Um Bongo Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Yet somehow we're "getting away with it". You really have no idea.
Saint_John Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Wasn't 'arry's hearing today? Anyone know what happened? I've searched but can't find anything. It was originally scheduled for the 14th, this article now says it is Friday "but he faces an even bigger date on Friday, when he appears at Southwark Crown Court charged with conspiracy to defraud."
rpb Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 His plan is to rape us for all he can then liquidate us and hope to sell the land on top of that. And the problem with that is???
Smirking_Saint Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Yet somehow we're "getting away with it". Glad you have finally come to that realisation. I really can't wait for Pompey to go bust and to lose the final so Ho would sod off again. Also how can you sit here and pick up on peoples points that are slightly wrong when you fed us a load of Guff at the start of the season. Anyways, glad to see Maradonna and Riquelme are doing well for you.
Gingeletiss Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 It was originally scheduled for the 14th, this article now says it is Friday "but he faces an even bigger date on Friday, when he appears at Southwark Crown Court charged with conspiracy to defraud." It's been Friday for a while now, I read about that some weeks back. It was also metioned last Sunday during the Semi.
benjii Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Which is exactly the concerns most Pompey fans have. Especially when Andronikou is coming out with his "Chainrai is the only credible option" ********. Whatever Chainrai says about not wanting the club is rubbish. His plan is to rape us for all he can then liquidate us and hope to sell the land on top of that. He's not put a penny into the club, has already secured £14m for nothing for a non existent "loan" that never happened and appointed an administrator who shares the same legal firm as him to carry on the stripping. Yet somehow we're "getting away with it". Wowsers, I agree with him/her/it. That's what you need to remember nick - even if they do exit admin at some point without sporting punishments (unlikely IMO), absent a billionaire benefactor, the thing that exits will be next to useless and have absolutely no residual value.
saint lard Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 (edited) I am getting more and more fecked off with that lot down the road. More mismanagement and financial misdemenours than you can shake a stick at. Squirming this way and that,trying every trick in the book. the "it's everyone elses fault not ours we are in this mess and admin" the constant fawning over the so called superb support and poor old hard done by Pompey. And to top it off a cup final and now the possibility of playing in europe. I await all the "were all going on a european tour" bollix. They are not toast and never will be. The -9 points is no true punishment. And i am not going to fall for the "they will have years of suffering,poor squad and dissapear down the leagues" I stated a long while back that they will escape pretty much unscathed from the cheating,and from where i'm sitting,they are almost smelling of roses. All we need now is someone to crop up with proper finances and they will think it would have been all worth it. I await the inevitable "no one will buy,invest in them or come to save them as they would have to be mad". Perhaps they would be a stark raving mentalist,but you watch, they will prevail in the end....sometimes, cheats prosper. Edited 14 April, 2010 by saint lard
Jimmy_D Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 A few interesting tit bits - Today, 12:35 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was speaking to a customer over the weekend, who was speaking to a well respected and connected person at the Chi supporters club meeting and said some very worrying & interesting things, I thought I would share with everyone for a discussion point. I would like to point out that this is only chat and nothing else, it could be utter BS or there could be nuggets of truth, as awell as it could be guess work based on the various news storries we have seen over the past few Months. I am not saying I believe any bit of it just posting what and how it was told to me. 1, Storrie, sold all our players with appearance clauses, O'Neil and Diarra will not make another appearance for their clubs because of this as We can expect other clubs to follow Boro's & Real's lead 2, Mendes was sold because we another payment was due to Spurs. 3, Ali Al Faraj does not exist, Gaydamak/Chainrai had used the name in another business venture a coiple of years back, The media are aware of this but can not print or broadcast it because of a gagging order. 4, There is no money coming into the club the PL are using money owed to us to pay the running costs until the end of the season, then its curtains for us. Thats why people are working 24/7 to get the new club formed and a league to take us. 5, Arcardi Gaydamak took all the clean money out of Pompey once his bank accounts were frozen and couldnt put any more dirty money in. 6, Peter Storrie earnt in one season a staggering £4.2m in our FA cup season of 08 with £750,000 bonus for us winning the damned thing. 7, There is going to be a huge explosion of news and dirt about Pompey soon and it could land the club with points deductions or even relegation down to League 2 and the people involved at the club, past and present could find themselves doing time. 8, Roman Ambramovic (SP) was all set to buy Pompey from Milan Manderic, but when Milan realised how wealthy He was he tried to insert clauses such as a % of the profits on the new stadium, housing, image rights, cup runs etc. Roman pulled the plug calling him a greedy little man. Looks like they're worried about the future as well.
benjii Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Lol - I think number 8 casts some doubt over the rest of it!
Corporate Ho Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Stop trying to defend the Greedy sods who have screwed you over and stop trying to compare your mess to others. Get off your asses and start fighting the REAL Villains or you will be sitting there going "What Happened?" They are not Cheats, they are just simply REALLY thick. You have been CONNED you idiots along with the rest of the Media & The football family. We're thick, don't realise they're conmen and are sitting there going "what happened" are we? That's despite our fans lobbying the Premier League for answers and getting a meeting with Scudamore. Handing him a list of the characters involved in the swindling of PFC (which the PL stood by and allowed to happen - that's all we blame the PL for, lack of a process to vet potential owners thoroughly), speaking to and meeting journalists from as far afield as Israel about the people involved (the name Shelly Narkis was unknown in the saga until one of our fans brought it to the attention of a Guardian journo), continuing meetings with the sham administrator to at least try and put some pressure on him for answers about his and Chainrai's role in the farce of him supposedly trying to find a buyer when he hasn';t even started the forensic accounting yet) plus lots more that many Pompey fans are doing behind the scenes despite knowing that there's little chance of a positive outcome for all their efforts. What else would you suggest we do Phil? Let's not forget, just a day or so ago you said on here that Chainrai had been "stitched up" for the money he loaned Faraj. There never was a loan. It was a ploy to allow him to take over the club and bleed it dry. Who do you think Faraj's mystery backer was that resulted in Gaydamak refusing to sell the club to him in the first place? Of course, we could be as proactive as Saints fans were when faced with administration and have some pizza facede 15 year old with a bum fluff tache organise a march. No disrespect fellas but the ones getting cheated here are the Pompey fans.
Pugwash Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 So Ho (see what I did there?), what's your take on the comments from "Someone on the Pompey Online Forum"?
OldNick Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 And all along you've been wrong. Dave Richards was at the Champs League final when Gaydamak met Fahim to discuss selling him the club but Richards didn't introduce them. They were introduced by Shinawatra's right hand man. This has been so well documented that it's hard to believe even you have failed to notice it Nick Nack. The Sun ran a sensational story that Richards "was there" when they were introduced. PL chairman present at European final involving PL teams shock. There is no conspiracy to help Pompey by the PL or anyone else. .So the old Ho has returned, the arrogance with him Lol. 'Just what are they have supposed to have done to help us?' How about opening transfer windows, letting you sign players on loan with loan fees when you were trading whilst insolvent, taking no action regarding all the trading whilst insolvent, offering parachute money to tie you over, letting you trade whilst all others couldn't, turn a blind eye to your transgretions..its a bit like Life of brian 'what did the Romans do for us?' Let's just wait and see, any news on next seasons s/t sales after your mate said tghey would exceed 13.500 to about 16k I suspect you will be telling us they will hit about 20-25k. Your time of media coverage and limelight is fast slipping away, not many will be sorry to see you go and keep those memories strong as they may be at present but they will fade
Doctoroncall Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 We're thick, don't realise they're conmen and are sitting there going "what happened" are we? No disrespect fellas but the ones getting cheated here are the Pompey fans. I think it's a timing issues, bleat all you like when the **** hits the fan, but the Gaydamaks have been involved for in your club for about four years. Perhaps the fans should have asked questions and raised the issues BEFORE the buy-outs, sympathy would have been more forthcoming.
Justin C Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 They have made 8 changes tonight and only have 4 subs. Surely than should put youth team players on the bench. They are just looking for people to feel sorry for them.# Or they went up there on the train and they are saving money by not taking so many players.
sidthesquid Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 The thing that p1sses me off with you, oh corpulent one, is that in amongst the pile of bullsh1t you dump on here there are some genuine insights and reasoned arguments. Your long and rambling retaliation to variois posters is a classic of its type. I am quite prepared to believe that Richards had no involvement in the Fahim shambles, and thyen you claim that up to £18million of unpaid taxes amounts to four months worth! Bonkers. There is no tax on profits, just VAT, NI & PAYE. Also even you must see a difference between reasonable,if ambitious, spending & financial insanity. And as for resting players - fine, no problem. But don't then bleat on about how unfair it is that in one game an unplayed youngster had to come on as a sub. As for our ten points - sure we hoped we might get away with it, but not many expected it & generally we took it grudgingly on the chin. Then you finish up with two well argued and realistic pieces. I accept the fans are getting a rough deal, and there isn't much you can do about. But, please, stop all the whining about how it's everyone elses fault and all the pathetic appeals to overturn every bloody rule or law you breach. It's embarrassing.
sidthesquid Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 they have made 8 changes tonight and only have 4 subs. Surely than should put youth team players on the bench. They are just looking for people to feel sorry for them.# or they went up there on the train and they are saving money by not taking so many players. cheats
Jimmy Gabriel's Halo Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Debt can be secured and payable in a fixed time frame such as a Mortgage Debt can be unsecured and you simply pay large amounts of interest such as a Bank Overdraft. Man Utd & Liverpool have excessive amounts of debt on fixed terms, incurred by people buying those clubs without any of their own money - ie they borrowed money which they secured against their shares in the club and created a Fixed Secured Debt. These debts are repaid by money being taken out of PROFITS. That money has weakened BOTH teams. Southampton had debt that was a MORTGAGE, secured with fixed repayments paid for out of PROFITS. In the case of Liverpool & Man Utd, the fans have rebelled and have campaigned against the unjust takeover regulations that have allowed their club to be damaged. In Southampton's case the fans rebelled protested and boycotted the club against the lack of ambition shown by a sensible management plan of making profit FIRST not football first. Portsmouth accrued Unsecured Debt, they never had ANY Profits giving them ANY chance of repaying to a fixed schedule. At the HEIGHT of the World's BIGGEST ever credit bubble they made not ONE effort to convert their debt into Manageable Proper Secured debt. They made NO effort at ANY time to build a sustainable business model to make ANY type of profits to SERVICE that debt. And what did the Few do? They sang the names of the idiots who have destroyed their club. One Brain Cell, that was all it needed, just ONE thought for your future but no it was all p*ssed away by GREED. PFC's debt position is not about cheating, it is about GREED. Their Management and their fans are no better than the idiots who created the Sub Prime mess, Lehmans or Greece. You are in the SH1T because of Greed, and ALL that money is sitting in OTHER PEOPLE'S pockets, not one DROP remained in your club. Stop trying to defend the Greedy sods who have screwed you over and stop trying to compare your mess to others. Get off your asses and start fighting the REAL Villains or you will be sitting there going "What Happened?" They are not Cheats, they are just simply REALLY thick. You have been CONNED you idiots along with the rest of the Media & The football family. There is a HELL of a difference between being the victims of a Con-man and getting relegated through imbecilic management decisions. So, Phil, bearing in mind many were suspicious that this was a money laundering operation from the start of the Gaydemak's involvement are you now conceding they may have a case for claiming back the 9 point deduction as the club has been victims of criminal activity ? Curious to know.
Joey-deacons-left-nut Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 No, why would you?? Its your owner wha purpetrating the crime.. if anything you'd be hit with MORE points deductions for that. The rule about escaping the -9 deducton for things outside of your control is for stuff like going into admin because a club owes you money they you rely on etc... not the owner of the club doign something dodgy. THe only way I could see that criminal acts would have any baring is if it was done by someone below board level, at board level that would make the club as a whole culpable.
dubai_phil Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 So' date=' Phil, bearing in mind many were suspicious that this was a money laundering operation from the start of the Gaydemak's involvement are you now conceding they may have a case for claiming back the 9 point deduction as the club has been victims of criminal activity ? Curious to know.[/quote'] Don't be daft :-) They got a fans delegation to the PL in what month exactly? After how many years? When others had pointed out they were just a money laundering operation? They let it run for YEARS, and only started to wake up when the wheels started to fall off. There are none so blind as cannot see. If anything WE have a better case for re-instatement to the PL than any of their "heart wrenching" appeals. They beat us at Nottarf with a team paid for with (under Storrie's admission) the money of a convict, which was clearly and unequivocably against the PL rules at the time. They sleep-walked to their doom, with a few (of the few) waking up long enough to ask a few questions of Scudamore "What Happened?" Let us as fans launch an appeal to the FAPL. Along with everyone else relegated because they TRIED to make a profit to pay their debts or their interest.
trousers Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Spurs beating Arsenal 2-0....what a difference 3 days makes....
Saint J 77 Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Spurs beating Arsenal 2-0....what a difference 3 days makes.... 2-1 now but why couldn't they play like this at the weekend????? Now I can't enjoy watching a decent Cup final now
Jimmy Gabriel's Halo Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Don't be daft :-) They got a fans delegation to the PL in what month exactly? After how many years? When others had pointed out they were just a money laundering operation? They let it run for YEARS, and only started to wake up when the wheels started to fall off. There are none so blind as cannot see. If anything WE have a better case for re-instatement to the PL than any of their "heart wrenching" appeals. They beat us at Nottarf with a team paid for with (under Storrie's admission) the money of a convict, which was clearly and unequivocably against the PL rules at the time. They sleep-walked to their doom, with a few (of the few) waking up long enough to ask a few questions of Scudamore "What Happened?" Let us as fans launch an appeal to the FAPL. Along with everyone else relegated because they TRIED to make a profit to pay their debts or their interest. So I take it that's a "no" then ?
ivangolac Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Whatever Chainrai says about not wanting the club is rubbish. His plan is to rape us for all he can then liquidate us and hope to sell the land on top of that. He's not put a penny into the club, has already secured £14m for nothing for a non existent "loan" that never happened and appointed an administrator who shares the same legal firm as him to carry on the stripping. Yet somehow we're "getting away with it". I hope your right . I would settle for this as your punishment ....
teamsaint Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Would be interested to know how the poopey squad looks in terms of next season. Who is out of contract, who is unsellable due to being overpaid etc. There must be some skates out there who go to games who might know.........
rallyboy Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Harry's teams do look unbalanced when he starts with unfit strikers, but luckily he seems to have got it right tonight. I wonder what odds you would have got on a Spurs defeat at the weekend? Some bookies will have taken a hit, possibly the same ones that had to pay out when he rejoined Pompey all of sudden with only two or three people in the loop. Gambling on sport is a funny old business. Poor old Pompey, only enough players for four subs, I do hope some make a recovery in time for Wembley, that's a proper fairytale that is, plucky underdogs battling against the odds with only £20M of taxpayers money to help fund the cup run. Sorry kids you can't have the new hospital wing, Utaka needs his illegal image rights paid into an offshore account.
aintforever Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 I still can't believe how a club can get away with not paying £15mill or so in tax and still bring in new players that add to the wage bill so that they can get to a cup final. Surely tax avoidance laws should apply to companies as well as people?
for_heaven's_Saint Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Would be interested to know how the poopey squad looks in terms of next season. Who is out of contract, who is unsellable due to being overpaid etc. There must be some skates out there who go to games who might know......... Lol
bluejob Posted 14 April, 2010 Posted 14 April, 2010 Would be interested to know how the poopey squad looks in terms of next season. Who is out of contract, who is unsellable due to being overpaid etc. There must be some skates out there who go to games who might know......... It looks awful. Proper shiite in fact. Then again until tonight, sundays team was possibly on paper the weakest fielded all season so who knows...
Saint in Paradise Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 Just 2 small points, the newspaper article about HR's Court case says that IF he is found guilty he Could go to prison. I bet that IF he is found guilty he won't be sent down I fully expect community service with him being made to coach some poor street kid types. Why all the fuss that Pimpey could only name 4 subs, they can only use 3 anyway. :confused: .
Picard Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 Pompey very unlikely to go to Europe according to the Mirror. But MirrorFootball understands there is an increasing feeling within the club that Andronikou himself is raising fans' hopes and expectations when he is well aware of the strict criteria that Portsmouth cannot meet. Insiders believe he is trying to shift the blame onto the Premier League for being killjoys, instead of accepting that the club should have had the relevant paperwork submitted by the March 1 deadline for English clubs. The Premier League is set to rule on the issue at their monthly meeting today - and it is understood they will rule against Portsmouth.
saint lard Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 FFS,Grant playing the hard done by act oncemore..... Plucky old skates again.Everyone else to blame. Cheats.
alehouseboys Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 FFS,Grant playing the hard done by act oncemore..... Plucky old skates again.Everyone else to blame. Cheats. The trouble is the media love a good ol' 'hard-done-by' story and are lapping up everything right now. But the same media do like to build something right up only to then knock it all down soon after when it all goes pop.
trousers Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 I still can't believe how a club can get away with not paying £15mill or so in tax and still bring in new players that add to the wage bill so that they can get to a cup final. Surely tax avoidance laws should apply to companies as well as people? If someone was to report this 'crime' to the police would they be duty bound to follow it up?
Frank's cousin Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 The trouble is the media love a good ol' 'hard-done-by' story and are lapping up everything right now. But the same media do like to build something right up only to then knock it all down soon after when it all goes pop. Uhm... they love em for several reasons but the main is that they are still Prem so its news... there is never this sympathy for clubs outside the prem in difficulties, even though in most cases those clubs have in no way got near the internal wrong doings that have gone on at Pompey... I would have more sympathy with the fans if they had been questioning where the money was coming from or not when they began their uncontrolled spending under 'arry... but they just lapped it up without question despite knowing that a 20,000 gate and the contracts they were signing up for were unsustainable...
badgerx16 Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 Pompey very unlikely to go to Europe according to the Mirror. "Andronikou's claim that Pompey will be out of administration by the last week of May or the first of June is thought to be "extremely optimistic"."
EastleighSoulBoy Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 "Andronikou's claim that Pompey will be out of administration by the last week of May or the first of June is thought to be "extremely optimistic"." "extremely optimistic" :lol::lol: and then some!
JustMike Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 "Andronikou's claim that Pompey will be out of administration by the last week of May or the first of June is thought to be "extremely optimistic"." ...or sometime in July, or one day in August he is starting to sound like storrieteller!
OldNick Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 FFS,Grant playing the hard done by act oncemore..... Plucky old skates again.Everyone else to blame. Cheats. why cant they put some of their reserve players on the bench or youth team. No sympathy did we get when we had so many forwards injured we had to play our 16 and 17year olds up front at Everton in our relegation season. There is no excuse for not having a full allocation of subs. It was just them trying to make a point about playing a weakened side but alos keeping back players who may have clauses in their contracts due to games played kick in.Dindanes last game will be the final, he wont be seen playing before then
sidthesquid Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 Pompey very unlikely to go to Europe according to the Mirror. I think the last comment from Andronikou is instructive - "It makes the club more attractive to investors to put it on the European stage - we've got to go for it." Unless you totally believe the Corpy/Dubai Phil scenario where they actually don't want new owners, this, like all the other bull from Andy Android, is aimed at foreign investors
pedg Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 "Andronikou's claim that Pompey will be out of administration by the last week of May or the first of June is thought to be "extremely optimistic"." I think that timing for exiting administration is quite reasonable. After all a company that has been wound up will have exited administration, if not in the right direction.
Viking Warrior Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 what a deluded fool android is We need to put a coherent argument to the FA and Premier League. We're trying to make our case as strong as possible. If we're rebuffed we'll go to appeal. Sounds like a 70's trade union representative. Were going to appeal. what next he takes the team out on strike.
sidthesquid Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 This is what p1sses me off quote SSN - Avram Grant could only name four substitutes last night He CHOSE to name only four substitutes CHEATS
OldNick Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 what a deluded fool android is We need to put a coherent argument to the FA and Premier League. We're trying to make our case as strong as possible. If we're rebuffed we'll go to appeal. Sounds like a 70's trade union representative. Were going to appeal. what next he takes the team out on strike. The interesting take on this for me is that a normal administrator is liable for extra costs/debts. This one seems to have won the lottery and on a spending spree. The lawyers and consultancy bills must be quite high,or is he doing it all himself?
slickmick Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 From the bbc site Avram stated: "The Premier League need to give us an award because we are playing as we play with a lot of injuries" Any ideas what kind of award he deserves ?
slickmick Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 The interesting take on this for me is that a normal administrator is liable for extra costs/debts. This one seems to have won the lottery and on a spending spree. The lawyers and consultancy bills must be quite high,or is he doing it all himself? Shame he isn't putting as much time and energy into reducing their debts.
miserableoldgit Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 From the bbc site Avram stated: "The Premier League need to give us an award because we are playing as we play with a lot of injuries" Any ideas what kind of award he deserves ? Free season ticket to an industrial unit in Horton Heath??
InvictaSaint Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 Anybody else notice the DVD being advertised in the middle of that Mirror article on Pompey? "Law Abiding Citizen". Ooooooh the irony.....
100%Red&White Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 This is what p1sses me off quote SSN - Avram Grant could only name four substitutes last night He CHOSE to name only four substitutes CHEATS Exactly. CHEATS.
PompeyInReading Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 You lot are so miserable. You need to get out a bit more or start thinking about your own team a little. You might get to the play offs - surely thats more interesting than Pompey. Yes, I know, I am on a Saints board, but to be fair I am on the Pompey part of the Saints Board:lol: Anyway this should cheer you up A neutrals view rather than your bitter jealous rantings.
Channon's Sideburns Posted 15 April, 2010 Posted 15 April, 2010 I just LOVE how Avram Grant STILL wants people to feel sorry for them. 'We should be given a medal by the Premier League for coping with our small squad' Just foooook off Avram, you're full of ****. Tell the truth. You didn't have those players last night because... a) it's not a glory game so many have 'found' their injuries again b) Andronikou won't let you play them because it costs money to play them. HONESTY GOES A LONG WAY. Peter Kay's got a routine about every family having an 'Uncle Nobhead' - guess what...
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