Crab Lungs Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Unless the clubs who managed their finances better (and didn't win an F.A. cup in doing so) are prepared to gift cash to a club that didn't then where is the money for this going to come from? Another organisation taking over a club's finances doesn't all of a sudden make them profitable. Can't see it happening. Just read your explanation on the other thread, cheers... mind at rest now
GenevaSaint Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 I can't see them getting any favours, all the other Prem teams at risk of relegation will make sure of that. If anything I expect the PL to make an example of them. I agree. I can't see the premier league bailing them out. As Clapham said, Pompey going into administration will be driven by the courts and creditors surely, and he's the insolvency expert. Then, just say they did "save" them, and they avoided relegation, imagine the court cases from the relegated teams. Go on premier league, make an example of them. It's only fair and proper, not because it's Pompey although that does make it sweeter.
GenevaSaint Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Funny thing is was speaking to a skate on holiday and he maintained, it's been a roller coaster ride for 5 years, prem, FA cup etc, but he wouldn't change it for a thing. I wonder if he still has the same opinion now they're facing oblivion. Tosser.
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Couple of questions: Would other relegation threatened teams allow the PL to keep Pompey afloat? Why would anyone now want to buy Pompey? Favourites for relegation, TV money already spent, crap stadium occupying the only real asset they own, and mounting liabilities.
Corporate Ho Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Hello scumlettes. Glad our very own Dr Doolitle is keeping you all entertained. What a ****ing moron the man is - although I have to say his latest stunt (the hospital admittance with his tame journo reporting from his bedside) almost had me on his side at the sheer chutzpah of it all (if I can use a Jewish term for an arab). When was Pompeys 'Last Post' i mean Ho's last post.? lol It was Monday Nick. Is the search function too difficult for you to manage? I've not been around since then to post. Good to see you still find it hard to make a post without mentioning my name though. One story claims Al-Faraj stumped up the wages, another doesn't say who did - only alludes to Pompey taking a 'loan'. I've been told it was Faraj and the loan was for £5m. The question is - why? What's in it for him, eh Crabby? The closer they get to going down the less likely outside investment would become available becomes a reality. Seriously, the ONLY thing they have going for them is their Premiership status as that's where the money is. It's not the fans, not the potential, nothing but that status.The best Pompey can hope for if it all goes pear shaped is that a rich local benefactor can be found who's in it for the love of the team, as that's pretty much going to be the only available option to them. It's interesting that Faraj has stumped up £5m if what you write is the case. Can't see him doing it out of the goodness of his heart which can only mean he's still interested in buying the club. I don't believe he's from Portsmouth but as you say that's our only chance maybe I'd better check. He is backed by a branch of the Saudi royal family though. Seeing as we're pretty much down already he must see an opportunity in owning the club. Maybe he believes he can make money out of building us a new stadium (from the associated commercial developments and opportunities). Who knows. Seems like he is still interested though, doesn't it. Funny thing is was speaking to a skate on holiday and he maintained, it's been a roller coaster ride for 5 years, prem, FA cup etc, but he wouldn't change it for a thing. I wonder if he still has the same opinion now they're facing oblivion. Tosser. He probably does. I know I genuinely wouldn't swap what's happening now if it meant we hadn't won the cup. Seeing Pompey lift the cup at Wembley was one of the greatest days of my life - as no doubt Saints doing the same was for those of you old enough to remember it. Teams fortunes go up and down. Looks like we're already down this season but if not we'll undoubtedly be relegated at some point in the future anyway. Most clubs are apart from the big 4. I wouldn't swap the cup win for anything
Clapham Saint Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Hello scumlettes. Good afternoon CoHo. It's interesting that Faraj has stumped up £5m if what you write is the case. Can't see him doing it out of the goodness of his heart which can only mean he's still interested in buying the club. I don't believe he's from Portsmouth but as you say that's our only chance maybe I'd better check. He is backed by a branch of the Saudi royal family though. If (IF) he has given the loan in anticipation of aquiring the club some how then it won't be through an administration procedure. If an administrator were to be appointed now (i.e. after the loan has been made) he would just be another creditor of the company. He might have some security but if the Banks currently lending have set up their security properly the club would need their permission to offer company assets as such (becuase they would no longer provide security for the Banks). Not second guessing his motives, he could be planning a £squiilion purchase for all I know, just pointing out that he will not be in a comfortable position if administrators are appointed. If this is part of a cunning master plan then it is indeed very very cunning.
Crab Lungs Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 If this is part of a cunning master plan then it is indeed very very cunning. More money than sense it would appear as anyone can see that Portsmouth is a duff purchase and hardly a sustainable and viable business opportunity. Corpy, you won't get Al-Faraj... you are fooked, admit it.....
View From The Top Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 I've been told it was Faraj and the loan was for £5m. Your record of being right on such things demands that we take notice.
Corporate Ho Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 If (IF) he has given the loan in anticipation of aquiring the club some how then it won't be through an administration procedure. If an administrator were to be appointed now (i.e. after the loan has been made) he would just be another creditor of the company. He might have some security but if the Banks currently lending have set up their security properly the club would need their permission to offer company assets as such (becuase they would no longer provide security for the Banks). Not second guessing his motives, he could be planning a £squiilion purchase for all I know, just pointing out that he will not be in a comfortable position if administrators are appointed. If this is part of a cunning master plan then it is indeed very very cunning. Clappers (I feel we know each other well enough for me to call you Clappers now) I wasn't suggesting he'd buy us out of admin. In fact, paying £5m as he has to keep the club out of administration surely indicates that what you've suggested isn't what he wants. My point was that if he's paid £5m as a loan to "help the club out" he must still be interested in buying it. Unless you can suggest an alternative. Bear in mind that this is a man that has already undergone the PL FAPPT in an attempt to buy Pompey before Gaydamak sold to Fahim at the last minute. More money than sense it would appear as anyone can see that Portsmouth is a duff purchase and hardly a sustainable and viable business opportunity. Corpy, you won't get Al-Faraj... you are fooked, admit it..... Then why has he paid the £5m Crabby? If he sees an opportunity to develop the club maybe he thinks it's worth it. Of course, he's just a man who's made billions in property development so I'm sure he'll bow to your superior knowledge and expertise. Your record of being right on such things demands that we take notice. Sportsmail has revealed that the Pompey owner's plans have been thrown into doubt after a rival consortium was called in to pay the players' wages. Chief executive Peter Storrie is understood to have come to the rescue by using his relationship with Ali al-Faraj to broker a deal. Saudi property magnate Al-Faraj will pump £5million into the beleaguered south-coast club to ensure the players are paid. By the way, is the debt solutions advert at the top of the board a deliberate dig at me by Baj?
View From The Top Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Corp, you've been soooooo wrong about pfc over the last decade or so just give it up. You regurgitate things from the newspapers and messageboards as if they are facts that you've heard from the higher echelons of pfc and, to be honest about it, it makes you look a ****. You were nearly cumming with excitment when the Fake Dr emerged from the shadows and loved spouting off about his plans. The same was true to the potty stadium and fp rotation projects. Your tour de force, however, was your costing up of property in pompey and how it was going to pay for it all. Give it up.
Clapham Saint Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Clappers (I feel we know each other well enough for me to call you Clappers now) :smt041:smt041:smt041:smt041:smt066 I wasn't suggesting he'd buy us out of admin. In fact, paying £5m as he has to keep the club out of administration surely indicates that what you've suggested isn't what he wants. My point was that if he's paid £5m as a loan to "help the club out" he must still be interested in buying it. Unless you can suggest an alternative. Bear in mind that this is a man that has already undergone the PL FAPPT in an attempt to buy Pompey before Gaydamak sold to Fahim at the last minute. Except that if you are currently unable to pay the wages I suspect that without further "helping out" you will be in administration soon anyway. Also, although some may argue differently I suspect that you are already as good as down. If this is the case a potential purchaser would be faced with the choice of: a) purchase before administration, probably for £1. Take on all debts. b) purchase after administration. For more than £1 but debt free (excluding football related debt, transfer fees etc). Given that your debts are reported to be significant I would expect that be would be by far the cheaper and more sustainable option. Buying pre admin would daft. Then why has he paid the £5m Crabby? If he sees an opportunity to develop the club maybe he thinks it's worth it. Of course, he's just a man who's made billions in property development so I'm sure he'll bow to your superior knowledge and expertise. Very good question. Even if he sees the opportunity why not buy out of administration? I doubt the points penalty is going to make much difference at this stage.
Corporate Ho Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Corp, you've been soooooo wrong about pfc over the last decade or so just give it up. You regurgitate things from the newspapers and messageboards as if they are facts that you've heard from the higher echelons of pfc and, to be honest about it, it makes you look a ****. You were nearly cumming with excitment when the Fake Dr emerged from the shadows and loved spouting off about his plans. The same was true to the potty stadium and fp rotation projects. Your tour de force, however, was your costing up of property in pompey and how it was going to pay for it all. Give it up. You must be one of the mongs who think that when I posted Pompey transfer gossip I was saying Pompey were going to sign every player mentioned rather than recycling gossip from the papers and websites (the clue's in the word "gossip") As for cumming with excitement about Dr Doolitte's plans - when was that then? Apart from the very initial surprise I've always said that he has no money himself and needs backers. If you'd care to track back through the various threads you can read that for yourself. If you think I was saying we'd sign the likes of Messi, Eto'o etc read back at the posts and see for yourself. The stadium things were a bit different. The initial pitch rotation thing I admit to being taken in by but only at the outset when Mandaric said the development ahd been costed at £28m. Once it became apparent it would cost more than that I admitted I was wrong. As for the Hard development I never said it would definitely happen, just that the figures added up. It was mostly Saints fans on here confusing the value of the development with the cost of it that made people say the figures didn't add up. And before people say I'm rewriting hsitory on that one I couldn't have been adamant that it would definitely go ahead when it was always going to go to a public inquiry for approval. Next up will be me saying Beattie was going to Villa. Even allowing for the fact that I could ask which club got done for tapping him up, I didn't say he would sign for them. I asked what he was doing at their training ground as a friend of a friend works there and saw him talking to O'Leary. There's other stuff I've been wrong about. There's also plenty of stuff I've been right about. Still, if it gives you a stiffy, **** yourself blind over it.
View From The Top Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 The stadium things were a bit different. The initial pitch rotation thing I admit to being taken in by but only at the outset when Mandaric said the development ahd been costed at £28m. Once it became apparent it would cost more than that I admitted I was wrong. As for the Hard development I never said it would definitely happen, just that the figures added up. It was mostly Saints fans on here confusing the value of the development with the cost of it that made people say the figures didn't add up. And before people say I'm rewriting hsitory on that one I couldn't have been adamant that it would definitely go ahead when it was always going to go to a public inquiry for approval. See, it wasn't hard to do. You've taken the 1st step to recovery. Well done.
dubai_phil Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 Oh good, having read all this now I understand. Good news fishy friends, you will not be going bust. You are going down and you will get the minus 9 pretty soon. Clever old Storrie has stitched up the fake Sheikh faster than the quacks down here, and as he's so thick, no problem me telling him what's happened. The club is screwed. So, the Faraj's have just bought themselves a nice little CCC club for 5 million quid. Their loan has been securitised, no mention how, but I am willing to bet a couple of pints of 6X it is against the fixed assets of the club - ie the Stadium hence the reluctance to make a statement. Storrie knows the Sheikh won't cough up (can't use a mobile in hospital is the next excuse) so he know the club goes pop on or around 15th October Mark Fry marches in and finds he only has a football team to liquidate the stadium is owned by the Faraj's at the point of default. There's some toing and throwing, Fry will hang up on a bunch of people and nobody will be able to work out a deal allowing the Faraj's to run PFC 2009 in their own stadium and do a deal with the FL/PL to pay 10p in the pound of the old football debts. Siimples
Saint_Jonny Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 I've been told it was Faraj and the loan was for £5m. The question is - why? What's in it for him, eh Crabby? Prove it. Probably just another dodgy bank loan.
SW5 SAINT Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 If only you were in Dubai, you could have made sure he died. (Fa[ke]him that is, not Crouch) We don't him to die - long may he be poopeys chairman
CB Fry Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 You must be one of the mongs who think that when I posted Pompey transfer gossip I was saying Pompey were going to sign every player mentioned rather than recycling gossip from the papers and websites (the clue's in the word "gossip") As for cumming with excitement about Dr Doolitte's plans - when was that then? Apart from the very initial surprise I've always said that he has no money himself and needs backers. If you'd care to track back through the various threads you can read that for yourself. If you think I was saying we'd sign the likes of Messi, Eto'o etc read back at the posts and see for yourself. The stadium things were a bit different. The initial pitch rotation thing I admit to being taken in by but only at the outset when Mandaric said the development ahd been costed at £28m. Once it became apparent it would cost more than that I admitted I was wrong. As for the Hard development I never said it would definitely happen, just that the figures added up. It was mostly Saints fans on here confusing the value of the development with the cost of it that made people say the figures didn't add up. And before people say I'm rewriting hsitory on that one I couldn't have been adamant that it would definitely go ahead when it was always going to go to a public inquiry for approval. Next up will be me saying Beattie was going to Villa. Even allowing for the fact that I could ask which club got done for tapping him up, I didn't say he would sign for them. I asked what he was doing at their training ground as a friend of a friend works there and saw him talking to O'Leary. There's other stuff I've been wrong about. There's also plenty of stuff I've been right about. Still, if it gives you a stiffy, **** yourself blind over it. It's called dinlow Hubris and you're king div. You posted all those rumours to wind us up and we're using the same stuff to wind you up again. Its only the fact you take yourself so incredibly seriously that you don't get that. Christ, you aint no guru on all things Portsmouth. Just a plank obsessed with posting on a Saints forum day in day out. And we're laughing at you.
saint lard Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 I have it on reasonable authority that Portsmouth Football Club will enter administration by/on 9th November,though it will not be Admin as we know it,alot more convaluted than ours. I can only take what i have been told on face value. They do not have the funds to pay the substantial amount owed to various parties on or around that date. Storrie will take over the club.along with his consortium,eventually. His consortium will not include any foreign investment,though this may follow at a later date. nothing really new.TBH.
Thedelldays Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 will they lose points if they go into admin..? does anyone have the facts on this..?
View From The Top Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 will they lose points if they go into admin..? does anyone have the facts on this..? -3 I believe has been mooted.
saint lard Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 will they lose points if they go into admin..? does anyone have the facts on this..? There is a strong possibility that they will lose points.IMO. However due to the introduction of new legislation introduced by the Premier League last month,The Prem League can takeover the financial running of a club,they can impose sanctions such as player embargos,it will not be a foregone conclusion that they will be deducted points. The FA would not want to see the Premier league coming under scrutiny,i'm sure. But then again would they like to make an example?
Eddie Lizzard Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 By 1 November Storrie's consortium will be in control and Harry will have returned to his spiritual home. He's already denied he'd go back so we know it's true.
Thedelldays Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 There is a strong possibility that they will lose points.IMO. However due to the introduction of new legislation introduced by the Premier League last month,The Prem League can takeover the financial running of a club,they can impose sanctions such as player embargos,it will not be a foregone conclusion that they will be deducted points. The FA would not want to see the Premier league coming under scrutiny,i'm sure. But then again would they like to make an example? didnt spurs lose points years ago and banned from the FA cup for financial problems..(i think it was for more brown envelope problems). ???
OldNick Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 There's other stuff I've been wrong about. . Surely not the S/T takeup by any chance
OldNick Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 There is a strong possibility that they will lose points.IMO. However due to the introduction of new legislation introduced by the Premier League last month,The Prem League can takeover the financial running of a club,they can impose sanctions such as player embargos,it will not be a foregone conclusion that they will be deducted points. The FA would not want to see the Premier league coming under scrutiny,i'm sure. But then again would they like to make an example? It just shows what a rotten apple the PL is. As I put earlier Richards the head of the PL introduced the DR to Pompey and Im sure he will do all it takes to keep any bad news out of the media. If the Al Faraj brothers do take over then Pompey may stay up if they spend heavily in Jan. i f not they will have the moeny and parachue payments to buy them promotion. In a way Im glad we are not part of the PL anymore. Oneday it will come crashing down.Unfprtunately Sky needs it and so they will carry on bankrolling it.
Bearsy Posted 2 October, 2009 Posted 2 October, 2009 It's called dinlow Hubris and you're king div. You posted all those rumours to wind us up and we're using the same stuff to wind you up again. Its only the fact you take yourself so incredibly seriously that you don't get that. Christ, you aint no guru on all things Portsmouth. Just a plank obsessed with posting on a Saints forum day in day out. And we're laughing at you. Hahaha brilliant
Katalinic Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Owing agents and clubs money is one thing but if this is true then they really could be up s*** creek - the HMRC don't mess about when it comes to money that they are owed. They are emotionless and wouldn't hesitate to wind the club up.
Gingeletiss Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Owing agents and clubs money is one thing but if this is true then they really could be up s*** creek - the HMRC don't mess about when it comes to money that they are owed. They are emotionless and wouldn't hesitate to wind the club up. The clock is ticking...........
saint lard Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Indeed,the clock is ticking.....
Thedelldays Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 It just shows what a rotten apple the PL is. As I put earlier Richards the head of the PL introduced the DR to Pompey and Im sure he will do all it takes to keep any bad news out of the media. If the Al Faraj brothers do take over then Pompey may stay up if they spend heavily in Jan. i f not they will have the moeny and parachue payments to buy them promotion. In a way Im glad we are not part of the PL anymore. Oneday it will come crashing down.Unfprtunately Sky needs it and so they will carry on bankrolling it. didnt we all slate the football league for punishing us..? surely it is good that the league helps out the club...would you have said the FL was rotten if it helped us out..?
Crab Lungs Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 didnt we all slate the football league for punishing us..? surely it is good that the league helps out the club...would you have said the FL was rotten if it helped us out..? sadly, the FL and PL are two different bodies TDD.
Thedelldays Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 sadly, the FL and PL are two different bodies TDD. indeed...just that nick said the PL was a rotten apple for daring to help pompey out...yet, when the FL wanted to punish us, we did not like it... personally, I hope pompey go bust and are no more
Danny Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 indeed...just that nick said the PL was a rotten apple for daring to help pompey out...yet, when the FL wanted to punish us, we did not like it... personally, I hope pompey go bust and are no more I suppose the motives for helping them out is what it comes down to. If it is being done as they are purely trying to stop the worst from happening to a club, then that's fair enough. If however, they are trying to stop it to save face as the PL bigwigs don't want to be seen responsible as a takeover some of them had a hand in is going down the swanny, then it is rotten to the core. Of course we'll never know, will we?
Merovingian Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 info received on POL suggests that agreement is almost reched for Al Fahim to step aside and take a minor role and the Al Faraj consortium (who have already passed fit and proper) will take control having already put £5M in for wages,
Weston Super Saint Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 info received on POL suggests that agreement is almost reched for Al Fahim to step aside and take a minor role and the Al Faraj consortium (who have already passed fit and proper) will take control having already put £5M in for wages, Here's hoping you don't put too much stock into what is said on fans forums regarding takeovers and club ownership After all it's not like anyone would make up stuff that they hope and dream for and post it as FACT is it?
Clapham Saint Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 will they lose points if they go into admin..? does anyone have the facts on this..? The PL rules state -9. I did post a link a while back but don't have time to dig it out again now.
Clapham Saint Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Oh good, having read all this now I understand. Good news fishy friends, you will not be going bust. You are going down and you will get the minus 9 pretty soon. Clever old Storrie has stitched up the fake Sheikh faster than the quacks down here, and as he's so thick, no problem me telling him what's happened. The club is screwed. So, the Faraj's have just bought themselves a nice little CCC club for 5 million quid. Their loan has been securitised, no mention how, but I am willing to bet a couple of pints of 6X it is against the fixed assets of the club - ie the Stadium hence the reluctance to make a statement. Storrie knows the Sheikh won't cough up (can't use a mobile in hospital is the next excuse) so he know the club goes pop on or around 15th October If the Banks have their security properly in place this won't be possible. At least one will have a fixed and floating debenture covering all assets of the club. If Storie wanted to offer assets as security to anybody else he would require the Bank's permission. Which he wouldn't get. An security given will be from outside the club. Mark Fry marches in and finds he only has a football team to liquidate the stadium is owned by the Faraj's at the point of default. The security (if given) gives the right to priority from the proceeds not the right to the asset itself. The Faraj's would have to make a bid to the administrator for the stadium/club/whatever just like anybody else. I doubt however that the Faraj's have given £5m just becuase they think Storie is a top bloke. They must have been promised something. Whether its something that Storie can actually follow up on is another matter.
dubai_phil Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 If the Banks have their security properly in place this won't be possible. At least one will have a fixed and floating debenture covering all assets of the club. If Storie wanted to offer assets as security to anybody else he would require the Bank's permission. Which he wouldn't get. An security given will be from outside the club. The security (if given) gives the right to priority from the proceeds not the right to the asset itself. The Faraj's would have to make a bid to the administrator for the stadium/club/whatever just like anybody else. I doubt however that the Faraj's have given £5m just becuase they think Storie is a top bloke. They must have been promised something. Whether its something that Storie can actually follow up on is another matter. With you 100% on the technicalities. But the words in Storrie's statement indicate another possible reality. He has no idea about the Faraj loan... Except it IS securitised So the CEO of a large UK company admits to not knowing what is going on? Debentures notwithstanding, this smells a funny colour But I'm sure that Al Fahim's blunderings have not been well looked upon by the Powers that Be here, especially as they are working very hard to rebuild the image of this place and all they get for their troubles are headlines that make everyone in sport laugh. Perhaps they'll get some professionals in after all and can focus on trying to buy a new team in January.... spin out the hope for them I say - that's what always hurts, the despair of going down is always worse when you keep trying to have hope.
FMPR Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Here's hoping you don't put too much stock into what is said on fans forums regarding takeovers and club ownership After all it's not like anyone would make up stuff that they hope and dream for and post it as FACT is it? On this forum you boys (and girls) are fine ones to take that view. How is Paul Allen and Pinnacle getting on, not forgetting what a great chairman Wilde would make.
Merovingian Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Here's hoping you don't put too much stock into what is said on fans forums regarding takeovers and club ownership After all it's not like anyone would make up stuff that they hope and dream for and post it as FACT is it? err...was info direct from the club. In fact PS himself. I help run POL and can confirm this was direct from the club.
OldNick Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 err...was info direct from the club. In fact PS himself. I help run POL and can confirm this was direct from the club. Hart also was upbeat nad so perhaps something in it
Micky Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 info received on POL suggests that agreement is almost reched for Al Fahim to step aside and take a minor role and the Al Faraj consortium (who have already passed fit and proper) will take control having already put £5M in for wages, So what was the whole sorry saga all about for god sake. Why on earth did the fake sheik get involved in the first place. Surely he can only have lost money. I take it by 'minor role' you mean you have a spare hotdog stand that needs an operator..!
View From The Top Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Loves the publicity..... I would never have guessed!
Micky Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Loves the publicity..... There are a lot cheaper ways, and more productive ways, to attract publicity without spunking what few million pounds you have left up against the wall, in order to say that you used to own a Premiership Football Club - errr for 2 months. Bizzare.
Matthew Le God Posted 3 October, 2009 Posted 3 October, 2009 Shame Pompey's version of Michael Fialka gets found out! How he took it a stage further than Fialka did I don't understand.
mack rill Posted 4 October, 2009 Posted 4 October, 2009 they have returned now they have won. Oh come on Nicky boy, Don't go all Girly on us You won as well. Only difference is we are 4 points from the safety line, Your still 10, the future's bright its red n white and blue.
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