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Perhaps a poll


Would you be happy to see Pompey go out of business YES or NO?


Should be a fairly entertaining debate.


And then perhaps the Pompey forum could do similar.


I would lay a fiver that a higher % of Blue fans would vote "yes" than red.

Duncan your source seems to have been premature about the ability to proceed. Im happy for them to survive but back in the place they belong.


I was glad you got your buyer and I think if we get our buyer it's a good thing for the South Coast


That would be good for all of us. Let rivalries resume.


I do hope that the PL are conducting a more thorough 'proper persons' check on all the parties than they have in the past though.

What, honestly, do you think this bloke's real motives are? Do you think he is genuinely interested and in it for the long haul or is he just trying to impress his mates?


There was an interesting quote in the arab press when he was interviewed about buying the club. He said, "I've not just bought a football club, I've bought a city". Leaving aside your infantile jokes that will no doubt follow that, it's interesting. Given that his background is in property development I suspect that he's going to leverage the goodwill he'll generate from the council to make money from property development once the market picks up. He's already said he's in this for the long haul so there's no quick buck.


I thought Radio 5 put an unusual emphasis on mentioning that the league's rules regarding "fit and proper person" were now far stricter than the past, as if that was a doubt? Mind you that may just be the way I wanted to hear it!


The media have been banging on about the fit and proper test ever since his bid became public. Plenty of them reported that Shinawatra was involved (5 Live included) which turned out to be completely false. Pompey and Al Fahim have been unusually tight lipped over the details on this one and none of the media have been right about any of it at any stage of the process. Al Fahim knows what the PL need for the FAPPT and I can't see how he would make any mistakes in what he presents to them. Can't see this test being a stumbling block. Only problem I can see is if Gaydamak refuses to drop the price or if there's an issue with terms of bank loan repayments and the way they're structured/ paid etc.


Duncan your source seems to have been premature about the ability to proceed. Im happy for them to survive but back in the place they belong.


You lot make me laugh. "Back where they belong" "Back where we belong". Look chaps, we are where we belong because we won enough points to stay in the Prem. You're where you belong because you ****ed up your chance when you refused to buy good enough players and pay decent salaries and then weren't good enough to avoid two (count them) relegations.


You are where you belong. You've earned the right to be there. Just like we have.


You are where you belong. You've earned the right to be there. Just like we have.


You never earnt the right, you bought the right, and have been lucky in that your overspending has not cost you what it should have. Only by getting 3 sugar daddies have you gained your place. Like Wigan (Blackburn)you have gained heights above your true station by having money to burn. Football has changed and whilst i would like us to go up the leagues I dont want to be Man City. Any affection they have gained through their times of woe has gone for them from neutrals, as with Chelsea they are scoffed at.


Corporate HQ; It looks like this is your Paul Allen moment - I believed that Paul Allen liked Saints because he could park his boat near the ground. I look back and cringe now.


If your fella was serious than why would there be an exodus of players; surely you would keep the team together?



You are where you belong. You've earned the right to be there. Just like we have.


Unfortunately it's got nothing to do with earning your right in a footballing sense it's just a question of whether you have enough money behind you to compete at the given level. You've had a suger daddy that has enabled you to pay the likes of Crouch et al c£75K per week when clearly an attendance level of 19K can not sustain this in the long term. Football is in dire straits.

There was an interesting quote in the arab press when he was interviewed about buying the club. He said, "I've not just bought a football club, I've bought a city".
Sounds like the Yank who bought London Bridge, when he thought it was Tower bridge.
Corporate HQ; It looks like this is your Paul Allen moment - I believed that Paul Allen liked Saints because he could park his boat near the ground. I look back and cringe now.


If your fella was serious than why would there be an exodus of players; surely you would keep the team together?

wait for it, it is because a top 4 team are allowed to buy them.Shows the players dont think they will become that under the new owners. lol


With respect lads, your record signing is Rory Delap for £4m which was around £3.5m higher than our record fee back in 2001. So please dont plead the we had no money line.


The Meridian Tonight footage of Al Fahim inside Frottage Park was classic, he looked like a mark who had come to view the Taj Mahal and was being shown around an outside lavatory in Calcutta. Since actually seeing his 'investment' it seems that he is back-peddling faster than Chris Hoy in a wind tunnel!


The blue few should remember that form is transient and class is permanent, see you on the way up...

There was an interesting quote in the arab press when he was interviewed about buying the club. He said, "I've not just bought a football club, I've bought a city".
Sounds like the Yank who bought London Bridge, when he thought it was Tower bridge.


Yes. The City was going cheap in the bargain basement. It was part of the buy one get one free offer. ;) Perhaps their prospective new owner can bring some sand over with him and give them a decent beach too.

You never earnt the right, you bought the right, and have been lucky in that your overspending has not cost you what it should have. Only by getting 3 sugar daddies have you gained your place. Like Wigan (Blackburn)you have gained heights above your true station by having money to burn. Football has changed and whilst i would like us to go up the leagues I dont want to be Man City. Any affection they have gained through their times of woe has gone for them from neutrals, as with Chelsea they are scoffed at.


Rubbish. Football has always been about money it's just that it's now become bloated now to the point of saturation. If it wasn't about money clubs like Rochdale and Accrington Stanley would have won a ****load more than they actually have, and Chesterfield could be going for another treble this year.


As for the 'not enough bums on seats to pay 75k a week to players' argument, all the time we're a Premiership club with the Sky money coming in, we can afford it.


And so what if we're selling our best players at the moment? Sure, we're not happy about it, but if you came up to me 10 years ago and offered me the gamble of punting the £5m from the sale of Crouch to Villa on a go at promotion, not only getting promoted, but winning the thing, then staying up and going on to win the cup, before having to sell a load of the team to survive due to the owner feeling the pinch, then **** it, how many would say, 'Nah you're alright mate, I'm happy where we are'?


Speculate to accumulate. We did, you didn't. Look where we both are as a result....

You never earnt the right, you bought the right, and have been lucky in that your overspending has not cost you what it should have. Only by getting 3 sugar daddies have you gained your place. Like Wigan (Blackburn)you have gained heights above your true station by having money to burn. Football has changed and whilst i would like us to go up the leagues I dont want to be Man City. Any affection they have gained through their times of woe has gone for them from neutrals, as with Chelsea they are scoffed at.


For a supposedly mature, grown man you really do come across as tupid sometimes. We "bought" the right did we. I assume then that you'll object if your new owner pays your way back into the Premiership? Bacause that's the only way you'll get there. Do you really think you somehow "belong" in the top flight? LOL


Football's changed Nick Nack, no longer jumpers for goalposts. Grow up or follow another sport


Corporate HQ; It looks like this is your Paul Allen moment - I believed that Paul Allen liked Saints because he could park his boat near the ground. I look back and cringe now.


If your fella was serious than why would there be an exodus of players; surely you would keep the team together?


The "exodus" if players is hyped by the press. Johnson went because we agreed when he signed a new deal in the summer that he could go if a top four club came in for him. The new contract meant we got way more money for him than we would have if he hadn't signed it. Nick Nack tries to pooh pooh (I'm using a term I can imagine him using) this but it's very simple to understand surely? A player wants to play in the champs league and win things. More chance of that with a top four club. Any number of your players have done the same (lifelong Saints fan Wayne Bridge springs to mind). As for the others in the "exodus" it's largely out of contract deadwood that never got near the first team anyway. The likes of Djimi Traore, Jerome Thomas, Lauren, Glen Little, Noe Pamarot - they'll be a big loss won't they? I hope Kanu stays for another season but he's a squad player at best. Sean Davis is the biggest loss which says a lot about the rest of them. Sol will go to whoever pays the most and he's mid thirties now so no great loss although he's been good for us. Crouch will probably go too but I suspect this is because of a combination of the wages he's on and maybe the manager we have lined up wanting to play a different style of football.

With respect lads, your record signing is Rory Delap for £4m which was around £3.5m higher than our record fee back in 2001. So please dont plead the we had no money line.


It's all relative. £4m in the Premiership at the time we brought Delap was not alot.

There was an interesting quote in the arab press when he was interviewed about buying the club. He said,
Sounds like the Yank who bought London Bridge, when he "I've not just bought a football club, I've bought a city". thought it was Tower bridge.




I think it was poor translation .... what he really said was ...


... " I've not just bought a football club, I've bought a sh*t hole " ......


... (which is on a par with any in Port Said ):)


I reckon he liked the look of their badge and thought he was buying a little piece of Abu Dhabi on the English south coast...you wait 'til he finds out that a large proportion of the bluefew's hoolis are traditionally right wing extremists..........

For a supposedly mature, grown man you really do come across as tupid sometimes. We "bought" the right did we. I assume then that you'll object if your new owner pays your way back into the Premiership? Bacause that's the only way you'll get there. Do you really think you somehow "belong" in the top flight? LOL


Football's changed Nick Nack, no longer jumpers for goalposts. Grow up or follow another sport




The "exodus" if players is hyped by the press. Johnson went because we agreed when he signed a new deal in the summer that he could go if a top four club came in for him. The new contract meant we got way more money for him than we would have if he hadn't signed it. Nick Nack tries to pooh pooh (I'm using a term I can imagine him using) this but it's very simple to understand surely? A player wants to play in the champs league and win things. More chance of that with a top four club. Any number of your players have done the same (lifelong Saints fan Wayne Bridge springs to mind). As for the others in the "exodus" it's largely out of contract deadwood that never got near the first team anyway. The likes of Djimi Traore, Jerome Thomas, Lauren, Glen Little, Noe Pamarot - they'll be a big loss won't they? I hope Kanu stays for another season but he's a squad player at best. Sean Davis is the biggest loss which says a lot about the rest of them. Sol will go to whoever pays the most and he's mid thirties now so no great loss although he's been good for us. Crouch will probably go too but I suspect this is because of a combination of the wages he's on and maybe the manager we have lined up wanting to play a different style of football.


Who really cares a jot?

Have I missed something here? Why does everyone think the Skates are going to go out of business if this deal doesn't go through? They won't.

More to the point, I don't get why people appear to be rejoicing at the idea, given what we've just been through ourselves.


What short memories...


No-one really wants to see them go out of business..... Do they? Where would be the fun in that?

I'm far more sadistic than that - I want a slow lingering decline, full of false hope with plenty of straws to be clutched at, only for them to be snatched away again as they sink deeper into crushing disappointment and humiliation and the natural order is restored once more


The Poopey deal will go through one way or another. I hope so anyway - the rivalry is a good thing and it makes football more interesting to have a potential derby when the cup draw is made etc. I just wish we could eradicate the mindless vandalism and violence that has marred recent encounters (at Nottarf Krap anyway), most of which seemed to be caused by not by football fans but thugs rolling out of the pubs at the final whistle.

For a supposedly mature, grown man you really do come across as tupid sometimes. We "bought" the right did we. I assume then that you'll object if your new owner pays your way back into the Premiership? Bacause that's the only way you'll get there. Do you really think you somehow "belong" in the top flight? LOL


So you didnt come from football wilderness without the advantage of massive influx of money and the collapse of the tv deal for the lower leagues?

It was a bankrolled promotion of a club that is morally bankrupt and in the business sense bankrupt.

Iam pleased that we are going to spend carefully and not like Man city or a HR regime. Wigan of the South are safe when your Arab benefactor takes you over, I trust you will take your prayer mat to games and the stands will be moved so you can bow to Mecca.

No club has a divine right, but all things being equal you should still be in the lower leagues.We are there and may be for time to come.I will be interested now the players are off how your gates hold up, unless of course you have another spendfree not worry period.

I reckon he liked the look of their badge and thought he was buying a little piece of Abu Dhabi on the English south coast...you wait 'til he finds out that a large proportion of the bluefew's hoolis are traditionally right wing extremists..........



Fair point, and I also remember the inbred f*ckwits running some poor c*nt off a skate housing estate for being a paediatrician during the tabloid paedo frenzy. Retards


Anybody got Portsmouth's league attendances compared to ours in the last 20 years? I am sure it would make for interesting viewing.


Portsmouth, even though they are 2 divisions above us will probably have a lower average gate than us next season LOL


LOL at Corp Ho.

Fair point, and I also remember the inbred f*ckwits running some poor c*nt off a skate housing estate for being a paediatrician during the tabloid paedo frenzy. Retards


*sigh* How many more times is this sick lie going to be peddled? That incident ocurred in Swansea, not Southsea. You see, different spelling. Try to take it slowly now, s w a n s e a , geddit? And now, s o u t h s e a- see? Different spelling, different place ffs......

So you didnt come from football wilderness without the advantage of massive influx of money and the collapse of the tv deal for the lower leagues?

It was a bankrolled promotion of a club that is morally bankrupt and in the business sense bankrupt.

Iam pleased that we are going to spend carefully and not like Man city or a HR regime. Wigan of the South are safe when your Arab benefactor takes you over, I trust you will take your prayer mat to games and the stands will be moved so you can bow to Mecca.

No club has a divine right, but all things being equal you should still be in the lower leagues.We are there and may be for time to come.I will be interested now the players are off how your gates hold up, unless of course you have another spendfree not worry period.


Calm down Nick, you do yourself a dis-service with the anti-muslim stuff. Its infantile and embaressing, (like our inbred cousins down the road). Please retract and act like an adult - not like a tw*t.

Fair point, and I also remember the inbred f*ckwits running some poor c*nt off a skate housing estate for being a paediatrician during the tabloid paedo frenzy. Retards

That happened in Wales, not Paulsgrove

Anybody got Portsmouth's league attendances compared to ours in the last 20 years? I am sure it would make for interesting viewing.


Portsmouth, even though they are 2 divisions above us will probably have a lower average gate than us next season LOL


LOL at Corp Ho.


Of course we would, of our 20k capacity we have to give up 10% to the away support so that takes us down to 18k.


With your 35k seater stadium you are not restricted like that are you


Basic maths crab lungs it aint difficult, perhaps you should go on "are you smarter than a 10 year old" however I am reluctant to say whether you fit the 10 year old or adult part better tbh.

That happened in Wales, not Paulsgrove

Too true. It was the riots that occurred in Paulsgrove in which not one, but five families were driven from their homes after wrongly being identified as harbouring paedophiles:


Five families who were wrongly identified as harbouring sex offenders were forced to flee their homes in the Paulsgrove estate in Portsmouth as violence flared earlier this month.




So you didnt come from football wilderness without the advantage of massive influx of money and the collapse of the tv deal for the lower leagues?

It was a bankrolled promotion of a club that is morally bankrupt and in the business sense bankrupt.


I am pleased that we are going to spend carefully and not like Man city or a HR regime. Wigan of the South are safe when your Arab benefactor takes you over, I trust you will take your prayer mat to games and the stands will be moved so you can bow to Mecca.

No club has a divine right, but all things being equal you should still be in the lower leagues.We are there and may be for time to come.I will be interested now the players are off how your gates hold up, unless of course you have another spendfree not worry period.


Nick Nack, I'm sure I'm not the only one that pictures you standing in front of your laptop stamping your little feet in fury and scweaming and scweaming until you're sick at the mere temerity of Pompey to be in the top flight. I'll answer a few of your points.


1. Our promotion season was largely underwritten by the £5.5m we got for Crouch from Villa, not from a massive influx of cash by Mandaric. Yes, we paid higher wages than most other club but that was because we bought a player cheap and sold him for big money, just what you've always tried to do.


2. Morally bankrupt - ROTFPMSL. You are Ron Manager aren't you.


3. We weren't bankrupt. We'd been bought by that point. Just like you have now.


Why should we still be in the lower leagues any more than you should? It's this ridiculous entitlement you feel that you belong in the top flight that makes me laugh more than anything. Give it up you childish cretin


Fair point, and I also remember the inbred f*ckwits running some poor c*nt off a skate housing estate for being a paediatrician during the tabloid paedo frenzy. Retards


Apparently you're the inbred ****wit for mistaking Portsmouth for South Wales







Of course we would, of our 20k capacity we have to give up 10% to the away support so that takes us down to 18k.


With your 35k seater stadium you are not restricted like that are you


Basic maths crab lungs it aint difficult, perhaps you should go on "are you smarter than a 10 year old" however I am reluctant to say whether you fit the 10 year old or adult part better tbh.


...well ours is actually 32k but anyways...guess he was referring to the fact you couldn't fill those "18k" home seats that often.


Or is it just fancy dress every game at fartton and a number of you all go dressed as blue seats?



Apparently you're the inbred ****wit for mistaking Portsmouth for South Wales





I especially like one where the paulsgrove skate inbred:rolleyes: who led hundreds of other skate inbreds :rolleyes:in antipaedo demonstrations -in the process victimising innocent families- got herself reported to social services for child neglect after her three-year-old son was found naked wandering its streets. LOL Only in portsm**th.



...Or is it just fancy dress every game at fartton and a number of you all go dressed as blue seats?


Not many posts make me laugh out loud but that one did....


Basically with Pompey it's a 30 year inferiority complex that they can't let go of. TBH what they should have done sans our relegation was forget about us, but they can't.


Could it be they realise their success is built on quicksand?

Not many posts make me laugh out loud but that one did....


Basically with Pompey it's a 30 year inferiority complex that they can't let go of. TBH what they should have done sans our relegation was forget about us, but they can't.


Could it be they realise their success is built on quicksand?


So thats why they come on here? Couldn't get it myself - the whole internet at there disposal and they come on here?!!! Last place you would find me is on there websites (they do have them don't they?).:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

*sigh* How many more times is this sick lie going to be peddled? That incident ocurred in Swansea, not Southsea. You see, different spelling. Try to take it slowly now, s w a n s e a , geddit? And now, s o u t h s e a- see? Different spelling, different place ffs......


I thought it was in Leigh Park

Posted (edited)
Of course we would, of our 20k capacity we have to give up 10% to the away support so that takes us down to 18k.


With your 35k seater stadium you are not restricted like that are you

Portsmouth have always had worse support (apart from the early post war years when Portsmouth was full of sailors) than Southampton. The following comparative figures when Fratton had a larger capacity than St. Marys and we were both in similar leagues prove that:



Year League Attendance

1993 2 13.695

1992 2 11.745

1991 2 9.690

1990 2 8.861


Year League Attendance

2009 2 17.849

2008 2 21.254

2007 2 23.556

2006 2 23.614

Edited by Guided Missile
Post War Matelot Factor....
Of course we would, of our 20k capacity we have to give up 10% to the away support so that takes us down to 18k.


With your 35k seater stadium you are not restricted like that are you


Basic maths crab lungs it aint difficult, perhaps you should go on "are you smarter than a 10 year old" however I am reluctant to say whether you fit the 10 year old or adult part better tbh.


We have a 32,000 seater, FMPR.


You are quite right, we are not restricted... However, however, what with Portsmouth's residents earning on average more than Southampton locals AND having a Premier League football team to boot, surely these are the days you've long had wet dreams about? Being able to outsell small, little League One outfit Southampton?


FWIW, I read in FourFourTwo in a back issue that you had planned a 'space-age' stadium back in 94, can anyone shed any light on this? Genuinely interested to know what the design was like back then, how much it would have cost and the capacity etc? Serious question...

Posted (edited)
Portsmouth have always had worse support than Southampton. The following comparative figures when Fratton had a larger capacity than St. Marys and we were both in similar leagues prove that:



Year League Attendance

1993 2 13.695

1992 2 11.745

1991 2 9.690

1990 2 8.861


Year League Attendance

2009 2 17.849

2008 2 21.254

2007 2 23.556

2006 2 23.614


Oh dear.... and their away support has waned over the years. 107 to Boro one time, wasn't it?

Edited by Crab Lungs

Does anyone really care what happen with Pomepy and their takeover?


I really couldn't give a sheet and just want the new season to start....

Oh dear.... and their away support has waned over the years. 107 to Boro one time, wasn't it?

A quick look at the crowds for 1976, the first season after the last time we were relegated are interesting:



Year League Attendance

1976 2 10.472


Year League Attendance

1976 2 17.648


Last post from me, but I have to say, this bought a tear to my eyes:



Year League Attendance

1984 2 21.120

1983 2 12.672

1982 2 13.132

1981 2 18.897

1980 2 23.266


Year League Attendance

1984 1 18.089

1983 1 18.799

1982 1 21.835

1981 1 21.482

1980 1 21.335

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