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When Mr Grant starts bleating on (and on and on and on) about how hard done by are PFC, it is beholden on the interviewer to remind him of the facts.


Can you imagine a politician making a statement of his views to a professional political interviewer (Paxman? Marr? Humphries?) and not getting informed questions back?


Yet football interviewers never seem to bother to say something along the lines of ... 'Hang on a second, Avram, you got in some loan players in January who have to be paid a wage, yet you owed HMRC, St Johns Ambulance, Cancer Charities (name your creditors here ... ) substantial sums. What on earth makes you think you should remain in the FA Cup?


At least Colleymore is making all the right noises, shame he isn't asking questions to Mr Grant directly.

On the subject of the money owed to the cancer charities,the players could all club together and pay off this debt and it would be like small change to them.Don`t know whether this has happened or not??


It seems to me that there is something very wrong with paying footballers sky high salaries whilst owing that amount to a charity.This kind of sums up what`s wrong with the premiership.There is something very rotten at the core of this league


On the one hand as a saints fan i want us to play at the highest level possible,on the other part of me would be quite happy if we never played in that league again. :-(


I understand what you're saying but the players are no more liable for these debts than the fans are. The people who should be made accountable are the one who struck the deals in the first place and all of that money should be personally reimbursed by Storrie and his cronies. Not that that's going to happen BTW!!

I understand what you're saying but the players are no more liable for these debts than the fans are. The people who should be made accountable are the one who struck the deals in the first place and all of that money should be personally reimbursed by Storrie and his cronies. Not that that's going to happen BTW!!


The players are no more liable, but no more special or deserving either. They should stand in the creditors line along with the schools, HMRC and everybody else.

I understand what you're saying but the players are no more liable for these debts than the fans are. The people who should be made accountable are the one who struck the deals in the first place and all of that money should be personally reimbursed by Storrie and his cronies. Not that that's going to happen BTW!!

but the players indirectly profitted form those charities. The funds were used to pay their wages etc.


Haven't heard Grant bleating yet , but I'm sure it's coming....


'Look at the PFA Team of the year awards, no Portsmouth player in it, it's is so unfair, the whole league is against us, Can we convert any votes we did got into points? '


I can't wait for next season - they are going to cop so much flak from us and when we are celebrating the L1 title with a few games to go and they are 15 adrift of safety in the CCC (after starting -17) we should sing loud and proud on the Football League Show highlights "One Team in Hampshire". We have already become Hants's top team again in my view and just to reinforce it:


- No debt vs £120m including fleecing 2 charities

- Bigger better fanbase even this season 2 divisions below

- Bigger better stadium

- Better players for start of 2010/11


The only thing they can throw at us is being in L1 but that is only temporary as they know we'll win L1 next season with 100 points and they will go down 24th in the CCC so roles will reverse and we'll be ready to push for CCC top 6 in 2011/12.

Nice selective use of a quote. Pity you had to edit it to try and make it look bad. Why didn't you print everything the guy wrote. You girls really are quite pathetic about this.


You should have heard some of the things those skates were coming out with last summer when the "scummers" were "going bust", you would've loved it!

I can't wait for next season - they are going to cop so much flak from us and when we are celebrating the L1 title with a few games to go and they are 15 adrift of safety in the CCC (after starting -17) .



NO NO NO! If they are 15 points adrift it will mean they managed to make up 2 points on their rivals and I can't see that happening. Suspect 27 points adrift to be more realistic!



It's actually quite worrying, not the article, but the Pompey fans comments. OK, Stan is an easy target, he has history, and I guess he knows he is going to take some stick.


But the amount of thier fans that still seem not to understand the concept of sustainable debt and non sustainable is astounding. They continue to quote Man Utd and Liverpool as teams who are much worse run than themselves and who have much bigger debt levels.


But they still seem to have misunderstood the basics that these teams can (at present) sustain this debt level and meet their creditors payments.


They fail to understand that thier own club have not done this, and have (hundreds) of creditors who have not and probably will not be paid, whilst they continued to compete. This as well from a club that was in administration, what, just over ten years ago.


Either they have very short memories or they just don't understand the very basics of both business ethics, sporting achievements and fair play.

It's actually quite worrying, not the article, but the Pompey fans comments. OK, Stan is an easy target, he has history, and I guess he knows he is going to take some stick.


But the amount of thier fans that still seem not to understand the concept of sustainable debt and non sustainable is astounding. They continue to quote Man Utd and Liverpool as teams who are much worse run than themselves and who have much bigger debt levels.


But they still seem to have misunderstood the basics that these teams can (at present) sustain this debt level and meet their creditors payments.


They fail to understand that thier own club have not done this, and have (hundreds) of creditors who have not and probably will not be paid, whilst they continued to compete. This as well from a club that was in administration, what, just over ten years ago.


Either they have very short memories or they just don't understand the very basics of both business ethics, sporting achievements and fair play.


Hence why they should be shut down. Their fans are the most delusional in the UK, if not the world.

Hence why they should be shut down. Their fans are the most delusional in the UK, if not the world.


It's the 'Little Man-Middle Child-Island Dweller' syndrome.


Always somebody else's fault, never their own.


When you consider the DIGNITY that AFC Bournemouth showed during their PROPER EMBARGO - what did they do??


Ah yes, rolled up their sleeves, played WHO THEY COULD AFFORD and got promoted.


None of this 'immediate transfer window of their own'

None of this 'ah well sign up the loanees if even they're costing half a mill'

None of this 'we're not responsible for the mess left behind by others'


Bournemouth had AMPLE opportunity ALL SEASON to play the hard luck story and they didn't.


Sign of an honest club that....


I've heard today that journos from a national media outlet are currently checking out the creditors list very closely.


Legal/Admin fees are in the region of £200k per month.


It has been noticed already that there are some missing names on the creditor list.




Don't know any more than that.


(BTW I realise that we'd already spotted no Storrie/Campbell on the list, but the fact the journos have should keep the entertainment up for a bit.... :-D )

When Mr Grant starts bleating on (and on and on and on) about how hard done by are PFC, it is beholden on the interviewer to remind him of the facts.


Can you imagine a politician making a statement of his views to a professional political interviewer (Paxman? Marr? Humphries?) and not getting informed questions back?


Yet football interviewers never seem to bother to say something along the lines of ... 'Hang on a second, Avram, you got in some loan players in January who have to be paid a wage, yet you owed HMRC, St Johns Ambulance, Cancer Charities (name your creditors here ... ) substantial sums. What on earth makes you think you should remain in the FA Cup?


At least Colleymore is making all the right noises, shame he isn't asking questions to Mr Grant directly.


See now, there you have touched a nerve.


The British sports media is the softest and most compliant in the world, thanks to a combination of Spanish practices that would have made 1970s shop stewards blush, fear, and cowardice.


Of course, the days are long gone when football clubs and papers needed each other and lived a symbiotic relationship.


Those were the days when sport lived strictly at the back end of the paper, and never crossed the halfway line into the front unless it was an earth-shattering story (Keegan signing, FA Cup win, etc). Sport was sport, what happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas.


The relationship became a bit too cosy and close, and as the media and football climbed further into bed, it was the press that turned over and stuck its rear up in the air.


Football also knows that unlike in the States, there is little collectivity in the British media.


Because of the way freedom of speech is enshrined in the US constitution, there is still a ‘touch one, touch us all’ spirit among the US Sports media.


If one paper or media outlet is banned, they all boycott the club, thereby sending out a firm message that the media takes a dim view of any attempt to curb its freedom.


Hence, the media carries a lot of weight and enjoys the upper hand. Nowhere better does that manifest itself than in the issue of access.


On pre-match press days the media can go to the training camp and talk to any players or coaches. After matches, coaches are allowed a 15-minute debrief before the doors of the dressing room are flung open to the media. You can just imagine that happening at Old Trafford, can’t you? But why should Fergie and his ilk be allowed to get away with their attitude towards the media.


It’s not simply a case of Fergie being a forceful character. There are tougher and more hard-nosed people in US Sport than Fergie, but they know they have to work with the media. They may not like it, but they know fans would turn on them if they didn’t.


There’s no way that would happen in the UK, where the media puts its individual concerns first.


If Fergie bans the Mirror on a wafer-thin pretext, are the Sun going to link arms and march in support of the Mirror? Of course not. On the contrary, it will jump in to take advantage.


Of course, the media’s cause in the UK has not been helped by Sky, whose bankrolling of the product that is the Premier League sees them fawning all over those involved in it.


Sky Sports are not really interested in proper sports journalism as far as the Premier League is concerned. Why should they be? Why would they want to open up huge cans of worms on something that provides the main thrust of their sports coverage and their biggest income stream?


Their coverage is based on the 30-second soundbite. Football clubs have cottoned on to this and now gear their media operation towards it. Hence, at media press days, all they do is put the manager and a player up before the cameras to satisfy the soundbite need. Once Sky have got their 30 second soundbites and are happy, the rest can lump it.


Football clubs are not stupid organisations (with one or two notable exceptions) and they know they have the ultimate sanction – The Press Ban.


Time was when it was a badge of honour to be banned by your local club. It meant you were doing your job correctly and people could see that you were not in the club’s pocket.


But now, media organisations live in fear of being banned and denied even the p*ss poor access to managers and players they now get.


There have been occasions when the media has had the opportunity to stamp this out. Had they shown a strong collective stance, football would probably have blinked first.


Unfortunately, it’s gone too far down the road to reverse it now, and football knows it has got the media where the hair is crisp.


And even when journalists do take it upon themselves to ask probing questions which might elicit the right answers, they get pilloried by fans of that club who accuse them of having a go and conducting a witch hunt.


And before we get too self righteous, Saints fans are no different and if you want proof, only look back to the Echo banning saga this season.


The Echo actually did very little wrong, but they endured seven shades of ****e on this forum from a fair proportion of people for their refusal to kowtow to Cortese’s demands for them to scoff the whole humble pie.


So why wasn’t Grant pressed on his monotone, miserable pleadings? Perhaps because they want to make sure they can go back the following week to ask some more trite, soft questions.

It's actually quite worrying, not the article, but the Pompey fans comments. OK, Stan is an easy target, he has history, and I guess he knows he is going to take some stick.


But the amount of thier fans that still seem not to understand the concept of sustainable debt and non sustainable is astounding. They continue to quote Man Utd and Liverpool as teams who are much worse run than themselves and who have much bigger debt levels.


But they still seem to have misunderstood the basics that these teams can (at present) sustain this debt level and meet their creditors payments.


They fail to understand that thier own club have not done this, and have (hundreds) of creditors who have not and probably will not be paid, whilst they continued to compete. This as well from a club that was in administration, what, just over ten years ago.


Either they have very short memories or they just don't understand the very basics of both business ethics, sporting achievements and fair play.


Quite. Below I quote one of the most deluded posters from their ignorant bunch of so-called supporters:-


sam the sham,

26/04/2010 10:02:18

Thrown out!? We should be absolutely applauded, commended, praised and awarded for getting to the FA Cup Final this season. The team that has got to the final has been funded on almost NOTHING, in fact, less than nothing. A feat which has inadvertantly shown the rest of the football world that success can be acheived without spending hardly a penny. Report Unsuitable

I was tempted to report it as unsuitable, as it was obviously the opinion of somebody under a Care in the Community order.


The team that got to the FA Cup Final is one funded with money they did not have, buying and loaning players they could not afford. This was the money that gave them an advantage over teams such as us or Coventry, who would otherwise have beaten them, had they stayed within a budget that they could have afforded, with the calibre of player to match. And what exactly is less than nothing? Is that the sum of money in the debit column by any chance? The £120 millions of debt?


Criticism of Collymore's article is not unexpected on the grounds that his past record is peppered with incidents that hardly cover him in glory as far as his personal life is concerned. But the Skates who excuse themselves by citing that, fail to recognise that regardless of his misdemeanours, there is a lot of truth in what he says. Anyway, I suspect that the behaviour of your average Skate fan in their day to day lives would probably make Collymore look like an angel by comparison.


And you have to laugh at the comparisons of themselves with Liverpool and ManUre. Their debt level might be appreciably higher than that of the Skates, but then again their income levels are also substantially higher too, so that the ration of income to debt is sustainable, especially when you add in the value of their brand in the World marketplace, their merchandising, stadia and other assets. Even with their debt levels, they both remain saleable commodities, whereas Pompey is a basket case which only a fool would wish to spend his money on currently and only crooks have been attracted to recently.


Anyone here here hear about the punishment handed out to Melbourne Storm (that's Australia) for breaking slary cap rules? Bear in mind, it's a totally 'in-house' NRL (=EPL) thing with no government involvement (yet). They got stripped of their titles 'won' in the last five years, got fined 1.6 M dolllars (seems a pittance, but that's a big sum for this sport), stripped all their points, and can't get any more points this season,


They broke a regulation over a number of years, had some glory, and it know looks unlikely that NRL will be played in Melbourne next season.


Sound familiar?

Anyone here here hear about the punishment handed out to Melbourne Storm (that's Australia) for breaking slary cap rules?


Yup, got a mention a few pages back. Interesting comparison though


Just read the Collymore/Snooze link. Pompy fans have their heads stuck so far in the sand, they are pooping sandcastles.


sam the sham,

26/04/2010 10:02:18

Thrown out!? We should be absolutely applauded, commended, praised and awarded for getting to the FA Cup Final this season. The team that has got to the final has been funded on almost NOTHING, in fact, less than nothing. A feat which has inadvertantly shown the rest of the football world that success can be acheived without spending hardly a penny. Report Unsuitable .


what a clueless ****.


It seems as if 90% of Portsmouth fans share his view.


they really do not have a clue as to what a mess they are in do they? i'm sure they expect to win the league next year with 110 points, with Micheal Owen being the top scorer.

I understand what you're saying but the players are no more liable for these debts than the fans are. The people who should be made accountable are the one who struck the deals in the first place and all of that money should be personally reimbursed by Storrie and his cronies. Not that that's going to happen BTW!!
The players and the management of PFC have a duty to reballance the unfair football debts rule. Peter Storrie should in my opinion be under questioning for major fraud as a director, theft of charity monies, tax evasion and any other charges that can be directed his way.

it's odd - yes we may have been a bit smug and annoying guessing what's going to happen next (!) but let's be honest here, it hasn't been rocket science - HUGE expenditure + tiny income, what was likely to happen?...


So tell me, how can a large section of their fanbase still not grasp -


1.The historical irregularities.

2.The current sham of a semi-administration.

3.What the gloomy future might hold.....



Pompey stole from charities to pay the likes of O'Hara and that's sunk in to some and there's shame and a dignified silence, but many still don't get it - what will it take to get through to the majority of the few?


if they think that their current team has really been bought for nothing, just wait till they find out what CCC income with no parachutes buys them...........


some of their fans are doing the right thing and paying back the charities etc who lost out. Fair play to them, and of course the media will lap it up. The bestest fans in the world will keep their crown

some of their fans are doing the right thing and paying back the charities etc who lost out. Fair play to them, and of course the media will lap it up. The bestest fans in the world will keep their crown


The day after Wembley they will be forgotten, as is the way with the EPL/FA.


The players will leave, Grant will leave and the players they scrap together will be relegated in front of crowds of 12,000.



The day after Wembley they will be forgotten, as is the way with the EPL/FA.


The players will leave, Grant will leave and the players they scrap together will be relegated in front of crowds of 12,000.




Grant wont leave, there are too many things he enjoys about this area ;)

Besides he can spend all next season moaning about how unfair it all is, how football matters should be decided on the pitch, how they should be permitted to take on Juventus and Barcelona in Europe because the wonderful fans deserve it......

Grant wont leave, there are too many things he enjoys about this area ;)

Besides he can spend all next season moaning about how unfair it all is, how football matters should be decided on the pitch, how they should be permitted to take on Juventus and Barcelona in Europe because the wonderful fans deserve it......


I sure Avram will be able to procure blow jobs from cheap brasses across this great land of ours.

sam the sham,

26/04/2010 10:02:18

Thrown out!? We should be absolutely applauded, commended, praised and awarded for getting to the FA Cup Final this season. The team that has got to the final has been funded on almost NOTHING, in fact, less than nothing. A feat which has inadvertantly shown the rest of the football world that success can be acheived without spending hardly a penny.


It's so hillarious, it really is.


What a sorry, sorry bunch.


May their club die horribly and they suffer accordingly, ignorance is no excuse!


Originally Posted by Frank's cousin viewpost.gif

See Grant is still bleating on about how 'unfair' it all is -




does he not have an ounce of self awareness? Cant believe he has the cheek, considering the players he is using should not be on the park...


Is he just plain thick?

No, but he thinks everyone else is. (TBF that is partly understandable given that he is in close contact with skate fans).

Posted (edited)

Saggers & Colleymore been talking about Pompey again on Talksport.


They still have fans trying to come on defend the club - they were trying to debate the bigger picture, fortunately they are all being shot down. Both have also been arguing against the 4 year parachute payment.


David from Bristol - the current team didn't cost us anything - so you're ignoring the loan fee's that you've paid & the money for Dindane that I'm sure has now been re-negotiated twice now!!

Edited by Gorgiesaint
David - **** from Bristol

During a discussion at work today, whereby i reiterated the ascertain that Pompey had 'cheated' their way to the cup final, a neutral work colleague said: "if Pompey have 'cheated' then how come they're bottom of the premier league (regardless of points deduction)? If they did 'cheat' it didn't serve them very well in the league did it?"


Which is a fair observation and got me thinking, if they 'cheated' as much as we're accusing them of then how come this didn't pay off in the league? A devil's advocate might suggest that perhaps they weren't flouting the financial laws of the game as much as they could've done. In other words, perhaps their poor league position suggests that perhaps there was a degree of financial constraint in amongst all the mismanagement?


As I say, not my view - just a reflection of a conversation I had today.

During a discussion at work today, whereby i reiterated the ascertain that Pompey had 'cheated' their way to the cup final, a neutral work colleague said: "if Pompey have 'cheated' then how come they're bottom of the premier league (regardless of points deduction)? If they did 'cheat' it didn't serve them very well in the league did it?"


Which is a fair observation and got me thinking, if they 'cheated' as much as we're accusing them of then how come this didn't pay off in the league? A devil's advocate might suggest that perhaps they weren't flouting the financial laws of the game as much as they could've done. In other words, perhaps their poor league position suggests that perhaps there was a degree of financial constraint in amongst all the mismanagement?


As I say, not my view - just a reflection of a conversation I had today.


Sorry no they CHEATED pure and simple

During a discussion at work today, whereby i reiterated the ascertain that Pompey had 'cheated' their way to the cup final, a neutral work colleague said: "if Pompey have 'cheated' then how come they're bottom of the premier league (regardless of points deduction)? If they did 'cheat' it didn't serve them very well in the league did it?"


Which is a fair observation and got me thinking, if they 'cheated' as much as we're accusing them of then how come this didn't pay off in the league? A devil's advocate might suggest that perhaps they weren't flouting the financial laws of the game as much as they could've done. In other words, perhaps their poor league position suggests that perhaps there was a degree of financial constraint in amongst all the mismanagement?


As I say, not my view - just a reflection of a conversation I had today.


Don't forget that Pompey have been milked for the transfer proceeds from Crouch, Defoe, Johnson, Diarra, Krancjar prior to the start of this season. That money disappeared and they were replaced with cheaper players whilst the noose started to tighten. Don't forget, the theory is that the longer they can keep the club going, the more sky money can be milked. The closing of the noose continued with only being able to 'buy' loan players. So yes there have been constraints this season, much of the damage was done over the last 2-3 years.


Just been watching the film Snatch - one line stood out for me.


F***ing pikey's, I hate f***ing pikey's.

During a discussion at work today, whereby i reiterated the ascertain that Pompey had 'cheated' their way to the cup final, a neutral work colleague said: "if Pompey have 'cheated' then how come they're bottom of the premier league (regardless of points deduction)? If they did 'cheat' it didn't serve them very well in the league did it?"


Which is a fair observation and got me thinking, if they 'cheated' as much as we're accusing them of then how come this didn't pay off in the league? A devil's advocate might suggest that perhaps they weren't flouting the financial laws of the game as much as they could've done. In other words, perhaps their poor league position suggests that perhaps there was a degree of financial constraint in amongst all the mismanagement?


As I say, not my view - just a reflection of a conversation I had today.


An incompetent cheat is still a CHEAT

it's odd - yes we may have been a bit smug and annoying guessing what's going to happen next (!) but let's be honest here, it hasn't been rocket science - HUGE expenditure + tiny income, what was likely to happen?...


So tell me, how can a large section of their fanbase still not grasp -


1.The historical irregularities.

2.The current sham of a semi-administration.

3.What the gloomy future might hold.....



Pompey stole from charities to pay the likes of O'Hara and that's sunk in to some and there's shame and a dignified silence, but many still don't get it - what will it take to get through to the majority of the few?


ALL Pompey fans I know detest what the people in charge have done to our club and the charities they have treated appalingly. We are currently trying to pay as many of the charities as we can from our own pockets. That is the true spirit of what remains at the club and will probably be all thats left.


We are also fully aware of the mess we are in.

ALL Pompey fans I know detest what the people in charge have done to our club and the charities they have treated appalingly. We are currently trying to pay as many of the charities as we can from our own pockets. That is the true spirit of what remains at the club and will probably be all thats left.


We are also fully aware of the mess we are in.


It is very commendable that the fans are digging into their own pockets for this but doesn't that mean the perpetrators are getting away with it even more? There should be criminal proceedings to get the charities money back from Storrie, SAF and Al Mirage. After all you lot have already paid for it once (through shirt sales etc).

It is very commendable that the fans are digging into their own pockets for this but doesn't that mean the perpetrators are getting away with it even more? There should be criminal proceedings to get the charities money back from Storrie, SAF and Al Mirage. After all you lot have already paid for it once (through shirt sales etc).


Yeh, I know. And we will keep paying for it again and again and again. Thats why its always the fans that lose out.


We are currently trying to make a banner for the last game of the season calling for legal action. Of course, nothing will happen as its only a Provincial club this is happening to and as you well know nodoby really cares unless its man u or Liverpool.


It is our intention to try and pay all the debts that these vermin have defaulted on.


It was a good sense of acvievement when the St Johns was paid off and now we are close to paying the Cancer charity. That will be particularly pleasing as I lost my Dad and Step Mum to cancer within months of each other not so long ago.


I wish we could do something to stop these people from getting away with it.:mad:


The worst thing about this sorry mess for me is that not one ex-director or player has put their hand in their pockets and paid off the smaller amounts. Sickening.


Just goes to show you where the real "fault" lies and who the morally bankrupt ones are.


Fair play to the fans... but I do wish they'd "gotten" the situation a bit earlier than they did... :p


I guess you never assume, as a football fan, that so many charities are involved with football clubs (well I didn't anyway). I just hope our club wasn't involved in murky dealings via ripping off organisations that need funds the most.


Just been crunching the numbers and I reckon HMRC will have to settle for 23p in the pound like all the other unsecured creditors and Pompey will get away with it.


The football creditors rule (unless it's legality is challenged again) will mean that the football creditors will get paid in full out of the first two years parachute money, and then Baloo will get his money too as a secured creditor. That will leave the unsecured creditors with 23% of their money, again out of the parachute payments in years 3 and 4.

I think that if the CVA is not agreed then that could lead to a winding up order and then everyone loses as there are no parachute payments? Therefore the CVA will probably be agreed and Pompey will take their place in the Championship next season, although with a decimated squad that should see them go straight through to League 1.


Who will really be happy with that outcome? Not us, not the unsecured creditors, not Gaydamak, not the blue few. I guess the football creditors are laughing, as will be Baloo and all the other executives and directors who presided over such a disgraceful state of affairs and seem on the brink of getting away with it without prosecution.


The EPL, the FA and British Company Law (as it relates to the football creditor rule in an insolvency and how it deals with wrongful trading by directors) need to take a long hard look in the mirror.


This years FA Cup Final is now a farce on a global stage, contested by a side put together by confidence tricksters and corporate vandals, that is completely unable to wipe its own backside financially and has cheated other more deserving clubs of a place at Wembley.



Yeh, I know. And we will keep paying for it again and again and again. Thats why its always the fans that lose out.


We are currently trying to make a banner for the last game of the season calling for legal action. Of course, nothing will happen as its only a Provincial club this is happening to and as you well know nodoby really cares unless its man u or Liverpool.


It is our intention to try and pay all the debts that these vermin have defaulted on.


It was a good sense of acvievement when the St Johns was paid off and now we are close to paying the Cancer charity. That will be particularly pleasing as I lost my Dad and Step Mum to cancer within months of each other not so long ago.


I wish we could do something to stop these people from getting away with it.:mad:


Respect to you sir

Yeh, I know. And we will keep paying for it again and again and again. Thats why its always the fans that lose out.


We are currently trying to make a banner for the last game of the season calling for legal action. Of course, nothing will happen as its only a Provincial club this is happening to and as you well know nodoby really cares unless its man u or Liverpool.


It is our intention to try and pay all the debts that these vermin have defaulted on.


It was a good sense of acvievement when the St Johns was paid off and now we are close to paying the Cancer charity. That will be particularly pleasing as I lost my Dad and Step Mum to cancer within months of each other not so long ago.


I wish we could do something to stop these people from getting away with it.:mad:


just shows that it's the real fans that suffer in all this. Much respect mate

Respect to you sir





But when you say a banner at the last match of the season, do you mean at Wembley ?? Surely there has to be a sizeable protest at the Cup Final if you really mean it. That is a stage for you to gain the attention of the nation's press.


I am afraid that decent supporters like you are in a distinct minority at Nottarf. If the world only sees at Wembley the customary funny Cup Final banners , then the conclusion will have to be that the majority of Pompey supporters do not care about the way that the club has behaved. They are happy to be led to the Cup Fimal by dodgy gun running crooks who steal from cancer charities and schools.


Good luck to your protest. I think you will need it.




I am

Just been crunching the numbers and I reckon HMRC will have to settle for 23p in the pound like all the other unsecured creditors and Pompey will get away with it.


The football creditors rule (unless it's legality is challenged again) will mean that the football creditors will get paid in full out of the first two years parachute money, and then Baloo will get his money too as a secured creditor. That will leave the unsecured creditors with 23% of their money, again out of the parachute payments in years 3 and 4.



I didn't think that the clubs going down this season got the extra two years parachute payments? I thought it was a new proposal that starts from next seasons relegated teams.

Just been crunching the numbers and I reckon HMRC will have to settle for 23p in the pound like all the other unsecured creditors and Pompey will get away with it.


The football creditors rule (unless it's legality is challenged again) will mean that the football creditors will get paid in full out of the first two years parachute money, and then Baloo will get his money too as a secured creditor. That will leave the unsecured creditors with 23% of their money, again out of the parachute payments in years 3 and 4.

I think that if the CVA is not agreed then that could lead to a winding up order and then everyone loses as there are no parachute payments? Therefore the CVA will probably be agreed and Pompey will take their place in the Championship next season, although with a decimated squad that should see them go straight through to League 1.


Who will really be happy with that outcome? Not us, not the unsecured creditors, not Gaydamak, not the blue few. I guess the football creditors are laughing, as will be Baloo and all the other executives and directors who presided over such a disgraceful state of affairs and seem on the brink of getting away with it without prosecution.


The EPL, the FA and British Company Law (as it relates to the football creditor rule in an insolvency and how it deals with wrongful trading by directors) need to take a long hard look in the mirror.


This years FA Cup Final is now a farce on a global stage, contested by a side put together by confidence tricksters and corporate vandals, that is completely unable to wipe its own backside financially and has cheated other more deserving clubs of a place at Wembley.


That is the kind of figure being suggested by that journo on twitter recently. Does your calculation include player sales?

Yeh, I know. And we will keep paying for it again and again and again. Thats why its always the fans that lose out.


We are currently trying to make a banner for the last game of the season calling for legal action. Of course, nothing will happen as its only a Provincial club this is happening to and as you well know nodoby really cares unless its man u or Liverpool.


It is our intention to try and pay all the debts that these vermin have defaulted on.


It was a good sense of acvievement when the St Johns was paid off and now we are close to paying the Cancer charity. That will be particularly pleasing as I lost my Dad and Step Mum to cancer within months of each other not so long ago.


I wish we could do something to stop these people from getting away with it.:mad:


Fair play to you guys for doing this.


Will you be trying to pay off the schools as well? £40k is a teacher they cannot hire next year.

The worst thing about this sorry mess for me is that not one ex-director or player has put their hand in their pockets and paid off the smaller amounts. Sickening.


Just goes to show you where the real "fault" lies and who the morally bankrupt ones are.


Fair play to the fans... but I do wish they'd "gotten" the situation a bit earlier than they did... :p


With regard to the Poopey fans on here. Most of them, sooner or later, seem to have 'got it'. I think that these ones are ashamed of what has happened with their club 'in their name'.


We haven't exactly covered ourselves in glory here with our schadenfreude and disdain for PCFC but that comes with the rivalry.


However, quite a few PCFC fans came here during our troubles and had a gloat so what goes around does, indeed, come around.


Despite all this, and in a momentary lapse of trying to rise above it, I still find the arrogance of some of the Blue Meanies totally appalling.


Then again, they still 'don't get it'.

Just been crunching the numbers and I reckon HMRC will have to settle for 23p in the pound like all the other unsecured creditors and Pompey will get away with it.


The football creditors rule (unless it's legality is challenged again) will mean that the football creditors will get paid in full out of the first two years parachute money, and then Baloo will get his money too as a secured creditor. That will leave the unsecured creditors with 23% of their money, again out of the parachute payments in years 3 and 4.

I think that if the CVA is not agreed then that could lead to a winding up order and then everyone loses as there are no parachute payments? Therefore the CVA will probably be agreed and Pompey will take their place in the Championship next season, although with a decimated squad that should see them go straight through to League 1.


Who will really be happy with that outcome? Not us, not the unsecured creditors, not Gaydamak, not the blue few. I guess the football creditors are laughing, as will be Baloo and all the other executives and directors who presided over such a disgraceful state of affairs and seem on the brink of getting away with it without prosecution.


The EPL, the FA and British Company Law (as it relates to the football creditor rule in an insolvency and how it deals with wrongful trading by directors) need to take a long hard look in the mirror.


This years FA Cup Final is now a farce on a global stage, contested by a side put together by confidence tricksters and corporate vandals, that is completely unable to wipe its own backside financially and has cheated other more deserving clubs of a place at Wembley.


Well said Sir!


I don't see why HRMC would settle for 23p in this case when previously they have always opposed anything other than full payment.


It sets a dangerous precedent for them if football clubs know they can just not pay their tax, blow it off by going into admin and then just buy the club back. I think HRMC would prefer to set an example.


I don't think HMRC have the option to block any deal, regardless of whether they want to or not. They don't have 25% of the unsecured debt, so have no power to block it on their own.


They would need to convince other creditors to join them in blocking the CVA - how feasible that is I have no idea.


For the extra 2 years worth of parachute payments - extending the current two years to four - has there been any definitive source for this? I can't believe they would pass it mid-season and make it immediately applicable but I guess there is no reason they can't do so.. I would welcome a link to a credible source either way.

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