Dark Munster Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 How come Lampitt was parachuted in from a safe job to one that in theory would be gone a few weeks later, and PS left at his post for so many weeks??? That certainly is the £140m question.
hutch Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 They agree to pay back the amounts owed at the agreed rate of 20p in the pound over the space of 5 years. If HMRC supposedly had 18% of the vote at £24m then that means the un-secured debt was at least £120m. Which would mean they pay back at least £6m. Or £1.2m a year. Or roughly £23k a week. Is that correct? If the unsecured debt is £120m then they have to pay back £24m over 5 years, not £6m. Do the sums - just under £100k a week, in tranches. After the deductions to pay the football creditors, the parachute payments will go to the club, not the creditors. The Directors will have to ensure that they don't pay too much on transfer fees or wages (or hand it over to "secured" creditors) so that there is a profit, which will be used to pay the creditor's stage payments. Because if it is seperate and they fail to make any of those payments they will be punished for it correct? It is all well and good paying rich football players but failing to pay the tv repair man who fixed your lounge tv still constitutes a violation of the CVA. Because there are so many of these people owed money you would think eventually at somepoint they will miss paying someone! Ask Swindon's creditors about that one.
ericofarabia Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 So how do the creditors (especially local companies etc) who have been owed money for years, and will now have to accept a mere 20p in the pound spread over 5 years, feel about a brand new manager who is a complete outsider, coming in and getting paid every single penny of his salary at the end of each month? They are even talking about bringing in new players to add to the salary bill!! How about paying off the fees you owe for the current players you have first? Utter Madness.
rallyboy Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I guess the best way to judge if they have got away with it will be the amount they invest in players. This thread can close the day they make the automatic promotion slots back to the Prem - to be that competitive would suggest that whatever takeover they manipulate is complete. BUT I still think there are plenty more laughs in this, and let's remember, we've had a whole year of belly laughs so let's not moan - tax evasion and hilarity - it's been like an extended Ken Dodd festival, it went on so long I had to wee in my flask. We can't pretend we haven't had value for money.
Wes Tender Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Sadly they were always going to get away with it. It wouldn't suprise me if they get another sugar daddy prepared to bankroll them to the Premiership. Oh well, time to let ths thread die imo. Blimey, some people are easily convinced that everything is the garden is rosy for the Skates. They haven't got away with anything yet. HMRC have the right to appeal the CVA within 28 days, there is still the outcome of their challenge against the football creidtors rule to look forward to with eager anticipation, not to mention the court cases against Redcrapp, Storrieteller and Mandaric. Any one of these three things could result in serious implications to them, let alone if the courts find against them on more than one. And what is your reasoning that some rich sugar daddy will find them anywhere near remotely an attractive proposition for pouring his money down the drain? Those who wished to launder their ill-gotten gains, to bankrupt the club for the land assets, to benefit from parachute payments, have already done their worst. No kosher bilionaire will be stupid enough to invest in them and any dodgey investors of the calibre of those who have already ransacked them, will not get past the right and proper persons rules put in place almost specifically after the horse had bolted at Pompey. So what remains of the carcase worth investing in? An ancient and decrepid ground with very limited capacity, no training facilities and debt payments to settle the 20% CVA (at the moment). No, this thread has a long way to go until the fat lady sings.
dubai_phil Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Blimey, some people are easily convinced that everything is the garden is rosy for the Skates. They haven't got away with anything yet. HMRC have the right to appeal the CVA within 28 days, there is still the outcome of their challenge against the football creidtors rule to look forward to with eager anticipation, not to mention the court cases against Redcrapp, Storrieteller and Mandaric. Any one of these three things could result in serious implications to them, let alone if the courts find against them on more than one. And what is your reasoning that some rich sugar daddy will find them anywhere near remotely an attractive proposition for pouring his money down the drain? Those who wished to launder their ill-gotten gains, to bankrupt the club for the land assets, to benefit from parachute payments, have already done their worst. No kosher bilionaire will be stupid enough to invest in them and any dodgey investors of the calibre of those who have already ransacked them, will not get past the right and proper persons rules put in place almost specifically after the horse had bolted at Pompey. So what remains of the carcase worth investing in? An ancient and decrepid ground with very limited capacity, no training facilities and debt payments to settle the 20% CVA (at the moment). No, this thread has a long way to go until the fat lady sings. At the height of the global Economic Boom, a CCC Football club with Premier League facilities acquired the services of a leading professional organisation in the City of London to seek out a 30million pound takeover with a cash investment in the region of 15/20million. They failed, the club went into Administration and is only now finding it's feet again in League 1 At the height of the global financial meltdown, a CCC Football Club with no facilities, future pending Corporate Compliance Court Cases hanging over them, proven mis-statements to the Authorities (The January Transfer Window Solvency Statement amongst others) is seeking an investment approaching 20 million to rebuild a team to challenge for promotion and who requires an infrastructure investment in Property of around 50 million to achieve the PL standards of facilities. Let's think what may really happen here. There are at least 10 other clubs seeking investment who have different and better levels of facilities and an equal if better historical record. Demographically, many of those clubs have a far larger "Catchment Area" from which to draw potential fans. Chillax as you say
suewhistle Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 It wouldn't be the case, would it Dubai, that club A above got better crowds in League 1 than club B got in the premiership? All relevant for the clued-in investor...
angelman Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 To be honest I am bored with Pompey now and don't care what happens to them. I am much more interested in seeing AA royaly shafted and Chainrai losing all his money. Primarily AA. If HMRC shaft Poopey as well, then that's a bonus and of course it would be good to see them having a few "obstacles" placed in their way.
FMPR Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 It wouldn't be the case, would it Dubai, that club A above got better crowds in League 1 than club B got in the premiership? All relevant for the clued-in investor... Did you figure that out just because you have a bigger stadium?
Sylvia Saint Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Did you figure that out just because you have a bigger stadium? I think what was meant was that club A has far more core support (and peripheral support) than club B wil ever have - hence the reference to club A being in League 1 getting larger attendances than club B in the Premiership. It has nothing to do with stadium size as it would still have been the case if both clubs, A & B, had 50k stadia. And that point IS relevant to an investor. Do you understand now?
pfc123 Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 So then, after nearly a year, 28,145 posts and 1,079,699 views, Pompey aren't yet dead. It's beginning to look like Nickh was right all along......
dubai_phil Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 It wouldn't be the case, would it Dubai, that club A above got better crowds in League 1 than club B got in the premiership? All relevant for the clued-in investor... Hooray, the first question on here in ages I can answer from knowledge rather than analysis. The investor will not be looking at the average attendances in Isolation. They do not tell the whole picture. For example Blackburn have an average attendance last season of around 25k from a population of 100k - so 25% of the Town goes to football on a Saturday? So, for an investor the concept of making a larger stadium for larger crowds - where are they going to come from? What is looked at is the "Hinterland" or Catchment area. If you look at Southampton. To the East we have the Skates so our catchment sort of ends before Fareham (bar the heroic few further east). BUT if you look up the M3 and rail lines you can make a case for fans from the borders of Farnborough(Aldershot) and to the West you have the south & Western Salisbury Plain area at least. Along the West you have Bournemouth. So, the City has 200k (Uberfans) but the "Catchment area" contains getting close to 2 or 3 million. The only potential damage to this catchment area would be if Aldershot or Bournemouth suddenly went and found zillionaires instead of Zimmerframes.. Now the skates then have their connurbation, and the A3 up to about Guildford and east to about Chichester, being blocked by us in the Wesst and a slowly getting their act back together Brighton in the East, with a few die hards from up Salisbury way, giving them a smalelr catchment area of around 1.5 to 2 million. So, a proper investor is looking to see where the actual client base could come from. Before Markus, our area was being eroded by skates, but now they have a problem, kids are going to SMS again, so their collapse couldn't have come at a worse time. I can say that some people would worry about Saint's catchment area. The numbers are high but they are a large Geographical spread. For fans wanting to watch PL, then the concept that NC is using that suggests a 50k stadium in Jackson's farm makes commercial sense. Before we went into Admin, a good comparison when looking for investors was between us and Derby. Derby has 250k population so is about the same size, but their catchment area is much smaller geographically making them on paper the slightly better investment at the time. So is the investor worried about the attendances before he comes in? Yes, because that is the core customer support. If he had looked at our chart of attendances he would have seen a SIGNIFICANT historical decline (caused by relegation and dissatisfaction). So, at the TIME of Admin, our attendance being higher than the skates was actually a PROBLEM, not an advantage. Today of course that picture would be very different, attendances now starting to trend upwards, certainly above the originally planned break-even numbers and in comparison to the skates TODAY position, another difficulty to be overcome. Catchment Areas, Total Available Market, Serviceable Available Market & Population Demogrpahics (ie we have more White Collar fans than they do so ours would have more disposable income, but ours have higher costs of housing etc)... See? Simples
Micky Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 So then, after nearly a year, 28,145 posts and 1,079,699 views, Pompey aren't yet dead. It's beginning to look like Nickh was right all along......No, Nickh continually maintained that you had got away with it, not that you would die...! Evidently, you feel quite smug about the situation, you are very welcome to your 'club'.
FMPR Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I think what was meant was that club A has far more core support (and peripheral support) than club B wil ever have - hence the reference to club A being in League 1 getting larger attendances than club B in the Premiership. It has nothing to do with stadium size as it would still have been the case if both clubs, A & B, had 50k stadia. And that point IS relevant to an investor. Do you understand now? I do Sylvia but how come then Pompey have had a record bigger attendance? Or is that just something you wish to ignore to. The real truth is until both clubs have similar size stadiums the truth on who is better supported will come to light
Gingeletiss Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 So then, after nearly a year, 28,145 posts and 1,079,699 views, Pompey aren't yet dead. It's beginning to look like Nickh was right all along...... You my fishy fiend, seem to be counting chickens, before the eggs are hatched, methinks you may end up with some of them spread all over your scaley face:p
Gingeletiss Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 A statement from Jamie Hart, in relation to all the crap fired at him, and in part, his father. The interesting bit is highlighted! Unfortunately it has become necessary for me to issue the following post on this message board. In recent weeks/ months there have been a number of inaccurate posts placed on this board in relation to myself as an agent and supposed players that I represent at Portsmouth fc. Before I start putting the facts forward I must make it clear that I am not opposed to any critism as long as the facts are accurate. Let me deal with issues 1 by 1. 1. I have not done any transfers in or out of Portsmouth football club. 2. I have never been paid 1 penny by Portsmouth Football club. 3. I do not represent Tal Ben Haim though it is true I did represent him some years ago I have had nothing to do with this player's career for many years now. 4. I do not represent Danny Webber as has been suggested on various posts, in fact I have never met the guy. 5. I do not represent Eugene Bopp, again it is true that I represented him along time ago whilst he was at Nottingham Forest but I have had nothing to do with his career since then. 6. There has been a suggestion that I am owed £750,000 by the club under the guise of Sports Invest. This is absolutely incorrect. I worked for Sports invest for 1 month in January 2010 and I carried out no agency activity for this company. For your information there are a number of agents who work for sports invest. Taking into account the above facts you will see why I have been disturbed by some posts insinuating that my father and I have been colluding in some way over transfers at Portsmouth FC. I also understand why Portsmouth fans are upset at the way the club has been run over recent years but I suggest that the anger (which I share) is reserved for the correct people. I will also touch briefly on the recent story released by the administrator stating that my father rejected the CVA offer. Unfortunately there are alot of facts in relation to this that I can't go into for legal reasons but in due course these facts will enter the public domain when my father sees fit and I'm sure then people will have a better understanding of what has gone on. I'm sorry I cannot elaborate more and believe me I would if I could. Believe it or not my Father and I both have a great respect for Portsmouth FC and we believe that we have both acted with the utmost integrity and will continue to do so, despite these difficult circumstances none of which have been of our making. I hope that the club can now move on and be successful in the future under more professional and prudent corporate leadership.
suewhistle Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 So, at the TIME of Admin, our attendance being higher than the skates was actually a PROBLEM, not an advantage. Ta for your interesting post, but in spite of it being a problem with respect to the longer-term still indicative of the relative strengths of the clubs surely (besides the fact that team B never really exploited being in the Premiership).
Gingeletiss Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 So now it's a King! Pompey1998 Posted on 19/06/2010 16:11 Moroccan king to takeover? Email Message To A Friend | Reply To Message Anyone else heard these rumours flying about? IP: Logged my_pfc_dream Posted on 19/06/2010 16:16 Moroccan king to takeover? Email Message To A Friend | Reply To Message WTF!!! we were talking about who it could be on POL and I looked for a morrocan businessman with french links and I just posted his wiki page to see what people think. Where did you get this rumour from or are you just exaggerating. ----- For people who have not seen it this is what we were debating: Regarding the club's potential sale, Andronikou said: "I need to push it through. I fly to France to meet a French-Moroccan individual who has serious money. Rob Lloyd is still in the picture, trying to raise funds I hear, and there is a Ukrainian party, though I'm unable to travel to South Africa, where they are watching the World Cup at the moment, to meet them.
suewhistle Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I do Sylvia but how come then Pompey have had a record bigger attendance? Or is that just something you wish to ignore to. The real truth is until both clubs have similar size stadiums the truth on who is better supported will come to light Do tell me when that was. I can't be arsed to look it up, but I'd guess it was when Portsmouth was still a major naval port and we still had national service. Have you ever had higher average attendances in, let's be generous - the last 20 years?
cryoman1965 Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 A statement from Jamie Hart, in relation to all the crap fired at him, and in part, his father. The interesting bit is highlighted! 6. There has been a suggestion that I am owed £750,000 by the club under the guise of Sports Invest. This is absolutely incorrect. I worked for Sports invest for 1 month in January 2010 and I carried out no agency activity for this company. For your information there are a number of agents who work for sports invest. I will also touch briefly on the recent story released by the administrator stating that my father rejected the CVA offer. Unfortunately there are alot of facts in relation to this that I can't go into for legal reasons but in due course these facts will enter the public domain when my father sees fit and I'm sure then people will have a better understanding of what has gone on. I'm sorry I cannot elaborate more and believe me I would if I could. Believe it or not my Father and I both have a great respect for Portsmouth FC and we believe that we have both acted with the utmost integrity and will continue to do so, despite these difficult circumstances none of which have been of our making. I hope that the club can now move on and be successful in the future under more professional and prudent corporate leadership.[/i][/color] Claiming they are not owed £750,000 by cheats fc smells fishy, clear massaging of the figures by AA.
dubai_phil Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Ta for your interesting post, but in spite of it being a problem with respect to the longer-term still indicative of the relative strengths of the clubs surely (besides the fact that team B never really exploited being in the Premiership). Investment is all about numbers, upsides and risks, but you hit another one As for the numbers. Other factors would be "Cost of maintaining the stadium & meeting legislation would equate to a cost per seat in the stadium." from there come operational efficiencies. Can we make our seats create more profit? So a decrepit stadium will have higher maintenance costs than a new stadium. So lower attendances at a higher cost per seat = a problem. The real question that any investor will ask is What is the return on my investment? If it is for ego or politics - eg Al Fayed or Abramovich - then the cost and amount invested in not significant. It will simply be about ego and "How fast can I become famous?" So what other clubs offer an investment package that could get them to the PL cheapr or quicker? Is it for a return on Investment? Are there incremental revenue or capital return opportunities? - eg Crystal Palace - no so it is a fan based consortium. Saints - yes in theory there are opportunities. So what other clubs offer a better ROI Is it for a Branding Exercise? (eg Abu Dhabi in Man City) This is where the rails have come off as "marketing & brand building budgets have been slashed. A "Sovereign Wealth Fund" buying football clubs made sense, but now the number of funds with the money to spare has been reduced and certainly corporations or Businessmen wanting to promote their corporation are being more careful. Would a Corporate Image be improved by association with TCWTB? lol So it comes down as many have said to an ego (ie a foll and his money..) or a consortium of wealthy fans. We saw how THAT worked out with Salz, Crouch, the alleged Frost/Branson et al, and Nick Owen hasn't made a huge start yet on getting the sleeping giant of Luton back up the Leagues. So the nature of people who could invest SUSTAINABLE funds into a club like the skates has become very small. We were a very good quality investment. Even BEFORE Admin, we were a "Decent risk" of an investment because of the facilities, attendance numbers and image of being "A family club". Poorsmuff are as they keep telling us a "Salt of the Earth CLub, a working man's club, a real old fashioned football club" Well that ain't gonna fill expensive Corporate Hospitality boxes, and FFS their sponsors were aimed at The Unemployed. great level of disposable income in that core market
rallyboy Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 interesting analysis Phil - slightly more relevant than the rehashed Hovis ad that starts with, 'between wars we had 50,000 people in here for our cup replay against the Corinthians', now being held up as a claim to a decent fanbase in 2010. Also curious to know more about how AA may have been telling porkie pies about the Hart family, he must love a good court case. I will chuckle when the CVA unravels under scrutiny.
Doctoroncall Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I don't know. But I can't see why it would be lifted before the 28 days ends. Otherwise if the CVA did collapse and they have signed players and offered people like David James a contract it is even more of a mess. The Football League if it has any sense would wait until 15th July 2010. Does anyone know what happens in this regard? embargo likely to be lifted on the 1st July (14days) when club comes out of admin.
Gingeletiss Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 embargo likely to be lifted on the 1st July (14days) when club comes out of admin. Where did you get this from? The News posted this story, but said this will only happen if there is no objection to the CVA, so.........................
Gemmel Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 The tax man is ****ed off, make no mistake about that. What you have to remember is that this is not just about the money owed. It's the message to other clubs and businesses that HMRC need to protect - A bit like a dodgy money lender, you don't pay, then they have to break your legs, not for the non payment, but so that everybody else doesn't start taking liberties. HMRC have showed their appetite for the courts with pompey and I don't expect them to change thier stance. Then you have to look at who is going to buy the club before anything is formalised.....would anybody put pen to paper without knowing if HMRC is going to challenge it ??? Would anybody buy the club without knowing what points will be deducted (Regardless of how pompey come out of this - they will get some point deductions)??? As Rallyboy said, it's been a laugh if nothing else, but the best may still be yet to come.
Doctoroncall Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Where did you get this from? The News posted this story, but said this will only happen if there is no objection to the CVA, so......................... The matt slater blog on the BBC. Question was asked as I would have thought the same as you (especially given AA has said the first of July), all depending on an appeal before the first.
Matthew Le God Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I do Sylvia but how come then Pompey have had a record bigger attendance? Or is that just something you wish to ignore to. That was in 1949 when the country had national service and Portsmouth's population increased significantly above its normal level with young men in the navy with nothing much else to do on shore leave on Saturday afternoons. Not the case today. (Also may have played a significant role in the two title wins in that period)
Thedelldays Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 they used to let thousands of sailors in for free back then too
Micky Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 That was in 1949 when the country had national service and Portsmouth's population increased significantly above its normal level with young men in the navy with nothing much else to do on shore leave on Saturday afternoons. Not the case today. (Also may have played a significant role in the two title wins in that period) Riiighhhhtttt. So what we are saying here is that 60 odd years ago PFC had bigger crowds than us. Thats a really worrying 'trend'.....! FFS.
mcjwills Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Have they paid back the £35k they owe us yet? Or is it the £1,400 for the next 5 years. CHEATS
rpb Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 they used to let thousands of sailors in for free back then too A video of their glory days - rather surprised to hear the commentator continuously refer to them as 'the Navy' and 'Pompay'. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/video/2010/may/13/british-pathe-archive-portsmouth-1939-fa-cup
Sylvia Saint Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I do Sylvia but how come then Pompey have had a record bigger attendance? Or is that just something you wish to ignore to. The real truth is until both clubs have similar size stadiums the truth on who is better supported will come to light Oh dear. It seems that, although you say you do understand, it is pretty clear you still don't. We are not talking here about attendances from nearly 60 years ago. We are talking about an investor looking at the latest facts and figures - so, last season. He sees an EPL club that has smaller attendances than it's neighbour 2 divisions below.
Channon's Sideburns Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 The matt slater blog on the BBC. Question was asked as I would have thought the same as you (especially given AA has said the first of July), all depending on an appeal before the first. That blog is ace, especially the comments. Rather some sane comments from the Saintly chap. A Moroccan King? They're getting pipe dreams over that???? Could be Hassan Kachloul on a wind up......
Wes Tender Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I note that on the Wikipedia page for the Skates, they claim "The club is the most successful southern club outside of London" Now, this simply is not true, is it? Sure, they can state that in terms of silverware they shade their main rivals Southampton, but otherwise Southampton have historically been more successful in terms of playing at a higher league level for many more seasons than Portsmouth. I can't be arsed to change it, but perhaps somebody else might be prepared to correct that statement.
suewhistle Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 SNIP FFS their sponsors were aimed at The Unemployed. great level of disposable income in that core market Thanks for reminding me about that: i genuinely laughed out loud!
hypochondriac Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I note that on the Wikipedia page for the Skates, they claim "The club is the most successful southern club outside of London" Now, this simply is not true, is it? Sure, they can state that in terms of silverware they shade their main rivals Southampton, but otherwise Southampton have historically been more successful in terms of playing at a higher league level for many more seasons than Portsmouth. I can't be arsed to change it, but perhaps somebody else might be prepared to correct that statement. Well someone has changed it! the same day that the club celebrated its 110th birthday. Portsmouth went on to win the cup with a 1–0 win against Championship team Cardiff City. Many believe that this result should be scrubbed from the record books, since the majority of the Portsmouth players involved were bought with borrowed funds which the club could not afford. This opinion was enforced in 2010 when Portsmouth became the first Premiership team to enter administration. Nevertheless, the win earned them a place in the 2008–09 UEFA Cup, the club's first time playing European football. Their first UEFA Cup match resulted in a historic 2–0 victory over Vitoria Guimaraes and went on to win the aggregate (4–2). This put Portsmouth in the group stages for the first time in its history. The club is nicknamed Pompey,[1] sometimes called 'The Blues' and 'The Skates', with fans known as 'The Blue Army'. Home matches have been played at Fratton Park since the club's formation in 1898. In January 2009 The Daily Mail newspaper named it the 10th most atmospheric stadium in football.[3]. The same paper later named Portsmouth supporters the most unnatractive in the entire football league. Portsmouth have been champions of England twice, in 1949 and 1950, and have won the FA Cup twice, most recently in 2008 beating Welsh side Cardiff City 1–0 in the final. In terms of trophies won (legitimately or otherwise), the club is the most successful southern club outside of London.
EastleighSoulBoy Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Well someone has changed it! That's certainly more truthful. Truth being a virtue almost, if not, extinct in the area of Hampshire where God inserts the tube when the world needs an enema!
Stu Man Do Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 That blog is ace, especially the comments. Rather some sane comments from the Saintly chap. A Moroccan King? They're getting pipe dreams over that???? Could be Hassan Kachloul on a wind up...... Well Rupert Lowe was reported as saying once that the pay offer we'd made Hassan before he buggered off to Villa "Would have made him able to live like a king in his own country". He also played in France before coming to us so theres your french/moroccan connection. Remember you heard it here first ... Hassan Kachloul to buy the skates!
spyinthesky Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I note that on the Wikipedia page for the Skates, they claim "The club is the most successful southern club outside of London" Now, this simply is not true, is it? Sure, they can state that in terms of silverware they shade their main rivals Southampton, but otherwise Southampton have historically been more successful in terms of playing at a higher league level for many more seasons than Portsmouth. I can't be arsed to change it, but perhaps somebody else might be prepared to correct that statement. To be fair to Pompey they have a total of 2 cup wins and 2 League wins against our 1 FA Cup win. However in the last 50 yrs (covering the 'modern era') silverware has been the same ie 1 FA Cup In that time Saints have recorded a higher av attendance for 46 of the 50 yrs Av seasons with attendances above av 20,000 - Saints 19 Pompey 3 Av seasons with attendance below 10,000 - Saints Nil Pompey 8 higher league Pos Saints 44 years Pompey 6 Can go on but Pompey were the best supported/more trophies from 1920 to 1960 then the pendulum swung west....
rallyboy Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 Since the facts emerged I think we've all dismissed their 2008 season as it was clearly illegal. No sour grapes, but the club wasn't competing on the same terms as the other entrants so I no longer recognise the 2008 FA Cup - it ended with two bankrupt minnows trying to outbid each other and had little to do with football. Ironically it was the greed of that overpaid squad that pushed the club over the edge, with Cardiff not far behind. And I don't think Pompey fans can claim any victory when the captain of the side is still awaiting payment more than two years on.
Weston Super Saint Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 So then, after nearly a year, 28,145 posts and 1,079,699 views, Pompey aren't yet dead. It's beginning to look like Nickh was right all along...... Perhaps you miss understood the title of the thread 'Pompey Takeover Saga'.... So, one year on, and instead of getting a takeover that will make you the richest club in the world - check out some of Corpy's earlier posts! - you've managed to spunk all the money you've earnt / been given / laundered, and managed to almost double a £70m debt in the space of three months! If that's your idea of successful business management, then may I suggest you start your own business to give us some more belly laughs
alehouseboys Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 I do Sylvia but how come then Pompey have had a record bigger attendance? Or is that just something you wish to ignore to. The real truth is until both clubs have similar size stadiums the truth on who is better supported will come to light Well, up until around 2001 you'd had a bigger ground than us for many decades yet for a large number of those years we got bigger attendances. In your "Golden Era" you never filled fartton to capacity, the nearest you ever got was around 7,000 short of a full house. In 1987 when you finally made it back to the top-flight fartton held around 30,000 (the Dell several thousand less) but despite all the usual outlandish claims the "sleeping giant" only averaged 17,000 that eagerly anticipated season. Almost identical to...Southampton. Your biggest season in living memory, a ground that bigger than ours (about the same as SMS to fartton today) and you came up short.
JackFrost Posted 20 June, 2010 Posted 20 June, 2010 could HMRC throw the "appeal against the CVA" spanner into the works on the 30th June, just before the club are due to come out of admin?
Dark Munster Posted 21 June, 2010 Posted 21 June, 2010 A video of their glory days - rather surprised to hear the commentator continuously refer to them as 'the Navy' and 'Pompay'. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/video/2010/may/13/british-pathe-archive-portsmouth-1939-fa-cup Pub level football. But the skates are so proud of their Granddads.
Dark Munster Posted 21 June, 2010 Posted 21 June, 2010 So then, after nearly a year, 28,145 posts and 1,079,699 views, Pompey aren't yet dead. It's beginning to look like Nickh was right all along...... I'd wait 28 days before getting too cocky, pfc.
Dark Munster Posted 21 June, 2010 Posted 21 June, 2010 Have they paid back the £35k they owe us yet? More importantly, did Saints actually vote in favour of the CVA??
Dark Munster Posted 21 June, 2010 Posted 21 June, 2010 I guess the best way to judge if they have got away with it will be the amount they invest in players. This thread can close the day they make the automatic promotion slots back to the Prem - to be that competitive would suggest that whatever takeover they manipulate is complete. BUT I still think there are plenty more laughs in this, and let's remember, we've had a whole year of belly laughs so let's not moan - tax evasion and hilarity - it's been like an extended Ken Dodd festival, it went on so long I had to wee in my flask. We can't pretend we haven't had value for money. Yes, but who wants one year of foreplay without a climax?
trousers Posted 21 June, 2010 Posted 21 June, 2010 More importantly, did Saints actually vote in favour of the CVA?? Just think, that £35k would have covered the costs of running a season ticket installment scheme...
Doctoroncall Posted 21 June, 2010 Posted 21 June, 2010 could HMRC throw the "appeal against the CVA" spanner into the works on the 30th June, just before the club are due to come out of admin? Yes they can. Of course it depends on what analysis and game plan HMRC are working to, i.e. do they need the skates to be out of admin or not to proceed with plans? Do they need to use all the time to force the skates into a corner and gather information regarding the CVA and other avenues they are pursuing. I doubt HMRC will be influenced by the fact the club will be out of admin so techically* can buy players. * The FL would have to agree terms of lifting the embargo and restrictions to contracting players to the club may still apply, especially this season as new regulations have been added to the FL rulebook.
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