bridge too far Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Everyone is defering payments to help PFC!!....... He still doesn't get it, does he? Deferring monies owed doesn't alter the basic fact that they don't have the money to meet their commitments NOW! That's what they're being judged on
Danny Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Everyone is defering payments to help PFC!!....... Storrie: "Most clubs would be insolvent if you used the criteria of debt." And this is the chief executive speaking. Honestly, I ask you.
Clapham Saint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 A broadcaster for the ITV Meridian liquidated his ailing club to spare it from "terrible pain". Police are investigating after the Meridian broadcaster said he had a pact with the club to act if its suffering increased. During a documentary on the death of the Premier League, Fred Dinenage, 70, said: "I killed a club once. It'd been my love and it got relegated. I picked up the phone and applied for a winding up order, until it was dead. No regrets." Mr Dinenage said he liquidated his former love while he was in a third rate regional news show - which he did not name - after accountants told him that there was nothing further that could be done for club. "I said to the accountant: 'Leave me… just for a bit,' and he went away. "I picked up the phone and persued the winding up order until it was dead. "The accountant came back and I said: 'It's gone.' Nothing more was ever said. "When you love a football club, it is difficult to see it suffer. " Very, VERY good.
pedg Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Storrie: "Most clubs would be insolvent if you used the criteria of debt." "But we have taken it to another level" is probably what he should have said next.
Winchester Red Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Everyone is defering payments to help PFC!!....... I can see how those conversations went.... 'Defer the payment until we get taken over or we'll go bust and you get nothing' Has he deferred his wages - w*nker
Saint Keith Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 i think Storrie needs to understand the definition of fiduciary duty " A Directors' legal and moral duty to exercise the powers of their office for the benefit of the employer or the firm. Directors owe the duty of utmost good faith and must not put themselves in a position where their personal interests and their fiduciary duties may conflict."
Tamesaint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I defy anyone who reads PES 's post of 11.25pm last night (post no 14515) not to feel a tiny , tiny bit of sympathy for the blue few. What a farce. How on earth can a football club end up in the hands of Middle Eastern mobsters?? And his post doesn't even mention the recently charged Doctor or the tax avoiding trio of Mandaric, Rednapp and Story Teller. The football authorities in this country are an absolute disgrace. Scum like this should not have been allowed anywhere near a football club. I do feel sympathy for any long standing Pompey fans who have supported their club over the years and who have now been deposited in the middle of this farce. They will be better off as AFC Pompey somewhere in the non league hierarchy if it means that their club becomes clean. Mind you .... it is great fun watching them suffer and I am loving every minute of it!!!!
dronskisaint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Interesting too that in a lot of the figures that constantly get updated I can't recall seeing that ANOTHER £3 million is owed to agents on top of everything else...perhaps someone can update the overall creditor picture?
pedg Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Everyone is defering payments to help PFC!!....... But HMRC are not and if you can't get the money to pay them its goodnight vienna even if everyone else agrees to differ. Anyway we all know the others are deferring because they know its the small chance they have of getting money where as for HMRC winding up pompey will scare the bejesus out of other clubs and net them more money in the long term.
JRM Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Everyone is defering payments to help PFC!!....... Reading that makes me sick. Fingers crossed for the next week to go quickly, just get the whole thing over and done with. I just feel they are somehow going to get out of it.
Winchester Red Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 (edited) MESSAGE FOR MR STORRIE Just stop.... it's absolutely time to stop. Until you rid yourselves of the parasites PFC isn't the club that your supporters love anyway. Let it go and let them start again. If you don't, I (we?) can only believe it's because of what will be turned up when you do. For once in your life, do the right thing :mad: . Edited 18 February, 2010 by Winchester Red spelling
Saint Keith Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 i just wish they would hurry up and die. i am trying to get my thesis written and im about 5 weeks behind because im spending all my time on this bloody thread, not to mention the lost income
mcjwills Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 One or two seemed concerned the 'banter' will disappear when it all goes you really believe they'll all just go away? Their grubby little town aint going anywhere, the knuckledraggers that inhabit it will still wanna fight. and AFC p*rtsmyth & havant & waterlooville & whoever united rovers athletic will still see us as the local rivals. They'll be more bitter than ever! Yeah but they will have to win bucket loads of games just to be able to play us in the FA Cup, so the bitter hatred will have to be very lucky to stand a chance of facing us again.
JRM Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Yeah but they will have to win bucket loads of games just to be able to play us in the FA Cup, so the bitter hatred will have to be very lucky to stand a chance of facing us again. Not really. Look at AFC Wimbledon, they have only been going for a relatively short period of time (as a comparison about the same period from the last pompey derby in '05 to now) and they are already back on the conference challenging for promotion to the league and have made the FA Cup 1st round.
hutch Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 If they were a horse they would have been shot and turned into pedigree chum ages ago..... I'm glad they weren't, I've got a dog. And anyway, I think Katkins would be more appropriate.
Pilchards Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 More people in the lounge than on the main board!! I wonder which thread they are reading??? Do you have problems sleeping thread?
FarehamRed Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Those of us who think that the filthy cheating skates from down the road are about to get their just desserts will be dissappointed, I fear. "Portsmouth chief executive Peter Storrie has...insisted he has put measures in place that will help save the club from extinction." So that's it then, Storrie has it all sorted. Move along nothing to see here.... ;-))
saint lard Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I'm just listening to Quay radio and it's the football hour. I have never heard such ill informed bollix in my life. We did get a bit of praise of how we played on Saturday and it seems to them we have a good owner. However i could not believe my ears when thay started mocking our ticketing policy and attendances. We got a record for the JPT," but remember everyone got in for £2" And everyone got another ticket for another match if they bought one for the FA cup tie against them.Yes that's right, but we had to pay for it you numptys. God,it is a dismal,yet somewhat humerous,listen.
sussexsaint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I'm glad they weren't, I've got a dog. And anyway, I think Katkins would be more appropriate. Most definitely fish fish fish. I am so going to miss this thread when its gone
TopGun Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 So another £3m owed to agents on top of the rest. Storrie says they are being nice. They have no option. The court case is in. What an absolute c()nt that man is. Still spinning.
bridge too far Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I'm just listening to Quay radio and it's the football hour. I have never heard such ill informed bollix in my life. We did get a bit of praise of how we played on Saturday and it seems to them we have a good owner. However i could not believe my ears when thay started mocking our ticketing policy and attendances. We got a record for the JPT," but remember everyone got in for £2" And everyone got another ticket for another match if they bought one for the FA cup tie against them.Yes that's right, but we had to pay for it you numptys. God,it is a dismal,yet somewhat humerous,listen. Have they paid us yet for their tickets for the match?
saint lard Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 If anyone is interested, Radio 5 live are doing an hour long special on PFC tonight between 1900 and 2000 hrs. This includes a fans forum with guests. Might make interesting listening. Just a reminder or for anyone that missed the original post.
JackFrost Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I'm just listening to Quay radio and it's the football hour. I have never heard such ill informed bollix in my life. We did get a bit of praise of how we played on Saturday and it seems to them we have a good owner. However i could not believe my ears when thay started mocking our ticketing policy and attendances. We got a record for the JPT," but remember everyone got in for £2" And everyone got another ticket for another match if they bought one for the FA cup tie against them.Yes that's right, but we had to pay for it you numptys. God,it is a dismal,yet somewhat humerous,listen. TBH those two sentences often go hand in hand
JRM Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I'm just listening to Quay radio and it's the football hour. I have never heard such ill informed bollix in my life. We did get a bit of praise of how we played on Saturday and it seems to them we have a good owner. However i could not believe my ears when thay started mocking our ticketing policy and attendances. We got a record for the JPT," but remember everyone got in for £2" And everyone got another ticket for another match if they bought one for the FA cup tie against them.Yes that's right, but we had to pay for it you numptys. God,it is a dismal,yet somewhat humerous,listen. you can imagine the conversations down there, trying to convince each other that the skates support is "best in the world"....... but wait, what is going on, southampton have just had 30k for a JPT game which if they were in would be lucky to get double figures.... oh it must be because they are giving tickets away. As things stand our average this year will be higher than their capacity.
dubai_phil Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Didn't they call an emergency fans forum for tonight? Or was that just the radio station?
hutch Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I did realise that but wished to use your post to comment from. Nobody else had made an issue of that and Ied be interested if Clapham or Bucks saint (as i beleive both are in the administration business)can put light on if adding more bits on after the deadline is allowed. Nick, I don't specialise in insolvency, but do spend an unhealthy portion of my time dealing with commercial litigation. I have NEVER, in litigation, arbitration or adjudication, had a situation where additional information, which could have a bearing on the outcome of a case, has been refused. A lot of "huffing & puffing", yes, but eventually it is accepted, as long as the other side gets a fair chance to answer/refute the new information. This is still, after all, commercial litigation between HMRC (& others) and PCFC. Pay us or else. It's not a criminal trial. That comes later no doubt, and then the rules are different. HTH
daveygwyatt Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I'm just listening to Quay radio and it's the football hour. I have never heard such ill informed bollix in my life. We did get a bit of praise of how we played on Saturday and it seems to them we have a good owner. However i could not believe my ears when thay started mocking our ticketing policy and attendances. We got a record for the JPT," but remember everyone got in for £2" And everyone got another ticket for another match if they bought one for the FA cup tie against them.Yes that's right, but we had to pay for it you numptys. God,it is a dismal,yet somewhat humerous,listen. just sent them an email, putting a few facts to the muppets.. you would think they had more to worry about than our ticketing policy.... wonder how far they can bury their heads in the sand
Gorgiesaint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Just got back in & was listening to Talksport playing an interview with Tony Pulis. I'm sure he said at the start that if you lose a football club, then you lose the community and lose a couple of hundred thousand people..... Crikey, I thought liquidation was bad, didn't realise that it involved ethnic cleansing!!
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 I'm just listening to Quay radio and it's the football hour. I have never heard such ill informed bollix in my life. We did get a bit of praise of how we played on Saturday and it seems to them we have a good owner. However i could not believe my ears when thay started mocking our ticketing policy and attendances. We got a record for the JPT," but remember everyone got in for £2" And everyone got another ticket for another match if they bought one for the FA cup tie against them.Yes that's right, but we had to pay for it you numptys. God,it is a dismal,yet somewhat humerous,listen. Let them believe or pretend to believe what they like! Who cares!
dubai_phil Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 For some reason, just imagined an old scene from Red Dwarf..... HMRC = Cat.... I'm gonna eat you little fishy... best I could find. On the same subject I hear Storrie tellers next idea is to hire Ace Rimmer to save the day
saint lard Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Didn't they call an emergency fans forum for tonight? Or was that just the radio station? Just started....... Not sure if you can get it outside the UK.
daveygwyatt Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 For some reason, just imagined an old scene from Red Dwarf..... HMRC = Cat.... I'm gonna eat you little fishy... best I could find. On the same subject I hear Storrie tellers next idea is to hire Ace Rimmer to save the day off topic I know.. but red dwarf was quality, still watch my box set loads... might have to put it on in a minute
dubai_phil Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Just started....... Not sure if you can get it outside the UK. Yarp have it loud & lol.
sidthesquid Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Everyone is defering payments to help PFC!!....... I just feel dirty and debased every time I read more of Storrie's weaselly words
Boris Karloff Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 who have they got to sell that others would want..? if they sell, then another club has to be allowed to buy and gain an advatage what is worse..they are requesting this after bringing in Tosic, Rocha, O'Hara and Awusu-beye(sp) the latter two starred in the win over us... I hate that club That's what really gets me. I don't particularly want them to go under, yet they bought in players on loan knowing full well they couldn't afford to pay them and they changed the game against us.
gaz Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 They were just talking figures on 5Live.....absolutely shocking, car-crash style numbers. Wages were 91% turnover in 2008. Pretty much all the FA Cup win money went on player bonuses.
sidthesquid Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Just got back in & was listening to Talksport playing an interview with Tony Pulis. I'm sure he said at the start that if you lose a football club, then you lose the community and lose a couple of hundred thousand people..... Crikey, I thought liquidation was bad, didn't realise that it involved ethnic cleansing!! A little extreme maybe..... But then again, what the hell, go for it Tony, mate
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 'Blah, blah, blah working class city. blah blah blah, best fans in the country. blah blah blah all the premier league's fault'
tombletomble Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Why oh why do they keep trying to blame the PL. How many times do they have to be told that the FAPT is not to find out whether the person has any money, just whether they are allowed to be a company director. It is not the PLs fault. It is your boards.
saint lard Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 "Portsmouth is the only city in the country where you can feel proud about wearing your colours,no-one wears the colours of any other club,it's a real working mans city" I think that was W******d on the forum a moment ago.
PES Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 'Blah' date=' blah, blah working class city. blah blah blah, best fans in the country. blah blah blah all the premier league's fault'[/quote'] Don't forget Sleeping Giant Heavens.
dubai_phil Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 The BBC Journo says you could write a 300 page book on the story.... Nah - we beat you to it mate we're up to 297 already! The story of the builder called in to make emergency changes before the season was sad until he evoked the class war that Skatemuff is a working class city You don't see no other club shirts down here (you'd get kicked!) Jacob offered to go on air but the club said no
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 'Portsmouth has no infrastructure whatsoever' 'short-term fix for long term pain' true dat
Crab Lungs Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Claridge, I like. He's always been fair to both us and them - despite him being a thoroughbred Skate. Storrie.... absolute c()nt.
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 hahaha wtf is going on! Trumpet and a few people singing. That was laaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
wimbornesaint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Glad the jingle came in over that terrible trumpet!
CB Saint Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 "Portsmouth is the only city in the country where you can feel proud about wearing your colours,no-one wears the colours of any other club,it's a real working mans city" I think that was W******d on the forum a moment ago. My god, they are deluded
dubai_phil Posted 18 February, 2010 Posted 18 February, 2010 Pay up Pompey Pompey Pay Up All pretty genteel but all pretty realistic. My one thought, our fans were ripped in two by the mess before we went bust, but where were their protests? Yeah sure a few are coming out now but not 2 years ago
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