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You make money from gate receipts and sign players because Liebherr is happy, for now, to pay for them. Do you not understand the diffference? Your success is dependent on the same factor Pompey's (relative) recenty success has been - an owner willing to throw money at the club.


An owner who is also willing to pay the bills, in full and on time.


I just don't get Corpy. This thread had been very informative, thanks to research, speculation and (yes ho, believe it or not), some actual knowledge of the legal processes that the fishy few now face. Sure, some of it has been wide of the mark, but you expect that given the relatively little information that is in the public domain.


And yet, despite this evidence, Ho comes on here and spouts such inane b u l l s h i t, it just beggars belief. Having been shouted down as many times as Ho has, most self respecting skateswould have disappeared long ago, but this one just keeps coming back for more. It's like some weird, perverted lust for humiliation.


I've spoken with several skates about the situation they now find themselves in and, by and large, they don't understand what's going on (neither did I for a long time), but they've accepted it with good grace. So why can't Ho just do the same?


Damn, that's 5 minutes of my life that I won't get back. :(


As I believe the Skates will not get a CVA I thought I would recap on the penalty points issued to other clubs over the last few seasons and the reasons.


When reading remember this is the second time the Skates have been in Admin (1998 ) so they should get an additional 2 points like Bournemouth and Rotherham.

Remember also the Court Case for Storrieteller in May 2011 could also mean 10 more penalty points in the 2011/12 season.



Luton - 30 points

10 points - Breaching FA regs about payments to Agents

20 points - No CVA (3rd insolvency in 10 years so 15 + 5 points)


"The Hatters, who had 10 points deducted earlier in the summer after breaching Football Association regulations over agents fees, have had an extra 20 taken away today by the Football League."

"A 20-point deduction should apply in the 2008-09 season, which also takes into account the fact that this is the club's third insolvency event in the last 10 years."



The breach of FA regs was paying Agents via Jayten rather than the Football Club (& FA).


"...Luton Town Football Club, between July 2004 and February 2007 was run with a flagrant disregard for the Regulations laid down to protect the game. At the heart of the allegations .... was the routing of payments to agents NOT through The Football Association as ought to have occurred but through an associated company, namely Jayten Stadium Limited...."


Appeal Rejected




Rotherham and Bournemouth - 17 points

17 points - No CVA (2nd insolvency in recent seasons 15 + 2)

- 1997 for Bournemouth

- 2006 for Rotherham



Leeds - 15 points

15 points - No CVA but had over 75% of the vote. HMRC took the Administrators to court and stopped a CVA being issued.

Lesson for the Skates DON'T mess with HMRC.



"HMRC raised an issue with two of the Creditors that voted in favour of the CVA. One of which was Yorkshire Radio. HMRC felt they should not have been allowed to vote....


The matter could have been dealt with relatively quickly and was expected to be scheduled before the next Football League meeting. HMRC then added the issue of the Footballing debts being given priority to the issue to be discussed. In effect, the HMRC were taking KPMG to Court to dispute Football League rules! Leeds Utd (Bates and Co.) were not under scrutiny but these matters meant the club were not able to exit administration.

The additional 'issues' meant that the Court hearing was extended to five days, and the court schedule meant this could not be heard until September 2007, some four months after the CVA was approved and two months beyond the start of the season."



"..Leeds ... then accepted 15-point deduction in League One when they failed to achieve a CVA. Having promised in writing not to take legal action, Leeds then initiated proceedings in the high court, seeking to have the 15 points reinstated, and the action was referred to arbitration."


Appeal Rejected


"..More than 75 per cent of clubs initially agreed Leeds deserved to be punished for failing to meet the Football League's strict rules on insolvency and they then agreed, by the same majority, not to reduce the penalty."

. . . . . Sure, we only have the owners word for that, but it's on record, and a fact that he's never run his business on debt. Cortese, in his position as Chairman, confirmed last week on Radio Solent that we are, and will remain, debt free. . .



The owner's word. Crucial description because, you see, PCFC had people give their word and make lots of promises.


Which now lay torn and tattered among the windswept detritus of a gutter that is Goldsmith Avenue.


Just who's word would you really trust?


It's a tough call, P.Storrie and his vagabonds or a rather genteel fellow of european extraction who has made his business ethic 'work without debt'.



If you read this article using anti-bullsh!t glasses, you can see what AA is saying. Simply put "I am desperately bargaining with the premier league because I know that no one is going to buy PCFC."


AA knows it, and EPL know it and they have him over a barrel.


The EPL cannot give parachute payments out in advance. but they can promise it to a third party to be paid on the due date, who can then loan money against this future promise to pay "at credit card rates of interest" to PCFC .

No, it came from a Pompey fan who happened to be sat at the table next to them as this typical loudmouthed agent shouted about his success so all and sundry could hear. Are you saying you aren't paying those sort of wages then? Might be an idea to try and find out, wouldn't you say.


By the way, what did I say about Riquelme? I've often wondered where this reference comes from. If I said he'd be signing for Pompey I assume there must be a quote you could post to prove it. There's certainly a post by me on this forum when it was reported that Fahim would sign Eto'o etc saying there was no way we'd be signing players like that.


So, post away to prove your point


Yeah yeah,

of course he did...ROTFPMSL


Give up Ho your flimsy credibility is now dead,and your

club soon will be...



The owner's word. Crucial description because, you see, PCFC had people give their word and make lots of promises.


Which now lay torn and tattered among the windswept detritus of a gutter that is Goldsmith Avenue.


Just who's word would you really trust?


It's a tough call, P.Storrie and his vagabonds or a rather genteel fellow of european extraction who has made his business ethic 'work without debt'.


No brainer really....of course the blue few would argue that he's a nazi tank driver. FFS.

Coming on here never fails to make me laugh. What a bunch of whing little girls you lot are, whatever you may say this whole thing is because of your bitterness at Pompey being above you for the first time you can remember and you hate it. Just admit that's what the whole thing is about and we'll all be happier (and yes I know we're down next year and possibly going straight through that division too but as long as we're still in existence I don't give a monkeys).


The whole "cheating" thing is just laughable. We bought players on high salaries because Gaydamak said he could afford it. Then when he stopped we sold any of them that we could. Then Standard bank called in £40m in one go ****ing us financially. Fahim promised cash for signings that didn't materialise and when we did sell players it may, allegedly of course, gone straight to Faraj/ Chainrai's pocket (delete which name you believe not to be the real owner). We tried to offload anyone we could in January but had no takers for James, Utaka, Mullins etc, Boateng couldn't move because of the three clubs rule and Belhadj was at the ACN.


But if we're cheating by signing players we can't afford what are you doing? You're paying players £15K a week in Div 3 yet are offering tickets to Hartlepool for a fiver! That adds up doesn't it? What happens if Nazi Boy (I know he wasn't born until after the war before you start bleating) gets fed up bankrolling you if you don't reach the PL? It took Jack Hayward 10 years to get Wolves there despite spending millions.


Here's a true story for you. The MD of the Stellar Group (football agents) met Boateng in a hotel in Southampton yesterday. He was bragging about the deals his group have done including Lee (is that his name) Barnard moving to you. He was telling Boateng what an easy touch you are and how you were already offering way more than Leeds were when he told you Leeds had upped their offer (they hadn't) and you offered even more money. He was laughing and saying what an easy touch agents considered you at the moment. Does that scenario remind you of somewhere else close by fairly recently?


If Pompey are "cheating" so are Saints. Are you going to protest about it? Of course not.


Cheerio :D


I think the lady protests too much. It is you that cannot handle the fact that the natural order of things will soon be restored. I hope that you enjoyed the brief sojourn out of our shadow.


Oh dear Corpy what a pathetic response you are a BUSTED FLUSH! I heard my uncles,brothers aunty who has a deaf dog with a limp overheard a person purporting to be a parasitical football agent, bigging himself up in a bar. Well I really believe that ............






NOT :smt117

I see our little skate friends are trying to club together and buy a flag.....




Peoples Republic Of Portsea Island




Personally PROPI should stand for;


"Petpertual Renegers On Promising Incometax"


But I'm sure there are better ones..........


PROPI? People's Republic Of Portsea Island?


****, that place gets more like League Of Gentlemen every day.

I imagine anyone pointing out the legitimacy of the points penalty or the fact that they really should have tried to lay their bills would be met with the same kind of uneasy silence they get when someone tells them it's probably best they don't **** a relative.


Of course I can see why they feel the need to form a People's Republic Of Portsea Island. I mean they've been let down so badly. They only got a message of support from the PM. Any decent government would have stepped in and passed a law to award bonus points to any team who failed to pay their tax, and who couldn't pay their players, and whose fans enjoyed carnal relations with fishes - provided that club was named Pompey.


And then there was the PL who puzzlingly insisted clubs should be able to pay their own bills and cruelly promised to advance them money instead of letting them go out of business. What they should have done is award them bonus points (to help keep the integrity of the game and give **** sides something to still play for) and erect a giant solid-gold statue of Peter Storrie outside the front gate. I mean the guy is an absolute legend!


Next I can imagine them all lining up outside FP behind the guy who's throwing rocks at the sky because gravity is unfairly making things fall down to their "correct level". Bloody stupid gravity.


Man U make massive money to sign players on big wages from SKY, sponsorship deals, merchandise sales etc etc etc.


You make money from gate receipts and sign players because Liebherr is happy, for now, to pay for them. Do you not understand the diffference? Your success is dependent on the same factor Pompey's (relative) recenty success has been - an owner willing to throw money at the club.


Lol, its not me who doesn't understand my fishy friend


Fair enough, Man U was never a great example. The point is, you have to pay your bills. I take your point its about having a rich owner. If Markus (my hero :)) decided to walk and we had been left with the **** that you have, then i would take it on the chin. However, in the meantime i'm sure we would have tried all we could to have staved of admin - which you have evidently not done. A rich owner is one thing, 4 supposedly rich owners with no intent to invest anything is another. Pompey has been done up like a kipper. In the long run i'm sure we will become self sustainable as a business, we just need a little kick start.


My main point was trying to point out that just take it on the chin (no offence to our own Chin!) and deal with it - Pompey (as a club/business) has fallen foul of the law, with LAW being the operative word. Deal with it and dont bleat how you have been dealt a harsh deal, and certainly dont bleat on about a level playing field, because you boys have been taking the **** for quite a while now.


Its a simple fact for me, and again, you as a fan should hang your head in shame for trying to argue. Its actually embarassing. Grant is a fool for his latest comments, and i'm sure the reactions on BBC/Sky will show how few ppl feel sympathy for your once proud club.


Now, where did you put that rake........


Here's a true story for you. The MD of the Stellar Group (football agents) met Boateng in a hotel in Southampton yesterday. He was bragging about the deals his group have done including Lee (is that his name) Barnard moving to you. He was telling Boateng what an easy touch you are and how you were already offering way more than Leeds were when he told you Leeds had upped their offer (they hadn't) and you offered even more money. He was laughing and saying what an easy touch agents considered you at the moment. Does that scenario remind you of somewhere else close by fairly recently?


A true story as opposed to your usual stories.


Your stories are worse than Storrie's stories.


How wonderful to see Corporate Ho posting again, spluttering and coughing with indignation and exasperation at all those nasty things we have been saying about his bent little football club.


And what a game effort he has made trying to defend the indefensible, resorting to second hand hearsay and even a childish and bigotted jibe at the nationality of our owner. Liebherr was born in Germany, so he must be a Nazi, eh? And you wish us to take you seriously as having half a brain, Ho? No, I suspect that what it proves is that he is envious of our position and so he lashes out at our benefactor and saviour just like a child in the playground jealous of another who is his superior.


It must be irksome to him seeing how smug we appear to be at the precarious state of our rivals, but surely he must expect a bit of gloating back, as he didn't exactly show much humility when we were in administration, did he?


Understandably, he attempts a show of bravado, claiming that it gives him entertainment coming on here and reading our take on things, but the reality is that the entertainment is all ours and he has just added to it.


You're the icing on the cake, Ho, the one for whom the idiom that there are none so blind as those who will not see was invented for.

No, it came from a Pompey fan who happened to be sat at the table next to them as this typical loudmouthed agent shouted about his success so all and sundry could hear.


Oh dear, even by your standards that is poor.

Understandably, he attempts a show of bravado, claiming that it gives him entertainment coming on here and reading our take on things, but the reality is that the entertainment is all ours and he has just added to it.


That Wes, is an excellent summary!



Anyone watching Sport Relief will know what I'm on about lol...


now someone get that on Youtube lol


"We desperately need your money. We, are Portsmouth Football Club"


Good old Andy Parsons, quality.



No brainer really....of course the blue few would argue that he's a nazi tank driver. FFS.


:D I also think that should ML decide he wants to persue an interest other than Saints then I really think his professional and business ethics will not lead to him 'bailing out' on us. He would leave us, sold to another decent party, in fair financial health and certainly not at the whim of countless nefarious individuals or the legal ones such as HMRC (no insinuations intended here ;) ).


Of course I don't know this as a fact but, in comparison to Mr Storrie's record at other clubs, ML can hardly fail!

As it was the MD of Stellar, I've emailed Nicola Cortese regarding his remarks and would think he might be getting a call.:smt084 Maybe something about confidentiality clauses and integrity. I feel a touch of the Echo coming on.


You wasted your time - if you really believe that an MD of any company of any repute would have conducted themselves anywhere near to where Corpso wants you to believe then you now nothing about business.


If this is meant to be one of the blue fews more intelligent posters - I really wouldn't want to meet the rest. Embarrasing at best.

Posted (edited)


"The mistake I made was I should have been even stronger with Sacha and said: 'If you're going to carry on doing this I'm off'.


But you didn't leave did you ?, you carried on regardless with all of the owners so sorry P.S. IMHO it is still your fault.

Leaving might have concentrated Gaydamaks mind and made him a lot more careful to whom he sold. Even with your

doubts though you still kept going and don't appear, to me at least, to have checked out these next few owners well enough.


You admit you could see the financial problems but you still didn't resign, why ?

Edited by Saint in Paradise
Posted (edited)


IS he actually intellectually challenged? He seems to have to read a little notebook to make his statements, they are always the same...


I've had an email......

I got an offer from a Premier League Club


Then add to that Look at the revenues I genersated... Yeas Peter but what about your OPEX?


And again, Due Dilligence & Due Care and attention Peter? "Where's he got all that money from? Maybe he borrowed it from his father..."


When in Deep Hole stop digging, you have all but admitted it was Dad who was owning the club by Proxy.


"Some of the add-ons we put into agreements were winning the Cup and getting into the Uefa Cup, things you'd never in 100 years think would ever happen! A club would say: 'Give us £500,000 extra if you win the Cup.' 'OK. No problem.'


Proof of your incredible naivety, you agreed to contracts that were open ended liabilities


Sacha sold to Sulaiman Al-Fahim, which was an unmitigated disaster. Sulaiman had a genuine desire to make the club successful but he didn't have the funds. Sulaiman said: 'I've got £60 million.'




FFS Chris Ryan wrote about it in his last book I posted that on here.

Hell, Urban Legend states it was written in the British Army Handbook of WW2 on page 1. Peter, Peter, EVEN LLS checked out Al Fahim and found out he had no money, you just stated publicly that he's a damned site smarter than YOU.


Yes, the Premier League do checks on people who want to take over


It isn't about your salary, it's about your Corporate Competence.


Thanks Peter for putting the record straight and PROVING you are an idiot


By his own words, Probably the worst CEO in British Business History

Edited by dubai_phil
I see our little skate friends are trying to club together and buy a flag.....




Peoples Republic Of Portsea Island




Personally PROPI should stand for;


"Petpertual Renegers On Promising Incometax"


But I'm sure there are better ones..........


I saw another thread where thay said they would buy an extra balti pie on match day, futile!


£80,000,000,debt devided by 20,000 fans= £4,000 each :smt050

I saw another thread where thay said they would buy an extra balti pie on match day, futile!


£80,000,000,debt devided by 20,000 fans= £4,000 each :smt050


Sorry, I just can believe what a ridiculously large number that is, 20,000 fans.


'it wouldn't surprise me if you get a call from the Government, who want to look into the financial structures of football'.


Yes Peter, it won't be the actual 'government' but I'm sure several of their departments/agencies will be calling for you to help them with their enquiries into criminality.


And Storrie in charge of a new fit and proper person test?...

Has there ever been a madder idea? Chocolate radiators, frogs as hats?


Not that I think he is a little mental but I'd like him to name the club that tried to prise him away from the trough last summer - I'm not sure that they exist.


Peter Storrie - the man who makes Rupert look like a financial expert and a dignified professional.


Can we have another Grant prossie-bothering moment soon, I'm getting a bit bored with old Pete.


And another thing about Corpy's rant.

Boateng was last heard of in Germany, with an injured knee, refusing to come back to Skatesville.

Also, it said on one of the Leeds sites that he didn't want to move north anyway so they were never really in the running.

(And even in the highly remote possibility that the guy really was there with Boateng, is it just possible that an agent might have been bullsh8tting to big himself up).



This is hilarious ... if you can get to the end of the piece without being sick.


Rupes went round the media shortly after our admin proclaiming "Not me guv" - but not even he involved his wife in his "conservatory".



"I'd love to stay ....I thought enough is enough" .... and there was I thinking that the android was now running the club so the decision to leave was never his to take.



"He loves Portsmouth so much, he will attend Saturday's match" .... I wonder if he will pay for his ticket or will expect a freebee???



"I was only on £450,000 a year then".... "Only" more than double the Prime Minister



"In January 2009, we were in a mess financially and I brought in an awful lot of money so Sacha gave me a £500,000 bonus. Because of cash-flow problems I didn't take that until August 09" .... and by August 09 were the financial roblems any better? You would have thought that he loves the club so much he would have waived the bonus completely.



^Sacha always said it was him owning Portsmouth and not his father. The reality is that there had to be some backing from him. Sacha's a young guy, where's he got all that money? Maybe he just borrowed it from his father.^ ..... perhaps the penny is beginning to drop in Storrie teller's mind!!



" Because the father had had some bad publicity," ... I suppose that prison sentences and being barred from the EU is "bad publicity"



"Some of the add-ons we put into agreements were winning the Cup and getting into the Uefa Cup, things you'd never in 100 years think would ever happen! A club would say: 'Give us £500,000 extra if you win the Cup.' 'OK. No problem" ..... Nice to know that the CEO on £1 million + a year was such a good negotiator.



"The only thing Peter is guilty of is trying to be a hero and saving that club." .... I think that I am going to need that sickbag again.



"I had a lovely text from David Gill. I want to stay in football. I've a lot to give." ... I wonder if he has confused "give" with "take."



"I had a phone call from someone saying: 'it wouldn't surprise me if you get a call from the Government, who want to look into the financial structures of football'. " .... it wouldn't surprise me if you got a phone call from the Government as well Pete.



Even Hello magazine would not have published an interview like this. Has Hello taken over the Telegraph ????

Great article. My favourite bit is this:


"So Storrie stood down but continues as a consultant. He loves Portsmouth so much he will attend Saturday's game with Hull City."


Bloody hell, he really does love Portsmouth, if he's willing to sit through that :)


Hope he gets pelters, on SSN info Peter Storrie turned down the chance to join another Prem Club, what is that I can smell, ah yes the bulls are out.

Posted (edited)


Classic! As well as owning up to his own stupidity re negotiating contracts and admiting taking £500k out of the club in August when he knew full well they were in financial doo-doo, in this interview he also says that:


Arkadi was really funding Poopy and that Azougy was acting as a shadow director.


I really hope the PL, FA or whoever take him (and the club) to task over these two points.


Personally, I am still of the opine that Ali Al Faraj's real name is Arkadi Gaydamak; or at least that AAF was following AG's orders.

Edited by Minsk
Hope he gets pelters, on SSN info Peter Storrie turned down the chance to join another Prem Club, what is that I can smell, ah yes the bulls are out.


And not only that but on much higher wages....... :^o:lol::lol::lol:


Corp Ho'the biggest opportunity for any new owner would be a new stadium at Horsea, backed by a hotel chain and incorporating the concert hall.' (end quote)

Is that really feasible, what size stadium would anyone risk putting up now? It would be such a massive risk in this financial world for anyone in your clubs position to build it.

I dont see many yuppies wanting to buy a flat over looking Fratton railway station and so the flats built on FP are only likely to be socuial and workers mix. The land value may be 10m at most.

Hornsea is a much bigger investment and so anyone with money will probably want to keep it.

If the majority are correct on here, and in the main they seem to be then you could well be looking down the barrel of a gun, Hornsea will I suspect never hapen much like Solent City all those years ago.

Im I getting this right that PS is basically admitting that Gaydamek senior was afterall a owner.?

You can see he is really starting brick it, as he knows they are digging and finding stuff he may not like. He makes a big point about not being in charge when he tried to give McKay pref treatment.As for his comment 'not in a 100 years did he expect them to win the FA cup. If so why was he buying top players.

He wont make 5 minutes in court against a barrister.

You wasted your time - if you really believe that an MD of any company of any repute would have conducted themselves anywhere near to where Corpso wants you to believe then you now nothing about business.


If this is meant to be one of the blue fews more intelligent posters - I really wouldn't want to meet the rest. Embarrasing at best.


'More intelligent posters'


Just one shred of evidence please?


Corpulent whore - the man who starts his post with someone overhearing something in a bar...there's credibility look you!

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