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I wouldn't gloat yet...for one, you're not in admin yet, crow about that when you are. Cheats always prosper, your second time at this, and still you think it's OK. Don't you worry about all your debts, you just keep racking them up, then go the admin route!!!!!.


PMSL. Who's gloating?


As for cheating/ second time - why are you laying the blame for this at my feet (a fan)? I feel incredibly sorry for people who lose outover this and I know a few who are owed not inconsiderable sums by the club. But as a club we've been used by shysters to line their pockets. I've no doubt we'll be docked more points too and the people to blame will walk off with a bank full of cash. It's the fans who will suffer.


But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?

get rid of storrie teller,his wages will pay for the real victims in this,the ordinary

people who work their and are wondering if they will still have a job and getting paid.


the staff al will get paid, the reason for this is that they had about 4m they offered the HMRC. Now they are going into admin they can forget the HMRC's for now and try and lookas they are solvent by paying the staff.

But as a club we've been used by shysters to line their pockets. I've no doubt we'll be docked more points too and the people to blame will walk off with a bank full of cash. It's the fans who will suffer.

As many people told you would happen. How did that sand taste, by the way?


But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?

To be fair, it's probably a more realistic prediction than any of yours over the last few years...

PMSL. Who's gloating?


As for cheating/ second time - why are you laying the blame for this at my feet (a fan)? I feel incredibly sorry for people who lose outover this and I know a few who are owed not inconsiderable sums by the club. But as a club we've been used by shysters to line their pockets. I've no doubt we'll be docked more points too and the people to blame will walk off with a bank full of cash. It's the fans who will suffer.


But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?


Very few if any has said that, neither on here or in the media.


What everyone has said is "who would want to buy them?" There is a difference.


For us and the media the difference is how we can sift between Storrie's proven BS and the facts that are in the air.


Many people may want to buy the club. Devoted and wealthy fans, alleged money launderers, UK residency visa seekes, property developers or even somebody who could find a use for 4 years worth of tax losses.


The difference between this thread and skate forums is that people come on here to seek clarification or ask questions.


Read some of the media analysis instead of complaining about it and you will get the point

PMSL. Who's gloating?


As for cheating/ second time - why are you laying the blame for this at my feet (a fan)? I feel incredibly sorry for people who lose outover this and I know a few who are owed not inconsiderable sums by the club. But as a club we've been used by shysters to line their pockets. I've no doubt we'll be docked more points too and the people to blame will walk off with a bank full of cash. It's the fans who will suffer.


But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?

i still got my doubts and think chaneria only paying the administrators wages to take out his money has a preferred secured creditor and will leave only a shell of a company,once the moneys gone leaving a club with just the pfc name and debts and paying a million pounds a year to rent fratton park. it does not add up to me corps.

Anyway, don't worry Ho. It's Friday today - go start your own "it wll happen on a Friday thead"


And also, now admin is all but confirmed you and we ll know full well that there will be two parties guaranteed to want to buy the club.


Pinnalce & LLS

the staff al will get paid, the reason for this is that they had about 4m they offered the HMRC. Now they are going into admin they can forget the HMRC's for now and try and lookas they are solvent by paying the staff.
hope so they don,t deserve this mismanagement by the bunch of crooks who have been running them.
But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?


As usual you're just repeating yourself thus making you look even more foolish than we know you to be.


Read the above replies to the answer to your question.

PMSL. Who's gloating?


As for cheating/ second time - why are you laying the blame for this at my feet (a fan)? I feel incredibly sorry for people who lose outover this and I know a few who are owed not inconsiderable sums by the club. But as a club we've been used by shysters to line their pockets. I've no doubt we'll be docked more points too and the people to blame will walk off with a bank full of cash. It's the fans who will suffer.


But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?


I'd go so far as to say that I think it is unlikely that any NEW party will buy Pompey from the administrator. But not impossible.


I could quite easily believe that those who have run up the debts will wipe the slate clean, throw a few non-playing staff on the scrap heap, laugh at the local businesses that are owed money and start again.

Posted (edited)
But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?


I'm sure someone will buy pompey. What they get as part of that purchase remains to be seen. The whole thing stinks and I suspect far to messy and dirty for anybody to ever get to the bottom of.


You are right about the additional points deductions and the club will continue to decline for a few years yet.


You once mocked me for saying that simply surviving in top flight football for 25 years + was an incredible acheivement for club like Saints, given the way money had taken over the game etc.


You lasted 5 and it has bust, broken and ripped you apart.

Edited by Gemmel
I wouldn't gloat yet...for one, you're not in admin yet, crow about that when you are. Cheats always prosper, your second time at this, and still you think it's OK. Don't you worry about all your debts, you just keep racking them up, then go the admin route!!!!!.


Hold on my ITK friend, you came on and stated when it looked like you were going out of business a similar thing, but before going into admin.Now you have yet again moved the goalposts..what a surprise. I have no doubt that you will be bought in admin as there are too many people who have vested interests in you staying alive. Not due to a love a the club, but love of their own money.

It is not your fault that you have a bunch of chancers running the business but you should show a little shame that once AGAIN your club has ruined many peoples lives and many of those people are your own fans who have small businesses.

Pompey will IMO be bought out of admin but only due to the fact so many people including the PL have bent over backwards, and that is only due to the fact htey want to keep their old boys club going.

You are going to get 2 years parachute payments and that is obviously something that interests people to look into buying you when the debts have to some degree been erased. Only time will tell whether enough has been.

I will at least admit you have been sceptical about Storrie, i think it is time you woke a lot of your friends down there to the fact as well.


Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone. And I wouldn't go as far as it's "ruined people's lives" - that's awfully dramatic.


But I do laugh at the ridiculous conspiracy theories on here. Just how have the PL "bent over backwards" to help us? Refusing to advance us our end of season cash is bending over backwards is it? Just what have they done to help us? They want us to keep going otherwise the league placings would be affected and I see nothing wrong with that - what else would they want?


There's also a load of crap talked about our debt. Yes we owe £18m to HMRC but the rest of the £50m we owe is 90% made up of our "debts" to Chainrai and Gaydamak. No-one in their right minds believes we owe these two ******s anything like that amount and the media always conveniently omit to mention that we also have money coming into the club (parachute payments, outstanding transfer fees for Diarra, Johnson etc).


Lastly (and it's my last post today so don't expect any more) on Storrie - there seems to be a belief on here that most Pompey fans idolise him. A few dicks sang his name a while back but he's constantly been referred to as Storrie teller by most for as long as I can remember. People on here are great at taking one or two posts on a Pompey board and assuming that's the view of the majority. For my part, I believe nothing's ever as simple as black and white. Storrie should go because of what's happened to the club but I do know the hours he's put in whilst doing the job and the **** he's had to go through just to keep the club afloat. People say it's all his fault but his point about being just an employee does hold some water. If Gaydamak was saying don't worry and providing the money I don't really see what else Storrie was supposed to do other than suggest caution - which I know for a fact he did. But he's the CEO, it's been a mess and he has to go.

Some contradictory evidence that the PL will help pompey out??




Portsmouth were told by the Premier League last night that there is no way it can bail out the financially-stricken club.

Also guess who is trying to keep their job?


Peter Storrie, Portsmouth's chief executive, confirmed the club had already begun talks with an administrator and that he is prepared to take a substantial pay cut to improve the club's financial fortunes. Storrie is one of the highest-paid chief executives in the Premier League.

"I have already spoken to the administrator and he wants to keep things settled, which means me staying on,"


Alleged Administrator, - Andrew Andronikou; read Swindon comments on



What's the chances that 50k a week is knocked off their wage bil in the next week. i wonder if Chelsea may come and get an emergency signing and get David james. It would not be a precedent with a keeper, and he is the quality that chelsea need.

PMSL. Who's gloating?


As for cheating/ second time - why are you laying the blame for this at my feet (a fan)? I feel incredibly sorry for people who lose outover this and I know a few who are owed not inconsiderable sums by the club. But as a club we've been used by shysters to line their pockets. I've no doubt we'll be docked more points too and the people to blame will walk off with a bank full of cash. It's the fans who will suffer.


But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?



Given you've asked the question, it means that either you have knowledge, or you'll have us believe you have knowledge. Steve summed it up, and others have said the same, we all wonder who would be stupid enough to want to buy your club, the same club without any training facilitys, no ground, relegated, to be investigated (oh yes my friend), possible large points deduction next season etc etc etc. So yes, we question this, why arn't you??????

Posted (edited)
Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone. And I wouldn't go as far as it's "ruined people's lives" - that's awfully dramatic.


But I do laugh at the ridiculous conspiracy theories on here. Just how have the PL "bent over backwards" to help us? Refusing to advance us our end of season cash is bending over backwards is it? Just what have they done to help us? They want us to keep going otherwise the league placings would be affected and I see nothing wrong with that - what else would they want?


There's also a load of crap talked about our debt. Yes we owe £18m to HMRC but the rest of the £50m we owe is 90% made up of our "debts" to Chainrai and Gaydamak. No-one in their right minds believes we owe these two ******s anything like that amount and the media always conveniently omit to mention that we also have money coming into the club (parachute payments, outstanding transfer fees for Diarra, Johnson etc).


Lastly (and it's my last post today so don't expect any more) on Storrie - there seems to be a belief on here that most Pompey fans idolise him. A few dicks sang his name a while back but he's constantly been referred to as Storrie teller by most for as long as I can remember. People on here are great at taking one or two posts on a Pompey board and assuming that's the view of the majority. For my part, I believe nothing's ever as simple as black and white. Storrie should go because of what's happened to the club but I do know the hours he's put in whilst doing the job and the **** he's had to go through just to keep the club afloat. People say it's all his fault but his point about being just an employee does hold some water. If Gaydamak was saying don't worry and providing the money I don't really see what else Storrie was supposed to do other than suggest caution - which I know for a fact he did. But he's the CEO, it's been a mess and he has to go.

Funny how now it has all gone to Rat Sh!t It is the fault of "international crooks" yet you lot were all unquestioning about the ride when they one by one, took over. Instead of SOS Pompey marching on a platform of "Where did all the money go?" They should have been marching 3 or 4 years ago when Saggy chops was signing the likes of Defoe, Diarra, Muntari and Johnson, on a platform of "where is all the money coming from?"


Leeds was a disaster, fresh in the mind then and they tried (and failed miserably) to do the same thing. Buy a trophy, or two but they were doing it on gates of over double yours and yet no alarm bells were ringing, your end of the M27.

Edited by krissyboy31

But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?

I think that I speak for a number of people here who don't give a sh !t what happens to Pompey. The large number of posts on this thread is more akin to rubber neckers on the M27 slowing down to look at an overturned caravan on the other carriageway.


A long slide into obscurity will happen to Portsmouth and no-one cares outside Portsmouth..

What's the chances that 50k a week is knocked off their wage bil in the next week. i wonder if Chelsea may come and get an emergency signing and get David james. It would not be a precedent with a keeper, and he is the quality that chelsea need.


That's not a bad shout Nick


Corp's taking this all very personally these days, isn't he?


I used to remember him gloating over us on a consistent basis, consistently repeating how superior and (lol) well supported and financed PFC are (were)....


Corpy... don't forget Jean-Michel Sigere and Eugene Bopp on your next transfer round up!

Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone. And I wouldn't go as far as it's "ruined people's lives" - that's awfully dramatic.


But I do laugh at the ridiculous conspiracy theories on here. Just how have the PL "bent over backwards" to help us? Refusing to advance us our end of season cash is bending over backwards is it? Just what have they done to help us? They want us to keep going otherwise the league placings would be affected and I see nothing wrong with that - what else would they want?


There's also a load of crap talked about our debt. Yes we owe £18m to HMRC but the rest of the £50m we owe is 90% made up of our "debts" to Chainrai and Gaydamak. No-one in their right minds believes we owe these two ******s anything like that amount and the media always conveniently omit to mention that we also have money coming into the club (parachute payments, outstanding transfer fees for Diarra, Johnson etc).


Lastly (and it's my last post today so don't expect any more) on Storrie - there seems to be a belief on here that most Pompey fans idolise him. A few dicks sang his name a while back but he's constantly been referred to as Storrie teller by most for as long as I can remember. People on here are great at taking one or two posts on a Pompey board and assuming that's the view of the majority. For my part, I believe nothing's ever as simple as black and white. Storrie should go because of what's happened to the club but I do know the hours he's put in whilst doing the job and the **** he's had to go through just to keep the club afloat. People say it's all his fault but his point about being just an employee does hold some water. If Gaydamak was saying don't worry and providing the money I don't really see what else Storrie was supposed to do other than suggest caution - which I know for a fact he did. But he's the CEO, it's been a mess and he has to go.

This succession of crooks, shysters and conmen have been running your club for a few years now. Whilst the fans can`t take any direct blame for the running of the club, virtually none of them seriously questioned the motives/methods of various owners whilst the club "enjoyed" it`s "successes". You enjoyed showing off your different "billionaire" owners ( I particularly remember SBT being unveiled just at the time of our Pinnacle shambles) and revelled in the high - profile (but unaffordable) signings. Oh and don`t forget the 250,000 people on Southsea Common after the Cup win. Maybe not "shame" but certainly "embarrassment".

Corp's taking this all very personally these days, isn't he?


I used to remember him gloating over us on a consistent basis, consistently repeating how superior and (lol) well supported and financed PFC are (were)....


Corpy... don't forget Jean-Michel Sigere and Eugene Bopp on your next transfer round up!


Not just him CL, their fans have laughed at Leeds, Leicester, Luton, us, and more recently Crystal Palace. They are mongs of the highest order, and now they are laughing 'because they're saved'. Some are even saying that they will win the FA cup (played in whilst insolvent), and will be in Europe next season, whilst taking the Championship by storm.


That Corp Ho, is your fans, a ferk1ng disgrace, very few of you see any wrongdoing in what has transpired on you pitifull island, and that is why we wish the worse for you.


Rant over:mad::mad:

I think that I speak for a number of people here who don't give a sh !t what happens to Pompey. The large number of posts on this thread is more akin to rubber neckers on the M27 slowing down to look at an overturned caravan on the other carriageway.


A long slide into obscurity will happen to Portsmouth and no-one cares outside Portsmouth..

Posted (edited)

Corporate Ho: Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone. And I wouldn't go as far as it's "ruined people's lives" - that's awfully dramatic.

Not shame that they took over your club, but shame for your adoration of them, for your denials that your successes were funded by an arms dealer.

But I do laugh at the ridiculous conspiracy theories on here. Just how have the PL "bent over backwards" to help us? Refusing to advance us our end of season cash is bending over backwards is it? Just what have they done to help us? They want us to keep going otherwise the league placings would be affected and I see nothing wrong with that - what else would they want?

Not many would argue with that. Our problem with them is their sham FPP test that let all these charlatans in to fleece people.

There's also a load of crap talked about our debt. Yes we owe £18m to HMRC but the rest of the £50m we owe is 90% made up of our "debts" to Chainrai and Gaydamak. No-one in their right minds believes we owe these two ******s anything like that amount and the media always conveniently omit to mention that we also have money coming into the club (parachute payments, outstanding transfer fees for Diarra, Johnson etc).

I agree, it's not about the debts, but the running costs - £25million to be found before you can start reducing them significantly Lastly (and it's my last post today so don't expect any more) on Storrie - there seems to be a belief on here that most Pompey fans idolise him. A few dicks sang his name a while back but he's constantly been referred to as Storrie teller by most for as long as I can remember. People on here are great at taking one or two posts on a Pompey board and assuming that's the view of the majority. For my part, I believe nothing's ever as simple as black and white. Storrie should go because of what's happened to the club but I do know the hours he's put in whilst doing the job and the **** he's had to go through just to keep the club afloat. People say it's all his fault but his point about being just an employee does hold some water. If Gaydamak was saying don't worry and providing the money I don't really see what else Storrie was supposed to do other than suggest caution - which I know for a fact he did. But he's the CEO, it's been a mess and he has to go

I agree that more peole are beginning to see the light over him, but he is a class one shyster. However I do acknowledge that this whole saga would have been half as much fun without such a pantomime villain popping up in the press every five minutes

Edited by sidthesquid
trying to make sense
Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone.


This international gang of crooks that you speak of - has that just recently come to light, or has everyone in football known this since you were bought with gun money?


To be honest I think it's a little hypocritical to, on one hand celebrate your FA cup win and the brief foray into Europe that it gave you, and then after it's all gone to rat **** call the same people you once lauded "an international gang of crooks".


You're coming across now as a pity-whore who turned a blind eye to illegal and immoral activities over the last several years and now that you're faced with the inevitable consequences, you're wearing some sort of moral hairshirt.


That's hypocrisy in my book.

Anyway, don't worry Ho. It's Friday today - go start your own "it wll happen on a Friday thead"


And also, now admin is all but confirmed you and we ll know full well that there will be two parties guaranteed to want to buy the club.


Pinnalce & LLS


What time zone you in D_P?!



Lastly (and it's my last post today so don't expect any more) on Storrie - there seems to be a belief on here that most Pompey fans idolise him. A few dicks sang his name a while back but he's constantly been referred to as Storrie teller by most for as long as I can remember. People on here are great at taking one or two posts on a Pompey board and assuming that's the view of the majority. For my part, I believe nothing's ever as simple as black and white. Storrie should go because of what's happened to the club but I do know the hours he's put in whilst doing the job and the **** he's had to go through just to keep the club afloat. People say it's all his fault but his point about being just an employee does hold some water. If Gaydamak was saying don't worry and providing the money I don't really see what else Storrie was supposed to do other than suggest caution - which I know for a fact he did. But he's the CEO, it's been a mess and he has to go.


Ho Ho Ho. I think the thing we love Ho is the embarassment that jackanory brings to the Blue Circus, with his imature statements to the press of a "red hot deal" , "taking us to another level" "we are not subject to WUO"


He is the biggest clown in the circus and I think believes his own hype, if Chinaroo was not around Jackanory would have bitten off the S/Africas hand with out seeing a penny and the Circus would have continued. At least Chinerro has "some" business acumen and was not falling in love with another no pot pi"s in buyer .


I say keep jackanory on board .. pay him is "reduced" salary because it just keeps the shambles going, let him squeeze some more cash out of the club ,pay his expenses travelling around the globe selling your global brand to another mug , keep his merc running for him,


Funny that of all the recent owners Chineroo appears to be the most level headed person sat in the hot seat and he don't give one shiiite about the club,all he wants is his money back and who can blame him, because without him the Blue Circus would have have folded weeks ago , the Blue Circus should stand up, be counted as men and pay the man his money .


We dont give a monkey what the final outcome is , we just love the PAYBACK of watching you girls squrm, become a national joke and SFC holding the high moral ground..


Two somewhat different view on their likely administrator:


From the news:


Bob Holt, director of Swindon between 2001 and 2007, told The News: 'He's a first class operator. If the club stands a chance of surviving, this is the man you want at the helm.


'I think this is probably one of the best things to happen to Portsmouth, he'll probably end up saving the club.'

From a fan:


Interesting view on him from a Swindon fan - we'll have to wait and see I guess.....


"Andrew Andronikou was our administrator at Swindon. If he’s appointed, God help Portsmouth and their creditors. You’re right that administrators are bound to act in the best interest of creditors but he showed no sign whatever of doing that at Swindon, or in the best interests of the club. Instead his overseeing of both our administration and subsquent CVA seemed suspiciously aligned with the interests of his mate Mike Diamandis who’d taken the club to the brink of ruin in the first place. But then, it’s not often in the insolvency trade that you get a customer who brings you as much repeat business as Diamandis has brought Andronikou over the years....."

Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone. And I wouldn't go as far as it's "ruined people's lives" - that's awfully dramatic.


Look at the way very large number of Man Utd fans have protested against the Glaziers and the way their club has been saddled with huge amounts of debt. Despite huge levels of success on the pitch, they have continually challenged the way their club is run. The Skates support on the other hand..................


First post on this thread. Been subjected to merciless unprovoked vilification by pompey fans over the years, so I am delighted to see them in this mess. Would love it if they went under, really love it. Not sorry for the fans at all.


Corpy, I seem to remember you banging on about the great loyal fanbase Pompey have. Could you please advise why this fanbase could only produce 17,000 fans against Stoke for what will be one of the club's final home games in the top flight for a long time and maybe one of the last games at Fratton Park ever? Surely for sentimental reasons alone it is about time Fratton was full up with this 'large' fanbase when the club needs them most?


Also, surely Riquelme has completed his medical by now and must be ready to sign?




If the skates try to do a prepack administration, they presumably still need a CVA to avoid further points penalties.(Hopefully for next season).


Is that correct, or can you not have a CVA on that type of administration?

Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone. And I wouldn't go as far as it's "ruined people's lives" - that's awfully dramatic.


But I do laugh at the ridiculous conspiracy theories on here. Just how have the PL "bent over backwards" to help us? Refusing to advance us our end of season cash is bending over backwards is it? Just what have they done to help us? They want us to keep going otherwise the league placings would be affected and I see nothing wrong with that - what else would they want?


There's also a load of crap talked about our debt. Yes we owe £18m to HMRC but the rest of the £50m we owe is 90% made up of our "debts" to Chainrai and Gaydamak. No-one in their right minds believes we owe these two ******s anything like that amount and the media always conveniently omit to mention that we also have money coming into the club (parachute payments, outstanding transfer fees for Diarra, Johnson etc).


Lastly (and it's my last post today so don't expect any more) on Storrie - there seems to be a belief on here that most Pompey fans idolise him. A few dicks sang his name a while back but he's constantly been referred to as Storrie teller by most for as long as I can remember. People on here are great at taking one or two posts on a Pompey board and assuming that's the view of the majority. For my part, I believe nothing's ever as simple as black and white. Storrie should go because of what's happened to the club but I do know the hours he's put in whilst doing the job and the **** he's had to go through just to keep the club afloat. People say it's all his fault but his point about being just an employee does hold some water. If Gaydamak was saying don't worry and providing the money I don't really see what else Storrie was supposed to do other than suggest caution - which I know for a fact he did. But he's the CEO, it's been a mess and he has to go.


The PL have done so much to help Pompey. They have done so I do agree to desperately try and keep the PL going. They let you purchase/loan players during the transfer window, something that has proved to be patently wrong due to your financial problems. They also have turned a blind eye to the fact that you have had winding up proceedings against you and the judge agreeing you are trading whilst insolvent.

I still can't believe that you are giving Storrie any lee-way, he was CEO and knew what the contracts were costing and also that the outgoings were far higher than the incomings. It was his job to then put a stop and go and sell players, not put barriers in the way.Had he been honest(haha) and grabbed the nettle when we the press were saying over a year ago that you owed 100m, perhapos you would not be where you are now.


Corp seems to think that pomepy are going to see the cash from sky and outstanding transfers.


Wrong fish boy, the creditors are going to get 1st dibs on that, especially that nice chap from Hong Kong.


Still, we're used to you being wrong.


Two points


1) You guys are fecking useless. This is a TAKEOVER thread. Today is Thursday. It is the last day of our working week, therefore as has been debated and explained to death, today IS Friday. The Skates are just about to start to learn this as well (although maybe not, don't think that many would grasp the concept)


2) Ho is totally wrong about the PL not helping. Again it is the hugely simplistic viewpoint we have seen from that end of the M27. What is "helping" - mongview - "they won't give us our money".

Reality, they have rules and processes so correct, the PL will not give them any money.

However in public the PL has already helped - they have paid TV money direct to creditors (which is why they are in admin because Chanrai thought he had that nailed down for himself) THAT is helping the CLUB, without that they would have got creamed at the WUO hearing.

Then there is "Here are the rules" oh, look it does not say that we could NOT do X,Y,Z.

So in that area, the PL for example COULD transfer a guarantee that the TV payment would be granted in the future as security to say a bank against a loan to the Administrator. Now that it will not affect their competitive position in the League that is likely to be approved. In fact the PL will have vested INTEREST in ensuring that post admin poorsmuff remain as (un) competitive to the end of the season as they were pre-admin.



These are not "conspiracy" theories they are an analysis of the information we are seeing.


It's like that "ITK dig" from Ho. Media - 4 parties in discussions. My response - Oh dear. Anlysis - something MUST have changed.

Next up, who could the 4 parties be - PL, HMRC & Administrators. Well yes one of them was the PL.


Does ANYONE think Chanrai would have pulled the plug IF the PL had NOT been in discussions? - lol

I've no doubt we'll be docked more points too and the people to blame will walk off with a bank full of cash.


It's the fans who will suffer.


its strikes me, that apart from Mandick, it's only the players that have walked off with the bankfull of cash.


You the fans weren't suffering when they were taking you to the heights in the league and cup. Are you actually suffering now or just feeling sorry for yourselves that your club is falling back down the pyramid? I didn't feel as though I was suffering when were were in the ****. I felt like the directors had ****ed up gambling on promotion and now I was taking my medicine for that over ambition.

But I just want to clarify people's comments on here that no-one will buy Pompey. Is that correct?


Don't think anybody here is betting on anything.


For myself I can't see WHY anybody would want to buy what is essentially a shell company (as there is pretty much FA else in terms of assets) with an historic name .

Look at the way very large number of Man Utd fans have protested against the Glaziers and the way their club has been saddled with huge amounts of debt. Despite huge levels of success on the pitch, they have continually challenged the way their club is run. The Skates support on the other hand..................



Good point and worth pointing out to any of the "we are the victims" in this protestors.


you went along with the success bought with illegal arms trade money, so you have to take the consequences now.


Some Pompey bloke from portsmouth SOS giving a well reasoned arguement on SSN................. or not as the case maybe.


He seriously seems like he has walked towards the SSN crew from off the street


Portsmouth Today online Neil: Pompey extended the deadlines for the consortium to prove they had the necessary funds in the bank yet Chainrai was never convinced.

These talks lasted two solid days and had also been conducted weeks earlier.

Having come so close, it was a massive shame something like that should force the deal to be abandoned.

Quote of the thread imo

If the skates try to do a prepack administration, they presumably still need a CVA to avoid further points penalties.(Hopefully for next season).


Is that correct, or can you not have a CVA on that type of administration?


They would still need a CVA, however a CVA is granted on a 75% agreement of the total owed is required, so on the basis that they are around 65 million in debt, which is around 48 million Chanrai + Gadamak = ..... you guessed it 48 million, so they will probably get their CVA

Look Nick, I fail to see why any Pompey fan should feel "shame" that an international gang of crooks have raped our club for every possible penny. We're victims here as much as anyone.


When I pointed to the skates I know the shame of allowing a gun runner to fund your club, the general reponse was a shrug of the shoulders and a reply of "I don't care where the money comes from".

They do harp on about the massive fan base don`t they??


makes me laugh that even The Portsmouth News hasn't worked out that wages are not £1.8m a month they are £3.1m a month.


So Chainrai is funding the alleged admin, and I can only assume he is doing so for financial gain.


By renting the stadium back the Pompey, Chainrai will stand to make £15million (over 15 years). However, each month that admin drags on he will be another £4 million out of pocket. By the time the transfer window re-opens Chainrai will have put more money into the club than he stands to gain via stadium rent.


I can only assume that Chainrai is hoping for a quick sale after they enter admin. It's not even that much of a gamble, as if the buyers they have lined up don't come up with the cash, he can simply cut his losses and put the club into liquidation.

Good point and worth pointing out to any of the "we are the victims" in this protestors.


you went along with the success bought with illegal arms trade money, so you have to take the consequences now.


It would have been easy for Man Utd fans to have buried their heads in the sand and continue to enjoy watching their team win the Champs league and Prem League, but instead loads have got up off their @rses and seriously challenged the way their club is being run and the level of debt they have been saddled with. I find it amazing that none of the Skates made any sort of serious noise about how their club has been run over the last few years, even now they don't really seem to get it.

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