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Recipe idea?


Take one "down on its luck toilet"

Add one "very scared Pleasure Fish"

Introduce one "horny Poopy fan"




Result - one set of "Fatless Pipes" and the "mentally scarred, gill damaged fish" gets to live out its remaining days in Southsea Bay.

[h=2]This has just been posted on 'Football 411.com' . You could not make this up - I fell about laughing


Nigerian lifeline for Pompey[/h]FrattonParkbarbedwireview_2726902.jpg




Nigerian businessman West Oftym believes he may be able to save English club Portsmouth from dropping out of existence.

Dear Hello Sir,

I am West Oftym, brother of Taribo West, the very excellent one-time player from Nigeria and Milan. I have been in several meetings and have concluded that we would be liking to buy the Pompeymouth Football Club of Portspey.

We are backed by the Hong Kongolese People's National Bank and would like to be paying 16 Million Pounds for the club and helping make it back to the top like it were when the most gifted Nigerians like John Utaka and N****wo Kanu were making it famous.

Our plan is to invest the club and make Fat One Park awesome. We have players in Nigeria with their own boots and fine skills who will play for petrol and a British wife. It will be a most beneficial arrangement.

This email has been sent to you because we found your email on our list of good people who can help.

For more details and for us to be pay you the 16 million pounds purchase price please contact Mr. West Oftym of Hong Kongolese People's National Bank PLC. Please send the below information:





My Email: west_oftym@ymail.com

Making the world a better place.

Mr West Oftym




Posted: 24/07/12 12:42


Superb. All their troubles are over.

Back on the theme of people with credibility who could have become owners of a football cluband run it professionally...


Look what has become of a blast from our past...




Anthony Salz to lead the Libor rigging review



Oh the alleged irony


Damn....beat me to it....again.... :)


"IMHO of course"....

That's because the author's name is Balram Chanrai.


Surely then it would read "Everyone has to take a hit, except me obviously"



LOl... This one doesnt seem to have an author. Some very selective quoting and paraphrasing in that article.



Love some of the comments - now they want a witch hunt against Birch for the money he is on!


What a turn about - from being prepared to spunk ridiculous wages on players to villifying a court appointed administrator being paid the going rate for his job.




I think it looks like a lot of talking is going on and it looks like a deal is coming together. Whilst they will be wounded, they will still be alive to get up to thier old tricks again.

I think my £50 wager is safe, although i will pay up anyway as I dont want to cheat childrens charities!!


it seems pretty simple now.


Birch just needs to get a business plan approved by all of the players and their agents, Chanrai, the Trust, all football creditors, all the individual unpaid creditors of CVA1 and Baker Tilley, all the creditors of a potential CVA2, HMRC, AA, all those owed under £2,500, the PFA, the FL and The Prem.

What could possibly go wrong with that meeting?


Chanrai is just as likely now to write off his cash and embrace the Trust's plans to shaft him, just as any loan shark would, the players will walk because they are plucky and loyal, there will be 100% support from creditors for a second raping, the taxman will just laugh it off, and the football creditors will just accept that the FC rule is a little silly anyway and put it down to experience.


Once Trev's formulated this grand plan and tweaked it to satisfy all of those parties, he's home and dry!


But unlike the clock of fat, time is ticking - so I suggest he cracks on with the invites asap, perhaps get some nibbles in and a few bottles of pop.



Maybe with the emphasis on the pop. :scared:

I think it looks like a lot of talking is going on and it looks like a deal is coming together. Whilst they will be wounded, they will still be alive to get up to thier old tricks again.

I think my £50 wager is safe, although i will pay up anyway as I dont want to cheat childrens charities!!


Fail to see how a deal is coming together? It's clear that unless chinny accepts some of the parachute payments will go the the players that leave then the 'hard core' will not go and there is no sign that that is going to happen.

Posted (edited)

Nabil Hassan ‏@NabilHassan79 #pompey announce supporters who purchase tickets for #afcb game will be protected if the club cannot fulfil fixture with funds ring-fenced.




And then the official pompey twitter posts a link to a ticket page that doesn't exist....


Portsmouth FC ‏@officialpompey Bolton & Bournemouth ticket latest: http://tinyurl.com/cf8k6t7 #Pompey


Oops, looks like this page has been moved or deleted.

Please click here to return to our homepage.


Yep, your money's as safe as houses guys....



Edited by trousers
Can someone cut and past 'old red eyes' comments from the news section he is clearly ITK and it makes interesting reading - just can't do it at work at the moment :)



Oldredeye is scott from the pompey supporters trust. The problem he has is todays interview from Taylor blows his arguments out of the water and is the opposite of what he has been preaching for months on there.


In my opinion, today has seriously wounded the trust (And they were already on the side of the road, bleeding and gasping for air before today). They are the one player in all of this without any leverage (With the exception of emotional blackmail).


The ball is back in Chinnys court, he just has to decide if he wants to play anymore.

Can someone cut and past 'old red eyes' comments from the news section he is clearly ITK and it makes interesting reading - just can't do it at work at the moment :)


[h=4]oldredeye[/h] 3:06 PM on 24/07/2012

Helio: AT least SOS Pompey have moved the argument on somewhat. Portpin were always going to be a sticking point, I'm sure they are lobbying the FL furiously to relax their demands on any new owners. The Trust, however, would be more than happy to A) allocate PP to paying of a CVA and B) Run the club under the embargo conditions the FL have set out for 5 years in order for it to survive. Clearly Portpin/Chainrai won't.



[h=4]Coach[/h] 3:07 PM on 24/07/2012

I don't mean to be nasty oldredeye, but surprised to see you on here today.... The day after you were posting the players get nothing, they can't get the parachute payments etc etc. Scudamore and Taylor say differently.

The only compromise now will have to com fromChainrai. I assume the trust had budgetted the PP's, to run the club.... which probably means they will be unable to bid.



[h=4]adenuff[/h] 3:08 PM on 24/07/2012

By omitting the crucial piece of this story, ie Chanrai had an opportunity to resolve our predicament if he agreed to waive his claim on the parachute payments, the News has shown it is backing him. I lost count of the number of articles it produced condemning the players, and getting the fans all worked up.


[h=4]The Imposter[/h] 3:08 PM on 24/07/2012

And if the PL and the FL has earmarked them to pay players then maybe this is why no bid has been made.

Come on Scott/Matt where are you?


[h=4]wizard of oz[/h] 3:16 PM on 24/07/2012

Future parachute payments allocated to protect players contracts..This has been stated on here by me and others for several weeks now....This has been rubbished by some posters (referring to the EPL rule book), well what have you to say now?.....Chainrai wants all of the future parachute payments for himself, thats the stumbling block to any deal.


[h=4]oldredeye[/h] 3:17 PM on 24/07/2012

Coach: Im only Spokeman for 3 more days, then I geuss you just won't get any updates to argue the toss over, unless the Riddle fancys popping in. You'll miss me. As for PP and bid and all that, keep your eyes peeled for more news in the next 24 hours or so. As for what Taylor said, the PP have ALWAYS been earmrked by the Trust to help pay off the CVA, that includes deals with Football Creditors and the players past and present. As you imagine, £14m is far less then £30m so its a case of us sitting down and saying this is what you'll get from a successful PST bid. Porptin want the £14m for themselves, naturally the FDL, PL, PFA and uncle tom cobblighly and all want the Trust to take over because they KNOW we will pay them what we promised.



[h=4]oldredeye[/h] 3:20 PM on 24/07/2012

I think people are putting 2 and 2 together and making 5. Taylor was referring to the PP being used by the new owners to pay off the Football Creditors, something that Portpin have refised to do! The TRust will use the £14m PP to repay debts, its clear Portpin have said they won't. Hence Taylor saying that's what he would prefer to happen, the3 PP being used to settle Footballing debts to players, something the TRust have been planning to do since Day One.



Love the comment from the guy that hoped Birch wasn't on more then £1200/week and if he was it was a disgrace


FFS - The real world is over here



They would be lucky to get 3 hours for £1200

Love the comment from the guy that hoped Birch wasn't on more then £1200/week and if he was it was a disgrace


FFS - The real world is over here


I think that they are in the real world, and are tacitly supporting what TBH is saying. I actually think TBH has come out rather well in the past day, saying that TB has made these demands/requests, but has not actually put any substance behind it and that he (TBH) is already £2.5m down. I think it totally fair for him to also turn round to TB to tell him to drop his fees if he is going to get others to drop their wages.

I think that's about the 4th different deadline Birch has given in the last 7 days.


It is a little more concrete than before, as it has gone from "2 or 3 weeks" to a specific date of 10th August.

Posted (edited)


Ben Haim has spoken out saying that the administrator should cut some of their £650,000 costs. But Birch responded: "What nonsense. We have had authority from the creditors for £425,000 but to keep the club alive we have taken just £200,000 for six months work. Our costs are more than £1 million, which we will never recover."


Why would a profit making company such as PKF continue with a job for so long that it ends up affecting the company's bottom line? That sounds like a great business model....they and Pompey seem like a good fiscal match....

Edited by trousers
I think that's about the 4th different deadline Birch has given in the last 7 days.


Someone should total up all the deadlines. Would be quite appropriate if this one was the 13th!

Ben Haim has spoken out saying that the administrator should cut some of their £650,000 costs. But Birch responded: "What nonsense. We have had authority from the creditors for £425,000 but to keep the club alive we have taken just £200,000 for six months work. Our costs are more than £1 million, which we will never recover."


Why would a profit making company such as PKF continue with a job for so long that it ends up affecting the company's bottom line? That sounds like a great business model....they and Pompey seem like a good fiscal match....


I still don't in all honesty understand why an insolvency firm should voluntarily give up payment to 'try and save the club' would they do that for any other business? Why should they do it at all


They should be added to the list of football creditors and payed with the parachute payments before the rest is distributed amongst the other clubs. WTF am I missing ?

I hope you don't think that is real! :D


His name is West Oftym, try saying that out loud Turkish with a Nigerian accent. "Waste of Time".


Is it not real then?


The link to the story at the top right says Pompey 419.


419 is the code given to money making scams (most commonly from Nigeria) where they ask for you to give a fee to release a far larger amount of money.


I have no idea how this has ended up making it onto the site.

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