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If the fat lady sings, what song will she sing?


I'll kick us off with Dylan's "It's all over, baby blue"... its got some great lyrics...


"Look out the saints are comin' through

And it's all over now, Baby Blue."


Any other ideas in case she's taking requests?

Posted (edited)
Getting difficult to seperate the real comments from ours on the News threads....love the 'Lets not pay taxes in protest' comment...like the pikey tw*ts pay any!


SWF posters so far if i recall have been TCWTB TCWTB2 , toaster, PUPMarian , USkateC , US baggage handler , OBE 4 AA , plus many more and one og my favourites was Nail in the coughing

Edited by qwertySFC
Posted (edited)

The news

mark: Sorry we've had no news from the court for a while - as i said earlier, court officials made it clear today that, unlike yesterday, reporters caught using phones in court to text or tweet would be told to leave.



Chris has just txtd to say he's dashed out of court during a break, so he'll be sending more soon.


Mark: Agree with The Joker. It's very frustrating not to be able to get as many updates as we'd like. Courts aren't really geared up to today's technology and unfortunately, if they say we can't do something, then we disobey at our peril. No point in Chris being ejected - he wouldn't be able to file anything then.



In some big criminal cases now, and ante-room with an audi link is set up from where reporters can file at will during proceedings - but no such facility at today's hearing.

Edited by tony13579
SWF posters so far if i recall have been TCWTB TCWTB2 , toaster, PUPMarian , USkateC , US baggage handler , OBE 4 AA , plus many more and one og my favourites was Nail in the coughing


TMWTD but I didn't get many accepted.

Lol noticed Corp Ho posting on the news feed, so thats where he has gone.


Wonder if he told them about Riquelme

it won't be Ho as he/it only posts when they are doing well


Sorry we've had no news from the court for a while - as I said earlier, court officials made it clear today that, unlike yesterday, reporters caught using phones in court to text or tweet would be told to leave.


Chris has just txtd to say he's dashed out of court during a break, so he'll be sending more soon.



So why does he txt to say he has come out of court and will send more when he could just send the info in the first txt !!!!

Comment From Pastyman72 Pastyman72 : ]

@ Toaster - Image rights are not just about merchandising. It's also about the value of certain individuals when it comes to raising the clubs profile and securing additional sponsorship. Saying it's about selling X number of shirts is simplifying things a little.


So that accounts for about £10 then what about the rest :rolleyes:

Havent the blue lawyers just confirmed that it was indeed an advance of their parachute payments in thehigh court?

Unknown, depends is the transcript is word for word or just an quick interpretation.

Pretty sure the monies forwarded earlier were not actual parachute payments, but an advance on TV money


I should have thought these were "parachute payments" until it was confirmed you were actually going to stay up! There is no way 11mil would be offer in the Championship as TV money!!

SWF posters so far if i recall have been TCWTB TCWTB2 , toaster, PUPMarian , USkateC , US baggage handler , OBE 4 AA , plus many more and one og my favourites was Nail in the coughing


Lyrical Dancer


No more cruciate

SWF posters so far if i recall have been TCWTB TCWTB2 , toaster, PUPMarian , USkateC , US baggage handler , OBE 4 AA , plus many more and one og my favourites was Nail in the coughing


BlueJay (trying to be a bit more subtle lol) is me. My last comment hasnt appeared yet and its been a while so I doubt it will get on now. Had a coded message all in capitols. lol


The news

mark: Mr sheldon painted a domesday scenario for the judge if he fails to back the club in his verdict.



He said if the revenue won the club 'in all likelihood would go into liquidation'.



He said it would prevent mr chainrai becoming the new owner.



'there is no other purchaser. The only other way in which this club can move forward is through this proposed sale.



'of course, there may be problems ahead, i do not doubt that.'



mr sheldon said hmrc wanted pompey to be placed in liquidation and that the taxman claimed if this happened 'the demise of the club was not inevitable'.



But mr sheldon told the judge this was exactly what would happen.



He added: 'if the club is not sold or very nearly sold by the start of the season it will clearly be relegated out of the football league.



'this will happen because the administrators cannot give the assurances needed that the season's fixtures can be completed.



'it will then go out of the football league and into some distant league, but the reality is that it will probably go into liquidation because the administrators will not be able to fund the continued business.'



he continued: 'the evidence for this is quite clear. Mr andronikou is quite clear about what the consequences would be if the cva fails.'




Mr Sheldon painted a Domesday scenario for the judge if he fails to back the club in his verdict.

He said if the Revenue won the club 'in all likelihood would go into liquidation'.

He said it would prevent Mr Chainrai becoming the new owner.

'There is no other purchaser. The only other way in which this club can move forward is through this proposed sale.

'Of course, there may be problems ahead, I do not doubt that.'

Mr Sheldon said HMRC wanted Pompey to be placed in liquidation and that the taxman claimed if this happened 'the demise of the club was not inevitable'.

But Mr Sheldon told the judge this was exactly what would happen.

He added: 'If the club is not sold or very nearly sold by the start of the season it will clearly be relegated out of the football league.

'This will happen because the administrators cannot give the assurances needed that the season's fixtures can be completed.

'It will then go out of the Football League and into some distant league, but the reality is that it will probably go into liquidation because the administrators will not be able to fund the continued business.'

He continued: 'The evidence for this is quite clear. Mr Andronikou is quite clear about what the consequences would be if the CVA fails.' Wednesday August 4, 2010 16:31 Mark


just in
Posted (edited)

Getting desperate...?


Painting doomsday scenario's isn't the best legal argument I would think to impress a high court judge.


Mr Sheldon painted a Domesday scenario for the judge if he fails to back the club in his verdict.

He said if the Revenue won the club 'in all likelihood would go into liquidation'.

He said it would prevent Mr Chainrai becoming the new owner.

'There is no other purchaser. The only other way in which this club can move forward is through this proposed sale.

'Of course, there may be problems ahead, I do not doubt that.'

Mr Sheldon said HMRC wanted Pompey to be placed in liquidation and that the taxman claimed if this happened 'the demise of the club was not inevitable'.

But Mr Sheldon told the judge this was exactly what would happen.

He added: 'If the club is not sold or very nearly sold by the start of the season it will clearly be relegated out of the football league.

'This will happen because the administrators cannot give the assurances needed that the season's fixtures can be completed.

'It will then go out of the Football League and into some distant league, but the reality is that it will probably go into liquidation because the administrators will not be able to fund the continued business.'

He continued: 'The evidence for this is quite clear. Mr Andronikou is quite clear about what the consequences would be if the CVA fails.'

Edited by Matthew Le God
I should have thought these were "parachute payments" until it was confirmed you were actually going to stay up! There is no way 11mil would be offer in the Championship as TV money!!

Advance on a portion of the Premier League money for the season 09/10, it's not dished out in one huge lump sum, but spread across the course of the season.


So their main defence is boo hoo! back us or lose us sob sob



Mr Sheldon painted a Domesday scenario for the judge if he fails to back the club in his verdict.

He said if the Revenue won the club 'in all likelihood would go into liquidation'.

He said it would prevent Mr Chainrai becoming the new owner.

'There is no other purchaser. The only other way in which this club can move forward is through this proposed sale.

'Of course, there may be problems ahead, I do not doubt that.'

Mr Sheldon said HMRC wanted Pompey to be placed in liquidation and that the taxman claimed if this happened 'the demise of the club was not inevitable'.

But Mr Sheldon told the judge this was exactly what would happen.

He added: 'If the club is not sold or very nearly sold by the start of the season it will clearly be relegated out of the football league.

'This will happen because the administrators cannot give the assurances needed that the season's fixtures can be completed.

'It will then go out of the Football League and into some distant league, but the reality is that it will probably go into liquidation because the administrators will not be able to fund the continued business.'

He continued: 'The evidence for this is quite clear. Mr Andronikou is quite clear about what the consequences would be if the CVA fails.'


Mr Sheldon painted a Domesday scenario for the judge if he fails to back the club in his verdict.

He said if the Revenue won the club 'in all likelihood would go into liquidation'.

He said it would prevent Mr Chainrai becoming the new owner.

'There is no other purchaser. The only other way in which this club can move forward is through this proposed sale.

'Of course, there may be problems ahead, I do not doubt that.'

Mr Sheldon said HMRC wanted Pompey to be placed in liquidation and that the taxman claimed if this happened 'the demise of the club was not inevitable'.

But Mr Sheldon told the judge this was exactly what would happen.

He added: 'If the club is not sold or very nearly sold by the start of the season it will clearly be relegated out of the football league.

'This will happen because the administrators cannot give the assurances needed that the season's fixtures can be completed.

'It will then go out of the Football League and into some distant league, but the reality is that it will probably go into liquidation because the administrators will not be able to fund the continued business.'

He continued: 'The evidence for this is quite clear. Mr Andronikou is quite clear about what the consequences would be if the CVA fails.' Wednesday August 4, 2010 16:31 Mark


So, by logical extension, criminals shouldn't be sent to prison as it will ruin their livelihoods?

Advance on a portion of the Premier League money for the season 09/10, it's not dished out in one huge lump sum, but spread across the course of the season.

Wasn't it the UHY-appointed lawyers who said it was advanced parachute payments rather than advanced TV/Premier League money?


'It will then go out of the Football League and into some distant league, but the reality is that it will probably go into liquidation because the administrators will not be able to fund the continued business.'

He continued: 'The evidence for this is quite clear. Mr Andronikou is quite clear about what the consequences would be if the CVA fails.' Wednesday August 4, 2010 16:31 Mark


Please, Please Mr Justice Mann, just do it. Its the right thing for civilisation as we know it.


Gotta be someone from on here.................


[Comment From jagermeister ]

I think it should be televised. Pay per view even extra £'s for our club not to pax tax on ;)

So, by logical extension, criminals shouldn't be sent to prison as it will ruin their livelihoods?


Fair comparison. Suppose none of them have started bleating about their human rights to play / watch football yet


So its down to the Judge to back the CVA not decide if its legal or not, I thought that was his brief here??

Pure and simple they have been cheating for the last 4-years & are continuing to try to cheat people out of moneys owed. That seems like a pretty pathetic closing statement, The judge is not interested if its a doomsday scenario, only interested in the facts of the case.

Pull the plug me-lord CHEATING BAST***S!


Ive been following the "Hijacked" link and Dan Roan's twitter http://twitter.com/danroan and it goes to show how deep in the sh** they are! The fact that PL clubs wanted to boot them out says it all, they have been ridiculously stupid at managing their finances and then the rest of the league had turned on them.

Well, if anybody had any doubts that Pompey are bricking it, there it is.


indeed, WTF does, 'if you don't back us we'll go into liquidation' have to do with the whether or not a CVA is valid or not.


Thats the final straw for me any sympathy gone , they can just FOAD now and as soon as possible please.


emotionally blackmailing the judge jeeze - what about the bloody small business' and charities who are only getting 20p in the £?


clearly the pompey legal team are sh*tting it with a closing statement designed to tug on the heart strings, what is worse is that it would probably work. At the end of the day they are criminal, but if the judge has any doubt he will probably lean towards the portsmouth community IMO.


Indeed its emotional blackmail, the c*nts, a last despicable act from a despicable club.


Lets just hope that the HMRC's case is too strong for that scenario.

Wasn't it the UHY-appointed lawyers who said it was advanced parachute payments rather than advanced TV/Premier League money?


the CVA schedule of payment showing monies in and out will be the hard evidence I suspect not necessarily what the lawyer has determined that payment was for

SWF posters so far if i recall have been TCWTB TCWTB2 , toaster, PUPMarian , USkateC , US baggage handler , OBE 4 AA , plus many more and one og my favourites was Nail in the coughing


Just got one in...see if you can spot it....:suspicious:

Just got one in...see if you can spot it....:suspicious:


I see what you did there, very covert..... :-)


[Comment From Strained Chin: ]

So, the Doomesday scenario is the line of defence? Don't let them win because we'll go into liquidation. Interesting path to follow

clearly the pompey legal team are sh*tting it with a closing statement designed to tug on the heart strings, what is worse is that it would probably work. At the end of the day they are criminal, but if the judge has any doubt he will probably lean towards the portsmouth community IMO.


Indeed its emotional blackmail, the c*nts, a last despicable act from a despicable club.


Lets just hope that the HMRC's case is too strong for that scenario.


I cant believe there closing statement basically says approve the CVA so Chainrai can pick the club up for a snip or he walks away. Its like they are telling the judge that was Chainrai's plan the whole time and its down to the judge to sign it off!!




I can see it tomorrow:


"Whilst Mr Sheldon did paint a very gloomy picture indeed for the club and it's many hundreds of fans should I find against them, I find myself with no other option but to do that. This CVA was, as Mr Mitchell desicbed it 'a sham' This appeal is upheld."



Cue thunderous laughter from all SO postcodes... :lol:




the Registrar was fooled/lulled by the 'what will happen scenario' is this judge made of the right stuff?

To be fair if i was put in the situation and as much as some of the Skates annoy me, and my feelings of the injustice they have served up i couldn't pull the plug..........although

I can see it tomorrow:


"Whilst Mr Sheldon did paint a very gloomy picture indeed for the club and it's many hundreds of fans should I find against them, I find myself with no other option but to do that. This CVA was, as Mr Mitchell desicbed it 'a sham' This appeal is upheld."



Cue thunderous laughter from all SO postcodes... :lol:




and hopefully the tv cameras focus in on TCWTB crying his scabby eyes out in front of the court.

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