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''Leading the way is a South African consortium. The unnamed group is an investment company consisting of multi-national members. They have spent almost three weeks negotiating with Balram Chainrai over the purchase of Pompey.


With proof-of-funds documentation now being considered, they remain in the driving seat.



Oh Dear Lord they have GOT to be kidding SURELY.


FFS, The Club are in direct discussions with investors WHO HAVE NOT EVEN PROVEN THEY HAVE FUNDS YET!


Forget the obvious Al Fahim analogies, but in ANY professional M&A discussions the SELLER will only ENGAGE in DISCUSSIONS with a BUYER who has PROVEN they have the FUNDS in place to do the deal.


Dear few fans - I truly hope that you don't get all excited - Tony Lynham PROVED funds to Mark Fry. Marc Jackson PROVED funds to Mark Fry.


They weren't even allowed to look at the books until they did.


South African Investors without proof of funds - well done Hutch good job!


And again..


So the submission to the Court stated "investor" waiting.... needed 30 days


One appears to be a Ponzi scheme and the other has started discussions without Proof of Funds.


Let me guess what the Judge & HMRC would say.....



yep nothing - they'd have been taken off to hospital to have their sides stitched back together


I have been trying,without success to tell some that Admin is not the way ahead nesessarily,but they are convinced it will be there saviour,am i wrong?or is this chap correct.......


"Lard, you're so way off of reality it's frightening. Once PFC go into administration there'll be QUEUE of people wanting the business as administrator. The debts are extinguished, the assets remain (players contracts etc.) and therefore an administrator could easily get in some short term finance to run it until a buyer is found."


I just can't seem to get through to them.

I have been trying,without success to tell some that Admin is not the way ahead nesessarily,but they are convinced it will be there saviour,am i wrong?or is this chap correct.......


"Lard, you're so way off of reality it's frightening. Once PFC go into administration there'll be QUEUE of people wanting the business as administrator. The debts are extinguished, the assets remain (players contracts etc.) and therefore an administrator could easily get in some short term finance to run it until a buyer is found."


I just can't seem to get through to them.


SSN reckoned it was too late to go into administration. I believe they can only do so if the court decided

Saw that but wasn't the figure £10M that Chainrai was going to buy it for and then rent for 15 years @ £1M a year?


Buy it from who exactly ??? I think he has just said look I'll say its worth 10mill , you pay me £1m a year over 15 years and we will call it quits...Its not like he is pumping another £10m into the club coffers.. it's just another scam..

I have been trying,without success to tell some that Admin is not the way ahead nesessarily,but they are convinced it will be there saviour,am i wrong?or is this chap correct.......


"Lard, you're so way off of reality it's frightening. Once PFC go into administration there'll be QUEUE of people wanting the business as administrator. The debts are extinguished, the assets remain (players contracts etc.) and therefore an administrator could easily get in some short term finance to run it until a buyer is found."


I just can't seem to get through to them.




So that was you...I had already posted the conversation!!!;)

I have been trying,without success to tell some that Admin is not the way ahead nesessarily,but they are convinced it will be there saviour,am i wrong?or is this chap correct.......


"Lard, you're so way off of reality it's frightening. Once PFC go into administration there'll be QUEUE of people wanting the business as administrator. The debts are extinguished, the assets remain (players contracts etc.) and therefore an administrator could easily get in some short term finance to run it until a buyer is found."


I just can't seem to get through to them.


Don't worry about it. There will be one hell of a wake up call when HMRC wind them up on 1 March. Even then I'm sure they'll all be turning up to the home game, and will wonder why there's a dirty great big padlock on the gate and a handful of red and white Liebherr demolition cranes on the pitch.

No assets left now...




No training ground and no stadium.


Assest stripping in disguise by Gaydamak senior?

That's the last piece of the jigsaw in place then, junior owns the land around notarf & now Senior cough cough sorry Chainrai owns the ground, but hasn't put 10-million into the funds but written of 10-million of his 17-mill loan nudge nudge wink wink. Just more rearranging numbers on paper, but they've just lost their last asset.

All assets now stripped time for HMRC to get the gun out out put them out of their misery.

One big question for me about this is can they legally do this, as under a WUP unless its to bring actual cash into the company, then they've just moved an asset away with no money coming in? seems dodgy to me (no surprise with this bunch of fraudsters) but not being a financial expert I may be wrong.

Buy it from who exactly ??? I think he has just said look I'll say its worth 10mill , you pay me £1m a year over 15 years and we will call it quits...Its not like he is pumping another £10m into the club coffers.. it's just another scam..


He's not saying give me £1m a year for 15 years and we'll call it quits.


He's saying give me £1m a year for 15 years and I keep the ground too....


What he's really saying is get my asset out of the company before the liquidator gets his hands on it ;)

That's the last piece of the jigsaw in place then, junior owns the land around notarf & now Senior cough cough sorry Chainrai owns the ground, but hasn't put 10-million into the funds but written of 10-million of his 17-mill loan nudge nudge wink wink. Just more rearranging numbers on paper, but they've just lost their last asset.

All assets now stripped time for HMRC to get the gun out out put them out of their misery.

One big question for me about this is can they legally do this, as under a WUP unless its to bring actual cash into the company, then they've just moved an asset away with no money coming in? seems dodgy to me (no surprise with this bunch of fraudsters) but not being a financial expert I may be wrong.


I thought that because he was the mortgage-holder he could actually claim it as his anyway if they defaulted on it

Posted (edited)
slightly off topic - but i thought i'd paste this from a skate forum, had me spitting out my tea



But, the one thing that stands out about Portsmouth more than any owner, player or manager is it's fans. Pound for pound, we are the GRATEST supporters in the land and quite possible the world.''


so, the same fans that can't sell out a 20k stadium? good job. :rolleyes:


Pure class!


Not even the best fans in Hampshire! If they don't sell out today, when their club needs them the most, then they are a disgrace.


As for the best fans in the world, have they ever seen any other football from around the globe?











Edited by oxfordshire_saint
He's not saying give me £1m a year for 15 years and we'll call it quits.


He's saying give me £1m a year for 15 years and I keep the ground too....


What he's really saying is get my asset out of the company before the liquidator gets his hands on it ;)


Thanks WR... not a bad deal then lol mind you they may play the listed building card soon... maybe swampy will make an apperance

Pure class!


Not even the best fans in Hampshire! If they don't sell out today, when their club needs them the most, then they are a disgrace.


As for the best fans in the world, have they ever seen any other football from around the globe?







Yeah but those dont have fans with a bugle ,drum and a bell, that obviously makes a difference.

Im not up on all these things, but it my understanding from reading some of the articles on here.

Nobody has come back and confirmed or denied whether PFC were allowed to submit more info after the deadline on wednesday , as they were reported to be doing thursday.

I did a few pages back. In essence, IMO, yes they are, within reason. To do otherwise could open a door for challenge of any judgement. No Judge likes to be appealed, especially on a point of law which existed at the time of the judgement. From what I have seen so far, the Judge and Counsel for HMRC are being prudent.


With respect to the reason for issusing the WUP, yes it is very clearly because HMRC lost their preferred cerditor status, but, again IMO, the timing, at the end of December, was intended to focus PCFC's mind on the debt problem, and "encourage" them to sell players during the window to pay their debts. PCFC's response was "Fück You". They sold enough to pay January's wages. They will get no mercy from HMRC, and deserve none.


And who ever suggested that PCFC want to sell players outside of the window? Sure they asked for permission, but did not expect for one minute that they would get it. If they had, they would have had a big problem. IF, they have potential buyers, who are conducting due diligence enquiries, how on earth can you do that when the seller is disposing of it's assets while you are valuing the Company. And how can you "sell" a club with prospects of staying in the Premier League from 8 points adrift, if you've then sold the team?


No, what they want is to be able to stand, or perhaps more appropriately kneel, in front of the Judge and plead that they've done everything in their power to raise cash, but "the Authorities" have made some stupid rules that are stopping them. If it wasn't for those stupid rules everything would have been fine. If you want to make a few bob, stand outside the Court on 1st March selling Kleenex.

I did a few pages back. In essence, IMO, yes they are, within reason. To do otherwise could open a door for challenge of any judgement. No Judge likes to be appealed, especially on a point of law which existed at the time of the judgement. From what I have seen so far, the Judge and Counsel for HMRC are being prudent.


With respect to the reason for issusing the WUP, yes it is very clearly because HMRC lost their preferred cerditor status, but, again IMO, the timing, at the end of December, was intended to focus PCFC's mind on the debt problem, and "encourage" them to sell players during the window to pay their debts. PCFC's response was "Fück You". They sold enough to pay January's wages. They will get no mercy from HMRC, and deserve none.


And who ever suggested that PCFC want to sell players outside of the window? Sure they asked for permission, but did not expect for one minute that they would get it. If they had, they would have had a big problem. IF, they have potential buyers, who are conducting due diligence enquiries, how on earth can you do that when the seller is disposing of it's assets while you are valuing the Company. And how can you "sell" a club with prospects of staying in the Premier League from 8 points adrift, if you've then sold the team?


No, what they want is to be able to stand, or perhaps more appropriately kneel, in front of the Judge and plead that they've done everything in their power to raise cash, but "the Authorities" have made some stupid rules that are stopping them. If it wasn't for those stupid rules everything would have been fine. If you want to make a few bob, stand outside the Court on 1st March selling Kleenex.

Yep, agree with all of this.
I thought that because he was the mortgage-holder he could actually claim it as his anyway if they defaulted on it

Understand that, he had his loan secured against it, but on being wound up he would then have been just a creditor along with all other creditor's, and would have had to stand in line like the rest to get his share.

Now he's removed that asset from the company books without any money exchanging hands. Now I may be wrong but I didn't think they could do that in their situation?

Pure class!


Not even the best fans in Hampshire! If they don't sell out today, when their club needs them the most, then they are a disgrace.


As for the best fans in the world, have they ever seen any other football from around the globe?











There pathetic compared to Pompey just show me in those pictures where their CLOWN is with a bell eh! Poopey are obviously the most ubber ubber fans in the whole wide world. Anyone who can sell out a massive 20,000 shed week in week out Oh :mad:


So have I got this right.

They owned their own ground, pretty much their only asset of any value.

They owed Chainrai £17m

Now Chainrai owns the ground

They STILL owe him £7m (plus accumulating interest) which they still have to repay.

They will have to pay him (up to) £1m a year to use the ground for 15 years.

After 15 years they have nowhere to play unless the stmp up what he's asking for then (could be anything)

If they default on one "rental period" within that 15 years (15 days more like) he can (presumably) evict them


I wonder which Edition of "Running a Business for Dummies" they borrowed from the library before coming up with that one !

I suspect MLG, that the courts may have something to say about this. It may be seen as an illegal transaction, in removing one of the companys assets, in the likely event of liquidation. I bring us back again, to my understanding of the winding up order. My take on this, is that if they are found to have traded illegally, then all transactions since the submission of WO, are also deemed to be illegal. I stand to be corrected. If true, then the transference of nottarf krap to Chainrai, will also be illegal.

If I got it right, he (Chainrai/Portpin) took a charge over FP as a term of the loan agreement. That charge was registered before the publication of the WUP, although it seems there was another one after this. If he has taken FP in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement and the registered charge, it will probably hold up.


Chainrai is no fool, unlike those actually at FP.

If I got it right, he (Chainrai/Portpin) took a charge over FP as a term of the loan agreement. That charge was registered before the publication of the WUP, although it seems there was another one after this. If he has taken FP in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement and the registered charge, it will probably hold up.


Chainrai is no fool, unlike those actually at FP.


But Norwich Union / Aviva OWNED our ground / stadium prior to administration. We were mortgaged to them. They only got a percentage of what was owed, didn't they?

This is so glorious to watch.


I can't wait for them to disappear off the face of the Earth.


It isn't going to happen Bobby. After much umming and Ahhring, I have decided to join the (after today) 1000 strong Pompey Trust. Agreements have been secured with various entities to ensure Portsmouth Football Club, the PFC you all know and love, will compete next year. We will of course be no match playing wise for our beloved rivals in the third teir of English Football, the gulf will exist much like it did last week, however I can assure you this will, in no way lessen my affection for all things (ok, most things) Pompey. This will make us stronger than ever and whilst I would never choose it (Too scared of the unknown!), strangely I'm looking forward to it! Should we die in our current form, things will not be better for you, though I wont deny you'll get much short lived (It'll fade soon enough) pleasure from our actual demise. It will be the most high profile 'Death' of a Football club since Fiorentina, our name 'Pompey' will be synonimous with Success, Excess, Mismanagement, Death and finally Rebirth. To paraphrase the great Obi Wan Kenobi;


'Strike us down and we will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!'


Still you guys get back to your Gloating, Pontificating and all round general enjoyment of our high profile demise, I enjoy interacting with you all on here and bear none of you any malice whatsoever, just remember this post in 3 or 4 years as I promise you, the best thing that can happen for you as Saints fans is Porstmouth existing in its current form, Administrated, sold and eventually struggling in the lower leagues, NOT a Liquidated, reborn PFC. You won't see it this way (Why should you?), but don't say I never told you so. :D

It isn't going to happen Bobby. After much umming and Ahhring, I have decided to join the (after today) 1000 strong Pompey Trust. Agreements have been secured with various entities to ensure Portsmouth Football Club, the PFC you all know and love, will compete next year. We will of course be no match playing wise for our beloved rivals in the third teir of English Football, the gulf will exist much like it did last week, however I can assure you this will, in no way lessen my affection for all things (ok, most things) Pompey. This will make us stronger than ever and whilst I would never choose it (Too scared of the unknown!), strangely I'm looking forward to it! Should we die in our current form, things will not be better for you, though I wont deny you'll get much short lived (It'll fade soon enough) pleasure from our actual demise. It will be the most high profile 'Death' of a Football club since Fiorentina, our name 'Pompey' will be synonimous with Success, Excess, Mismanagement, Death and finally Rebirth. To paraphrase the great Obi Wan Kenobi;


'Strike us down and we will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!'


Still you guys get back to your Gloating, Pontificating and all round general enjoyment of our high profile demise, I enjoy interacting with you all on here and bear none of you any malice whatsoever, just remember this post in 3 or 4 years as I promise you, the best thing that can happen for you as Saints fans is Porstmouth existing in its current form, Administrated, sold and eventually struggling in the lower leagues, NOT a Liquidated, reborn PFC. You won't see it this way (Why should you?), but don't say I never told you so. :D


I think Delboy said similar things to Rodney in the 80s LOL

But Norwich Union / Aviva OWNED our ground / stadium prior to administration. We were mortgaged to them. They only got a percentage of what was owed, didn't they?


Yes but Aviva negotiated a settelement. They were not shafted, They professionally accepted a discount on what they were owed.


There was also talk of "future payments" should the club move up the league, no idea if ML accepted that.


Whereas Chanrai can do what he likes with the stadium.


Which as I KEEP trying to tell everyone is IN THE WAY of a LOT of dodgy people making a LOT of money from a property development. The club is liquidated and all that land is redeveloped with a Leisure function such as a cinema

It isn't going to happen Bobby. After much umming and Ahhring, I have decided to join the (after today) 1000 strong Pompey Trust. Agreements have been secured with various entities to ensure Portsmouth Football Club, the PFC you all know and love, will compete next year. We will of course be no match playing wise for our beloved rivals in the third teir of English Football, the gulf will exist much like it did last week, however I can assure you this will, in no way lessen my affection for all things (ok, most things) Pompey. This will make us stronger than ever and whilst I would never choose it (Too scared of the unknown!), strangely I'm looking forward to it! Should we die in our current form, things will not be better for you, though I wont deny you'll get much short lived (It'll fade soon enough) pleasure from our actual demise. It will be the most high profile 'Death' of a Football club since Fiorentina, our name 'Pompey' will be synonimous with Success, Excess, Mismanagement, Death and finally Rebirth. To paraphrase the great Obi Wan Kenobi;


'Strike us down and we will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!'


Still you guys get back to your Gloating, Pontificating and all round general enjoyment of our high profile demise, I enjoy interacting with you all on here and bear none of you any malice whatsoever, just remember this post in 3 or 4 years as I promise you, the best thing that can happen for you as Saints fans is Porstmouth existing in its current form, Administrated, sold and eventually struggling in the lower leagues, NOT a Liquidated, reborn PFC. You won't see it this way (Why should you?), but don't say I never told you so. :D


If you go pop and reform it'll be just like AFC Wimbledon, lots of hype and media coverage at the start, then the buzz will fade and you'll find your level with small crowds manly made up of a die-hard element of somewhere between 5,000 - 10,000.


'Strike us down and we will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!' :D


That sounds strangely reminiscent of a quote by Storrie.

I have to say your impending demise will bring me no great joy. I will miss the rivalry, the fun to be had in hating you all, and there would be much greater fun watching slowly decompose into a lower league one team over the next few years rather than one big catastrophe.

On the plus side, though, an abrupt end to this thread would mean I could resume meaningful employment, family life and enjoy the daylight of spring.


PES - I genuinely feel really sorry for you and the other decent Pompey fans. At first the train wreck that is now PFC was hilarious but now it is cringeworthy.


It is also fascinating to watch some of my fellow Saints fans revelling in your demise and hoping you go pop.....many of these same people were the same ones who were doing as much bleating as some of your fellow fans. And lest we forget, Mike Wilde completely screwed our club over spending money we didn't have (not as bad as your crooks).


It will be a sad day (from a rivalry perspective) when you go pop - however, PFC and the crooks that have run it into the ground, deserve all they are going to get. Basically the club cheated it's way to glory (?) and has screwed over local businesses that will struggle to overcome PFC's lying, cheating and non-paying ways.


To the likes of you PES, you have my sympathy....to PFC: f**k them.....the people running it have been lying cheating scumbags for a long time and gotten away with it for way too long.

If you go pop and reform it'll be just like AFC Wimbledon, lots of hype and media coverage at the start, then the buzz will fade and you'll find your level with small crowds manly made up of a die-hard element of somewhere between 5,000 - 10,000.


current skates team would be pleased with 10,000 in CCC next year

PES - I genuinely feel really sorry for you and the other decent Pompey fans. At first the train wreck that is now PFC was hilarious but now it is cringeworthy.


It is also fascinating to watch some of my fellow Saints fans revelling in your demise and hoping you go pop.....many of these same people were the same ones who were doing as much bleating as some of your fellow fans. And lest we forget, Mike Wilde completely screwed our club over spending money we didn't have (not as bad as your crooks).


It will be a sad day (from a rivalry perspective) when you go pop - however, PFC and the crooks that have run it into the ground, deserve all they are going to get. Basically the club cheated it's way to glory (?) and has screwed over local businesses that will struggle to overcome PFC's lying, cheating and non-paying ways.


To the likes of you PES, you have my sympathy....to PFC: f**k them.....the people running it have been lying cheating scumbags for a long time and gotten away with it for way too long.


Innit always the way? Much like how those who Dish it out most venemously are always the ones who can't take it back! Life and m*therf*ckers eh? :(


These things are way too complicated for me, but I can't see how this helps them.


How does this help them pay off HMRC or pay the wages this month? It's not like the £10mil is a cash injection, they weren't paying off any of the £10mil anyway.


Any reduction in the debt, will just be offset by the reductions in the assets.


All I can see that's happened is Chaneri has placed the ground out of reach of the liquadator, get's £1mil a year for 15 years if they find a buyer, or can devolop if they dont.


Could it be that by doing this they also get the Directors off the "trading whilst insolvent hook?


Radio 5 skate thing at lunch time;


Q) what is the one reason that would attract an investor now?

A) there isn't one - unless you are a fan there is no way anyone would put money in


To finance expert

Q) what is likely to happen

A) could be saved, admin, or to go completely, fairly even chance of all but if you asked me which is most likely - to go completely

'Pompey' will be synonimous with Success


I work in Pompey and the only three matches that you lot go on about up there are the two Wembley FA Cup Games & the game against us last week. So thats 2 victories against championship teams & one againts a League One side, both when you had overspent millions on players!


If thats success then you can keep it!

If you go pop and reform it'll be just like AFC Wimbledon, lots of hype and media coverage at the start, then the buzz will fade and you'll find your level with small crowds manly made up of a die-hard element of somewhere between 5,000 - 10,000.


What does the size of the crowd have to do with anything? I've NEVER said we had massive support, I don't particularly WANT massive support, my best Pompey memories are as a young man when crowds of 8,000 were the norm. Some weeks I'd go with every intention of going to the game and end up never making it out the pub! It was all about belonging and whilst i'm aware that'll never be recaptured (as it's part of my youth), it'd be nice to culturally see a return, minus the hooliganism, to what I enjoyed as a youth. Saints can have the support, stick another Teir on your stadium, fill it with 50,000 yellow wig wearing fools chanting Yellows, Yellows, yellows! I'm Pompey till I die mate, never wanted to be anything like your bunch. As you lot love to point out we're very different. :)


Oh yeah, before anyone gives me any ****, i'm watching the game at home with a nasty case of the sniffles. My missus is taking her mum instead! ;)


'Strike us down and we will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!'


Well you couldn't get any worse.....so is that with the 8000 fans you managed to scrape together in the lower leagues or the massive 10,000 you had aginast Sunderland in the cup.


joke club, joke management, joke city and even bigger joke fans.


It not just us laughing at I live n work in London and the majority think skates are a laughing stock and the sooner they go back to the lower division where they will be ahome the better.

Oh yeah, before anyone gives me any ****, i'm watching the game at home with a nasty case of the sniffles. My missus is taking her mum instead! ;)


The Pompey Family Der Der Der Der.

What does the size of the crowd have to do with anything? I've NEVER said we had massive support, I don't particularly WANT massive support, my best Pompey memories are as a young man when crowds of 8,000 were the norm. Some weeks I'd go with every intention of going to the game and end up never making it out the pub! It was all about belonging and whilst i'm aware that'll never be recaptured (as it's part of my youth), it'd be nice to culturally see a return, minus the hooliganism, to what I enjoyed as a youth. Saints can have the support, stick another Teir on your stadium, fill it with 50,000 yellow wig wearing fools chanting Yellows, Yellows, yellows! I'm Pompey till I die mate, never wanted to be anything like your bunch. As you lot love to point out we're very different. :)


Oh yeah, before anyone gives me any ****, i'm watching the game at home with a nasty case of the sniffles. My missus is taking her mum instead! ;)


Don't upset yourself yet , you got at least a week to go :D

. To paraphrase the great Obi Wan Kenobi;


'Strike us down and we will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!'




It's a long time since Ive seen Star Wars, but I dont think Obi Wan Kenobi was suggesting that the rebel alliance was going to be re-formed and thereby strengthened in the Beazer Homes League Division 8.

Yes but Aviva negotiated a settelement. They were not shafted, They professionally accepted a discount on what they were owed.


There was also talk of "future payments" should the club move up the league, no idea if ML accepted that.


According to David Conn in the Guardian, they were fully repaid:



For others, administration meant they could be bought by new owners, who paid a fraction of the debts that were owed – except at Southampton, where last year Markus Liebherr paid Saints' debts in full


Fair play to ML if this is true.

I work in Pompey and the only three matches that you lot go on about up there are the two Wembley FA Cup Games & the game against us last week. So thats 2 victories against championship teams & one againts a League One side, both when you had overspent millions on players!


If thats success then you can keep it!


By that I mean a successful club going to the wall. Look Paul, if your not going to be even handed then I'm wasting my breath. I'm straight about things, especially comparissons. Portsmouth will be by far the most Successful club to go to the wall in Post war Britain. We've often punched above our weight, for whatever reason (I know what the reasons are by the way, but facts is facts) and I believe we are 'pound for pound' probably the most decorated club in Britain, your bigger than us and since the late 60's been numerically better supported and yet you've won f*ck all in comparrison. :)

It's a long time since Ive seen Star Wars, but I dont think Obi Wan Kenobi was suggesting that the rebel alliance was going to be re-formed and thereby strengthened in the Beazer Homes League Division 8.


How do you know? Watch it again. ;)

By that I mean a successful club going to the wall. Look Paul, if your not going to be even handed then I'm wasting my breath. I'm straight about things, especially comparissons. Portsmouth will be by far the most Successful club to go to the wall in Post war Britain. We've often punched above our weight, for whatever reason (I know what the reasons are by the way, but facts is facts) and I believe we are 'pound for pound' probably the most decorated club in Britain, your bigger than us and since the late 60's been numerically better supported and yet you've won f*ck all in comparrison. :)


Well it is about time you paid Terry the decorator then.. :D

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