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July 25th not taken? I'll take that please if it ain't screwed down. (Sorry, I went all skate there for a moment)


I'll take 2nd August.

7th August for me please.

Birch makes decision on 6th August evening and decision announced on 7th August

2000000000 makes their way to Southsea common in a rally call against the decision.


But not as quickly as the PTS Nutjobs will have started pouring a celebratory few down their collective throats!


Shame. I was looking forward to reading about their rush goalie exploits.




Meanwhile, while looking at this ^, i noticed that maybe their OS is getting prematurely excited in assuming they will survive that far?



But not as quickly as the PTS Nutjobs will have started pouring a celebratory few down their collective throats!




Meanwhile, while looking at this ^, i noticed that maybe their OS is getting prematurely excited in assuming they will survive that far?




Its nice to see TBH there, obviously still able to hold down a first team position at his age

out if interest who'd challenge it?


The PST, unless Brian Howe comes riding in! If they can get the value reduced, it may help them long term. It's a huge ask and if they are depending on that to make a buy-out possible they're screwed.


I would think the only option is for the PST to rent first, only if BC can see more gain in that than liquidation (especially in light of the surrounding land available to buy).

I seem to recall PKF gave nottarfkrap a £13m value in the recent administration report. Would have thought League would accept that sum. Perhaps they ought to get an independent valuation?


What would be funny and also a timely lesson for administrators would be to get them to pay the difference...too much false accounting and dodgy, variable valuations of the sort Andronikou should be struck off for...or better still be forced to do the above.


My calander is getting quite full with this sweepstake thingy. Now i have everybodys attention i'm thinking is their a way i could make some money out of it ?(only kidding)


Nobody has gone for any dates after the 18th August......mmmmmmmm i wonder why.


This is really coming to an end. Is there going to be a "nutjobs" get together when all is done and dusted and if so where is it going to be. I think we are going to need some suggestions please. Any curry house for me.


God bless Tarka dull

My calander is getting quite full with this sweepstake thingy. Now i have everybodys attention i'm thinking is their a way i could make some money out of it ?(only kidding)


Nobody has gone for any dates after the 18th August......mmmmmmmm i wonder why.


This is really coming to an end. Is there going to be a "nutjobs" get together when all is done and dusted and if so where is it going to be. I think we are going to need some suggestions please. Any curry house for me.


God bless Tarka dull


It's only fitting that FF chooses the pub and the curry house.


Good point raised by a Mirror journalist. He was asked about Leeds transfer activity...


Alan Nixon ‏@reluctantnicko

Waiting on Pompey pair Norris and Varney. No point paying if u can get for nothing soon ...


Now the Football League have released their statement, Ken Bates may just play the waiting game to see if Pompey go under and he can pick up Norris and Varney for free. By waiting he increases the chances they will go under and increases the chances he can save some cash.

Ken Bates may just play the waiting game to see if Pompey go under and he can pick up Norris and Varney for free.


I thought they were now in the position where they could give 14 days notice and walk away for free.

Good point raised by a Mirror journalist. He was asked about Leeds transfer activity...


Alan Nixon ‏@reluctantnicko

Waiting on Pompey pair Norris and Varney. No point paying if u can get for nothing soon ...


Now the Football League have released their statement, Ken Bates may just play the waiting game to see if Pompey go under and he can pick up Norris and Varney for free. By waiting he increases the chances they will go under and increases the chances he can save some cash.


I can't believe Pompey will be asking for a transfer fee for any of their players. Surely they need to get rid of everyone now just to stay afloat.

July 16..........Kingsbridge Saint


July 17.........Depressed of Shirley


July 18..................St lightjaw


July 20......................pedg and spudgun


July 23...........Yours truly


July 24...........................................Winchester red


July 26..........camdijk


July 27........................Cryoman1965 ( a big puff )


July 28......................................................................................................Trousers and bionani


July 29..............Saint linford


July 30......Under west stand and shroppie


July 31..........................andysstuff and badger x16


August 1.....Doctoroncall


August 3................................Ampersound


August 4.........Sevvy


August 6..........................................................holepuncture


August 9.................Shrek


August 10..............................Fowllyd and Saintforever


August 17........................................................................................Petersfield Saint


God bless not having alot to do today


August 5th. I am a massive fan of KARMA and this would be about right; which is cool.


August 5th. National TOAST DAY.


I think Huseklepp would be a very good deal right now.


Also does anyone know where the company/football club boundary stands at? Meaning what could be saved in case of liquidation. Looking at Rangers, the only thing that will actually change is the company...

I think Huseklepp would be a very good deal right now.


Also does anyone know where the company/football club boundary stands at? Meaning what could be saved in case of liquidation. Looking at Rangers, the only thing that will actually change is the company...


Why would you want to save any of it consign it to the dustbin concrete over the lot of it


August 2nd for me by the way.

Posted (edited)

Meanwhile back at the big crowds debate.


Saints got about 10,000 or so for the kick=around yesterday & seeing the Olympic Torch.

Meanwhile up in Salisbury last week, they got some 35,000 into Hudson's Field (Municipal Soccer Fields) to see the Torch.


Think it is time to liquidate the few and do an MK Dons and move the team to a place where people turn out to watch

Edited by dubai_phil

That is a truly appalling suggestion. I can only assume you have over-done it at your beer-festival or have been out in the sun too long again. I do not want my home city associated in any way with those fish-frottering failures. Give Salisbury City their place in the league by all means, but I do not want to see a 'Sarum Skates' franchise in my lifetime. I feel dirty just thinking about such an idea.

That is a truly appalling suggestion. I can only assume you have over-done it at your beer-festival or have been out in the sun too long again. I do not want my home city associated in any way with those fish-frottering failures. Give Salisbury City their place in the league by all means, but I do not want to see a 'Sarum Skates' franchise in my lifetime. I feel dirty just thinking about such an idea.


Yeah that's what I meant, Just take their League position & give it to someone worthy MKD stylee

while some of you are feeling smug, let's dish out some blame...the nominations for who did the most damage to plucky old pompey -


Mandaric - started the ball rolling with over-inflated contracts followed by legging it when the writing was on the wall, and he sold to lunatics.

Promised a stadium, knocked down a shed. Skate hero rating,


Storrie - Pete me old mucker, was at the helm of the train crash when it really jumped the rails - dished out more ridiculous contracts than Avram used johnnies. Didn't kill anyone but was found next to the body with a knife in his hand so many times it got silly. Skate hero rating, was once 10, now about 2. Mush.


Arry - bled the club dry, imposed crazy transfer policy that seemed to benefit him more than the club, legged it at first sound of sirens. Skate hero rating, was 10, now 0.


Gaydamak - maimed children for a living, never spoke, his ownership was illegal from day one. Skate hero rating - see Arry.


Al Fahim - sold many cornettos and mini milks, refused to wear an XXXL, may well be the only person who ever actually put some money in, even though he was a potless fantasist, did pop up again when he saw the recent selling price. Skate hero rating 3.


Al Faraj - didn't rip the fans off, didn't sign anyone on ludicrous contracts, didn't steal from charities, didn't exist. Not on the pitch long enough to judge - in fact was never on the pitch.


CSI - were revealed as criminals on here within one minute of appearing, to everyone's surprise down east, they later turned out to be criminals. Skate hero rating - see Arry.


Chanrai - loaned money at crazy rate for personal gain all dressed up as a friendly businessman helping out, covered himself by securing anything not nailed down, never quite fell in love with the club, seems to have come a cropper. Skate hero rating - never that popular, anything between 0 and 6.


AA - Chinny paid cash, AA danced like a little puppet. Pulled some cracking stunts along the way, signed some nice photos. Skate hero rating - 10 when signing autographs, about 1 when representing CSI.


Birch - has told them what they want to hear at every turn, Skate hero rating - about 1 after today.


Lampitt - truly woeful performance in every department, worryingly inept, Skate hero rating, was 9, currently 0.


Grant - set a new record for consecutive defeats, made an awful speech, poked little Avram in some crack addicts and asked his wife to say it was okay. We couldn't take his spirit but we also could watch him relegate two clubs quicker than he could drop his baggy Y-fronts behind an oil tank, an appalling record as coach and husband, Skate hero rating 10.


Cotterill - the coaching genius who kept them up against the plucky odds, thought his side should have won every game, really odd interviews, terrible record, suicidal transfer policy, Skate hero rating, 10 the day before he left, 1 the following morning.


UnAppy - poor record as a manager, talked sense early doors but has bought in to the spin and delusion of late, has a holiday in Gibraltar to look forward to, Skate hero rating 10.


The Players - were offered crazy deals, couldn't resist and why should they, Skate hero rating, was 10 during loyal plucky January non-transfer window, about 1 now.


The fans - if we put aside the laughable claims and bear in mind there are several levels of delusion/sense, they have stood around in numbers and applauded every raping, and they still distance themselves from all woes, yet they give themselves a 10...


The football authorities - dished out nasty penalties, didn't stop them getting into bed with criminals, told refs to give decisions against them, etc, yawn. Skate hero rating 0.


The PTS thread - nutjobs claiming to be experts, have called a lot of things right, and some things wrong, have annoyed many Skates, and the league got so fed up they took action - best moments, too many Ho ones to list, and when one of their own said they were all nutjobs and the thread was over bang in the middle of a pompey crisis - he knows who he is, and so do we!

No rating on the Skate hero-meter.


Did I miss anyone? -there were other supporting roles but I think that's the ones that did the main damage, up to this point.



So as a personal choice, I would suggest that few pompey staff escape criticism but if I was looking at who has damaged the club the most, I would go for Storrie and Arry as a team, but the club might have been in much better shape had Lampitt not chucked it over a second cliff.

In fact, the man who gave out contracts that could never be honoured, oversaw the theft from charities and welcomed organised crime with open arms must be up for the top award.


I would love to give thanks to all of the above as they have all damaged pfc, but for me, Lampitt is the man who found a seriously injured dog in the street and instead of calling a vet, he held it so Avram could have a go, then he shot it in the face, using stolen firearms.

Step up Mr Integrity, and don't forget to register your wages above the charity cash en route - we can't have those pesky wheelchair kids keeping your snout out of the trough.



Hindsight is a great thing.


Who could have realised that having outgoings that dwarf your income, trading insolvently, pursuing a suicidal transfer policy, taking money from loan sharks, doing business with arms dealers, or getting in bed with the mafia could end in tears.

If only there had been some clues.

You have to feel sorry for them, especially after they've been so nice to us.


God bless the FL.


Rallyboy with respect I think we need to add a name to the very top of your list,in this man bought PFC for a paltry quid in 1997,he made it a priority to build the "New" Fratton stand and put a roof on the North stand the fans loved him,little did they know that the whole lot could not be financed and would eventually bankrupt PFC and see them enter Administration for the First time,soon after this man through his company Vencorp paid himself a 300k "Bonus", within weeks the players were not being paid and the PFA had to step in (history repeating ?).With the club in financial ruin he sold control to Gregory junior for another 300K (asking 500K) who by then were in Admin and talking to Milan Mandorovich,as you have probably guessed by now Terry Venables is the name that must Top your list,just as an afterthought Venables appeared in court and was banned from holding any Directorship for 7 years for his involvement in PFC and "other" Companies.


Terry Venables a true Sporting Hero!


Part of me thinks someone like Milan Mandaric will come in and save them - but then you realise he is already at another club so that is unlikely and also they have the small misfortune of a 5 year restriction, -10 , no players, contracts to fulfil, + other debt. There is surely only one outcome. Even the PST must be thinking they would be best off start again than service all that sh1t. On one hand if they survive, we will probably see them struggle for many years to come, but I think I still prefer liquidation

They will fold 1 week before bompey. Looking forward to celebrate the official news that they are dead.


Die skates die


I think on Friday the 17th August they will ask for a postponement of their first match

due to a "problem" and on Monday 20th August they will announce that they are no longer

able to fulfill their fixtures and BANG they is gone. :lol:

Who will take bets on this thread reaching 100000 posts?

I think it would be remiss of me not to point out that we are more than 2/3 of the way


When the inevitable happens and Pompey dies, a lot of posts will be, and I qoute: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!


sorry to be controversial but I've never really wanted them liquidated, I just wanted to see a decent punishment imposed for the blatant criminality and cheating.


If you'd asked me a while back when it looked like they could hang onto their Championship status, I'd have said I wanted to see them starting in League One with about -15.

Let's not forget that it wouldn't have required too much for us to be facing the nightmare scenario of starting in the same divison as them in a few weeks - that would've been grossly unfair.


So on that basis, we are not far off the punishment that I hoped to see.

If you add in the financial restrictions then perhaps we are there.


If anyone still thinks they've got away with it - they've plummeted through two divisions and are potless, plus our change in fortunes has just compounded the dwindling few's misery.


So for me justice has almost been done - all we need now is some sort of apology or admission of guilt and I'm happy, and from the way their fans were throwing coins and abuse out of the South Stand on our final visit to fortress fatpipes, I can see we are nearly there...


I have no wish to see them saved, I certainly won't shed tears if HMS Liquidation cruises quietly past the Round Tower, the damage has all been self-harm with full fan support.

But I see their current state as a pretty decent punishment, and the restrictions should halt any thoughts of a repeat.





Put me down for August 2nd. :)


A little light Sunday morning viewing.


Whatever you do, if you've just had your breakfast - give it half an hour. Features MoneyPenny and TCWTB




Could another scenario be that they stay in admin and Birch uses the parachute money to keep them going, there must be a reason he hasn't just shut up shop because as others have said he is liable for debts run up in his administration. Could this run on for alot longer than we think?

A little light Sunday morning viewing.


Whatever you do, if you've just had your breakfast - give it half an hour. Features MoneyPenny and TCWTB


MoneyPenny has absolutely no clue! "Club being let down by the governing rules of football."

Try "Club is being punished for not understanding simple financial rules"


...and if Pompey fails, the fans can support a phoenix club with a passion!! No need to go to Saints, just build a new club from scratch that you can be proud of, instead of this smoldering ruin of financial ineptitude.


Pompey should have played Havant yesterday afternoon...Pre season friendly with 8/9 youngsters lined up to play...

Including that millionaire to be when he gets his wages TBH :D


The ground has new drainage and although a lot of rain the game should have gone ahead.


The official press release from friendly press will be the ground was unfit to play. Havant did not want to ruin the pitch for later bigger and better opposition......ORLY.....Netley Central , Sholing , Totton , Millbrook and Shirley OB


Pompey could not put out a team....:rolleyes: Certain star players not fit:p


Forecast to Pompey:scared: Would we do that to a sinking ship...:uhoh:

MoneyPenny has absolutely no clue! "Club being let down by the governing rules of football."

Try "Club is being punished for not understanding simple financial rules"


I love her comments about the community benefiting if a club existed; Yeah, right, how convenient to forget the thousands of people from all walks of life they've screwed...


What a community club that is.

July 16..........Kingsbridge Saint


July 17.........Depressed of Shirley


July 18..................St lightjaw


July 20......................pedg and spudgun


July 23...........Yours truly


July 24...........................................Winchester red


July 26..........camdijk


July 27........................Cryoman1965 ( a big puff )


July 28......................................................................................................Trousers and bionani


July 29..............Saint linford


July 30......Under west stand and shroppie


July 31..........................andysstuff and badger x16


August 1.....Doctoroncall


August 3................................Ampersound


August 4.........Sevvy


August 6..........................................................holepuncture


August 9.................Shrek


August 10..............................Fowllyd and Saintforever


August 17........................................................................................Petersfield Saint


God bless not having alot to do today


22nd July for me pls :)

A little light Sunday morning viewing.


Whatever you do, if you've just had your breakfast - give it half an hour. Features MoneyPenny and TCWTB




I actually started to feel sorry for them for a fraction of a second, but luckily that feeling didnt last long.


For Penny to blame footballing authorities for all this really wound me up. In all honesty what else could they have done? If the Russians hadn't taken over they would have went to the wall anyway. If the authorities had stopped the Russians and they did go pop, there would have been a uproar especially as the Russians had proof of funds.


It's unfortunate for them but when are they going to admit that if the club was run correctly they wouldn't have had a run in the prem and 2 FA cup finals. Now they are PAYING THE PRICE for that. It's called justice.


Rant over

Could another scenario be that they stay in admin and Birch uses the parachute money to keep them going, there must be a reason he hasn't just shut up shop because as others have said he is liable for debts run up in his administration. Could this run on for alot longer than we think?


No. They don't have sufficient cash flow to make payroll. If the players don't leave, the club won't start the season.


@pn_neil_allen: RT @mickwill: Liquidation is NOT the only way to clean up club. PST, with help of fans & community, can create a sustainable club to be proud of

I think on Friday the 17th August they will ask for a postponement of their first match

due to a "problem" and on Monday 20th August they will announce that they are no longer

able to fulfill their fixtures and BANG they is gone. :lol:


I think you could be onto something here.


The problem could be Electricity being cut off, Police only working if Bills paid up front, Death Threats to TBH .... etc etc

No. They don't have sufficient cash flow to make payroll. If the players don't leave, the club won't start the season.


Or presumably pay any bills - which admittedly doesn't seem to be a problem to them anyway.


Neil Allen ‏@pn_neil_allen


Ben Haim; an apology. Some on News forum say I'm bullying you. That hurts. So I won't again mention your £2m demands which may kill ‪#Pompey‬.

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