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Posted (edited)

Which suggests in January Pompey possibly paid Spartak Moscow more than £250k as a loan fee even though the transfer embargo was lifted to only allow frees and loans and not any fees. Makes a mockery of it.

Edited by Matthew Le God
So by reading that Sporting Intelligence link it goes something like this....


No-one wants to buy them and Chinarai doesn't WANT to be owner either.


As you were.


So, Mr Astrologicalfees...when are you going to pull the plug?



The fact it hasn't already would suggest they are being kept alive to see out the season.

Everyone knows their dead so why keep them alive ?

Who are the ones calling the shots to decide when to switch off the life support machine ?

Who would it affect most if they dissapeared before the seasons end?

Which suggests in January Pompey possibly paid Spartak Moscow more than £250k as a loan fee even though the transfer embargo was lifted to only allow frees and loans and not any fees. Makes a mockery of it.


I can't believe the blue few have broken any rules here regarding loans & free's :-\"

Paying to get their player back? What exactly has Storrie put in all those loan contracts?!


If Pompey sign a player on loan and there isn't a recall clause then he is theirs until the loan expires. He can only go back if Pompey agree and that is unlikely unless they receive compensation.

If Pompey sign a player on loan and there isn't a recall clause then he is theirs until the loan expires. He can only go back if Pompey agree and that is unlikely unless they receive compensation.


But surely there was no outlay of cash for him because that would have breached the conditions of the lifting of the transfer embargo.

Aaron Mokoena and Tommy Smith to Wolves?



Love that quote

It is thought if Wolves do make a move for the duo Portsmouth will insist both players remain on loan at Krap Notarf for the rest of the season.

Oh yes I can see that happening, relegation rivals I'll buy your players but allow you to go on cheating by playing them for the rest of the season.

I'd think its almost a dun deal PMSL


Presumably it's got to £100M as AA and his henchmen have started untangling the web of ( non ) payments and uncovering things previously thought well hidden, rather than adding to the total due to the running of the administration.


I wonder if they've got anywhere near the bottom of the pit of deceit yet :)



Love that quote

It is thought if Wolves do make a move for the duo Portsmouth will insist both players remain on loan at Krap Notarf for the rest of the season.

Oh yes I can see that happening, relegation rivals I'll buy your players but allow you to go on cheating by playing them for the rest of the season.

I'd think its almost a dun deal PMSL


It could be money well spent - Wolves play Pompey in May - if wolves still need points to avoid the drop, a weakened pompey would be very useful. Presumably any players bought and loaned back would not be eligible to play against their 'new' club.


It might cost Wolves a couple million now, but if those points v Pompey ensure PL survival it will be spend £2m now - gain £30m next season.

It could be money well spent - Wolves play Pompey in May - if wolves still need points to avoid the drop, a weakened pompey would be very useful. Presumably any players bought and loaned back would not be eligible to play against their 'new' club.


It might cost Wolves a couple million now, but if those points v Pompey ensure PL survival it will be spend £2m now - gain £30m next season.


Doubtful Pompey would keep any end of the bargain though, they'd probably play Wolves signings irrespective - they now have got a pretty darn impressive history of flaunting and getting over the rules..


Argh, they are that disgusting that I wouldn't be surprised they'd try anand drag as many people and teams down with them...


Calm down everyone!!


You're all forgetting that a Statement of Affairs was compiled and produced by Vantis and presented to the court!


That would state EXACTLY what the figure of debt was at pretty much the time of admin. So AA would be liable for any increase to that debt :D


Pancake, I wouldn't worry about the £250k, if AA and his debt figures are to be believed - currently racking up £1m per day!!! - that money will fund precisely one quarter of one day at the club :D




Administrators are very good at spending any money that is left in a company and will work tirelessly until the money runs out. I don't know how much AA and his firm charge but they will not come cheaply. Once they have exhausted any available money, their attitude tends to change and a quick exit is sought often leaving the creditors virtually unpaid.


The court hearings, I believe are still set and the Judge will oversee the Administration. I wonder how he will view the rise in company debt. Is there any realistic prospect of it being repaid. If not it may well be 'Bye Bye Pompey' =- Fingers crossed

Presumably it's got to £100M as AA and his henchmen have started untangling the web of ( non ) payments and uncovering things previously thought well hidden, rather than adding to the total due to the running of the administration.


I wonder if they've got anywhere near the bottom of the pit of deceit yet :)



If that is the case then Vantis will be in the mire.

I rememebr with hilarity that AA said when he first arrived that the administration would be trasparent. Well to me there seems to be a tranparent fog that is getting thicker. As Kingsland red pointed out, when he first arived the debt he stated that was owed is now over 20m more!!!!! I would think they should keep a lot of court dates open if this carries on.

Am I right in thinking that an administrator can liquidate a company if he thinks there is no point carrying on?


He may have to go back to Court but he is all powerful and acts as a Director would do. So Yes He can look to wind them up

I wonder if our post count will exceed their biggest attendance of 51,385?


Tell you one thing, that's a lot of fish in one place isn't it?




It certainly is. Did they "massage" that figure too?:D


Ok right what i don't get is who is owed what. Gaymark is owed £30m, Chin Chinari is owed £15m, the HMRC are owed around £12m. That is around £57m owed. Where the hell does the other £43m debt come from? That is totally stagering to think a club with gates under 20,000 could get that much into debt.


If that debt is true and it really is £100m then nobody is going to buy them. It would take you decades to recover that money at a club like that.

What also doesn't make sense to me is the admin guy pushing already for the CVA to be done. Obviously Gaymark will sign it, but he is still going to want his money, Chainiri is going to sign it, but he will also want his money. But the HMRC won't sign it, those football people i.e agents owed money won't sign it, i doubt Sol Campbell will, i doubt clubs owed money will sign it etc etc. Which means even if they could get a CVA signed they would still have to pay back the people owed the money. That means that all those who signed the CVA will take their money back at some point. Now in the CCC Pompey will earn a fraction of what they did in the PL. With nobody to put money into the team and club they will not have any chance of coming back up. And if anything looks dodgy to the FL they will hammer you for it as we ourselves have seen.






  1. Spartak Moscow have offered Portsmouth £250,000 to end Quincy Owusu-Abeyie's loan deal 3 minutes ago via web

How ****ing dodgy does that look?


There must be a possibility that PFC still owe them £250k (or more) and they are simply willing to waive that final payment upon cancellation now of the loan ie. they don't think they'll get paid so they might as well get their man back.

Ok right what i don't get is who is owed what. Gaymark is owed £30m, Chin Chinari is owed £15m, the HMRC are owed around £12m. That is around £57m owed. Where the hell does the other £43m debt come from? That is totally stagering to think a club with gates under 20,000 could get that much into debt.


If that debt is true and it really is £100m then nobody is going to buy them. It would take you decades to recover that money at a club like that.

What also doesn't make sense to me is the admin guy pushing already for the CVA to be done. Obviously Gaymark will sign it, but he is still going to want his money, Chainiri is going to sign it, but he will also want his money. But the HMRC won't sign it, those football people i.e agents owed money won't sign it, i doubt Sol Campbell will, i doubt clubs owed money will sign it etc etc. Which means even if they could get a CVA signed they would still have to pay back the people owed the money. That means that all those who signed the CVA will take their money back at some point. Now in the CCC Pompey will earn a fraction of what they did in the PL. With nobody to put money into the team and club they will not have any chance of coming back up. And if anything looks dodgy to the FL they will hammer you for it as we ourselves have seen.


I think that was quoted over the £15 million recently, I seem to remember a website even quoting it as £22 million

Ok right what i don't get is who is owed what. Gaymark is owed £30m, Chin Chinari is owed £15m, the HMRC are owed around £12m. That is around £57m owed. Where the hell does the other £43m debt come from? That is totally stagering to think a club with gates under 20,000 could get that much into debt.




I wonder if AA is count the full paid up amount of the contracts for the players. They are committed to those amounts although they may not be due yet.

Pompey are so attractive these days , you can get a Wigan v Pompey ticket for the equivalent of £4.


The equivalent? Are they saying you can have one for 3 terraced houses near the stadium or has Lancashire ceeded membership of the pound and are now on using whippet tokens or something instead?

Ok right what i don't get is who is owed what. Gaymark is owed £30m, Chin Chinari is owed £15m, the HMRC are owed around £12m. That is around £57m owed. Where the hell does the other £43m debt come from? That is totally stagering to think a club with gates under 20,000 could get that much into debt.


You can add another £10m to that figure!

What was wrong with Anchovy? :D (maybe Anchavvy?)


Dammit dammit dammit! I was trying like hell to think of a fish beginning with 'a' - how could I miss 'anchovy'? That said, I like the twin apostrophes - redolent of a certain ex-manager who helped kick-start the whole saga... ;)


The amount owed to HMRC will come out in the wash but some of the figures quoted in the press are probably understated. I may be wrong but I'm guessing that the figures quoted for HMRC when they were pursuing the winding up order were the amounts that Pompey were late on not the entire amount.


In any case HMRC got stung by slippery Bates when Leeds were wound up with some questionable liabilities turning up that pushed the HMRC % down below 25%. They will be keeping a keen eye on things f'sure.

Dammit dammit dammit! I was trying like hell to think of a fish beginning with 'a' - how could I miss 'anchovy'? That said, I like the twin apostrophes - redolent of a certain ex-manager who helped kick-start the whole saga... ;)



Aba Aba - Gymnarchus niloticus

Ablabes Barb - Barbus ablabes

Adolfo's Cory - Corydoras adolfoi

Adonis Characin - Lepidarchus adonis signifer

Adonis Pleco - Acanthicus adonis

Adonis Tetra - Lepidarchus adonis

African Blockhead Cichlid - Steatocranus casuarius

African Brass Tetra - Brycinus humilis

African Broad-Band Darter - Nannocharax parvus

African Butterfly Cichlid - Anomalochromis thomasi

African Glass Catfish - Pareutropius buffei

African Knifefish - Xenomystus nigri

African Moon Tetra - Bathyaethiops caudomaculatus

African Pea**** Cichlid - Aulonocara nyassae

African Pike-Characoid - Hepsetus odoe

African Red-Eyed Characin - Arnoldichthys spilopterous

African Tiger Fish - Hydrocynus goliath

African Whiptail Catfish - Phactura ansorgii

African Wood Catfish - Chrysichthys ornatus

Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma agassizii

Ahl's Rummy Nose Tetra - Hemigrammus rhodostomus

Akure Aphyosemion - Fundulopanchax gardneri

Alabama Hog Sucker - Hypentelium etowanum

Albert's Synodontis - Synodontis alberti

Albino Driftwood Cat - Auchenipterus nuchalis

Albino Fetivum - Mesonauta festiva

Albino Ram - Microgeophagus ramirezi

Albino Red-Tailed Shark - Epalzeorhynchus bicolor

Albino Tiger Barb - Barbus tetrazona

Algae Eater, False Siamese - Epalzeorhynchos sp

Algae Eater, Lemon - Gyrinocheilus aymonieri

Algae Eater, Siamese - Crossocheilus siamensis

Alligator Gar - Atractosteus spatula

Altum Angel - Pterophyllum altum

American Eel - Anguilla rostrata

American Flagfish - Jordanella floridae

Amur Catfish - Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

Angel Fish - Pterophyllum scalare

Angelicus - Synodontis angelicus

Anostomus - Anostomus anostomus

Ansorge's Neolebias - Neolebias ansorgii

Apollo Shark - Luciosoma trinema

Arapaima - Arapaima gigas

Arched Corydoras - Corydoras arcuatus

Archer eelpout - Lycodes sagittarius

Archerfish (Banded) - Toxotes jaculatrix

Archerfish (Common) - Toxotes chatareus

Armor Bill Tetra - Phago loricatus

Armored Catfish - Callichthys callichthys

Armoured Bichir - Polypterus delhezi

Arowana - Osteoglossum bicirrhosum

Arulius Barb - Puntius arulius

Asian Arowana - Scleropages formosus

Asian Bumblebee Catfish - Leiocassis siamensis

Asian Redtailed Catfish - Hemibagrus wyckioides

Asiatic Knifefish - Notopterus notopterus

Atlantic Mudskipper - Periophthalmus barbarus

Atlantic Sturgeon - Acipenser sturio

Auratus - Melanochromis auratus

Aurora Cichlid - Pseudotropheus aurora

Australian Bass - Macquaria novemaculeata

Australian Lungfish - Neoceratodus forsteri

Australian Pearl Arowana - Scleropages jardini

Australian Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia fluviatilis

Australian Spotted Arowana - Scleropages leichardti

Australian Swamp Eel - Ophisternon gutturale

Axelrod's Corydoras - Corydoras axelrodi

Axelrod's Rainbowfish - Chilatherina axelrodi

Azureus Cichlid - Copadichromis azureus



Let me know if you need some more;);)

African Pea**** Cichlid - Aulonocara nyassae


WTF was that to have the swear filter kick in!


Azureus Cichlid - Copadichromis azureus


Thought we weren't allowed to advertise Bit Torrent clients on this site? :D

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