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Funny, i've sent a PM to Admin about being charged twice for subscription when i wasn't even sent an email indicating it was going to be automatically renewed, over a week since the first message was sent and no reply!

The "admin" username isn't used by any of the administrators - it's just the default one that is set up when the forum gets installed. Drop me a PM and I'll get it sorted.

Ciftci – who explained that his name is pronounced 'siffsee with a silent t' – so that is Shi then


Because his surname is actually Çiftci not Ciftci

and this is something that I am interested in. Winning this court case was supposed to pave the way for them coming out of administration, it's been a week and they're still in admin. Anyone know when their likely to come out? because surely in the meantime their racking up more and more debt.


At the end of the day, they have 12 months to come out because if they are still in admin this time next year the FL won't let them enter the league next season.


Others on this site know far more about this than I do, but my own understanding is that they can't exit administration until a buyer is found. The CVA may well be agreed and (astonishingly) upheld on appeal, but without an owner they have to remain as they are. I'd guess that if Chainrai is down to be their new owner (and by all accounts he's the only candidate) he'll need to pass the FL's fit and proper person test, which I think is now rather tougher than it used to be...


Who's paying all of their day-to-day costs is an interesting question though - I was under the impression that parachute payments would be used to pay off football creditors first, so there'll be nothing from the first payment to keep the club running.


I was under the impression that Gaydamak won't allow pompey to use the stadium as he owns all the access to the land around it?


I guess we'll see what happens as they are playing Reading at home this saturday.


guys...just popped on to say sorry to hear about your loss - football rivalry aside here he saved your club and gained your respect by doing things the right way. Best Wishes.

Yes I am (obviously about to get (more) abuse)


Personally I suggest the mods ban you instantly so we hear no more from you.


Before they were deleted from the main board - pretty sure the admin can still see them - the comments you made on POL are dispicable.


If you weren't from Pompey I would suggest you hang your head in shame.


Since you are from Pompey, I guess you won't have an understanding of the word shame.

Personally I suggest the mods ban you instantly so we hear no more from you.


Before they were deleted from the main board - pretty sure the admin can still see them - the comments you made on POL are dispicable.


If you weren't from Pompey I would suggest you hang your head in shame.


Since you are from Pompey, I guess you won't have an understanding of the word shame.

WSS i dont look on that site but if FMPR has said some tasteless things it may be best the scum is removed from this site.
WSS i dont look on that site but if FMPR has said some tasteless things it may be best the scum is removed from this site.


He has shown himself to be an utter utter unpleasant idiot of the highest order.


He should be banned immediately.



WSS i dont look on that site but if FMPR has said some tasteless things it may be best the scum is removed from this site.


As I said, before the comments were removed from one of the threads on the main board, there were a lot of comments copied and pasted from POL.


There was one of them from a 'FMR' which was pretty much what you'd expect from the Blue Few.


Perhaps a PM to Arizona would be best, as IIRC it was he who deleted the comments and locked the thread.....


Entirely my opinion yes the pic was out of order and I have apologised about that elsewhere. MLG can verify that.


Regarding Karma yes I firmly believe that.


Given the hurtful things towards MY club I have read on here day in, day out for what 18 months, can you really not expect to see something on a Pompey forum that isnt to your liking?


If I was vindictive, wanted it to really ram home I would of posted it here would I not? But no, I posted it elsewhere.


Some of you on here and you know who you are said things about people I know outside of the world of forums which upset me. Can I do anything about no, but I remember.


Suggest this should try and mark a new beginning for BOTH sets of fans on here to stop with the point scoring and face it crap talking that goes on.


I know Steve Grant, Minty, MLG, Sevvy all on here and get on well.


If the MODS see fit to ban me, that is their right, but we have had 18 months of abuse from here.


You cheat to gain an unfair sporting advantage and have cried foul at every opportunity then wonder why you get derided? No contrition, just crying foul. Maybe you have suffered enough.... but the reaction and lack of dignity on your forums shows otherwise.


Someone DIES at the club of your biggest rival and you see it as a chance to stick the boot in. Dirty little club with no moral compass. Enjoy hell.


Regarding Karma yes I firmly believe that.


You "firmly believe" that because Saints fans picked the bones out of your Administration and failed take-over(s), Markus died?


Or do you not actually mean Karma at all, what you mean is "you made light of our situation, so we feel we have permission to do it to you too"?


Karma: According to karma, performing positive actions results in a good condition in one's experience, whereas a negative action results in a bad effect. The effects may be seen immediately or delayed.

You cheat to gain an unfair sporting advantage and have cried foul at every opportunity then wonder why you get derided? No contrition, just crying foul. Maybe you have suffered enough.... but the reaction and lack of dignity on your forums shows otherwise.


Someone DIES at the club of your biggest rival and you see it as a chance to stick the boot in. Dirty little club with no moral compass. Enjoy hell.


Spot on Colin, my exact thoughts.


Karma... what a bunch of c()nts... because someone's death is comparable to you cheating, lying, stealing for four years?


And as for those whinging about Saints fans trawling their board for something to tarnish them... ha, idiots. The Portsmouth fans made that very, very easy for those people to find.

Entirely my opinion yes the pic was out of order and I have apologised about that elsewhere. MLG can verify that.


Regarding Karma yes I firmly believe that.


Given the hurtful things towards MY club I have read on here day in, day out for what 18 months, can you really not expect to see something on a Pompey forum that isnt to your liking?


If I was vindictive, wanted it to really ram home I would of posted it here would I not? But no, I posted it elsewhere.


Some of you on here and you know who you are said things about people I know outside of the world of forums which upset me. Can I do anything about no, but I remember.


Suggest this should try and mark a new beginning for BOTH sets of fans on here to stop with the point scoring and face it crap talking that goes on.


I know Steve Grant, Minty, MLG, Sevvy all on here and get on well.


If the MODS see fit to ban me, that is their right, but we have had 18 months of abuse from here.


You have had rightful abuse due to football related matters. Your club has cheated the football world, as well as charities, children and all taxpayers.To try and excuse your ridiculing the death of a old man, who did nothing but save a football club,( it could have been yours or any other) by saying you have had abuse is pathetic.

You have lost any credibility on this board and suggest you skulk away for good, i do hope that Granty etc have the gumption when they see you to say what we think to your face.


Suggest this should try and mark a new beginning for BOTH sets of fans on here to stop with the point scoring and face it crap talking that goes on.


No. Far, far too angry to consider anything like that right now.

You have had rightful abuse due to football related matters. Your club has cheated the football world, as well as charities, children and all taxpayers.To try and excuse your ridiculing the death of a old man, who did nothing but save a football club,( it could have been yours or any other) by saying you have had abuse is pathetic.

You have lost any credibility on this board and suggest you skulk away for good, i do hope that Granty etc have the gumption when they see you to say what we think to your face.


Less of the old please sir, he was only a few years older than myself! Other that that....carry on.

That is correct. He did apologise soon afterwards.


Don't make apologies for him, he is a disgrace. I do hope he is not the former LinvoysAfro


I was shocked at the depth of glee on the Pompey board I read. However unless the level of abuse comes to this message board and is not corrected at the first warning we should resist banning users. I would hate to sink to the level of Pompey Scott who would ban you for pointing out the truth or just having the wrong postcode and then sling playground abuse. Let them show thier true colours! It might put off thier potential investors.


People should remember that amongst these idiots from down the road are the ones that boo'd the minutes silence a few years back for Ted Bates.


Ripping there club apart for there cheating is one thing but celebrating a prominent figure's death in a rival club is beyond what real football fans can actually get to grips with.


Im sure there will be jokes floating about as there is with all high profiles losses but it doesnt suprise me in the slightest that them lot down the road have the idiots amongst them who would stoop so low.

guys...just popped on to say sorry to hear about your loss - football rivalry aside here he saved your club and gained your respect by doing things the right way. Best Wishes.


Are you sure you don't want to defect to the Saints? You seem too reasonable and objective to be a skate ;)

You have had rightful abuse due to football related matters. Your club has cheated the football world, as well as charities, children and all taxpayers.To try and excuse your ridiculing the death of a old man, who did nothing but save a football club,( it could have been yours or any other) by saying you have had abuse is pathetic.

You have lost any credibility on this board and suggest you skulk away for good, i do hope that Granty etc have the gumption when they see you to say what we think to your face.


Totally agree with this. "Karma" might have been a relevant comment if Liebherr had simply decided to walk away and not invest in the club, not him dying. You've let yourself down FMPR.

I was shocked at the depth of glee on the Pompey board I read.


I have to say, I noticed exactly the opposite. I was lead to believe from the various locked threads that Pompey fans were going ridiculously overboard with their anti-saints jokes at Markus' expense. But when I checked out Pompey Online, I was suprised to see that the vast majority of their fans had actually been very respectful: many had just left simple 'RIP's. Sure they had a few OTT posts - but nothing I wouldn't expect to see on here if the roles were reversed. Unless of course the most abusive posts have been removed before I read through the thread.


Karma is a strange concept. At the moment, both ends of the M27 feel as if they have had a bad run of luck, and have seen nothing but vitrol and abuse coming from their neighbours. Much as I hate the cheating, the lack of punishment, and the abuse of charities etc, I can see that average Pompey fans do not deserve to see their club die - just as we didn't deserve to see our club disappear last summer. Markus saved us, and will be remembered for decades in this corner of Hampshire. I honestly hope that Pompey are eventually saved (and I don't mind taking flack for saying so).


FMPR - I respect your call for an end to the point scoring. As for 'Karma' that was a pretty sick comment to make at any time - one of the least repectful on the PO thread. BTW, I wouldn't wish for karma if I were you, if karma comes into it and justice is served, your chosen club will have a long, long way to fall before they eventually recover - the misdemeanours that have been committed in your name certainly haven't yet been adequately punished.

I have to say, I noticed exactly the opposite. I was lead to believe from the various locked threads that Pompey fans were going ridiculously overboard with their anti-saints jokes at Markus' expense. But when I checked out Pompey Online, I was suprised to see that the vast majority of their fans had actually been very respectful: many had just left simple 'RIP's. Sure they had a few OTT posts - but nothing I wouldn't expect to see on here if the roles were reversed. Unless of course the most abusive posts have been removed before I read through the thread.


Karma is a strange concept. At the moment, both ends of the M27 feel as if they have had a bad run of luck, and have seen nothing but vitrol and abuse coming from their neighbours. Much as I hate the cheating, the lack of punishment, and the abuse of charities etc, I can see that average Pompey fans do not deserve to see their club die - just as we didn't deserve to see our club disappear last summer. Markus saved us, and will be remembered for decades in this corner of Hampshire. I honestly hope that Pompey are eventually saved (and I don't mind taking flack for saying so).


FMPR - I respect your call for an end to the point scoring. As for 'Karma' that was a pretty sick comment to make at any time - one of the least repectful on the PO thread. BTW, I wouldn't wish for karma if I were you, if karma comes into it and justice is served, your chosen club will have a long, long way to fall before they eventually recover - the misdemeanours that have been committed in your name certainly haven't yet been adequately punished.


That's what I said.


For every idiot poster on POL there is a true human being like Mero. Reading some of the other threads on the main board today shows that even some of our posters on here prefer to keep their trolling or simple point scoring going.


I've said time and again that I feel pain for my friends who are skates, and many of the few have popped up on the Echo & here to leave heartfelt messages.


I've said all along that I don't want Pompey to die. I don't believe they will, but I also think they have a long way to go and pain to experience. The difference is still that I have seen no humility from their leadership. So until I do, I'll snipe and demand punishment, and I think (again) Mero and others have made valid points that they feel the same way.


The entire world comprises of Mongs of every nature, neither Saints or the Skates are exempt. I just accept them for what they are and feel a sadness that they have such un-inspiring and shallow lives. It cannot be what God intended for any of them.


Meanwhile, let us not get distracted from the real issues here.


What has happened regarding access to the Stadium for Saturday's game? Has AA come to an agreement with Gaydamark? Are the Health & Safety aspects now resolved? Or are we in for a nice little something for the weekend to lighten our mood

I have to say, I noticed exactly the opposite. I was lead to believe from the various locked threads that Pompey fans were going ridiculously overboard with their anti-saints jokes at Markus' expense. But when I checked out Pompey Online, I was suprised to see that the vast majority of their fans had actually been very respectful: many had just left simple 'RIP's. Sure they had a few OTT posts - but nothing I wouldn't expect to see on here if the roles were reversed. Unless of course the most abusive posts have been removed before I read through the thread.


Exactly what I thought. The thread on thepompeychimes forum is 100% respectful, there's not one comment left that would be considered offensive on there


Wow, the Pompey Chimes one is much better. Appreciated.


Personally think the POL thread is atrocious...


Yes and POL is full of idiots. Pompey Chimes is run by proper fans. I

Yes and POL is full of idiots. Pompey Chimes is run by proper fans. I


Oops, typo. What I meant to say is that some mates of mine are Pompey STs and want there to be a rivalry but for both clubs to do well. Most of the Popmey fans I know are decent folk, yes there are some idiotsd but then we have those as well. The Bates incident was awful but so many Pompey fans I know were very ashamed of that. Ignore the brain dead but be gracious to the genuine fan.

Entirely my opinion yes the pic was out of order and I have apologised about that elsewhere. MLG can verify that.


Regarding Karma yes I firmly believe that.


Given the hurtful things towards MY club I have read on here day in, day out for what 18 months, can you really not expect to see something on a Pompey forum that isnt to your liking?


If I was vindictive, wanted it to really ram home I would of posted it here would I not? But no, I posted it elsewhere.


Some of you on here and you know who you are said things about people I know outside of the world of forums which upset me. Can I do anything about no, but I remember.


Suggest this should try and mark a new beginning for BOTH sets of fans on here to stop with the point scoring and face it crap talking that goes on.


I know Steve Grant, Minty, MLG, Sevvy all on here and get on well.


If the MODS see fit to ban me, that is their right, but we have had 18 months of abuse from here.




So because some Saints fans were angry about your club cheating, our owner deserved to die?


**** off you ****.

Oops, typo. What I meant to say is that some mates of mine are Pompey STs and want there to be a rivalry but for both clubs to do well. Most of the Popmey fans I know are decent folk, yes there are some idiotsd but then we have those as well. The Bates incident was awful but so many Pompey fans I know were very ashamed of that. Ignore the brain dead but be gracious to the genuine fan.


good post and i agree most fans are decent people unfortunately in this modern era their seems to be alot of the brain dead types.

For every idiot poster on POL there is a true human being like Mero. Reading some of the other threads on the main board today shows that even some of our posters on here prefer to keep their trolling or simple point scoring going.


I've said time and again that I feel pain for my friends who are skates, and many of the few have popped up on the Echo & here to leave heartfelt messages.


I've said all along that I don't want Pompey to die. I don't believe they will, but I also think they have a long way to go and pain to experience. The difference is still that I have seen no humility from their leadership. So until I do, I'll snipe and demand punishment, and I think (again) Mero and others have made valid points that they feel the same way.


The entire world comprises of Mongs of every nature, neither Saints or the Skates are exempt. I just accept them for what they are and feel a sadness that they have such un-inspiring and shallow lives. It cannot be what God intended for any of them.


Meanwhile, let us not get distracted from the real issues here.


What has happened regarding access to the Stadium for Saturday's game? Has AA come to an agreement with Gaydamark? Are the Health & Safety aspects now resolved? Or are we in for a nice little something for the weekend to lighten our mood


Was this the car park issue or is it something big I've missed regarding Gaydamak stopping fans getting to the stadium? :lol:

Was this the car park issue or is it something big I've missed regarding Gaydamak stopping fans getting to the stadium? :lol:




The only access to the stadium is across the carpark that Gaydamak owns.



The only access to the stadium is across the car park that Gaydamak owns.


Nether, The car park,(waste ground at the back of the Fratton end) is not used to enter the ground. Entrance to the west side of the ground is via Frogmore road, or Dogsh*t ally


RIP Markus, a sad time for your family, You must of been a Saint to adopt them pony fiddling stripes down the road,



The only access to the stadium is across the carpark that Gaydamak owns.


So does this mean the Pompey game may take place in an empty stadium/with a severely depleted crowd?


Or would it be merely a hindrance for the local police trying to escort fans out of one end of the stadium?

Nether, The car park,(waste ground at the back of the Fratton end) is not used to enter the ground. Entrance to the west side of the ground is via Frogmore road, or Dogsh*t ally


Not according to your administrator.


Maybe not the only access, but looks like Gaydamak owns enough ground around the stadium.



Entirely my opinion yes the pic was out of order and I have apologised about that elsewhere. MLG can verify that.


Regarding Karma yes I firmly believe that.


Given the hurtful things towards MY club I have read on here day in, day out for what 18 months, can you really not expect to see something on a Pompey forum that isnt to your liking?



If I was vindictive, wanted it to really ram home I would of posted it here would I not? But no, I posted it elsewhere.


Some of you on here and you know who you are said things about people I know outside of the world of forums which upset me. Can I do anything about no, but I remember.


Suggest this should try and mark a new beginning for BOTH sets of fans on here to stop with the point scoring and face it crap talking that goes on.


I know Steve Grant, Minty, MLG, Sevvy all on here and get on well.


If the MODS see fit to ban me, that is their right, but we have had 18 months of abuse from here.


More abuse coming, just do one you six fingered retard, nothing you say has relevance nor is it worth anything.

More abuse coming, just do one you six fingered retard, nothing you say has relevance nor is it worth anything.


That's the first time I've chucked in almost 24 hours! Phew.


Mandaric has sold Leicester to an Asian Consortium....wonder where he'll go next?


Now that would be the mother of all cover-ups.... :lol:


BTW, only the Skates could derive pleasure from seeing an honest man die. Mind you it's probably so long since they saw an honest man in charge of a football club.


Just another reason why SFC is the top club. Shameful behaviour, have to say sadly I'm not surprised.

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