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One poor sod is even asking for the mock ups of how the new stadium will look.:scared::scared:


They are all going to be very disappointed.


:mcinnes: superb :mcinnes:


I'm not sure that the club ever actually owned the whole lump of land - didn't the great hero Mandaric obtain it for himself under various companies before officially knocking down a small hut, and scuttling away with a nice profit?

Once the ownership of the club and land went their separate ways it was always going to end in tears.

It hasn't yet though, we are just approaching the interval for ice creams and pop.

The tears will come later - when the new arena doesn't.


Indeed, Miland development owned the land, the land was Mandarichs, then Gadymacks.


#factless just makes it up as he goes along in his articles about the former land ownership that should be a pompey cash cow


I love a bit of notalgia:





So what's to stop the hoardes of the bestest from parking at Tesco to get to the ground? Or will Tesco charge for parking, redeemable against shopping over a certain value?


They won't need to, what with their turnover being boosted by £300m a year n'all. It will be the most profitablist Tesco in the world.


Sort of. They'll be giving out match tickets (or a free carrier bag) with all purchases over £5


I suspect they'll go for the free carrier bag, because shopping in Tescos will be more entertaining than watching #lowlyportsmouth play #p!sspoorfootball

I thought I'd look up "Share" in the Oxford dictionary, just in case Neil could claim any benefit of doubt:


"one of the equal parts into which a company’s capital is divided, entitling the holder to a proportion of the profits"


Nope, sorry Neil. I don't know what you "bought" but it most definitely is not what is known as a "share" in the English language.


Well, if they're not turning a profit then its kind of a moot point.

Looking at the redline boundary on the map the only way to access FP without crossing it is at the eastern side so Tesco willk have a huge say in what happens at FP in the future. Complete hostage to fortune. Well done PDT!


The red line is the boundary for the area covered by the planning application. That doesn't necessarily mean that all of that land is under the same ownership.


Having said that, a ground you can't get to would register slightly high on the amusement scale.

So what's to stop the hoardes of the bestest from parking at Tesco to get to the ground? Or will Tesco charge for parking, redeemable against shopping over a certain value?


Serious question .... does anyone know what Tesco's actually think of having a "Football Ground" right next to their brand new retail outlet ??


For example, how happy are they at the thought of Pompey "Football Fans" milling around their Shop, on their way to Krap Not Arf ??


Great for Business ...... not

Serious question .... does anyone know what Tesco's actually think of having a "Football Ground" right next to their brand new retail outlet ??


For example, how happy are they at the thought of Pompey "Football Fans" milling around their Shop, on their way to Krap Not Arf ??


Great for Business ...... not


Looking at the plans, it looks as if fatpipes is tucked out of sight away *behind* Tescos. Their problem will likely be more how they keep the fishy phew out of their nice clean store when they've been soundly thrashed at home and are insisting on their inalienable right to get trashed on white lightning and meths

Serious question .... does anyone know what Tesco's actually think of having a "Football Ground" right next to their brand new retail outlet ??


For example, how happy are they at the thought of Pompey "Football Fans" milling around their Shop, on their way to Krap Not Arf ??


Great for Business ...... not


Similar situation at Selhurst Park with a Sainsburys at one end.


Tescos are not idiots, and they make business decisions only for the benefit of one company, Tesco.


I can't see why they would agree to this, and anyway ( i may have missed this ) has there been one quote or statement from them on this.

It would be great for Tesco if that area in the bottom right corner were to become apartment blocks someday..........


Overflow car parking, more like - Tescos will want to expand once they've driven the local shops out of business

Sh!t deal for Tesco really, by virtue of association.


Hard to see how Tescos reputation will be improved by physical proximity with fatpipes. Unless their plans include bulldozing their tatty timber tabernacle sometime soon :suspicious:

Fairly safe to say the 'arena' will be well and truly wedged by the proposed development..


One for #factless perhaps: "#lowlyportsmouth suffers atomic wedgie"...


And we'll see if those email addresses still exist after #lucklesspompey lose their next game at fatpipes... given the amount of abuse that will be sent through, somehow I doubt it.

Similar situation at Selhurst Park with a Sainsburys at one end.


Not quite the same IMHO


Krap On Fart will be Surrounded. with "restrictive" access involving passing by Tesco's


I know "every little 'elps", but that's taking things to the extreme.


Not only that. I wonder what all the " 'Elf n Safety" experts will say ?

it will certainly be chaos when the building work is being done and there are no carparks.


That is undoubtedly one of the issues that doesn't make planning consent a formality.

Posted (edited)
That is undoubtedly one of the issues that doesn't make planning consent a formality.


Have visions of the 250,000 marching as one from Southsea Common to Fatpipes every other Saturday across the building site.

Edited by andysstuff
it will certainly be chaos when the building work is being done and there are no carparks.


That is undoubtedly one of the issues that doesn't make planning consent a formality.


Have visions of the 250,000 marching as one from Southsea Common to Fatpipes every other Saturday across the building site.


On the other hand, perhaps the frequent and regular passage of 250,000 pairs of the fishiest feet will tamp down all that disturbed soil and provide a solid footing for Tescos concrete and tarmac

What does Robinson do if planning is refused? Is a fourth division football club on its own any use to him?


Perhaps he is banking on this happening, could then turn around and say, well i am sorry but i tried,

Perhaps he is banking on this happening, could then turn around and say, well i am sorry but i tried,


Presumably he doesn't want it to fail - whatever goes on with the Skates is incidental to him - but I was wondering out loud what the implications are if it does. Does he walk away, or call in his investment/loan, or what?

Presumably he doesn't want it to fail - whatever goes on with the Skates is incidental to him - but I was wondering out loud what the implications are if it does. Does he walk away, or call in his investment/loan, or what?


Even if planning is refused the land will have good value in the medium term.


Either pompey will gradually turn it around and will some day be desperate for it back, or alternatively they'll disappear into oblivion (please, please) and the planners will want something done with the land. As much as they look like obstructive idiots sometimes, planners really don't want derelict sites in the middle of cities.

As much as they look like obstructive idiots sometimes, planners really don't want derelict sites in the middle of cities.


Well, they certainly won't object to the current redevelopment then, will they?

What does Robinson do if planning is refused? Is a fourth division football club on its own any use to him?


Presumably he doesn't want it to fail - whatever goes on with the Skates is incidental to him - but I was wondering out loud what the implications are if it does. Does he walk away, or call in his investment/loan, or what?


Even if planning is refused the land will have good value in the medium term.


Either pompey will gradually turn it around and will some day be desperate for it back, or alternatively they'll disappear into oblivion (please, please) and the planners will want something done with the land. As much as they look like obstructive idiots sometimes, planners really don't want derelict sites in the middle of cities.


Well, they certainly won't object to the current redevelopment then, will they?


And once they've got a nice shiny Tesco there in front, it would make sense to finish the job and flatten fatpipes ready to be redeveloped as, say, a boutique gym so that the phew will have somewhere to expend their excess energy on Saturdays rather than roaming the streets or getting into trouble at football matches

Well, they certainly won't object to the current redevelopment then, will they?


When it comes to Councillors you know what you're going to get from them. They're extremely predictable because ultimately they're just mini politicians. It's not about running the country / borough / city well (although they'll claim that's all it is), it's just about winning the race (getting elected). They need to stay popular and hence will do stupid things (like lending the trust huge amounts of money) because they think it will get them votes. Witness Ms Mordant wading into the pfc saga when she thought there was publicity in it for her and now she's disappeared without trace (into a pool whilst donating her fee to the lido.... hey, more publicity!!!)


Planners are less predictable. Ultimately they have no god other than policy, and typically they hate councillor interference. They think Councillors are just people with no experience trying to lord it over those with experience and policy on their side.


There's nothing I like more than watching a planner having to justify a committee decision (made by Councillors if you didn't know) which goes against all the policies that the planners are bound by.


You may have guessed from the above I spend a lot of time with planners (although I'm not one!)


By the way, I expect this application to get through but not as easily as some expect.


I'd like to see the text of the restrictive covenant but I can't seem to locate it on the Portsmouth Council website. In my recollection it was imposed to ensure that the land was only to be used for sport and recreational purposes when it was sold by BT to Gaydamek (was it him, get so confused?) in order to protect existing retailers. To remove the covenant now seems to break the reason for its imposition in the first place and I would think that the existing retailers must have a very strong chance of proving that in a court.


Can anyone find that covenant?

I'd like to see the text of the restrictive covenant but I can't seem to locate it on the Portsmouth Council website. In my recollection it was imposed to ensure that the land was only to be used for sport and recreational purposes when it was sold by BT to Gaydamek (was it him, get so confused?) in order to protect existing retailers. To remove the covenant now seems to break the reason for its imposition in the first place and I would think that the existing retailers must have a very strong chance of proving that in a court.


Can anyone find that covenant?


Cue trousers the fountain of all saved knowledge on this and every other site

And once they've got a nice shiny Tesco there in front, it would make sense to finish the job and flatten fatpipes ready to be redeveloped as, say, a boutique gym so that the phew will have somewhere to expend their excess energy on Saturdays rather than roaming the streets or getting into trouble at football matches



A Gym?? Surely they'll finally build the monkey chicken petting zoo.


It's not a covenant, it's a policy, for the benefit of PFC. I don't recall any reference to protecting retailers. I have it somewhere on my laptop. It's part of the Portsmouth Plan.

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