Gemmel Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 The first artcle is just funny full stop........... Stable club and new ground within 5 years or sooner. But the first introduction to the fact that the trust are getting into bed with a proerty developer who will buy the ground and lease it back to them. The second one is just a thread about it, but it seems that news has leaked, that is what the trust want to do. An intresting comment from maskell who is close to the pst......suggesting that PCC may be happier to come in when the club us stable............. Does that mean they are envoking the terms of which the loan was offered - As in no llonger on the table? If that is the case the pst have no other choice than to turn to a developer, they were six million short on the football creditors, first time round...... If the pcc are out, that's 9 million they need to find. (And that's without factoring in the take up of pledeges. But worry not, the fact that hey are being approached by developers is a good thing.
Ken Tone Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Appleton refusing to compromise on Pompey principles More begging, borrowing and stealing on the way then. It's not often you see the words 'pompey' and 'principles' in the same sentence -- at least not without the word 'lack' in there too!
Ken Tone Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 The first artcle is just funny full stop........... Stable club and new ground within 5 years or sooner. But the first introduction to the fact that the trust are getting into bed with a proerty developer who will buy the ground and lease it back to them. The second one is just a thread about it, but it seems that news has leaked, that is what the trust want to do. An intresting comment from maskell who is close to the pst......suggesting that PCC may be happier to come in when the club us stable............. Does that mean they are envoking the terms of which the loan was offered - As in no llonger on the table? If that is the case the pst have no other choice than to turn to a developer, they were six million short on the football creditors, first time round...... If the pcc are out, that's 9 million they need to find. (And that's without factoring in the take up of pledeges. But worry not, the fact that hey are being approached by developers is a good thing. The fans online board is the one that colin farmery 'owns' isn't it? Interesting that he has let that thread run, with no comment from him as the trust's current offical spokesman
SaintRichmond Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 to be fair only 10 negative complaints and so that i not going to worry the Councillors. I expect that is because only Ten of the "bestest" Taxpayers in the world can actually write
Big Bad Bob Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Appleton refusing to compromise on Pompey principles More begging, borrowing and stealing on the way then. It's not often you see the words 'pompey' and 'principles' in the same sentence -- at least not without the word 'lack' in there too! The word principles doesn't imply good principles. They may be either or neither or a mix of both.... So I would say that Appy is continuing in the rich vein of form that past Pompey companies have shown
Pamplemousse Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 There are many more alluring things to do than watch this non-competition. Here are a few: 1. Watching the grass grow. 2. Watching a tap drip. 3. Watching paint dry. 4. Cut toe-nails. The Portsmouth public will be overwhelmed tonight. By apathy. I want to insult this competition and the Football League...just as the FL has insulted PFC and its fans with a ludicrous points deduction. Up yours Football League. Tonight Pompey fans can make a powerful case against this competition through not bothering with it. The excuses are already coming out about tonight's attendance I be there and how I will laugh if we get to the Final and win it this season or at some point in the next coupe of season's as I bet people would not be calling it pointless then!!!!!!!!!!! I would never call any Cup that gives you a chance of winning it and going to Wembley pointless no matter how big or small it is. At least one of them gets it
Winchester Red Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 I expect that is because only Ten of the "bestest" Taxpayers in the world can actually write More likely they could only find 10 people down there who actually pay tax
stevegrant Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 FAO Bill, as I know you're reading, despite your claims to the contrary. *waves* Feel free to contact SaintsWeb's hosts, your email will go straight into my inbox... Good luck with the information commissioner as well, GM (and others) showed me where they got the information from, and it was all public sources. As a web developer, I'd have thought you'd know that Twitter and Facebook (and indeed your own forum back in the day before you decided you didn't want any "banter" with your local rivals and banned them all) are pretty open platforms. Oh, and a list of anonymous usernames? Really?
rallyboy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 let's not forget that the ridiculous PCC loan idea was sold on the 'fact' that every home game brings approx £12M into the city.....a claim that went unchallenged by people who regard themselves as intelligent. So just to support that fine theory, let's see what tonight delivers for the local economy... To hit target, an average family of four travelling from Bournemouth tonight will be required to spend about £8,000 in the city. As long as they fill their car up 30 times in Portsmouth, buy 1000 programmes, have 400 McDonalds, and stay at a local hotel for a fortnight, those figures stack up. the pompey theme park - the land that maths forgot - a world where fantasy and fact merge, and no one questions why the king is starkers and there's a herd of elephants in the room. (other than Mack!)
Huffton Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 FAO Bill, as I know you're reading, despite your claims to the contrary. *waves* Feel free to contact SaintsWeb's hosts, your email will go straight into my inbox... Good luck with the information commissioner as well, GM (and others) showed me where they got the information from, and it was all public sources. As a web developer, I'd have thought you'd know that Twitter and Facebook (and indeed your own forum back in the day before you decided you didn't want any "banter" with your local rivals and banned them all) are pretty open platforms. Oh, and a list of anonymous usernames? Really? Saintsweb 150-0 POL
Doctoroncall Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Please can someone on POL ask Corpy where I can buy one of these tickets? Three-quarters the pro-rata price of a season ticket - bargain! Nah you want to get onto the free ticket gravy train, it's saved me and my mates hundreds of pounds a season.
Torres Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 FAO Bill, as I know you're reading, despite your claims to the contrary. *waves* Feel free to contact SaintsWeb's hosts, your email will go straight into my inbox... Good luck with the information commissioner as well, GM (and others) showed me where they got the information from, and it was all public sources. As a web developer, I'd have thought you'd know that Twitter and Facebook (and indeed your own forum back in the day before you decided you didn't want any "banter" with your local rivals and banned them all) are pretty open platforms. Oh, and a list of anonymous usernames? Really? :lol: :lol:
Guided Missile Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 To expand on Steve Grant's recent post about PoL, this is what one of our intrepid members, posting as Victory 2012 put up on their site: The story so far.... Guided Missile Posts on PoL Bill, As I said, I have no problem with the way you run the site and your sychophants that share your rabid mentality obviously lap it up. What they may be less enthusiastic about is your habit of sharing personal details, such as my email address, with third parties and thus in apparent contravention of the Data Protection Act. I am lucky enough to have your personal details, Bill Gillon and will be instructing my solicitors to contact you, so that they can reassure me that this was not the case and that you will not be indulging in this activity in the future. Alternatively, contact me by email so that we can avoid the expense of legal advice. I think you have my details. PompeyScot Posts on PoL As I said, if anybody ever wonders why we don't allow them on here, then pillocks like this one are a good example as to why. If you want to threaten me with legal action, go ahead, but can you please point out where I have actually given personal details of yours to anybody? I suggest you read what I actually said again. But, instruct your solicitors if you wish, I await their correspondence By the way, you can put my real name out if you like, everybody knows it. It's on my Twitter account for starters. Guided Missile Posts on TSW What I find amusing about Bill Gillon is that he hates scummers and will ban anyone with an IP address linked to Southampton, despite him being a Jock and Glasgow Rangers fan who lives in "east" Fareham. Meanwhile, my nephew, who was born in Southampton, has been a Pompey season ticket holder for over ten years, starting from when he was at University there. I have no problem with that, as your team generally picks you, but a sweaty IT ****, who happens to work in Titchfield? What the **** gives him the right to say who is a Pompey fan? Oh, that's right, he runs a website and has a twitter account, where he posts personal details about himself on the internet. PompeyScot Grasses Him Up Via PM Hi TSW Mod. Have been alerted to a posting on TSF which hints at some of my personal details (not all of them correct). This isn't the first time that Guided Missile has done this and I see you have seen it and even responded. Obviously, I'm none too pleased and, to make you aware, am seeing what legal comeback I have on this, if any, because putting up my personal details is one thing, hinting at where I work is quite another. I've screenshotted the page and your response as proof that you saw it and took no action. As I say, possible that there's nothing I can realistically do but I can take people taking the ****, but putting up personal details without prior warning or chance to address is not on, and I'm exploring what I can do, especially as its not the first time something like this has been put on TSF. Cheers, just thought I'd make you aware. Bill Own up, who was it?
Guided Missile Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 ...and: Seems of them has posted details of usernames from here on their site. Since no permission was sought to produce your details I would suggest you ask Steve Grant their admin to remove the names. If he will not do so then contact limitless who host them or webfusion who host the domain and I suspect provide their hosting. Splitters!!!!
Bearsy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 These are just their usernames right? I mean no-ones posted up their credit card details or whatever? Bless.
Guided Missile Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 These are just their usernames right? I mean no-ones posted up their credit card details or whatever? Bless.That's right Bearsy and you are a real cartoon bear, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me...
Torres Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 I'm confused. Bill is crying like a schoolgirl because GM hinted that he works for central government in Titchfield, despite the silly tit having already published that information online himself - on his twitter account bio, no less. What a tool.
OttawaSaint Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 I'm confused. Oh dear, I was worried it would come to this. Alright here goes... ...when a skate brother and a skate sister love each other very much they...
Bearsy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 That's right Bearsy and you are a real cartoon bear, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me... I should hope so or you'll be hearing from my legals!
Crazy Diamond Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Bill is crying like a schoolgirl because GM hinted that he works for central government in Titchfield, despite the silly tit having already published that information online himself - on his twitter account bio, no less. What a tool. Oh dear, I was worried it would come to this. Alright here goes... ...when a skate brother and a skate sister love each other very much they... Still confused to be honest. I get that this Bill bloke is unhappy but has already announced to the world who he is, but why is Guided Missile talking about taking legal action due to a contravension of the Data Protection Act? I've probably read it wrong, it's been a slow and boring day in the office and I'm losing the will to live and cannot maintain high concentration levels.
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 At times like these we are all reminded that interent forums are serious f;ing business.
Guided Missile Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Still confused to be honest. I get that this Bill bloke is unhappy but has already announced to the world who he is, but why is Guided Missile talking about taking legal action due to a contravension of the Data Protection Act? I've probably read it wrong, it's been a slow and boring day in the office and I'm losing the will to live and cannot maintain high concentration levels. He published my email account details on PoL, which as an admin, he had access to. I threatened legal action to wind him up and he threw a sh! t fit and the Stalinist purge of Pompey Online began, with a ton of personal abuse for being a scummer and threatening their leader, etc. When I posted supposedly confidential info about him on here, available from his Twitter account, he PM'd the mods on here threatening legal action, himself. I guess you had to be there....
landford.saint Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 As an aside. Anything happening in the PTS today. Apart of course from them outplaying Bumsmouth in all departments but losing by virtue of badluck and a referee paid to be biased by the FA. :-)
Crazy Diamond Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 He published my email account details on PoL, which as an admin, he had access to. I threatened legal action to wind him up and he threw a sh! t fit and the Stalinist purge of Pompey Online began, with a ton of personal abuse for being a scummer and threatening their leader, etc. When I posted supposedly confidential info about him on here, available from his Twitter account, he PM'd the mods on here threatening legal action, himself. I guess you had to be there.... Oh I see!
suewhistle Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Oh I see! I think I'd worked it out, but many of us will be grateful for the explanation! Really GM, trying to wind him up? Too easy, surely, like pinching the tin of special brew from a comatose, drunken tramp in the park?:-)
Ken Tone Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 If you google 'Bill Gillon twitter', you get this as the second entry, fully in the public domain ...... Bill Gillon. @PompeyScot. Fareham, Hampshire. Scottish Pompey fan, owner of POL, work for central government, lead business and systems analyst and ................... just saying like.
Wibble Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 A reply from The Football League that ignores most of what I asked and clears up nothing Thank you for your email. The Football League operates a system of ‘Transfer Windows’ as required by FIFA, Football’s world governing body. One of the aspects of this system is that players are not generally free to move between clubs if they are registered with a club at the time the ‘window’ closes on either 31st August or 31st January. Clubs in administration are always subject to a registrations embargo whereby The League monitors each registration to ensure the applicable restrictions are being observed. Thank you for contacting The Football League. Kind Regards Amanda Amanda Craig Customer Services Administrator The Football League Limited Email - I've replied Thanks for your response but it does not really clear any of the issues up. My concern is that Portsmouth Football Club have once again managed to exploit a loophole in the Football League's own rules. How can Mr Appleton blatantly claim that "They can’t leave the club until the contract finishes – which is the second week of September. If they leave they can’t sign for another club until January, so it’s in their best interests to stay." This is basically holding the players to ransom and saying sign for us as you cannot sign for anyone else - surely when the month contract ends they will be free agents and not be tied to Portsmouth Football Club until the next transfer window opens in January 2013 as that would be absolutely unbelievable? Portsmouth are basically forcing the players that they want to keep to stay, even if said player wants to go elsewhere, by holding their registrations, even after the one month contract has expired. How many more times can Portsmouth Football Club make a mockery of the FL rules? Is it any wonder that they are serial offenders at racking up the debts and then entering adminstration?
Ken Tone Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Im my brief but glorious spell on POL, I was gobsmacked by how few posters they have. The 17 that were listed earlier as being on-line is quite typical. Anyone, including many who are clearly genuine pompey fans, who dares to even hint that the trust is not perfect or who dares to hold as view that is not the party line is accused of being one of us, or paid by chainrai, and either bulied into silence or banned. POL is effectively a very small group of people with identical views and very narrow minds...even by PFC standards. Where do portsmouth fans get their info? Even The News seems to know more than their fans' forums. I know we've joked about it in the past but seriously there is better, more up to date, information about pompey on here than on their own forums.
Crazy Diamond Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 I think I'd worked it out, but many of us will be grateful for the explanation! Really GM, trying to wind him up? Too easy, surely, like pinching the tin of special brew from a comatose, drunken tramp in the park?:-) I was just confused as to two different things happening at once so yes, the explanation was needed!
bridge too far Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 A reply from The Football League that ignores most of what I asked and clears up nothing I've replied I think there are two crucial points. 1. Will they continue to pay these players all the time they hold their registrations? 2. Following on from this, if they DON'T pay these players whilst holding their registrations then surely they are denying these players the chance to earn a wage. I've said it before - I think that's 'restraint of trade' and this is illegal. I would have thought the PFA would be all over this like a rash.
andysstuff Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 I should hope so or you'll be hearing from my legals! I think there are two crucial points. 1. Will they continue to pay these players all the time they hold their registrations? 2. Following on from this, if they DON'T pay these players whilst holding their registrations then surely they are denying these players the chance to earn a wage. I've said it before - I think that's 'restraint of trade' and this is illegal. I would have thought the PFA would be all over this like a rash. Might be worth someone penning a letter to the PFA to get their views on the potential restraint of trade
bridge too far Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Might be worth someone penning a letter to the PFA to get their views on the potential restraint of trade Consider it done
bridge too far Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 One thing that occurs to me - and I stand to be corrected - is the rule regarding the number of registrations a club can hold. If UnAppy decides he's not going to renew a one month contract but, as he believes, he still holds onto the registration then surely he's shooting himself in the foot? If he's holding the maximum number of registrations allowed and then he doesn't use some of the players, he won't be able to bring anyone else in to replace them. Or have I got that spectacularly wrong?
Gemmel Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 One thing that occurs to me - and I stand to be corrected - is the rule regarding the number of registrations a club can hold. If UnAppy decides he's not going to renew a one month contract but, as he believes, he still holds onto the registration then surely he's shooting himself in the foot? If he's holding the maximum number of registrations allowed and then he doesn't use some of the players, he won't be able to bring anyone else in to replace them. Or have I got that spectacularly wrong? Well he did terminate one of the "One month contracts" early, so he could bring in another player -So I assume he is working on the basis that it only works one way and in his favour.
johnnyboy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Seeing as we are all outing ourselves on POL i'm BlueinPL20 I dont show up on their radar as Im from Devon !!
Gemmel Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 This guy - is very close or part of the trust. His comments seem to suggest the pcc is no longer an option (Which we all knew based on the conditions of the loan - But I half expected them to see it through). The infighting has broken out on the blue side and they are tryng to assure the doubters that selling the land to a property developer is the best way foward. It's hard to know, whether to laugh or cry. [TABLE] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e7eaef, align: left]From a shark's jaws to an orca's teeth? [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e7eaef, align: right][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e7eaef, colspan: 2][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e7eaef][/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e7eaef, align: right][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e7eaef, colspan: 2, align: left]It baffles me that the Trust has time and again shown it's up to this task yet people on message boards take the blindingly obvious and claim 'I hope they've thought of this' line. Yes the PST is fully aware of what it is looking at and is doing this as there's no other options left. The PST have been in talks with PCC for months pressuring them to buy the ground - the closest the PST could get PCC to commit was loan part of the money with the now famous conditions. Portpin back in the equation means that revenue is a non-starter. We could debate all day as to what extent the LA should be stepping in, but the simple truth is we have until Friday week to do a deal or Portpin are back in and the indications are that won't be good for PFC. If the club is liquidated anyone can come in and buy the ground. At least in this situation the PST narrows that 'anyone' to people it is talking with who come recommended. No deal has been signed and meetings continue. There's no 'Goldstone' about this the details are vastly different. I happen to have a good grasp on the detail of Brighton and this proposal and I don't relate the two at all. One was about selling a ground to be built on with the club expected to move on, the other is about selling the ground on lease back with a buy back option in the context of a larger development of the adjoining land. The PST will not sell the future of the club down the river. If the deal isn't right, it will back out and withdraw the bid - that's still an option. As it is I understand the deal being discussed is akin to what SJM has said above. A minimum 10 year lease is required by the FL, suggested lease back rates are favourable in market terms and a buy back option will be written in. Therefore there's no reason why we can't have a 'Blue Peter' style totaliser of how much we need to raise over x number of years to buy the ground back. Throw in a cup run or a plumb draw or two outside the usual club budget constraints and we might slash that figure along the way. [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
Weston Super Saint Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Today's epic installment from POL I'm having serious concerns over the mental stability of some scummers. I honestly think they need some serious psychological help & represent a danger to the public at large. What's funny is that post was posted just after this little nugget - PLEASE NOTE this quote has not been altered and is copied as it stood on POL - I've read it through half a dozen times and am still none the wiser, perhaps phil can translate The thing is and I have been and read a few pages is that can quote exact extracts and sections of league regulations. Now not being but unless it directly impacted me that pompey have tied up players until January as I'm pretty sure the league have okd all this with appy I wouldn't give a flying fig. Now again scummers get a ******* life, lurk all you like but if your gonna start slinging accusations about lawyers about I suggest you actually meet the people your accusing rather than hide behind a username. Honestly, it's just a jumble of words! Oh, and since I'm gonna be bound, gagged and thrown in a pit of lions after the lawyers have had their wicked way with me, here are todays online POL users ghengissmith, Froddington Kid, paulpfc, RAB, MonkeyMonkey, King Kanu, pompeybax, wiltonblue, PFCjim, 214Brett, crusty, Pompeywilz, Dr_Sugarlumps, Niko_08, cookie65, Pup-JT, matty-o-manic, daveyh, Hell Yeah, Reading_blue, mesmo, MBAROWS81, Loose, dansloman1, harry harris, DanG372, chas765, Intent, snowy, PompeyScot, Frattoniser, st_shar, victim85, seang337, Dino M, .register, pompey_sabian, Sinister Dexter, world12, selfyselfy, BristolBlue, BaffinsBlue, fratton warrior, tropsnart, mario.c, DaleHoness, number10, petestaxi, bas Today I fancy being harry harris
johnnyboy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Today's epic installment from POL What's funny is that post was posted just after this little nugget - PLEASE NOTE this quote has not been altered and is copied as it stood on POL - I've read it through half a dozen times and am still none the wiser, perhaps phil can translate Honestly, it's just a jumble of words! Oh, and since I'm gonna be bound, gagged and thrown in a pit of lions after the lawyers have had their wicked way with me, here are todays online POL users ghengissmith, Froddington Kid, paulpfc, RAB, MonkeyMonkey, King Kanu, pompeybax, wiltonblue, PFCjim, 214Brett, crusty, Pompeywilz, Dr_Sugarlumps, Niko_08, cookie65, Pup-JT, matty-o-manic, daveyh, Hell Yeah, Reading_blue, mesmo, MBAROWS81, Loose, dansloman1, harry harris, DanG372, chas765, Intent, snowy, PompeyScot, Frattoniser, st_shar, victim85, seang337, Dino M, .register, pompey_sabian, Sinister Dexter, world12, selfyselfy, BristolBlue, BaffinsBlue, fratton warrior, tropsnart, mario.c, DaleHoness, number10, petestaxi, bas Today I fancy being harry harris So you are a registered user too !! come out f the closet like I did !! Im guessing BristolBlue !!
Bearsy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 pearsey not online today then? Guess I was too busy on here!
mack rill Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 Im my brief but glorious spell on POL, I was gobsmacked by how few posters they have. The 17 that were listed earlier as being on-line is quite typical. Anyone, including many who are clearly genuine pompey fans, who dares to even hint that the trust is not perfect or who dares to hold as view that is not the party line is accused of being one of us, or paid by chainrai, and either bulied into silence or banned. POL is effectively a very small group of people with identical views and very narrow minds...even by PFC standards. Where do portsmouth fans get their info? Even The News seems to know more than their fans' forums. I know we've joked about it in the past but seriously there is better, more up to date, information about pompey on here than on their own forums. THIS!
St Chalet Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 In the spirit of being balanced, our users online are: St Chalet, Ado, adrian lord, Albie79, Amesbury Saint, andersmatt0, andysstuff, anothersaintinsouthsea, Arjen Robben, Ball boy, bangkoksaint, ben05, Berkshire Saint, BLINK, Bobbyboy, bomber, bridge too far*, bristolsaint29, bugenhagen, cadnam saint, CanadaSaint, capitalsaint, Causer, CB Fry, CB Saint,Cheese on Toast, chestersaint, Chin Strain, choccyboxkid, christineb, Clash City Saint, Colinjb, Crab Lungs, cryoman1965, Dalek2003, Daniel Kharms, DarrenLeTiss, dazzlesfc, Delmary, Dig Dig, doggface, Eaststander, Easty, Eric The Red, Ex Lion Tamer, Faz, Fitzhugh Fella, for_heaven's_Saint, fromdayone,gingerone, Giordano, Graffito, Guided Missile*, hampster8, Helston saint, Iniesta, insideout, itchen_dan, JackFrost, Jimmy_D, johnnyboy, jtcs, JustMike, justtom, Katalinic, krissyboy31, landford.saint, lifeintheslowlane, littleoldladysaint, Maggie May, MarkSFC, matt111, max_saints, melmacian_saint, Merovingian,merrimd, Mister Neil, nefor, njs, Noodles34, Northampton Saint, NRSAINT, Offside, OG Saint, OLDER BUT WISER, ooh it's a corner, Orange, Panda, paulsfc, Pedro, PhD Saint, PhilippineSaint, Picard, Pip, pixie73, Puddings and Monkeys, Quickfire Double, Red and White Russ, Reggie Dunlop, reggiesaint, Ric,RonManager, rudi7s, Rut, saint cozza, Saint Martini, saint-matt, saintbletch*, saintmonkey1979, SaintNick89, saintray, Saints foreva, saintsgnet, saintsteven, saintsurfalot, sainttomski, Saint_clark, Saint_Donovan, saint_ed, saint_in_munich, saint_jas, Scarface, Scudamore, sfcbows, sharon, Sheff Saint,shirley precinct, Shrivvy Saint, Shroppie, shurlock, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd, SO5 4BW, socal saint, solentstars*, southamptonbairn, spicdan, stevy777_x, Stud mark of doom, stug76, StVince1966, sugarbabe64, Tamesaint, The Kraken, The Worm, TheMidfieldGeneral, THEVMAN, theyin, Toadhall Saint, Tom28,tombletomble, trousers, up and away, VectisSaint, Verbal Kint, Vic Mackey, wadesmith, waterlooville saint, Watersider, Weston Super Saint, WHITEE1987, wild-saint, WindsorSaint, zigsdad
Jonnyboy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 ghengissmith, Froddington Kid, paulpfc, RAB, MonkeyMonkey, King Kanu, pompeybax, wiltonblue, PFCjim, 214Brett, crusty, Pompeywilz, Dr_Sugarlumps, Niko_08, cookie65, Pup-JT, matty-o-manic, daveyh, Hell Yeah, Reading_blue, mesmo, MBAROWS81, Loose, dansloman1, harry harris, DanG372, chas765, Intent, snowy, PompeyScot, Frattoniser, st_shar, victim85, seang337, Dino M, .register, pompey_sabian, Sinister Dexter, world12, selfyselfy, BristolBlue, BaffinsBlue, fratton warrior, tropsnart, mario.c, DaleHoness, number10, petestaxi, bas Bold: POL user convicted of sex crimes against fish.
Jonnyboy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 St Chalet, Ado, adrian lord, Albie79, Amesbury Saint, andersmatt0, andysstuff, anothersaintinsouthsea, Arjen Robben, Ball boy, bangkoksaint, ben05, Berkshire Saint, BLINK, Bobbyboy, bomber, bridge too far*, bristolsaint29, bugenhagen, cadnam saint, CanadaSaint, capitalsaint, Causer, CB Fry, CB Saint,Cheese on Toast, chestersaint, Chin Strain, choccyboxkid, christineb, Clash City Saint, Colinjb, Crab Lungs, cryoman1965, Dalek2003, Daniel Kharms, DarrenLeTiss, dazzlesfc, Delmary, Dig Dig, doggface, Eaststander, Easty, Eric The Red, Ex Lion Tamer, Faz, Fitzhugh Fella, for_heaven's_Saint, fromdayone,gingerone, Giordano, Graffito, Guided Missile*, hampster8, Helston saint, Iniesta, insideout, itchen_dan, JackFrost, Jimmy_D, johnnyboy, jtcs, JustMike, justtom, Katalinic, krissyboy31, landford.saint, lifeintheslowlane, littleoldladysaint, Maggie May, MarkSFC, matt111, max_saints, melmacian_saint, Merovingian,merrimd, Mister Neil, nefor, njs, Noodles34, Northampton Saint, NRSAINT, Offside, OG Saint, OLDER BUT WISER, ooh it's a corner, Orange, Panda, paulsfc, Pedro, PhD Saint, PhilippineSaint, Picard, Pip, pixie73, Puddings and Monkeys, Quickfire Double, Red and White Russ, Reggie Dunlop, reggiesaint, Ric,RonManager, rudi7s, Rut, saint cozza, Saint Martini, saint-matt, saintbletch*, saintmonkey1979, SaintNick89, saintray, Saints foreva, saintsgnet, saintsteven, saintsurfalot, sainttomski, Saint_clark, Saint_Donovan, saint_ed, saint_in_munich, saint_jas, Scarface, Scudamore, sfcbows, sharon, Sheff Saint,shirley precinct, Shrivvy Saint, Shroppie, shurlock, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd, SO5 4BW, socal saint, solentstars*, southamptonbairn, spicdan, stevy777_x, Stud mark of doom, stug76, StVince1966, sugarbabe64, Tamesaint, The Kraken, The Worm, TheMidfieldGeneral, THEVMAN, theyin, Toadhall Saint, Tom28,tombletomble, trousers, up and away, VectisSaint, Verbal Kint, Vic Mackey, wadesmith, waterlooville saint, Watersider, Weston Super Saint, WHITEE1987, wild-saint, WindsorSaint, zigsdad Bold: SW User who is an imposter.
johnnyboy Posted 4 September, 2012 Posted 4 September, 2012 St Chalet, Ado, adrian lord, Albie79, Amesbury Saint, andersmatt0, andysstuff, anothersaintinsouthsea, Arjen Robben, Ball boy, bangkoksaint, ben05, Berkshire Saint, BLINK, Bobbyboy, bomber, bridge too far*, bristolsaint29, bugenhagen, cadnam saint, CanadaSaint, capitalsaint, Causer, CB Fry, CB Saint,Cheese on Toast, chestersaint, Chin Strain, choccyboxkid, christineb, Clash City Saint, Colinjb, Crab Lungs, cryoman1965, Dalek2003, Daniel Kharms, DarrenLeTiss, dazzlesfc, Delmary, Dig Dig, doggface, Eaststander, Easty, Eric The Red, Ex Lion Tamer, Faz, Fitzhugh Fella, for_heaven's_Saint, fromdayone,gingerone, Giordano, Graffito, Guided Missile*, hampster8, Helston saint, Iniesta, insideout, itchen_dan, JackFrost, Jimmy_D, johnnyboy, jtcs, JustMike, justtom, Katalinic, krissyboy31, landford.saint, lifeintheslowlane, littleoldladysaint, Maggie May, MarkSFC, matt111, max_saints, melmacian_saint, Merovingian,merrimd, Mister Neil, nefor, njs, Noodles34, Northampton Saint, NRSAINT, Offside, OG Saint, OLDER BUT WISER, ooh it's a corner, Orange, Panda, paulsfc, Pedro, PhD Saint, PhilippineSaint, Picard, Pip, pixie73, Puddings and Monkeys, Quickfire Double, Red and White Russ, Reggie Dunlop, reggiesaint, Ric,RonManager, rudi7s, Rut, saint cozza, Saint Martini, saint-matt, saintbletch*, saintmonkey1979, SaintNick89, saintray, Saints foreva, saintsgnet, saintsteven, saintsurfalot, sainttomski, Saint_clark, Saint_Donovan, saint_ed, saint_in_munich, saint_jas, Scarface, Scudamore, sfcbows, sharon, Sheff Saint,shirley precinct, Shrivvy Saint, Shroppie, shurlock, Sidney Fudpucker the 3rd, SO5 4BW, socal saint, solentstars*, southamptonbairn, spicdan, stevy777_x, Stud mark of doom, stug76, StVince1966, sugarbabe64, Tamesaint, The Kraken, The Worm, TheMidfieldGeneral, THEVMAN, theyin, Toadhall Saint, Tom28,tombletomble, trousers, up and away, VectisSaint, Verbal Kint, Vic Mackey, wadesmith, waterlooville saint, Watersider, Weston Super Saint, WHITEE1987, wild-saint, WindsorSaint, zigsdad Bold: SW User who is an imposter. or somebody who registered that very important H before you ! PS thanks for being my only true friend !
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