ericofarabia Posted 4 August, 2010 Posted 4 August, 2010 Hope the fookers die. the club is a cesspit - from top to bottom. Liquidate or Liquidise - they don't deserve to survive. LYING CHEATING BASTARDS For any Pompey reading this (apart from Mero, cause he gets what we're on about and seems a sound bloke) - go onto Google, and search on 'AFC Bournemouth embargo' READ AND LEARN SOMETHING Stop sitting on the fence and let us know what you really feel!! The sheer amount of corruption and deceit just seems to know no bounds and keeps on growing. I, like many didn't really want them to go into oblivion, but the depth of cheating and flaunting the rules has gone beyond the pale. Everybody involved in the whole sorry saga needs to take a good look at themselves, especially The Prem themselves and also The HMRC as well. How could they let something like this drag on for so long? To accrue so much back payment debts, this must have been going on for at least 3 or more years. as you said .. the whole place is a cesspit.
buctootim Posted 4 August, 2010 Posted 4 August, 2010 Everybody involved in the whole sorry saga needs to take a good look at themselves, especially The Prem themselves and also The HMRC as well. How could they let something like this drag on for so long? To accrue so much back payment debts, this must have been going on for at least 3 or more years. tbf to HMRC Pompeys wage bill was £50m this year alone. Not paying 40% tax, NI and VAT would rack up pretty quickly.
buctootim Posted 4 August, 2010 Posted 4 August, 2010 Ow. Press isnt good for Poopey. Scudamore says he was lied to. Shame really.
Ohio Saint Posted 4 August, 2010 Posted 4 August, 2010 When Saints went into admin, I was only sh1tting myself. I wonder what it's like being a skate? What could be ten times worse that just sh1tting yourself?
Weston Super Saint Posted 4 August, 2010 Posted 4 August, 2010 Ow. Press isnt good for Poopey. Scudamore says he was lied to. Shame really. Where do they get these retarded reporters from? "If Portsmouth are still in administration when the season begins, a points penalty will be applicable."
SOTONS EAST SIDE Posted 4 August, 2010 Posted 4 August, 2010 1. Justice Mann is a taxpayer 2. Can someone find out how to get a first hand copy of this preliminary judgment on Thursday rather than The Snews's Interpretation of what it might say? 3. I love the way Pompey Online ignored virtually all the comments posted on the news feed. 4. They thought it was only Saint’s fans had it in for them. They now have 19 more enemies.. Its not just the wrong end of the M27 It’s the whole motorway net work now..... They might as well blow the three bridges and declare themselves independent They should change they name to OSTERICHE'S ONLINE FFS. PMSL
trousers Posted 4 August, 2010 Posted 4 August, 2010 But from this season, the Premier League will have new powers to make sure that all 20 member clubs are up to date with payments due to the tax man. And the Revenue now has permission to inform the Premier League board directly should any club fall behind. Scudamore even claims that Portsmouth could have been saved if the rules had been in place during their years of lavish spending. Won't this compromise from the Premier League be enough to satisfy HMRC or are they seeking a bigger sacrifice?
Saint in Paradise Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I wonder what Hull, Burnley and a few others think about Pompey getting their money in advance ? Hull could have done with money during the season and in fact could still be in serious trouble as I type. I bet there are some very annoyed people just waiting to talk.
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I wonder what Hull, Burnley and a few others think about Pompey getting their money in advance ? Hull could have done with money during the season and in fact could still be in serious trouble as I type. I bet there are some very annoyed people just waiting to talk. Saw a quote from Dave Jones in the paper today complaining that Pompey are being treated differently to Cardiff.
Deano6 Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I wonder what Hull, Burnley and a few others think about Pompey getting their money in advance ? Hull could have done with money during the season and in fact could still be in serious trouble as I type. I bet there are some very annoyed people just waiting to talk. Given Scudamore convinced all 19 other teams to agree to it I'd be surprised if Hull and Burnley had anything to say about it at all.
tony13579 Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Given Scudamore convinced all 19 other teams to agree to it I'd be surprised if Hull and Burnley had anything to say about it at all.Pompey owed money to clubs and players all over the place. I wonder if thier debts were preventing other clubs from completing deals. I also find upsetting 19/19 clubs hard to believe and scudimore must have done one he'll of a motivational speach to turn it around! It dosent ring true.
Picard Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 An additional detail from the Guardian. The FA Cup finalists were rescued from bankruptcy only when the Premier League advanced millions of pounds to Pompey so they could meet otherwise unaffordable short-term liabilities. And Sheldon said it was only an intervention from the League's chief executive, Richard Scudamore, that prevented Portsmouth from going bust. In the event, all clubs received a payment of approximately £2m from the League's central pot, equal to the sum advanced to Pompey in February.
tony13579 Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 (edited) I feel we (including me) are getting sidetracked. Were hmrc disadvantaged in the cva vote? The hmrc produced Legislation that states once they send a tax demand, it is payable. It was not for AA to decide he could exclude it. Were players and football creditors entitled to vote? Personally I don't think so but depends on the wording of the law. The reporting was very weak, "they are discussing legal points now so we'll have a snooze" hmrc could have scored anymore goals and they wouldn't have a clue! The court dosent give a fig if PFC can't complete fixtures. Or if they upset 19 premclubs. They see hardship cases every day. PFC haven't exactly acted like angels. The were masters of thier own demise. This is Portsmouth football club, not a national treasure like Cadbury or Hovis, Rolls Royce or Bentley. The judiciary looks after the taxman, thier paymaster. Hatch was right, follow the money! Edited 5 August, 2010 by tony13579
tony13579 Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 In the event, all clubs received a payment of approximately £2m from the League's central pot, equal to the sum advanced to Pompey in February. So the prem secretly pumped an extra £40m in to the end of the season to the disadvantage of FL clubs competing in the FA Cup.
positivepete Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 So the prem secretly pumped an extra £40m in to the end of the season to the disadvantage of FL clubs competing in the FA Cup. It will be very interesting to see the FA's reaction to this! In effect, in order to preserve the integrity of the PL, the integrity of the FA Cup has been compromised, by a team that lest we forget, reached the final.
Red and White Army Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Yes, but we all alerted the FA to that at the time and got nowhere DIRTY STINKING CHEATS
Torres Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I actually think the biggest issue now is Android's inclusion of the current players in the list of creditors, claiming money that isn't actually due to them yet, but will become due over the course of the players' contracts. The salaries are up to date as far as I'm aware, albeit they've been late paying them quite a few times, obviously, so it's not money that's actually owed to the players yet. Just because they're on fixed-term contracts, I'm not sure that entitles them to that money if the club goes under. Given that they could be sold at any time during that contract period how on earth can they vote on 'debt' that doesn't exist and may never exist?
Torres Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 By the way, I am going to try to make it to court this afternoon for the verdict and will have a "toast" and a "no toast" post ready to go at the click of a button. You may hear it here first....
sidthesquid Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Don't know why I woke up feeling so pessimistic, but to really give a boost to the Nickite tendency - there are about half a dozen clubs teetering on the edge of administration - Cardiff, Hull, Preston Watford to name but a few, so if they get away with it today they might not even need to worry unduly about relegation. (And their starting eleven v Coventry will be one of the strongest in the CCC). Actually this gloom is all my son's fault. He said that yesterday afternoon looking west from Chichester the sky was as black as anything everywhere except over Portsmouth where the sky was blue & he took this as a bad omen. Oh well, maybe we will have to go and sacrifice a goat or a virgin or something to the mighty deity of HMRC
fish fingers Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 By the way, I am going to try to make it to court this afternoon for the verdict and will have a "toast" and a "no toast" post ready to go at the click of a button. You may hear it here first.... Please cheer loudly if it is toast.
sussexsaint Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Just a cup of tea for me this morning Liquid toast which could be rather apt
tony13579 Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Given that they could be sold at any time during that contract period how on earth can they vote on 'debt' that doesn't exist and may never exist? Hopefilly Justice Mann will see the unfairness in protecting the super rich players at the cost of ordanary creditors and will concur that the football creditors rule has no place in a court of law. It cannot stand, Would we allow the free Masons to tell the court what to do? The master federation of plumbers? Where next, Lawn Tennis Association, Crufts, BNP?
Gingeletiss Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Ow. Press isnt good for Poopey. Scudamore says he was lied to. Shame really. A quote from this article:- However, Sheldon painted a much bleaker scenario should Mr Justice Mann find in favour of HMRC when he delivers his judgment, probably on Thursday afternoon. If this happened, former owner Balram Chainrai would be prevented from re-purchasing the club. “There is no other purchaser,” Sheldon told the court. Is he saying in a court of law, that Chainrai was the owner previously, and that this is in fact, a pre-pack administration. If he is, then methinks they could be in big trouble, and if HMRC had to appeal, then they could on this basis IMO. Also they could point out to Mr Mann, the previous SofA, when her Ladyship declaired that she thought that Poopey were trading whilst insolvent, or words to that effect.
SO16_Saint Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 so whats the odds on the weasels actually going pop today?
trousers Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 If HMRC lose the case (and any following appeal) can we, the British taxpaying public, launch a civil action against PFC? Any volunteers?
Badger Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 If HMRC lose the case (and any following appeal) can we, the British taxpaying public, launch a civil action against PFC? Any volunteers? Also, will it lead to a vast shift in contracts of employment. Can we agree with our employers that we will work for a nominal salary, but they should pay heavily for our image rights ?
trousers Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Also, will it lead to a vast shift in contracts of employment. Can we agree with our employers that we will work for a nominal salary, but they should pay heavily for our image rights ? Rest assured - my company would start losing money if they used my image for promotional purposes!
Goalie66 Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 When Saints went into admin, I was only sh1tting myself. I wonder what it's like being a skate? What could be ten times worse that just sh1tting yourself? Being stuck in an outside bench seat toilet and 100 people ****ting on YOU
Wes Tender Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Actually this gloom is all my son's fault. He said that yesterday afternoon looking west from Chichester the sky was as black as anything everywhere except over Portsmouth where the sky was blue & he took this as a bad omen. Oh well, maybe we will have to go and sacrifice a goat or a virgin or something to the mighty deity of HMRC Good thing you don't live in Skatesville, or you wouldn't find a virgin very easily. But ignore the omen of the sun shining over Portsmouth, as it's well known that the sun shines only on the righteous.
Danny R Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I started off not wanting them gone Panda, but with all the revalations about just how very much they have been cheating and lying and effectively stealing off of local business' and charity without having the decency to admit the trouble they were in then I'm afraid I want them gone and made and example of for all to see liquid toast I know what you mean. However, I quite like them being evil cheating crooks, it will make it all the sweeter when we beat them. Plus, imagine how unbearable the 'best fans in the world' will be if they have their own team that rises through the leagues.
altoniansaints Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Had to go to work at 3 yesterday afternoon so missed alot and just finished catching up this morning! thank you all for a very entertaining morning yesterday on the news live chat thing (Are they doing this again today?). Looks to me like they are toast but we`ll have to wait and see, roll on 4PM today and i`ll be at home!
Katalinic Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I know what you mean. However, I quite like them being evil cheating crooks, it will make it all the sweeter when we beat them. Plus, imagine how unbearable the 'best fans in the world' will be if they have their own team that rises through the leagues. The thing is, there is this assumption amongst them that they will "rise through the leagues". I am not sure it is simple as that, there will be the inevitable initial enthusiasm but this will drain away when the reality of AFC Pompey v Bordon will drift away and over time the memory of Portsmouth FC will be exactly that, a memory. They won't attract young supporters and will just become an archetypal non-league outfit. I am sure the fans of Maidstone thought they would would rise through the leagues. Granted, Aldershot bucked the trend - but the best that the skates can hope for is an Aldershot type sized club back in the league in maybe 10-15 years. Happy Christmas to you all.
dubai_phil Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 3 weeks away from the Command & Control Centre. Fantastic trip, while I was sipping Litres of beer for 1.20, visiting Salt Mines & Aushwitz, getting blown on Lands End and BBQ on Sandbanks beach, this thread managed to add something approaching 30 pages. Seems I can sit here happily and feel jet lagged AND smug this morning, looks like Their Corporate Compliance processes are what will come back and burn them and also, surprise surprise, the mess is starting to be shown to have spread far and wide with some red faces in the PL heirarchy. Add to that no doubt some of the previous previous and the shady dealings and owners, I wonder just HOW many people in authority sat up when they heard the few's QC said - "If you let HMRC win the club will die..." (MAYBE a lot of "people up there" actually HOPE this will happen - death is the simplest form of cover up - shame with a club though you can't just "fix the brake cables") Who really has skeletons still left in the cupboard? What other areas have they walked all over? What do Mossad and MI5 think of the old money laundering games? Arrogant fools get away with a great deal, but soomer or later they always upset one influential person too many. So far HMRC, the other PL clubs and now the PL themselves are showing they've been allegedly "misled" (yeah right). It is very difficult for a drwoning man to draw a breath when 30 or 40 people have their feet on your head to keep you under. They may get away with this one, but that looks more and more as if it will just mean a whole sucession of "Corporate Compliance" related court cases and continuing pain. AA is held in great esteem by the Insolvency Practioning world as being the one person that they collectively wish was gone. Glad he & PCFC found each other. Oh, and yes that beer WAS wonderful
View From The Top Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Don't know why I woke up feeling so pessimistic, but to really give a boost to the Nickite tendency - there are about half a dozen clubs teetering on the edge of administration - Cardiff, Hull, Preston Watford to name but a few, so if they get away with it today they might not even need to worry unduly about relegation. (And their starting eleven v Coventry will be one of the strongest in the CCC). Actually this gloom is all my son's fault. He said that yesterday afternoon looking west from Chichester the sky was as black as anything everywhere except over Portsmouth where the sky was blue & he took this as a bad omen. Oh well, maybe we will have to go and sacrifice a goat or a virgin or something to the mighty deity of HMRC Whilst I understand your pessimism your nuts if you think the those players are still going to be at pompey.
Draino76 Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Oh, and yes that beer WAS wonderful Tyskie? Lech? Bloody beautiful.
Sevvy Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I expect being blown on lands end was quite good as well
GenevaSaint Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I'm expecting the judge to rule in favour of the cheating bastards. Was dissapointed on what has been reported from us, the skates and the media about the job the HMRC QC did. That said, did smile at the skates will get liquidated as there is no other buyer comment, boo hoo, the judge is there to judge the case not to take into account emotions. Even if they do "win" though, I believe they're financially fooked. AA has delivered on CVAs that have failed before, we could see them back in court pretty quickly :-) I'm sure the revenue will be paying special attention from now on.
Merovingian Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 our team will look something like this Saturday if we are still alive and I doubt any of these will be leaving as they prolly aren't really wanted - and we could not field a team if they did GK Ashdown LB Jordan CB Sonko CB Wilson RB Ward LM Matty Ritchie CM Michael Brown CM Richard Hughes RM Hayden Mullins CF Nugent CF Smith / Danny Webber Subs :
GenevaSaint Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 CF Smith / Danny Webber Subs : I thought Webber was out injured. I like the invisible man in each of the subs positions ;-)
Merovingian Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 yeah not sure when webber is back I think we have 6 youth players for the subs but haven't posted them as none of them are known bar Eng U19 Liam O'Brien
sidthesquid Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I've been thinking about today & what I want from it. Seeing them heading for liquidation and expulsion from the league would, in the short term, be brilliant fun, but I think it might feel like a hollow victory come November when we are top of the league and your Pompey colleagues & mates can feign indifference because they are no longer interested in football. What I want is the following: To see a widespread acceptance that they cheated their way to two cup finals & Europe To stop the mongs bleating on about how unfairly they have been treated & accept that they have had the rules bent for them more than any bankrupt club ever. To see them pay their effing taxes like the rest of us (and for the mongs to accept that that is not an unfair expectation) To see Agent Harry finally get his comeuppance. (Storrie, who cares? Nothing to do with us beyond comedy value) To see them pay for their crimes against football by getting relegated & having to put out teams as bad as we had to when we were bust. To see them signing league two players, not Prem players, on loan & not expecting to keep England's goalie and other internationals. To accept that £3k/week might be a realistic wage cap not 10k (which is still higher than most of the CCC) And most of all, just to feel that justice has been done and to reassure us chaps that CHEATS really don't prosper
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 3 weeks away from the Command & Control Centre. Fantastic trip, while I was sipping Litres of beer for 1.20, visiting Salt Mines & Aushwitz, getting blown on Lands End and BBQ on Sandbanks beach, this thread managed to add something approaching 30 pages. You lucky chap
Durleyfos Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I expect being blown on lands end was quite good as well It does get pretty windy there.
fish fingers Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 yeah not sure when webber is back I think we have 6 youth players for the subs but haven't posted them as none of them are known bar Eng U19 Liam O'Brien Is Supat Rungratsamee one of those?
Channon's Windmill Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Is Supat Rungratsamee one of those? He was brilliant on Football Manager a few years back!!
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I think the evidence has been pretty one-sided in HMRC's favour but I'm still expecting Pompey to scrape through. If this had been any other type of business they'd have been dismembered months ago but somehow the unflushable turd that is Pompey will somehow float back up to the surface.
dubai_phil Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I expect being blown on lands end was quite good as well I could answer that but would then have to kill you. Oh and add Zwiec beer to that list Draino. Not to mention Spirytus Vodka.... OMG what idiot invented THAT!
View From The Top Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I expect pompey to win two of the 3 points but HMRC to win 1 point and that's all that's needed.
Lets B Avenue Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 Phil. What's happened to the "Fake Doc"? Not a peep out of him since that arrest warrant whilst he was playing chess (?) in Moscow. Seeing he was listed as a creditor, in for £5 mill, you would have thought he would be singing to the press by now.
Matty's Caddy Posted 5 August, 2010 Posted 5 August, 2010 I think the evidence has been pretty one-sided in HMRC's favour but I'm still expecting Pompey to scrape through. If this had been any other type of business they'd have been dismembered months ago but somehow the unflushable turd that is Pompey will somehow float back up to the surface. The unflushable turd that is pompey!!!!! Muesli on blackberry, thanks for that....v funny though
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