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The Pompey trust bid document budgeted for 30,000 total attendance for the 1st rounds of the JPT, FA & Capital One Cups.


Actual total = 18,857

Yes but don't forget that Pompey mathematics rounds that up to 40,000


Some of the views of Poopey Online


Cheers Appy masterminded another defeat


Glad I didn't go now.


Seems like 193,000 agree with you... :lol:


How depressing was that. Jesus. One of the defenders need dropping. And get a striker in please!!!


Allen getting sent-off has really ****ed me off, what a ****.


Presumably he was primarily using the game for match fitness and now he misses the Brentford home game. Knob.


Looks like he's not a plucky hero and he's another villain... whoops :lol:


I would be happy if Appy got picked up by Blackpool. I think our stature and strength of our playing squad (on paper, at least) would be enough to attract a good manager.




If Notts County go on to get a "dream tie" in the 3rd round, well, just ffs. A real chance you can make a few quid in this competition and now we can't.


:lol: :lol:


Who was the lady announcer today? She as hilarious, first gets goalscorer wrong, then added on time, then substitutes wrong. Half time announcements were unintelligible so you haven't a clue what se was saying.


More problems at the stadium than just the fat in the pipes? :uhoh:


We were shocking and the referee was worse ands Notts County were average


Lol, blaming the ref and then being graceful in defeat :facepalm:


I love the fa cup & was disappointed by the crowd size today, the club for once did some decent prices but people in the main didn't react.


Pompey fans not being the bestest? :rolleyes:

Hey Appy! Blackpool is looking for a new manager!




BTF if only, Appy is not worth a bucket of cold p*** Just look at last season we had a side that should of easily stayed up even with a ten point penalty, One thing we will have in common this year is if we don't get shot of Appy, And you feckin deluded fools keep the smug c**t we will both be relegated long before Easter,

BTF if only, Appy is not worth a bucket of cold p*** Just look at last season we had a side that should of easily stayed up even with a ten point penalty, One thing we will have in common this year is if we don't get shot of Appy, And you feckin deluded fools keep the smug c**t we will both be relegated long before Easter,


So you compare the "smug ****" who has 4 promotions on his CV with a dinlo who has 1 season/ 1 relegation on his?


Not worthy of your normally astute postings.

Considering the oppo, & who we had out, along with 'Appy saying it was 'not on his radar' (etc), don't think it's that bad. Not been an 'upper' of a week - just drifting whilst we wait for news. So all in all, sounded like we weren't going to take this too seriously, wasn't our first 11.

That's quite an achievement, because the squad was your only 15. :lol:


I listened to 5 minutes of the game on Solent,I had to turn it off as that damn drum. It must put a lot of decent fans off going, who want to go to football not a tribal drum recital


My favourite bit is going to be when the trust take over. There is going to be a huge fanfare, banners, saying scummers will be so jealous because they own their own club. Then the thicker ones will eventually realise that they have to actually live within their means and that will probably lead to a number of seasons in league one. After a season or two in there they will start getting frustrated and bored with the experience, attendances will drop once more and they will be calling for more donations and then eventually wishing they had some backers with more finance. It will be amusing.

I listened to 5 minutes of the game on Solent,I had to turn it off as that damn drum. It must put a lot of decent fans off going, who want to go to football not a tribal drum recital


TCWTB is the pride of pompey, he is the symbol of the club. When other clubs supporters think of pompey, they think of TCWTB.


He is the face of the club.


Bumped this back up as it more or less ties in with the other thread about helping the club.


I know it's nowhere near time yet but perhaps a scheme of monthly contributions by Standing Order might work. Those volunteers with Computer/Banking experience might be able to help set it up when the time comes.


I'm happy to put in £10 per month on top of my pledge.


Yes, that was what I thought - a Standing Order of whatever amount the individual can afford. Perhaps a Trust or something could be set up so that the money doesn't get taxed as income to the club. Maybe a small project to start with, so that contributors have something they can point to and know they played a part in achieving it.


This is the PSTs business model, Im sure you will all agree this is a solid and stable base to build upon. Monthly top ups from your thousands upon thousands of cash rich pledgees.


Im not sure who will provide additional cash top ups on top of the monthly cash top ups from the mighty pompey fan base... they will have an on going reality check to face when each and every PST forecast falls short, such as the 30K attendance for the 1st round of the cups... almost 50% short there!


The next incoming reality check is going to be the disappointing lack of cheques rolling in to the PSTs empty coffers, as Xmas is approaching and the boiler needs servicing, little Peter wants to go on a school trip too!


If they guesstimate 2K pledges, expect 1.2K... I 4-1 will be withdrawing my pledge as will my mates!


Its hilarious, im absolutely loving this... long live the PST (for 2012)


"Perhaps a Trust or something could be set up so that the money doesn't get taxed as income to the club"


Paying tax is a real problem for them isn't it!!!!


7,560 turned up to pack the park :lol::lol:


I guess the feelgood factor of the PST being in prime position to take over has somewhat diminished. With Appy whoring himself out to all and sundry its perhaps unsurprising that the locals are starting to lose faith.

"Perhaps a Trust or something could be set up so that the money doesn't get taxed as income to the club"


Paying tax is a real problem for them isn't it!!!!


It sure is, they also will be relying on part time help to form the management structure, no pay and strictly no PAYE


The POL moderator has offered to fix the toilets FOC so that's a start, the month after he could turn his attention to those fatty pipes


That's true, Grandpa, but maybe we can find a H&S expert or project manager who can do a risk assessment for free. That's the idea of collecting all the data in advance!


Maybe he could do the risk assessment in the pub when we brainstorm some commercial ideas?


The trust leader plans to conduct his business affairs from a local pub...


Corp has all the big ideas, with such high caliber resources operating out of boozers nothing will stop them.


This has all the hallmarks of a Wessex League club playing at Moneyfields... Bring it on.


Sadly, the demented lot on POL still haven't yet grasped it.


Until we are allowed to compete on a level playing field to the rest of the league our form will swing dramatically




It actually beggars belief that they can STILL be this deluded.

I listened to 5 minutes of the game on Solent,I had to turn it off as that damn drum. It must put a lot of decent fans off going, who want to go to football not a tribal drum recital


Although if ever a lot of fans go it would drown out the drum....not going to happen is it? :D

The Pompey trust bid document budgeted for 30,000 total attendance for the 1st rounds of the JPT, FA & Capital One Cups.


Actual total = 18,857


I was thinking the very same thing. Another example of overly optimistic budgetting - how many of those are hiding around in that elusive business plan that the PST is preparing?

I was thinking the very same thing. Another example of overly optimistic budgetting - how many of those are hiding around in that elusive business plan that the PST is preparing?


IS it just me, or does it seem a little odd that Tricky Trev has announced the PST as the preferred bidder, yet they still have not submitted a business plan?


Also, did they not say last week or the week before that they were just finalising the prospectus - where is this elusive prospectus? How long before they actually announce to the fans how much wonga they need them to borrow, or are they just trying to hide it under the carpet like a rotting corpse?


Has anyone ever mentioned that the figures [especially those that haven't even been announced yet!] just don't add up?

Their prospectus will be released next week apparently. It's a fluid situation so they had to change a few things haha


I can't wait to find out where they propose the money is going to come from, and how they've plugged the £6M hole from their previous already overly-optimistic financial model.

Their prospectus will be released next week apparently. It's a fluid situation so they had to change a few things haha


Liquidation is rather fluid, yes ;)

I can't wait to find out where they propose the money is going to come from, and how they've plugged the £6M hole from their previous already overly-optimistic financial model.


Move on, it's part of the past. Now we look ahead for new adventures! :spaz:

I can't wait to find out where they propose the money is going to come from, and how they've plugged the £6M hole from their previous already overly-optimistic financial model.


I think that bascially the plan is now that they don't even attempt to buy the ground, just the club as such, with their tame property developer buying the ground and renting it to them.


Not quite community ownership is it? I wonder how many of the pledgers will not want to cough up their £900 for that.

I think that bascially the plan is now that they don't even attempt to buy the ground, just the club as such, with their tame property developer buying the ground and renting it to them.


Not quite community ownership is it? I wonder how many of the pledgers will not want to cough up their £900 for that.


Yep; the role of the property developer is key. I know that if I were a fan and was being asked to contribute to a fund whereby the fan's part of the Trust wouldn't have a controlling interest, where the chairman was a man who had contributed far less than the fans themselves, and where the ownership of the ground was retained by a property developer; well, alarm bells would be ringing very, very loudly. They've slipped very readily from the nice, fluffy idea of fan ownership to a financial model whereby the fans money is simply added to the whim of the HNW individuals and a man interested primarily in acquiring the Fratton Park footprint.


... all of which is only made possible because that nice Mr. Chainrai has decided to throw in the towel & walk away without a peep.

Yep; the role of the property developer is key. I know that if I were a fan and was being asked to contribute to a fund whereby the fan's part of the Trust wouldn't have a controlling interest, where the chairman was a man who had contributed far less than the fans themselves, and where the ownership of the ground was retained by a property developer; well, alarm bells would be ringing very, very loudly. They've slipped very readily from the nice, fluffy idea of fan ownership to a financial model whereby the fans money is simply added to the whim of the HNW individuals and a man interested primarily in acquiring the Fratton Park footprint.
I don't think there are many developers who live locally would pull the rug on the club. It would be hellish to face those consequences. I suspect he will be buying the ground at such a bargain privce and then rent back at such a great return he will not ever need to sell up. Of course the fans will be part of the carve up as they will campaign to get the ground for nothing and then have a buy clause to get it for a song after 5 years or so. Not once thinking that BC saved them and now are happy to cheat him of his money. I wish he was never on the scene as they would have been a club of the past
I don't think there are many developers who live locally would pull the rug on the club. It would be hellish to face those consequences.


What about developers who don't live locally?


You know the ones that, let's say, live in London?


Fans are just being conned into this fairytale version of the future because their cash is needed.

Once again the dim are being taken advantage of, but if they won't ask the awkward questions then they bring it upon themselves.


Wakey wakey Portsea! - just admit that this ongoing Trust nonesense is no longer a fan buyout, it's clearly become a property deal.



Call me sharp, but the clue for me was when I saw that the main money was being put in by property developers.

It's just a hunch, but I suspect that as property developers they might be interested in developing the property...


And when I say 'ongoing', is anything actually going on?


I've seen glaciers carve valleys faster than the Trust takeover has progressed, Birchy could have converted dinosaurs into unleaded before he completes this deal, new universes have formed and distant suns have imploded since his last three deadlines came and went - and still the Trust claims they are less than four weeks from seeing off Portpin and taking sole ownership.

Some of them actually believe that they will be walking up Frogmore Road with the keys before the end of the month...


And they wonder why we mock.

I still have a small secret hope that we can stay up this season, but I wouldn't vocalise it for fear of being ridiculed. :?



Then again the whole city seems to be happiest when living in a cliched soap opera, and this current plotline about the loyal bestest owning the plucky club is good for ratings.

Shambolic potless consortium resorts to desperate fundraising methods in an effort to emulate bigger clubs like Exeter is less attractive as a tagline on the cover of the prospectus.



As for UnAppy...

A future England manager? The man who has turned their fortunes around like no one else could and is heralded as a hero by many of the few?


Or perhaps a bloke who cannot judge and motivate players, cares little for youth, has no understanding of budgets and doesn't care what company he keeps?

He's even sent his eyebrows out on loan.


Would I want him near a team that I supported? :scared:

I'd rather go for a night out with Lee Barnard and Liam Lawrence - with Scott Allan as the designated driver.


Meanwhile Birch needs to get his act together, his lack of action has brought this thread to it's knees.

Since Ho's street cred sank with no survivors, Nutjobs cannot survive on Appy's post-match madness alone, we need financial chaos as well.


Come on, we need a laugh - maybe he could organise another free training camp/holiday?

Get Cotterill to do the flights and Avram to arrange leisure time.

Fans are just being conned into this fairytale version of the future because their cash is needed.

Once again the dim are being taken advantage of, but if they won't ask the awkward questions then they bring it upon themselves.


Wakey wakey Portsea! - just admit that this ongoing Trust nonesense is no longer a fan buyout, it's clearly become a property deal.



Call me sharp, but the clue for me was when I saw that the main money was being put in by property developers.

It's just a hunch, but I suspect that as property developers they might be interested in developing the property...


And when I say 'ongoing', is anything actually going on?


I've seen glaciers carve valleys faster than the Trust takeover has progressed, Birchy could have converted dinosaurs into unleaded before he completes this deal, new universes have formed and distant suns have imploded since his last three deadlines came and went - and still the Trust claims they are less than four weeks from seeing off Portpin and taking sole ownership.

Some of them actually believe that they will be walking up Frogmore Road with the keys before the end of the month...


And they wonder why we mock.

I still have a small secret hope that we can stay up this season, but I wouldn't vocalise it for fear of being ridiculed. :?



Then again the whole city seems to be happiest when living in a cliched soap opera, and this current plotline about the loyal bestest owning the plucky club is good for ratings.

Shambolic potless consortium resorts to desperate fundraising methods in an effort to emulate bigger clubs like Exeter is less attractive as a tagline on the cover of the prospectus.



As for UnAppy...

A future England manager? The man who has turned their fortunes around like no one else could and is heralded as a hero by many of the few?


Or perhaps a bloke who cannot judge and motivate players, cares little for youth, has no understanding of budgets and doesn't care what company he keeps?

He's even sent his eyebrows out on loan.


Would I want him near a team that I supported? :scared:

I'd rather go for a night out with Lee Barnard and Liam Lawrence - with Scott Allan as the designated driver.


Meanwhile Birch needs to get his act together, his lack of action has brought this thread to it's knees.

Since Ho's street cred sank with no survivors, Nutjobs cannot survive on Appy's post-match madness alone, we need financial chaos as well.


Come on, we need a laugh - maybe he could organise another free training camp/holiday?

Get Cotterill to do the flights and Avram to arrange leisure time.


If we need a little amusement to pass the time we can always go back over some of Ho's classics and the drivel that he swallowed whole.



"Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona is offering to bring four international stars to newly owned Portsmouth, if the club appoints him as their global ambassador, his lawyer has claimed.


And in a further development, an advisor to new Pompey owner Sulaiman Al Fahim confirmed this morning that “discussions” have been held with Maradona’s cousin Remigio Maradona over a role for the former World Cup winner at the club.


Confidential emails sent by Maradona’s lawyer Angel Oscar Moyano claim the superstar is willing to act on behalf of Valencia striker David Villa and Barcelona hero Samuel Eto’o. The email also mentions his son-in-law Kun Aguero, who plays for Atletico Madrid and another Valencia striker, David Silva, as possible targets.


“Diego Armando Maradona has players “personal“ commitment [sic] to enter into exclusive talks with Dr Sulaiman Al Fahim”, writes Moyano.


Eto'o, Villa, Silva. Crap players or what? We'll be down this season for sure and in administration within a year. Yeah, looks like you guys were right all along. We've fuucking had it big style..........


Realistically? Extremely unlikely. However, who would have thought Pompey would have signed 5 current England internationals in the last three years?


Admit it, you all laughed your ****s off when the 'Sol Campbell to sign for Pompey' stories started surfacing a few years back. You laughed with a bit less certainty when the 'David James to sign for Pompey' story broke. By the time we'd signed Johnson, Muntari, Diarra, and Defoe you'd stopped laughing a long time earlier.


The point is if you pay someone enough money they'll come to you. So what if it doesn't last forever? We've had more fun in the last 7 years than you've had in the last 30.


The bottom line is that despite the title of this thread, the takeover has NOT collapsed, Al Fahim has NOT failed the FPPT, we are NOT going down and we are NOT going into administration.*


You might as well lock this one down, because remember: "It's the hope that kills you".

We've had more fun in the last 7 years than you've had in the last 30.


And in the last three years we've had..... :lol:

Some real gems in that list, just shows if you keep lying to yourself for long enough you eventually believe it.


I was thinking the very same thing. Another example of overly optimistic budgetting - how many of those are hiding around in that elusive business plan that the PST is preparing?

Good point, some more delights to come methinks.

Sounds like his top lawyer may get him off. Police are desperate for a witness!


Innocent until proven guilty. Even though there is no other possibility.

@SOSPompey: The story of Barry Town have so many similarities with ourselves, so sad! Please read http://t.co/lfAaYP5X and you'll get an idea!


Yep...almost identical... :facepalm:


No, there are similarities. The scale is however so different to render them meaningless.


It's also a wonderful admission of how small-time they are.


..The Sunday Mirror looked at accounts recently published by Companies House which lists the finances of two of Redknapp's property companies.


One of his companies, Pierfront Development, has debts amounting to nearly £2.6m while its parent company, Redsouth Limited, owes just under £3m.


Pierfront is a building development company that was expected to make £4m in profit by building 92 apartments plus retail space for Tesco in Southsea, Hampshire, but due to the recession the apartments were never built, while an adjourning building that was also owned by the company was lost in a fire.


The Mirror goes on to reveal that: "Harry owns Pierfront via Redsouth Limited, a company which he owns jointly with wife Sandra. Latest accounts for Redsouth disclose liabilities of nearly £3 million at November 30, 2011."


Talks are now believed to be underway for the sale of the Southsea property. Redknapp is believed to have put his home in Sandbanks up as security when originally investing.


Redknapp has been out of work since being sacked as Tottenham manager this summer after failing to agree terms on a new contract.


Last January he was found not guilty of tax evasion. Jurors accepted Redknapp's angry denials that he avoided tax on any payments over £189,000 found in a Monaco account.




Poor old Harry,

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