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So allowing for a bit of hype, they probably have about £80,000 or £90,000 in their escrow account , equating to £800,000 or £900,000 pledged, and this apparently from fewer than 8/900 people, since some have pledged much more than £1000. The '250,000' on southsea common for the cup parade have really come through for them haven't they?


What is more, some of those 8/900 people will be timewasters who will not actually find £1000 if it comes to it, and are just spending £2.50 (the admin fee) to make a gesture. So even if more pledge now, they will never raise more than a million or two --absolute tops -- not enough to give the creditors more than liquidation would, and so not enough to let Birch sell to them rather than liquidate.


In short there is absolutely no chance of a fans buy-out, except maybe for buying/setting up a phoenix club after liquidation.


Part of me hopes that the fan buyout goes ahead, be it of the festering carcass that they seem desperate to save or in terms of a new entity. Only then will they realise just how small they actually are.

From what I saw on Pompey Online most of them are being realistic - they cant stand the crooks who have run the club for the past few years, and the fact that they now owe money to St Johns Ambulance (again) and local schools and businesses. They also owe us money from the 2010 cup match. And there seems to be a general acceptance that they will be starting again. If I was unfortunate enough to be a Pompey supporter, then I would agree. Starting from scratch with a clean slate and properly run club for a change could actually be fun. Think about how much we have enjoyed the past three years.


The other stat was that their wage will for the season is £21 million, What planet were the previous owners on?


Anything in the FA Cup competition rules to say that you get thrown out of the competition if you don't pay?


As they would have got 40% or whatever from that match, surely we would have owed them for the cup match at SMS? Wouldn't they have just kept their ticket sales, and we would have paid the difference over to them?

From our point of view, if there is an opportunity to come to some kind of agreement where he doesn’t have to be at the football club next year then I think that is the sensible decision for both parties.'


So Voldemort, you call giving up a cushy job doing nothing and getting paid a fortune for a year a sensible decision? I think Mr. Kanu may disagree. :?


Well, I suppose it is a bit more sensible than giving up a stable job at WBA to become manager of a sinking, cesspit of a club, which everyone with half a brain knew was hurtling toward liquidation.




And apparently he's also "back in training" (I wonder which he used, a wheelchair or crutches?)


They must really think the clubs in the Middle East are as stupid as they are. :lol:


I am surprised someone hasnt put the list of the creditors on here for us to all have a look at.


My laptop's 'copy and paste' buffer isn't big enough.... ;)


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]12:59


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[TD]Comment From King

With this big debth - how much money will it cost to buy the club? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:00


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The debt is written off, so it is whatever a buyer is willing to pay for the club and then the old debt will just receive a dividend, like the old CVA [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:03


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[TD]Comment From PompeyMad

Will the selling of players provide some money for the next season? Or will it all go straight into paying off creditors? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:03


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We can't get into next season without a new owner [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:05


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[TD]Comment From PompeyMad

You say the debt is written off but what about the £58m of debt that was revealed this week? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:05


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It will be written off in the prospective CVA by way of a dividend [/TD]








I may be a bit slow but can someone explain how you can exit admin without a CVA? Surely if you owe people money then go into admin and cant agree a CVA you should be liquidated and the assets used to pay as much as possible back to creditors.


I don't think this one will get through somehow:


"What's worse? Coming out of administration with a CVA that you never end up honouring or not coming out of administration with a CVA at all?"


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:09


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[TD]Comment From Mike

Will Chanrai, CSI and Gaydamak still be due their full amount even after the new CVA? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:09


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No [/TD]







I may be a bit slow but can someone explain how you can exit admin without a CVA? Surely if you owe people money then go into admin and cant agree a CVA you should be liquidated and the assets used to pay as much as possible back to creditors.


True, but in theory you can do what they did before and transfer the Golden share to a new entity that is not liable for teh debt - however this is regarded as failing to agree a CVA by teh FL so a huge points deduction will follow

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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:09


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[TD]Comment From Mike

Will Chanrai, CSI and Gaydamak still be due their full amount even after the new CVA? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:09


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No [/TD]








Interesting. He seems very certain of that.


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:11


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[TD]Comment From zorro in germany

will chanrani accept less than his supposed 17mil [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:12


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He will have to [/TD]







True' date=' but in theory you can do what they did before and transfer the Golden share to a new entity that is not liable for teh debt - however this is regarded as failing to agree a CVA by teh FL so a huge points deduction will follow[/quote']


Ok cheers. I am enjoying Birch's blunt approach to answering questions. No messing.


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:13


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[TD]Comment From Fred

Surely reneging on the old CVA will cost us another points deduction? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:13


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Another good question. It's not certain, but I don't think so. It will be up to the Football League board [/TD]









Hmmm....that's less definitive than he said before....


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:15


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[TD]Comment From shaun

so how much are you realisticly looking to sell the club for 5-10 million. [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:15


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It will probably be in that region [/TD]







Comment From Jane from OPL Jane from OPL : ]

Hi Mr Birch, as one of your creditors (OPL - owed £5k) I must say how frustrated I am that the club has let me down so badly, only for you to flippantly brush off debt 'like a dividend'... You owe me five thousand pounds and that amount could destroy my family business, but you carry on signing players eh?


Very good


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:19


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[TD]Comment From Jane from OPL

Hi Mr Birch, as one of your creditors (OPL - owed £5k) I must say how frustrated I am that the club has let me down so badly, only for you to flippantly brush off debt 'like a dividend'... You owe me five thousand pounds and that amount could destroy my family business, but you carry on signing players eh? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:20


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I feel incredibly sorry for creditors and I didn't in any way try to be flippant. I was just trying to state what I think might happen and stick to the facts without any emotion. But it is just terribly sad for those affected [/TD]







Right then.....all set for the web chat with Mr Bicrh? http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/webchats


T minus 1 minute....


Jane from OPL

Hi Mr Birch, as one of your creditors (OPL - owed £5k) I must say how frustrated I am that the club has let me down so badly, only for you to flippantly brush off debt 'like a dividend'... You owe me five thousand pounds and that amount could destroy my family business, but you carry on signing players eh?



Hi Trevor, not really a question but I thought I would point this out. My son is a student at The Petersfield School and they will no longer be able to fund the new IT suites for next year. At the recent PTA meeting it was mooted that PFC witholding funds is the cause. Do clubs consider the implications of reneging on monies owed, do they take it as seriously as I take my sons education? Mike


Peter Fazackarley

You made me redundant and shortly afterwards go and sign loads of loan players. In your report it states this has cost £32k, far more than my wages... why did you sanction this?



How many times do I have to say this...My position is secured, I WILL get my money back


Steve Bone

I am a local photographer owed £250, will I get my money back of a %?


Trust member Nick

I am concerned that we owe hotels in Swansea and S****horpe... to me that suggests we were defaulting on bills and running up debts way before CSI came to town. Can you clarify?


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:30


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[TD]Comment From Phil OMac

On what date does the company cease to exist if no new funding is forthcoming? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:31


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You cannot put a date on it. But we need to find a solution in my opinion before June 2, which is the date of the AGM of the Football League [/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:32


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[TD]Comment From Andy

You have previously been quoted as saying the club is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it. How does this deal with the 'secured' debt of Messrs Chainrai and Gaydamak? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:32


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Because as administrator, I have the power to sell the secured assets. By the way, Mr Gaydamak is not a secured creditor in this administration [/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:33[/TD]

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[TD]Comment From Nedrack

Seen your report. So does this mean that Portpin did fund Pompey with £250k after CSI collapse? And how much do Pompey owe CSI, £10m or £20m?[/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:34[/TD]

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They injected money to fund the December payroll[/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:34


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CSI is owed £10m[/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:36[/TD]

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[TD]Comment From a tru blu

Have the FL actually told you, that there will be points deductions for failing to honour CVA1?[/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:36[/TD]

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That question was missing a "no" surely? (as in "no points deduction")?


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:38


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[TD]Comment From Albert Road

Surely the fans trust buyout scheme will not be able to raise more money than the creditors would get from liquidation? If so it's hopeless isn't ? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:38


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Not necessarily. I think you are being unduly pessimistic [/TD]






Posted (edited)


That question was missing a "no" surely? (as in "no points deduction")?


Exactly, that is a key question I want Trevor to answer. I don't see why they shouldn't be getting a points deduction as failing 2010 CVA amounts to the same as not agreeing a CVA in the first place.

Edited by Matthew Le God
Posted (edited)
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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:36[/TD]

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[TD]Comment From a tru blu

Have the FL actually told you, that there will be points deductions for failing to honour CVA1?[/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:36[/TD]

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That question was missing a "no" surely? (as in "no points deduction")?


'twas mine! But I asked it twice...................who nicked the 'no'!

Edited by Gingeletiss

I've just spoken to a business supplier of mine who is (was) a regular supporter of theirs. He enjoyed last Saturday, thought we were very good first half but faded in the second when we stopped playing football, but he has given up on this season, is not going to any more games and is only hoping that there will be something left to support next season. He said the talk down his way is of being let into the Conerence on safety grounds, that is concerns about ground safety. I suppose I'd settle for that.


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:40


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[TD]Comment From Brendon

What is the situation regarding the remaining parachute payments? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:41


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At the moment we have two years worth - £14m, including £2m assigned back to the old company for the benefit of Mr Gaydamak [/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:44


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[TD]Comment From BigLuca

So let me get this straight...... We are £50 odd million in debt but if someone offers £6m to buy us that would be used to pay the debt if the creditors agree to it and there would be no debt after that???? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:45


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Correct, Big Luca [/TD]







Posted (edited)
Hmmm I've asked twice (different names) about the integrity of repeatedly going into admin / failing to meet the terms of CVAs without incurring further points penalties but so far no response :(


I think Trevor knows it is a big issue and wants to try and avoid talking about it if he can as it will put buyers off. The Football League will hopefully make accepting a points deduction a condition of transferring the golden share if it ever gets to that point.


CVA 2010 failing amounts to the same thing as not agreeing a CVA in 2010. The latter receives a points penalty why not the former?

Edited by Matthew Le God

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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:49


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[TD]Comment From Traftragen

You said that "the would-be owner has to make an offer which can then form the CVA". Could you explain this please? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:50


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Moneys paid by a new owner would be put into a pot to pay a dividend to the creditors. That's how I see it working. The creditors would then have to vote on whether to accept [/TD]







Hmmm I've asked twice (different names) about the integrity of repeatedly going into admin / failing to meet the terms of CVAs without incurring further points penalties but so far no response :(


Likewise. He's avoiding that one like the plague. His lack of answer tells us what we need to know though....


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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:53


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[TD]Comment From PompeyMad

Has chanrai said anything about saving the club other than a few months ago to the press? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:54


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Again,, I am still talking with him. He doesn'tt want to own the club but in a last resort situation may feel compelled to get involved again [/TD]








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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]3:56


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[TD]Comment From Ian Limb

With the cva will it be the HMRC who holds the cards? they always vote against any CVA so is it likely we will get overall creditor agreement? [/TD]







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[TD=class: chatmsgtime, bgcolor: #F6F6F6]13:57


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They will vote against the CVA because they vote in principle against the football creditor rule. But they are only owed £2m and therefore will not be able to stop a CVA [/TD]







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