skate ****.


Messege to HMRC, the builder who is working on my house at the moment and myself have just had a little chat. He,s willing to knock a big chunk of my bill in exchange for me not receiving an invoice and paying him in cash

He,s happy, I,am happy and I guess you,re happy to lose out . Cheers !

What happens if PCFC break the terms of the CVA? What happens then?


I am sure that it won't matter as if anyone does buy the club, then I am sure that they could find a few £m to sort out the mugs. Still can't understand why Gayboy voted for the CVA. Seems that he must have been stitched up over it, hence why he is playing silly bug*ers over the car park.

Well, hypothetically of course, supposed you were owed sod all, but claimed a totally bogus debt, £28 million say, which a dodgy administrator willingly accepts (maybe in agreement to get some of it back). Wouldn't you be happy to vote for 20% of that?


Any resemblance to bastards living or dead is purely coincidental.

Just come across this post on the forum 'footballforums':


Originally Posted by TheFrattonEnd View Post

All I am going to say is.. (and I advise all other Pompey fans to join me is)!


We have one our appeal, we are back on our way to being out of an embargo and out of admin... We will have no punishment, we have a good enough team to stay up and everything is looking pretty tidy!


So I am absolutely Delighted! So I say haha to the tax payers (and I know I am one but hey I couldn't care less I to those who think we should be Liquidated ect, haha, you getting all in a state makes me laugh! and mainly to all the people who hate us! LOL!!!


PLAY UP POMPEY!! The team that where a disgrace to football and got away with it with no punishment HAHA

Typical Skate ****.

Yes. And to think that many neutrals (and even a number of Saints fans) were saying that they would feel sorry for the P***** fans if the club were to go under. :?

It should be specified in the CVA agreement however 99% of the time If a company subject to a CVA breaches the terms of the CVA then the CVA supervisor is obliged to seek to place the company into compulsory liquidation.


The supervisor of the CVA is... Oh.


Just what I was thinking.....who determines whether the CVA is concluded correctly? As you say: "Oh....."

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