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Pompey Takeover Saga

Fitzhugh Fella

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They also had a 'Fans Reunited' thing today. Much like Plymouth did with Brighton. So 16,500 with a price promotion, away fans, free tickets to schools, 'pack the park' campaign and other clubs fans turning up. How many actual pompey fans in there during their hour of need. Such s*** fans!!



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They also had a 'Fans Reunited' thing today. Much like Plymouth did with Brighton. So 16,500 with a price promotion, away fans, free tickets to schools, 'pack the park' campaign and other clubs fans turning up. How many actual pompey fans in there during their hour of need. Such s*** fans!!




reality dawns


Forgot about this to be honest. Didn't see a single shirt or scarf from another club.


Maybe we're just unpopular?

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'The fans still turned out in force for the visit of Bristol City'.


Why is the FL show lying? It's fascinating, but really odd. They must know the attendance? Even without considering away fans, price discounts and desperate pleas to attend, they must notice they've again failed to get near selling out a small stadium?




It's easier to churn out a cliché then analyse the facts. Lazy journalism.

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On Tuesday Pompey take on Birmingham at Fratton Park and we’re inviting all fans to get their best fancy dress outfits out for the occasion.

Supporters are encouraged to raid the wardrobes for their most entertaining costumes to make it a jovial and entertaining night of football.

Fancy dress has come out in force this season at a number of away games and it's time to bring it back to Fratton Park.

So far we have witnessed Elvis, Cowboys, 70s rockers and even one gentlemen dressed as a banana!







The phew make their way to Krap Nottarf for one of the last times ever.

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Over on the main site (yes fellow PTS nutjobs, it really exists!) the points above Cheats thread seems to be in trouble. At the beginning, as the gap hilariously grew and grew, there were regular smug comments along with gap updates from the mods. Great fun. But now that Cheats FC are rock bottom, and the gap has grown to




there seems to less enthusiasm in twisting the knife.


Pity for the few? Embarrassment? Not wanting to kick a skate when it's floundering?


Who knows? Sad really, I was hoping for a big celebration when the gap hits 50. :(

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On Tuesday Pompey take on Birmingham at Fratton Park and we’re inviting all fans to get their best fancy dress outfits out for the occasion.

Supporters are encouraged to raid the wardrobes for their most entertaining costumes to make it a jovial and entertaining night of football.

Fancy dress has come out in force this season at a number of away games and it's time to bring it back to Fratton Park.

So far we have witnessed Elvis, Cowboys, 70s rockers and even one gentlemen dressed as a banana!







The phew make their way to Krap Nottarf for one of the last times ever.


Think this is without a doubt, the nub of their problem.


They harp on and on about "Their History"


They bang on about the title.


They are being urged to turn up as Old Pop Stars or the even older Bananaman joke.


I say, let them have their History.


Because this is what they deserve.


In the past 10 years they have NEVER, EVER thought for one moment about Their Future.


They do not have one. They are a 70's club totally unaware of the nature of Modern Football


They are, without a doubt, History

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I don't think Wright's abuse was that bad, think you're confusing Saintswebforum with the real world.


Agree about Appleton's decision, I was gobsmacked when I heard his explanation on the radio - he even said Kitson was happy with the decision!

Should have just made up an injury.


Your first sentence is one of the truest ever posted on here

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One of the most desperate attempts I've ever seen trying to explain away their pathetic support, ever;




Delusional stuff for the deluded. At least he admits Fratton is a soulless dump though.


what a crock of drivel


Obviously "The End of The Working Class" and Lifestyle Changes has seen a major drop in the ST holder numbers & attendances at SMS this year.


But nice he does hit the nail on the head finally about their support - a hard core of around 8,500.


Very few fans actually from the City. (Yes, that was mentioned some 700 or so pages back - People who wanted to watch PL Football went to Nottarf Krap from all over the south. They had no other choice) They were NEVER "fans" of that decrepid club.


Oh and guess what? Many of them will be keeping regular hard core Saints fans out of SMS until we increase the capacity.


But we won't care, we will welcome the extra revenues that they bring so that our ACADEMY can be made stronger and we can build for a better FUTURE

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Think this is without a doubt, the nub of their problem.


They harp on and on about "Their History"


They bang on about the title.


They are being urged to turn up as Old Pop Stars or the even older Bananaman joke.


I say, let them have their History.


Because this is what they deserve.


In the past 10 years they have NEVER, EVER thought for one moment about Their Future.


They do not have one. They are a 70's club totally unaware of the nature of Modern Football


They are, without a doubt, History


Sometimes DP you don't half talk some rambling rubbish, probably fuelled by OSH (I have the same problem with prosecco..). ;-)


But this post is a very good précis of their position.

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Please, please do all try and watch this. It's quite frankly, sickening. If there is anything that typifies what we've reiterated on here time and again, it's this video;



plucky pompey banners, pompey v the world, pompey hard done by, it's not our fault etc etc.




*added bonus of fan chasing Storrie at 3:55ish :lol:

Edited by Crab Lungs
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Please, please do all try and watch this. It's quite frankly, sickening. If there is anything that typifies what we've reiterated on here time and again, it's this video;



plucky pompey banners, pompey v the world, pompey hard done by, it's not our fault etc etc.




*added bonus of fan chasing Storrie at 3:55ish :lol:


Good stuff, but cringe worthy viewing.


What's with the mongs all believing they'd bounce back up? What foundations did they have for that opinion? Utter deluded mongs.


Get rid of them, they put a black mark all over English football.

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Please, please do all try and watch this. It's quite frankly, sickening. If there is anything that typifies what we've reiterated on here time and again, it's this video;



plucky pompey banners, pompey v the world, pompey hard done by, it's not our fault etc etc.




*added bonus of fan chasing Storrie at 3:55ish :lol:

I'd skip to the end "it's been tough this season but we'll be back up (in the prem) next year". Of course you will son.
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I find the Plymouth example probably more likely as to what will happen to "plucky" pompey.....Only downside of that is I don't mind plymouth and would rather just say the skates should die, however, as an academic, I need evidence and examples to back up my claims :s

Edited by Hockey_saint
dodgy U button
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I wonder how their little youth group 'The House of Burberry' are getting on these days?




The best footage of them is in Part 3;



Yeah, I wonder how they're getting on.... my bet is that they're like around 240,000 other people, they've probably conveniently forgotten about football since 2008...

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I sit in my garden and wonder why,

those toothless pikeys just won't die,

for years they've cheated and stoll the cup

go look on their website it's all pup,pup,pup


They winge and they moan,

blame the FA not us,the taxman,the league,the man on the bus.


Millions and millions of pounds they did squander,

the fat in the pipes? it makes you wonder.

The awful ground,the crappy bogs,

i've been to the toilet,and yes....full of logs.


They bleat about history and all things blue,

the reality is they are but a few.

They can't read and write it's a shame but true,

"you wan't your money back get in the queue"


Arabs,money men,mafia too

the club has been run like a very poor zoo

The animals starving and poorly kept

but eh! who cares we won't pay our debt


But now the chickens have come home to roost,

grab some money of west ham to give them a boost,

they squirm and they wriggle and cheat to the end,

are there any more of the rules they can bend.


But hey! as a Saints i look at their club,

i think b*****ks to them i'm off down the pub.

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yay my 100th post on this thread




finally losing it?


I think the thing with the Skates that has finally really got to the supporters of other clubs is this second admin. Those not fully in the know could sympathise a bit with the 'chasing the dream' thing, but what has really been seen to be extracting the urine is the total disregard for their staggering debts as they wracked up new a whole new set of costs on unsustainable wages and failed to pay their taxes again. To be honest, even I might have had a bit of sympathy with a plucky Pompey squad full of frees and acadamy players battling relegation and admin. But they made no attempt to act right up the moment of no return. And then whine about a conspiracy.

And the bit I still can't get my head around is the role of Lampitt in all this. He must have know Antonov was dodgy - at the very, very least he knew that he had bought the club on the never-never and it must have crossed his mind that this was because he didn't have the cash he claimed, yet he sanctioned the continuation of the outrageous quality over quantity wage-fest that may yet wipe them out. He looks a bright chap, obviously worked hard to get to where he did in the FA, he sounds plausible, yet a few months on Portsea Island and he just seemed to go troppo to the point where Storrie's financial planning looked like an austery regime.

Very weird.

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@pn_neil_allen: Interesting Birch quotes in #Pompey programme. 'It's not the players' fault. They didn't force anyone to give them their contracts.

'It's the responsibility of the directors of a business to manage it prudently.' I guess that means you Mr Lampitt. #Pompey

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Heard a good one today, Portsmouth training ground fees have been paid by a company owned by a west ham director. dont know if true and wouldnt even know how to find out if true or not,


I don't believe that to be strictly true as it would probably contravene some league rules.

However it is likely that the skates are funding the cost from money paid to them by West Ham for Henderson, and that is possibly where the rumour has come from.

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I sit in my garden and wonder why,

those toothless pikeys just won't die,

for years they've cheated and stoll the cup

go look on their website it's all pup,pup,pup


They winge and they moan,

blame the FA not us,the taxman,the league,the man on the bus.


Millions and millions of pounds they did squander,

the fat in the pipes? it makes you wonder.

The awful ground,the crappy bogs,

i've been to the toilet,and yes....full of logs.


They bleat about history and all things blue,

the reality is they are but a few.

They can't read and write it's a shame but true,

"you wan't your money back get in the queue"


Arabs,money men,mafia too

the club has been run like a very poor zoo

The animals starving and poorly kept

but eh! who cares we won't pay our debt


But now the chickens have come home to roost,

grab some money of west ham to give them a boost,

they squirm and they wriggle and cheat to the end,

are there any more of the rules they can bend.


But hey! as a Saints i look at their club,

i think b*****ks to them i'm off down the pub.



Brilliant...pub poetry at it's best!:toppa:

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that's no age, and the fact that he actually did something to try and create a future for his club should be applauded - respect.



Meanwhile, what sort of gate can they expect for Birmingham in a midweek game?

Lose that and Appy's firesale kicks in bigtime.


I still see no sign of a buyer and with Birch looking to halve the wagebill again it has to be impossible to sell in the current form.

I note that the wagebill he's aiming for is the one that Lampitt was working toward from AA's figures - he only missed it by about 300%.

Good effort.



Unlike the tired PR that poured out after a dismal attempt against Bristol City.

Plucky, battling, blah, blah, blah - say it enough times and people might believe.

No, it was poor, toothless, wayward, feeble, unstructured - from all reports I've seen there was no sign of anything positive, just another nail in the coffin.

In fact the coffin lid is more metal than wood now, I hope they've left room for the half a dozen we want to bang in there.

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I think there will be a few more loans out before the deadline as it's the last chance they have to reduce the wage bill. Looking at their squad on their OS at the moment they have

1 GK



6 FW


not sure how many of them are loans, but i can really see them allowing anyone out on loan if someone will take them and they will be forced to use their youth players to get through. Anyone know what would happen if their 1 senior GK gets sent off or injured outside of the loan window? would they be able to get one in still or would they have to use their youth keeper?

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