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Posted (edited)
it surprises me how little other championship owners have had to say about the whole thing.


Not in public they haven't, but whose to say they haven't had words with the Football League in private? If I was a chairman at another Championship club I'd be furious with what Pompey have done.

Edited by Matthew Le God
Not in public they haven't, but whose to say they haven't had words with the Football League in private? If I were a chairman at another Championship club I'd be furious with what Pompey have done.


Well, as mentioned earlier, Gold of West Ham openly accused them of cheating in a quite high profile article. I'd be surprised if the FL didn't get to read it, as well as having had other club's write to them in circumstances where the Skates had taken players from under their noses when they didn't have the money to afford them.

How many times have the skates looked like that they were on their way to the guillotine, only for a pardon to be given in the last minute? Could this really be it? Are they really about to get the chop? I still think they will find a way out and get ANOTHER stay of execution! Would love to be wrong though. But I say "Off with their heads!!!" haha


The last thing You pony Boys want is for us to go POP!

What are the posertives?.....................there are none.

What are the negertives?.....................You lose your Bestest arch enemy's,

No more Derby's ever!

This Fred would have to close.

You feckers would be Bord sh*tless without us to sniger at.

We might come up your gaff as you have plenty of room.


I think perhaps the club's damaging media campaign over the last year insulting football authorities at every opportunity, plus the drip feed effect of Gold and Wenger openly calling them cheats, other clubs losing out on players when outbid by a morally bankupt and insolvently trading regime, a whispering campaign in the corridors of the football league from unimpressed chairmen and the pending court action, meant that the insanity of signing Lawrence and Kitson was seen as the final two straws - AA couldn't even do that in one!


Rather than being seen as the cavalry coming over the horizon, history may record these two Stoke reject signings as the final double insult that pushed the authorities to action.


Enough is enough - saddle the horses, it's Apocalypse II time - the return of the four horsemen - clippety-clop, clippety-clop, up the M275.....

The last thing You pony Boys want is for us to go POP!

What are the posertives?.....................there are none.


Except for the mother of all laughs. Quite a positive.


What are the negertives?.....................You lose your Bestest arch enemy's,


But Bournemouth so want to fill that role, maybe it's time for them to step up after all.


No more Derby's ever!

See above.

This Fred would have to close.

And we can archive it for historic and entertaining toilet reading.


You feckers would be Bord sh*tless without us to sniger at.

We have an active and entertaining main board, but your concern is appreciated.


We might come up your gaff as you have plenty of room.


And let you stink the place out? Nah, it's ok. I'm sure ground sharing with Havant and Waterlooville while you desperately try to rebuild would be far more suitable. West Leigh Park is just the right size for you lot too.


See above.

I think perhaps the club's damaging media campaign over the last year insulting football authorities at every opportunity, plus the drip feed effect of Gold and Wenger openly calling them cheats, other clubs losing out on players when outbid by a morally bankupt and insolvently trading regime, a whispering campaign in the corridors of the football league from unimpressed chairmen and the pending court action, meant that the insanity of signing Lawrence and Kitson was seen as the final two straws - AA couldn't even do that in one!


Rather than being seen as the cavalry coming over the horizon, history may record these two Stoke reject signings as the final double insult that pushed the authorities to action.


Enough is enough - saddle the horses, it's Apocalypse II time - the return of the four horsemen - clippety-clop, clippety-clop, up the M275.....


Named, fittingly, in the correct order?


Conquest, war, famine and death.


I believe the famine is running out.

You're quite right, relegation to the Wessex League would give us a few more years of pi** take


They wouldn't start that low. It would be in either Blue Square Premier or Blue Square South.


Saints fans groups entered discussions with the Blue Square Leagues when it looked like Saints might need to restart in summer 2009. They got some positive noises back about starting in the 5th or 6th tier. Pompey fans groups have already done the same.

They wouldn't start that low. It would be in either Blue Square Premier or Blue Square South.


Saints fans groups entered discussions with the Blue Square Leagues when it looked like Saints might need to restart in summer 2009. They got some positive noises back about starting in the 5th or 6th tier. Pompey fans groups have already done the same.


Great news, I can go and cheer on Eastbourne Borough or Lewes when they come down this way next season. Happy days.

You are such a bunch of ******s it's untrue. Pmsl at the lot of you.


You never fail to make me laugh


now, now. It wasnt that long ago you were doing the same thing to us. Now run along and put your collective heads back in the sand. PAY UP POOMPEY

I think perhaps the club's damaging media campaign over the last year insulting football authorities at every opportunity, plus the drip feed effect of Gold and Wenger openly calling them cheats, other clubs losing out on players when outbid by a morally bankupt and insolvently trading regime, a whispering campaign in the corridors of the football league from unimpressed chairmen and the pending court action, meant that the insanity of signing Lawrence and Kitson was seen as the final two straws - AA couldn't even do that in one!


Rather than being seen as the cavalry coming over the horizon, history may record these two Stoke reject signings as the final double insult that pushed the authorities to action.


Enough is enough - saddle the horses, it's Apocalypse II time - the return of the four horsemen - clippety-clop, clippety-clop, up the M275.....


This is the kind of thing that makes me laugh so much on here. The mock outrage and indignation. The sanctimonious handwringing and the constant bugging yourself up about how smart you are - when the FLs refusal to allow Chainrai to take over is nothing to do with what Rallytard has written here.


Their issue is Chainrais status as a secured creditor. They're saying he should either have the club (as payment for the "loan" al Faraj allegedly defaulted on) OR remain as a secured creditor and get his cash back that way. But he can't do both as then he would be paid twice for the same thing. Pompey fans have been pressing for an answer on just this for ages without response. Looks like the FL know what they're doing.


But you guys are so smart Im sure one of you has already posted this and I somehow missed it

This is the kind of thing that makes me laugh so much on here. The mock outrage and indignation. The sanctimonious handwringing and the constant bugging yourself up about how smart you are - when the FLs refusal to allow Chainrai to take over is nothing to do with what Rallytard has written here.


Their issue is Chainrais status as a secured creditor. They're saying he should either have the club (as payment for the "loan" al Faraj allegedly defaulted on) OR remain as a secured creditor and get his cash back that way. But he can't do both as then he would be paid twice for the same thing. Pompey fans have been pressing for an answer on just this for ages without response. Looks like the FL know what they're doing.


But you guys are so smart Im sure one of you has already posted this and I somehow missed it



Fancy that, someone getting something wrong about the future of Portsmouth football club on this thread. Wouldn't catch you doing that would we? After all, you knows peoples in the know and stuff.


Spare us the pompousity you plank.

You are such a bunch of ******s it's untrue. Pmsl at the lot of you.


You never fail to make me laugh


You're laughing at us laughing at Pompey?


Well at least there's one Pompey fan getting pleasure out of that thing down the other end of the M27...

The last thing You pony Boys want is for us to go POP!

What are the posertives?.....................there are none.

What are the negertives?.....................You lose your Bestest arch enemy's,

No more Derby's ever!

This Fred would have to close.

You feckers would be Bord sh*tless without us to sniger at.

We might come up your gaff as you have plenty of room.


If this really is the beginning of the end for your club I honestly hope someone down your way puts together a fresh new AFC Pompey and I wish you all the best in following a club thats intentions are a shed load more honourable than the previous lot you have had to put up with. I also look forward to the new club climbing the leagues as quickly as possible in order for somedecent derby's to re-occur. Bournmouth will never be a derby so good luck to the new Pompey and I hope it's something worth the real fans support.


All too confusing for me, 2 hours ago they were dead and buried because AA said that there was no way in a month of sundays that they would be able to meet the FL requirements. Went out for a chinese, got back to find out that they now have new owners in place for tomorrows game.


'Tis a strange, strange world.....

And I look forward to Mack's spelling and grammar improving......:D


You'll probably have to wait some time for that, but credit where credit is due, unlike others, he at least has taken all of our jibes in very good humour. One that you wouldn't mind going for a drink with methinks.

All too confusing for me, 2 hours ago they were dead and buried because AA said that there was no way in a month of sundays that they would be able to meet the FL requirements. Went out for a chinese, got back to find out that they now have new owners in place for tomorrows game.


'Tis a strange, strange world.....


I think it's fair to take both statements from aa with. Pinch of salt. On the face of it, Chainrai would be mad to spunk more money at a club he has just lost £20 mil or so worth of security but on the other hand he prob can't afford to throw the same amount of money away by walking and letting it get liquidated.


Didn't the FL ask for stuff to be done last time and AA's quotes of it being done in days actually take more like a month?

You'll probably have to wait some time for that, but credit where credit is due, unlike others, he at least has taken all of our jibes in very good humour. One that you wouldn't mind going for a drink with methinks.


Yeah I think he has bitten a few times but some of the flack he gets I can't say I blame him. Shows it's possible to have more friendly rivalry.

I think it's fair to take both statements from aa with. Pinch of salt. On the face of it, Chainrai would be mad to spunk more money at a club he has just lost £20 mil or so worth of security but on the other hand he prob can't afford to throw the same amount of money away by walking and letting it get liquidated.


Didn't the FL ask for stuff to be done last time and AA's quotes of it being done in days actually take more like a month?


Yeah there has been a fair amount of stalling going on all round. Reading between the lines, I actually think that they went to the FL with 'the plan' that they wanted and hoped that they might somehow get it approved. But I also think that they knew this might happen and so have had 'plan B' ready and waiting just in case.


The problem for Chainrai is that he is backed into a corner and has nowhere else to go unfortunately. He would now appear to be the 'proud' owner of a club that he just doesn't really want.


They next problem for him is 'stick', 'twist' or 'bust' - is he willing to put more money in in order to keep the club on an even footing, invest heavily in the hope of promotion, or try to run the club as a going concern based on current incomings and revenue?


Wouldn't like to be in his shoes right now.

This is the kind of thing that makes me laugh so much on here. The mock outrage and indignation. The sanctimonious handwringing and the constant bugging yourself up about how smart you are - when the FLs refusal to allow Chainrai to take over is nothing to do with what Rallytard has written here.


Their issue is Chainrais status as a secured creditor. They're saying he should either have the club (as payment for the "loan" al Faraj allegedly defaulted on) OR remain as a secured creditor and get his cash back that way. But he can't do both as then he would be paid twice for the same thing. Pompey fans have been pressing for an answer on just this for ages without response. Looks like the FL know what they're doing.


But you guys are so smart Im sure one of you has already posted this and I somehow missed it


As you've been right all along no doubt this will as accurate as the rest.

Sickens me they keep trying to sign players and still ask for sympathy. This isn't some poor club struggling through no fault of their own, they've cheated, plain and simple. I'd hate them if I'd never supported Saints in my life, and know many non-Saints fans fed up with their preferential treatment now.


Two FA Cup finals - why? What about every club that didn't bring in lots of players on huge wages only to not pay? They gained an illegal advantage and it's disgusting. Should all clubs do that then? If there was any sense left they'd be stripped of that FA Cup. But to let them keep playing in last year's was even more crazy, especially with loaned players. How do they keep bringing in players when in administration, then just ignore tax bills? Nevermind all the creditors right, forget any small business counting on that money, so long as thousands more each week can be thrown at a new player or five. They are everything that's wrong with football and someone needs to have the balls to put every other club off doing the same by finally punishing them properly.


Corpse Whore would beg to differ. And I'm sure she will log on soon and do just that. :lol:

Yeah there has been a fair amount of stalling going on all round. Reading between the lines, I actually think that they went to the FL with 'the plan' that they wanted and hoped that they might somehow get it approved. But I also think that they knew this might happen and so have had 'plan B' ready and waiting just in case.


The problem for Chainrai is that he is backed into a corner and has nowhere else to go unfortunately. He would now appear to be the 'proud' owner of a club that he just doesn't really want.


They next problem for him is 'stick', 'twist' or 'bust' - is he willing to put more money in in order to keep the club on an even footing, invest heavily in the hope of promotion, or try to run the club as a going concern based on current incomings and revenue?


Wouldn't like to be in his shoes right now.


I can't see that any of his options are that attractive.

Stick and the club is spending more on wages alone than is coming in. It's heading for a relegation which will devalue it even further. He will be stuck with the club round his neck for some time to come and very little chance of getting any money back for it.


Twist and as others have found out in the past he could be throwing money at it with no guarantee's of a return and could end up losing as much money as he would had he have stuck.


Bust and he is in the same boat as the previous 2. He will lose as much because he won't get anywhere near as much money as he has already put in.


Were I to be as loaded as he I doubt I would like to be sat there one day debating how I would like to lose £30 million.

You'll probably have to wait some time for that, but credit where credit is due, unlike others, he at least has taken all of our jibes in very good humour. One that you wouldn't mind going for a drink with methinks.


True. Unlike Corp Ho who is so stupid that he (I presume) doesn't realise he shouldn't be PMSL but crapping himself from fear. Nah, to Mack you'd say, "reckon you're wrong mate, fancy another pint?". To Corp; well, I'm too polite to suggest likely comments if you met in person. Feel free to add likely comments.


The Football League need to be very careful here. Pompey are spinning another web of deceit, masked by smoke and mirrors to try to get that Golden share. They need to keep very focused on protecting the interests of the other 23 clubs in the Championship, and not let the DCFSB's hoodwink them. Will they service a CVA when getting the money to do so is contingent on future events - this is not a common scenario. They are currently a busted flush. How far would you trust Pompey and Chanrai to do the right thing? Surely they won't promise one thing to get the golden share, then once having secured it, do something else instead? Just dock them 20 points for coming out of admin without a 'normal' CVA (that has been settled in the conventional way out of available funds) and everyone can move on.

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