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A club that trains in Southampton - there's nothing this club has to offer. No decent stadium, no training ground etc. etc.



(who was that speaking?)


steve clarirdge


Interesting. They can't get a new owner because of the negative press. Nothing to do with the balance sheet, immediate cash flow deficiency, crooked debt-holders or investor value.

Just got back in & was listening to Talksport playing an interview with Tony Pulis. I'm sure he said at the start that if you lose a football club, then you lose the community and lose a couple of hundred thousand people.....


Crikey, I thought liquidation was bad, didn't realise that it involved ethnic cleansing!!


Te splattered everywhere..brilliant


All over - no real offer of any hope for the blue few - no one can see anyone wating to take the club on, HMRC will want their £11M if they are bought out of Admin.

No assets left at the club meaning it's not attractive in or out of Admin.

It's the club's fault.

Chanrai will save the club - more likely for the Airport to re-open

That wouldn't help. If I remember it right (it was a long time ago), it was a grass field. Difficult to land between the tethered carthorses and caravans.

So is administration still an option for them then? The BBC panel seem to think so.


Its an option but its not under their control. They would have to ask and the court agree I believe.


May i just add reference the quay radio show earlier, they stated that the Guardian newspaper will disclose potential takeover parties in due dilligance in tomorrows edition.


Dear Mr Claridge.


I just want to drop you a quick note of thanks for making the recent fans forum interesting.


It is clear that you have researched the subject matter well, you have solid views on how matters have come to a head and who to blame.


I would email this to you but it was obvious that you are so well informed that you obviously read this thread on a regular basis.


Well done, good job, especially the put down of the fan who believed it is a better deal than West Ham.


Yours DP


Very good fans forum. Basically crammed into all the thick Skates heads (that don't see the bigger picture) that they are very unlikely to come out of this well.


They are screwed six ways from Sunday. :lol:

Dear Mr Claridge.


I just want to drop you a quick note of thanks for making the recent fans forum interesting.


It is clear that you have researched the subject matter well, you have solid views on how matters have come to a head and who to blame.


I would email this to you but it was obvious that you are so well informed that you obviously read this thread on a regular basis.


Well done, good job, especially the put down of the fan who believed it is a better deal than West Ham.


Yours DP


PS You still smell of fish

May i just add reference the quay radio show earlier, they stated that the Guardian newspaper will disclose potential takeover parties in due dilligance in tomorrows edition.


i hope lifelongsaint and helpmerhonda have pulled together a rescue package, i'm surprised he hasn't popped up yet tbf.


Missing items from Storrie's dictionary -


Transfer window - a window in which normal clubs do transfers, a useful tool for those who need to sell.


Criminal - someone who launders arms money, steals from transfer deals, and trades insolvent whilst simultaneously trousering cash.


Debt repayment - a scheme that allows you to address debts, favoured by people who want to stay out of prison.


Friend – someone who preferably doesn’t maim children with landmines and isn’t wanted for selling arms illegally to African dictatorships.


Liar - someone who misleads fans, spins untruth through the media, misleads the taxman, treats the court system with disdain.


Tanya - prison slang for someone who could put you behind bars if she gets offered a deal.


Scary – a Russian mafia debt collector firebombing your car at 2am as a warning.

Not scary – someone waving a tenner at you.


Inevitable - an event that cannot be avoided however much you pretend that everything is fine.


Poker – a game of chance where people with nothing in their hand try and bluff their way to make money, also a type of massage performed on industrial estates, mainly by lonely truckers.


Ford - a struggling car giant, also a cushy holiday resort in West Sussex for low risk convicts, and people who had nothing in their hands, see poker.


Liquidation – an unfortunate by-product of a land deal that should set you up for life.


Ethics – the county where Harry buried the bodies after the West Ham blag.






Check out the league pyramid and sing along to that familiar tune –

'They’re on the way to Zamaretto!'

May i just add reference the quay radio show earlier, they stated that the Guardian newspaper will disclose potential takeover parties in due dilligance in tomorrows edition.


Let's have a guess at that one shall we?


He's a British National & Passport holder.


He currently lives overseas.




In Israel



Yep that would make sense, the only way their intelligence services can get hold of all the paperwork they need to tidy up their little organised crime mess






.....The FA said that they were making an example of Southampton and they should do exactly the same to Portsmouth by saying no, you aren't allowed to sell your players. Portsmouth should not allowed to do dealings in this transfer window simply because it shows unfair biased towards Premier League clubs. I have no particular dislike for Portsmouth as a club, it's fans (other than the attention seeking one who looks like an overgrown, hairy smurf), but at the end of the day they should not be given a benefit that no-one else has?

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