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re the legal stuff - the majority of the info hailed by the few as investigative golddust had already been highlighted on here and dismissed as jealous scummah myths.


If however you don't have knowledge of journalism and the law, and your priority was to blacken the name of business opponents on behalf of a consortium, you might be less concerned about the ramifications of what you publish.


As pointed out, it could have gone away, but it was part of a PR campaign, and one that worked.


It comes down to money, Chinny never lost sight of that and neither did Pascal, but the real winners here were Robinson and the HNWs. They capitalised upon the strength of Halls passion, and used him as their PR vehicle to publically press the opposition in a way which journos (and their employers & lawyers) were too afraid to do, not you #factless, real footy journos like David Conn.


Dangling the carrot of jobs for the boys knowing it would be too hard to resist was most likely always part of the plan. Finding an angry jobless skate with too much time on his fins must have been like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


Robinson is going to make a mint out of landlocking fratton in his Tesco deal, the least he could do would be to cough up for Michas costs. The HNW/trust leaders, salary or not are earning intellectual, social and networking capital out of the deal too, they perhaps have a duty of care to Micha. Above and beyond the value of their shareholding, which Michas publications ensured pfc entity 2010 was sold way under market/Chinnys value, they could all potentially turn a profit should a new Cala type come along in the future. Even #factless owes him a debt of gratitude, Michas blogs glossed over his spineless, limp wristed and blatantly biased reporting/propaganda, which pays him a salary.


Is Hall now finding out who his real friends are?

Posted (edited)

An interesting titbit overheard by a Pompey fan this morning when in the Jacuzzi with some of the Pompey players this morning at Port Solent:




Hi I'm new to this facility, so want to make what I have to say constructive towards the team I've supported for over 50 years.

Season ticket holder, retired, Pompey through and through


Today I was at Lloyds Gym in Port Solent, and after my work out spent a little time in the jacuzzi. Also there were 5 Pompey players all deleberating about the shocking performance. To a man they all agreed they were poor, but were blaming oneanother for mistakes.


They were saying they thought they new where things were going wrong, but did not discuss with Whittingham because fear of being dropped, or told to shut up, also waste of time talking to club captain to confirm their thoughts to manger as he keeps very much to his self.


This upsets me more then the 3-0 defeat, can I suggest the Manager and training staff get together and listen to what app players have to say all ideas and thoughts assist togetherness, I want my players to be able to hold up their heads and say we gave our all, and discussed where it went wrong so could be sorted next time, no disgrace in loosing but moral of players is key with ALL players, Manager, training staff together and united. Take this as ive meant it as constructive comment



Trouble at the inn I'd suggest.

Edited by TopGun
Gotta love Guy's comments on Solent this morning .... still pedalling the myth that plucky P*mpey only lost because Newport raised their game because of who they were playing :)

Not as good as the headlines in the back of the snooze, "We owe you" after tha performance,:x Thats about the tenth time that little chestnut has been rolled out,

And i'm not quite sure how many games we have played, for some reason the snooze keep forgeting to print the table,:rolleyes:

How long will it be before you offer that utter waste of space twittingham the key to scum city,

Not as good as the headlines in the back of the snooze, "We owe you" after tha performance,:x Thats about the tenth time that little chestnut has been rolled out,

And i'm not quite sure how many games we have played, for some reason the snooze keep forgeting to print the table,:rolleyes:

How long will it be before you offer that utter waste of space twittingham the key to scum city,

Someone from Portsmouth FC saying "we owe you"? I'm flabbergasted...

Not as good as the headlines in the back of the snooze, "We owe you" after tha performance,:x Thats about the tenth time that little chestnut has been rolled out,

And i'm not quite sure how many games we have played, for some reason the snooze keep forgeting to print the table,:rolleyes:

How long will it be before you offer that utter waste of space twittingham the key to scum city,

the trouble is there are so many keys to be given out to the heroes of the saga the councils locksmiths can't keep up.
the trouble is there are so many keys to be given out to the heroes of the saga the councils locksmiths can't keep up.


lol they should knock-em out like a dicky,,,,one size fits all:D


'' With the prospect of a fine looming over the fan-owned club, the Pompey Supporters' Trust have criticised the people responsible saying any punishment could prevent manager Guy Whittingham from signing any future players.


"The name of Portsmouth Football Club, the biggest fan-owned club in the country, was shamed at Newport," said a Trust statement.


"I'm not referring to the performance on the pitch - the least said the better on that - but by the thoughtless idiots that smuggled in a couple of smoke bombs.


"Imagine the scenario, Guy wants to bring in a couple of loanees for a month, 'sorry can't do that, we've just paid out £10k because someone threw a smoke-bomb'.


"I've seen the money come in to the Trust to help us buy this club. I've seen where it has come from.


"It has come from right across the spectrum of our community, not just those in decent jobs but from schoolchildren, students, the unemployed, pensioners. They wouldn't want to see it go up in smoke." ''




"It has come from right across the spectrum of our community, not just those in decent jobs but from schoolchildren, students, the unemployed, pensioners. "


Im confused, is that quote regarding the Trust or all the poor souls who have been owed money in the past



"The name of Portsmouth Football Club, the biggest fan-owned club in the country, was shamed at Newport," said a Trust statement.


The biggest, the bestest, evers.




"It has come from right across the spectrum of our community, not just those in decent jobs but from schoolchildren, students, the unemployed, pensioners. "


Im confused, is that quote regarding the Trust or all the poor souls who have been owed money in the past


LOL, poor souls first, then PDT.


and what if the smoke bomb throwers are also owners ?


It's not that unlikely that someone who could be arsed to go to Newport for this poxy comp would also be the sort to stump up

for a 'share'

and what if the smoke bomb throwers are also owners ?


It's not that unlikely that someone who could be arsed to go to Newport for this poxy comp would also be the sort to stump up

for a 'share'


My thoughts exactly, owners/supporters all skate bas*ards

Well no response from PCC to my FOI request within the 20 day timescale.


Cock up or conspiracy?


Apparently you should have the right to complain if they don't bother to answer.


If they can't answer the question they should say so and explain why, however this would relate to not having the info I guess, which considering how recent it was shouldn't be the case....

Apparently you should have the right to complain if they don't bother to answer.


If they can't answer the question they should say so and explain why, however this would relate to not having the info I guess, which considering how recent it was shouldn't be the case....


Thanks, had a quick read up earlier. Complaint goes to PCC in the first instance and I've done that.


You would have thought it would have been easy to turn round in a couple of days - yes, we lent them the money and they paid it back. How hard can it be?

Thanks, had a quick read up earlier. Complaint goes to PCC in the first instance and I've done that. You would have thought it would have been easy to turn round in a couple of days - yes, we lent them the money and they paid it back. How hard can it be?



What was the FOI request?

What was the FOI request?


'Please provide details of any loans made by PCC to Portsmouth Football Club, or Portsmouth Supporters Trust or any related bodies over the last two years together with any repayments that have been made on said loan(s)'

Posted (edited)

Dear Andysstuff


I am writing to advise that we are not yet in a position to provide you with the information you have requested due date November 15th 2013.


I apologise that the collation of your Freedom of Information request is taking longer than anticipated, and we hope to be in a position to be able to respond to you shortly.




Information Governance

Portsmouth City Council

Civic Offices

Guildhall Square



Edited by andysstuff
'Please provide details of any loans made by PCC to Portsmouth Football Club, or Portsmouth Supporters Trust or any related bodies over the last two years together with any repayments that have been made on said loan(s)'


Any updates on your FOI request and subsequent complaint for failing to adhere?


Apparently, they should have contacted you if they needed more time than 20 days, working days that is:


You should receive the information within 20 working days. If the organisation needs more time, they will contact you and tell you when you can expect the information.


If they reject your request, they have to explain why. If that happens, it will be just as interesting as if they provide the info IMO.


Please post your FOI if it comes through, us nutjobs will enjoy it, and #factless and Micha Hall could really do with some fresh material from the PTS!


Don't know why you bothered Andy. All that information has been published by the Trust as part of their commitment to total transparency.


Classic LOL

I am writing to advise that we are not yet in a position to provide you with the information you have requested due date November 15th 2013.


I apologise that the collation of your Freedom of Information request is taking longer than anticipated, and we hope to be in a position to be able to respond to you shortly.


You should receive the information within 20 working days. If the organisation needs more time, they will contact you and tell you when you can expect the information.


Ask them if they realise they are breaching government regulations by (a) not having contacted you before 15th November and (b) not giving you a new date

Any updates on your FOI request and subsequent complaint for failing to adhere?


Apparently, they should have contacted you if they needed more time than 20 days, working days that is:



If they reject your request, they have to explain why. If that happens, it will be just as interesting as if they provide the info IMO.


Please post your FOI if it comes through, us nutjobs will enjoy it, and #factless and Micha Hall could really do with some fresh material from the PTS!




Classic LOL


Think I was answering as you were typing.


Though looking at trousers's latest post the point may well have been answered anyway.


Sounds to me like they are hastily trying to sort out the loose ends (or maybe more) of payments due and are holding back on the FOI response until they think they have their ducks in a row. Perhaps a few calls chasing payment have been made to the PST!

Sounds to me like they are hastily trying to sort out the loose ends (or maybe more) of payments due and are holding back on the FOI response until they think they have their ducks in a row. Perhaps a few calls chasing payment have been made to the PST!


You old cynic you!


Well reply now received less than 2 hours after the holding reply. . Although why it's taken 21 working days I'll never know. Guess we can put that to bed.


Customer, Community and Democratic Services

Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL

Telephone: 023 9268 8482

Fax: 023 9284 1327


Reference: FOI/2013/822


Dear Mr Andy Baker,




Thank you for your request for information received on 18th Oct 2013, which was considered under the Freedom of Information Act.


In accordance with the Act, Portsmouth City council confirms that it holds the information.


In April 2013 the City Council granted a loan of £1,450,000 to Portsmouth Community Football Limited to assist them in the acquisition of the business and assets of Portsmouth Football Club (2010).


This sum was repaid in full together with interest of £26,958.92 on 21 August 2013.


No other loans have been made to Portsmouth Football Club or Portsmouth Supporters Trust over the last two years.


Details concerning the loan and supporting background information are included with the 27th February 2013 cabinet meeting documents available at the link below.




Thank you.



Under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 (SI 2005/1515) the supplied information may not be re-used without obtaining the permission of Portsmouth City Council.


Portsmouth City Council in complying with their statutory duty under sections 1 and 11 of the Freedom of Information Act to release the enclosed information, will not breach the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. However, the rights of the copyright holder of the enclosed information will continue to be protected by the law. If you wish to use this information, you may require approval or licence from the copyright holder.


a historic day - proof that they have actually paid off a debt - and filed accounts!! :o

I congratulate them and for one post only I reinstate the capital letter that I normally only reserve for proper football clubs that work within the laws of the country and the game.

Well done Portsmouth FC.


Now perhaps have a look at paying off the rest, and while you are on, cut out the awful rallying warcry plucky troops nonesense still being spun in the local press.

No one cares what striker pledges to fire the goals etc, you lost to Newport reserves not Juventus.

Get real.


Dunno if we've been through this before, but on that link above is the "valuation of Fratton Park" document which is vaguely amusing in a few places... http://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/media/Cab20130227rAppBB.pdf


"underlying land value has been severely depressed because of

the need for demolition of the stands and of the possibility of contamination at the

site with the resultant remediation costs. We have received a quotation and advice

from an experienced local demolition firm and there are three main reasons for the

high cost of demolition we have included. Firstly, they understand that there may be

asbestos present in the stands which would be expensive to remove. Secondly, the

North stand could potentially have fill beneath it, possibly hazardous, and this would

need to be removed. Thirdly, the West stand runs parallel to and abuts residential

gardens, therefore this elevation would have to be demolished by hand rather than by mechanical means unless permission were granted to demolish from the

residential gardens. I have therefore included a figure of £1,000,000 to cover the

costs of demolition. "


It'll cost a million quid just to knock Fratton down! :D


Interesting that Portsmoth City Council created their charge on 19th April but did not register it until 17th October. Still showing on Companies register along with 3 from PFA, 1 from South Point Finance. Accounts as as 30.6.13 show:

T/O 370 K

Cost of sales 169K

GP 201K

Wages 384K

Loss after depr -514K


Fixed Assts 3428K

Stock 11K

Trade debtors 84K

Cash 2,881K

other debtors 11496K

Total C/A 14473K

Trade Creditors 345K

Short Term Fin 2675K

Misc Curr Liabs 10246K

Bank Loans 4266K

Other LTFin 100K

Share cap. 39K

P/L Reserve loss -514K

Sdy Reserves 3388K


Interesting to see wages more than T.O. and borrowings more than Capital. A bank managers nightmare! However this is more or less on formation and before season started. We shall have to wait a year before we can get a feel of the accounts.

I congratulate them and for one post only I reinstate the capital letter that I normally only reserve for proper football clubs that work within the laws of the country and the game.

Well done Portsmouth FC.


I don't think they're worthy of capitals just yet tbh.

"other debtors 11496K"


Who/what is that?


May be money due from Fans for shares and Golden Share but in any case almost matched by Current Liabilities

May be money due from Fans for shares and Golden Share but in any case almost matched by Current Liabilities


They were only pledges though, so can't be counted as 'money owed' to them, can it? I thought it might be the remaining parachute money they are 'owed' but again, they can't account for it under 'debtors' can they?

you also have to understand that some of the bitterness that pours out on here is fuelled by living on the frontline and having to hear the deluded claims about dock strikes etc everyday.


With all due respect, I doubt that Woking is full of gobby Skates who refuse to accept the league tables as fact, and gob off about how rubbish Lambert/Lallanna is, how desperate England must be, and how they are the biggest team in Hampshire with the best support in world football.

That should be taken into account before sentencing nutjobs. :)


I have just wasted a very boring afternoon at work catching up, having let myself lapse from the one true faith, but I am totally with Rallyboy - living over here on the dark side is totally different to anywhere else. The delusion, the defective morality and thinking just grind you down and you need an outlet. (My therapist told me so.....)

More worrying is a bank loan of £4m!


Who the feck is lending them that kind of money? Snoras Bank?


I'm sure an intrepid local reporter is on the case as we speak...

More worrying is a bank loan of £4m!


Who the feck is lending them that kind of money? Snoras Bank?


Weren't they supposed to be debt-free? (ok, apart from the football creditors, CVA, HNW, etc....)

Weren't they supposed to be debt-free? (ok, apart from the football creditors, CVA, HNW, etc....)


I'm sure that's true. I guess the accountant just made a small mistake?


Like the £2.6m short term finance figure, that must be a mistake also - assuming that Robinson's 'loan' is wrapped up in the £10m current liabilities figure.


Anyone able to get more detail on the accounts so we can see where the accountant may have made a tiny error?

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