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  EastleighSoulBoy said:
In that scenario they will get the 'Golden share' but at the cost of ten or even fifteen points. I think that was part of the deal for Luton?


The same for Leeds where the CVA was agreed by 75.1% of creditors but then disputed by HMRC, the FL voted on whether Leeds should get points deduction for joining the League anyway, hence why Leeds went to the courts saying the punishment wasn't due.


What is different now to then is the recent FL rules introduced this month where clubs need to show they have the financies in place to complete the season ahead.

  ericofarabia said:


Grant added: "Football needs to be decided on the pitch.

"You need to give all of the teams an equal chance, which we did not have in this case.

"The decision was taken a long time ago that Portsmouth would not stay in the Premier League, for one reason or another.


Is he blind or just feckin stupid? What equal chance do all the teams who are trying their best to operate within 'realistic' financial constraints have against a squad full of players who Skatesmuff should never have been allowed to buy? The tax dodging has been going on for several years .. it hasn't just started recently, and really should have come home to roost much earlier.


Indeed, Grant refused to rule out fielding weakened sides should he feel the players are not fully focused, perhaps contemplating their own futures away from the club next season.


Grant, though, insisted: "We do not have a duty to the other teams - the Premier League has a duty to the other teams. We have a duty for Portsmouth


Talk about bringing the game into disrepute .... any chance of more fines and even point deductions next year :p


Having listened to the drivel that has come out of his mouth for the last 6 months, the only conclusion that I can reach is that he's fecking stupid.


I'd love it if any journalist who he said that to, challenged him and spelt out exactly how what b o l l o c k s he's talking.

Posted (edited)
  Gemmel said:
Dont disagree with some of those comments Chin, but i do regarding Gaydamak. He is not irrelevant because he owns the land (THat is not what the debt is for) so he doesn't have to accept anything and can keep the land.......how much is it really worth to him? who knows


New owners will need the land (Which include the offices) and he can price it at what he wants.


The TV revenue as you say is where it gets interesting. The real killer would be if they (portsmouth & storrie) have ALREADY taken loans against that future revenue. Which if they have, would kill off most investors.



I think the telling quotes from AA reported in the media this week refers to Storrie-Boy along the lines of " Doing every everything he could to save the club at all costs" or in less political words " Doing everything he could to cover his sorry arse"!

Lets face it AA's words in the media on this subject were pretty barbed towards Storrie-Boy much to the latters chagrain! :D


It would therefore not surprise me to hear that AA has discovered that Storrie has already borrowed against some future income already.

Edited by Foxstone
  Foxstone said:



I think the telling quotes from AA reported in the media this week refers to Storrie-Boy along the lines of " Doing every everything he could to keep the club alive" or in less political words " Doing everything he could to cover his sorry arse"!

Lets face it AA's words in the media on this subject were pretty barbed towards Storrie-Boy much to the latters chagrain! :D


It would therefore not surprise me to hear that AA has discovered that Storrie has already borrowed against some future income already.


In all likelihood we probably already know this.


It's likely to be the next tranche of Sky TV money that was due


5mil of income vanished into a Chanrai loan repayment possibly


What a prize c**k.




So there's some great motivation for the greatest fans in the world to turn up on Saturday. Any guesses on what the attendance will be against Hull? The android must love this, desperate for money and to attract a buyer and his manager must have borrowed one of TCWTB's clown shoes to stick in his mouth!!!

  Gorgiesaint said:
What a prize c**k.




So there's some great motivation for the greatest fans in the world to turn up on Saturday. Any guesses on what the attendance will be against Hull? The android must love this, desperate for money and to attract a buyer and his manager must have borrowed one of TCWTB's clown shoes to stick in his mouth!!!


I wonder how long it will be before those in charge at the PL realise that a 'short sharp' winding up might have been less damage to their brand than having Comical Avi and the rest of the roadshow carry on till the end of the season?


Grant is taking the same attitude to the league as Storrie arrogantly took to the court and the taxman.

Launching an attack on the authorities from a very weak position when they can do you massive damage is suicidal.


That illegal FA cup run could still end abruptly in a court.





"They are embarrassed by Portsmouth. I'm not angry about this because they did not create the situation but they need to check their rules about financial things and who can buy a club.


You can point fingers at thi-ngs but sometimes you need to point the finger at yourselves."

This is a bit like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you've already paid (well not really, but you see where I'm going). Avram really is rapidly losing any shred of dignity he had.


Ah Avram, another It wasn't me I didn't do it rant.


Next up, a fine for fielding a weakened team - 50k for McAcrthy I think suspended

Followed by a Bringing the game into Disrepute charge


One thing is for sure he keeps this up then two things will hsappen, he'll get banned from the PL for a not inconsiderable time and AA will likely be giving HIM the hairdryer treatment.


Great way of building a "Dunkirk spirit" in the team

  Nellie said:



This is a bit like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you've already paid (well not really, but you see where I'm going). Avram really is rapidly losing any shred of dignity he had.


TBF Grant had the wool pulled over his eyes by Storrie and his cronies, just like Chanrai, the Android and most of the footballing and sports media industry it seems. It's only us looking from outside the goldfish bowl that could see what was really going on but then again, we were just scummers on a wind-up!


Avram Grant has got the Blue Few in a frenzy of platitudes by announcing, via the Pompey News, that he will contribute towards the wages of staff.

He doesn't say which staff he will support or how much the contribution will be but the bloggers on the Pompey News site have fallen hook line and sinker for this very fishy PR stunt

Posted (edited)

Lol of the day!


From the TV listings page in the local weekly freebie paper - Xpress


Here in the ME, the TV rights are with Orbit Showtime Network. They cover EVERY PL game live.


They have 4 regular Sports Channels. One covers PL with Arabic studio guests and commentary.


On PL weekends when there are more than 3 matches, all the English Commentary games are allocated to other OSN channels.


So this weekend, Wigan Burnley is on ShowSasha (normally Arabic soap operas etc)

Everton are on Showsports Extra (Extreme Sports)


And yes, oh bless.


Portsmouth v Hull 15:00 Kick off is on




Someone down there has a sense of humour - love it.

Edited by dubai_phil
  skintsaint said:
I see Grant is now threatening to play a weakened team for the rest of the PL season.


Thought he was already doing that looking at the results?


It's a shame he hasn't conducted himself in the same way as Paul Hart did in similar circumstances. Constant moaning and belly-aching about the 'woe is me' situation. Can hardly be an inspiration to an already demotivated bunch and now he has basically thrown his toys out of the pram. All very sad...but quite funny.

Posted (edited)

I wish I had the strength left to respond in full to the latest developments, but I don't.


All I can see is that disgusting, pathetic little club slinker off without any real punishment of note that truly matches their crime. They've been insolvent for years, they've cheated, bribed, ducked and dived their way around things and now it's finally caught up with them - but only to an extent.


During the whole duration of this situation they have repeatedly attempted to blame everyone else other than themselves, they've spent money they haven't got (thus weakening their rivals) and now Avram is threatening to field a weakened team? What a f()cking tosser.


Their fans rank among the most moronic, blinkered fans in the country (see Corp Ho for a prime example). Not only this, but their world famous 'best supporters in the world' are once again showing their real colours (especially when the Sky cameras are not there). In reality, they are no more than a ****-poor few thousand gypsies with mental problems (or a few hundred if they're away from home).


Worse still has been the constant 'woe is me' bleating that has been emanating from that part of the world ever since things turned a bit sour. I've never seen such a group of fans (and the manager, to be fair) so misguided in their beliefs. What is worse though, I've never seen so many people acting a bunch of little girls over it. Despite all the conniving, cheating and alleged laundering, they are actually convinced they are being hard done by.


This rotting cesspit of a football club deserves nothing more than immediate expulsion and winding up, followed by jail for all the perpetrators.

Edited by Crab Lungs
  krissyboy31 said:
TBF Grant had the wool pulled over his eyes by Storrie and his cronies, just like Chanrai, the Android and most of the footballing and sports media industry it seems. It's only us looking from outside the goldfish bowl that could see what was really going on but then again, we were just scummers on a wind-up!


He must really be as thick as two short planks if he thought they were in a solid financial position when he took over. We all knew what was going on. It wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to just do a little bit of research to fully understand their position - the info was all in the public domain. Maybe he can't joint the dots with his crayon.

  Chin Strain said:
He must really be as thick as two short planks if he thought they were in a solid financial position when he took over. We all knew what was going on. It wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to just do a little bit of research to fully understand their position - the info was all in the public domain. Maybe he can't joint the dots with his crayon.


I'm waiting for him to say his position is almost untenable, like Storrie because of the PL's harsh treatment, but then cling on likewise drawing his £20k/week. He is either very very stupid or yet another shyster (and given the company he has chosen to keep, I know which one I think he is....)




Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........




Wow. Does this club know when to field a weakened side and when to field an (illegitimately) strong side? The self-pity from that end of the M27 is quite odious. If I was in charge at the PL, I would respond to AG's "hint" with a hint of my own: The advance on your parachute paymentls depends on you playing by the rules of the Premier League. You may not like it. You may not like us. We, however, can make the difference between your fans lining up for Championship match tickets at FP and your fans lining up outside the estate agents' offices to get the chance of a brand new 1 bedroom apartment on the former site of FP. So stop mouthing off, stop feeling sorry for yourself and go do your job. If you're feeling stressed then pop off down to unit 1 and ask for the usual. However, we advise you to stop short of asking her to wear as strap on because if you need to get f***ed up the a**e, you only need to keep on talking and we'll let the HMRC show you how it's really done.



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........



Arkadi Gaydamak...



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........


Bernie Madoff?



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........








Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........




Mr Magoo



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........




Saddam Hussein?



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........


Major William Martin?



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........






  Torrent Of Abuse said:
Wow. Does this club know when to field a weakened side and when to field an (illegitimately) strong side? The self-pity from that end of the M27 is quite odious. If I was in charge at the PL, I would respond to AG's "hint" with a hint of my own: The advance on your parachute paymentls depends on you playing by the rules of the Premier League. You may not like it. You may not like us. We, however, can make the difference between your fans lining up for Championship match tickets at FP and your fans lining up outside the estate agents' offices to get the chance of a brand new 1 bedroom apartment on the former site of FP. So stop mouthing off, stop feeling sorry for yourself and go do your job. If you're feeling stressed then pop off down to unit 1 and ask for the usual. However, we advise you to stop short of asking her to wear as strap on because if you need to get f***ed up the a**e, you only need to keep on talking and we'll let the HMRC show you how it's really done.


LOL. You seem to like up to your user name.

  skintsaint said:
I see Grant is now threatening to play a weakened team for the rest of the PL season.


Thought he was already doing that looking at the results?

What the PL possibly threaten them with now? Fines and points dedustions won't make any difference. All that's left is not releasing future parachute money.



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........







***ducks for cover***

  Whitey Grandad said:
What the PL possibly threaten them with now? Fines and points dedustions won't make any difference. All that's left is not releasing future parachute money.


They could threaten to block any attempted promotion to the Premier League for the next 20 years?

Posted (edited)
  Joensuu said:
They could threaten to block any attempted promotion to the Premier League for the next 20 years?


i reckon pompey will manage that without any assistance ;)

Edited by latter day saint
  Whitey Grandad said:
All that's left is not releasing future parachute money.


Which would be preferable for the football club, as early release of parachute payment = more return for the creditors.


On the downside (:lol:), the sale being completed with parachute payment intact for the new owner could encourage asset strippers just interested in the cash, and happy to shaft the club.


Win win from our perspective!

  skintsaint said:
I see Grant is now threatening to play a weakened team for the rest of the PL season.


Thought he was already doing that looking at the results?


Isn't that a breach of PL rules?


More fines (football debt) to follow?


This thread has a whole lot of miles left in it yet.

  Crab Lungs said:
I wish I had the strength left to respond in full to the latest developments, but I don't.






This rotting cesspit of a football club deserves nothing more than immediate expulsion and winding up, followed by jail for all the perpetrators.


lol, you must feel better for getting that off your chest!


I was briefly seduced into feeling slightly sad at their demise but I've really just had it with the mournful back-patting and blue-tinged self pity. For f**k's sake, if they want to live on their own narrow-minded, introverted, inbred, ****-witted Fantasy Hayling Island then please someone help them out by loading explosives under the bridges on the only roads out of that godforsaken hole and leave them to it.


They can have their own league where teams of over-paid, web-footed aquamen compete against each other in front of their six-fingered fans while the clubs award themselves +9 points for gun-running, insolvency and piscophilia.

  crab lungs said:
i wish i had the strength left to respond in full to the latest developments, but i don't.


All i can see is that disgusting, pathetic little club slinker off without any real punishment of note that truly matches their crime. They've been insolvent for years, they've cheated, bribed, ducked and dived their way around things and now it's finally caught up with them - but only to an extent.


During the whole duration of this situation they have repeatedly attempted to blame everyone else other than themselves, they've spent money they haven't got (thus weakening their rivals) and now avram is threatening to field a weakened team? What a f()cking tosser.


Their fans rank among the most moronic, blinkered fans in the country (see corp ho for a prime example). Not only this, but their world famous 'best supporters in the world' are once again showing their real colours (especially when the sky cameras are not there). In reality, they are no more than a ****-poor few thousand gypsies with mental problems (or a few hundred if they're away from home).


Worse still has been the constant 'woe is me' bleating that has been emanating from that part of the world ever since things turned a bit sour. I've never seen such a group of fans (and the manager, to be fair) so misguided in their beliefs. What is worse though, i've never seen so many people acting a bunch of little girls over it. Despite all the conniving, cheating and alleged laundering, they are actually convinced they are being hard done by.


This rotting cesspit of a football club deserves nothing more than immediate expulsion and winding up, followed by jail for all the perpetrators.


what he said




With the incredible daily press statements and the like I am starting to empaphis with CL & ToA's well put opinions.


If only I didn't believe that they are TRYING to get would up I would join the band wagon.


If I was running a "Make sure we get Wound Up" campaign then all of this is just what I'd make sure went on.


And the people who want it would up are the people who gain the most, Sacha, & his buddy Chanrai, leaving everyone else screwed.


Which is why I hope they survive and all suffer

  Joensuu said:
They could threaten to block any attempted promotion to the Premier League for the next 20 years?

I'd settle for that but I'd prefer 40, which should see me out. Alternatively, how about fining them a really big amount, say 2 seasons' worth of parachute payments? :)



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........




1) Dead?


2) His imaginary friend)


3) Secret Pauper?


4) Broke Anyway?


Where would AA stand if Boss Nass wants to field weakened teams, and as a consequence the EPL fine them ? Does this count as a loss against his stewardship ?


And if they do get fined, I think it only right and proper that they get fined their prize money for this season, ( and as they apparently put the amount for 17th place in the SOA, then that should be the amount to be set as the fine ).



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........




Rupert Askham

  capitalsaint said:
i've noticed the blue few talking about an interview given by (their) RL on The Quay. Anybody know where I can find it?


No, the Quay don't seem to have any clips on their site, so I doubt it can be found.


The few mention it on this thread (requires login):http://www.pompeyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56531&page=4


Key points from the Rob Lloyd interview (as summarised by a skate) are:


  FM Researcher said:

Not going forward with exclusive deal.


Have signed NDA for access to financial papers


Nominal amount of money paid for access


Relationship with AA is on the same hymn sheet


Investor wants to remain anonymous for his own reasons but he is a major investor


Guy is a UK based investor.

Branson perhaps? (my thoughts)


Proof of funds shown


Why buy PFC? Club is an opportunity


Have to admit I like the words the man is saying but proof is in the pudding


In his experience in around 2 weeks his team should have all the data they require to make a decision whether or not to proceed.


If they go for it doesnt see why the deal shouldnt take more than a few days


Love the Branson bit :rolleyes:


My biggest thought so far this week. (I know doesn't take much ;-) )


Mr Admin Man says to Solent yesterday that there is still a chance of Ballsup continuing with club ownership.


Which translates via my 'mickychannontranslatorsystem' to :


'So far the interest in the club has fallen away once they see the bank statements - therefore I shall not hold out too much hope of the club being bought. With this in mind, Mr Chinarai could find himself lumbered'.



Sick of their lies

Sick of their cheating

Sick of their whinging

Sick of their crying

Sick of their 'uber fans'


The whole club is rotten to the core.


In fact I have unearthed who the man with the money is - Lloyd's backer is...........




The Commotions?

  Torrent Of Abuse said:
Wow. Does this club know when to field a weakened side and when to field an (illegitimately) strong side? The self-pity from that end of the M27 is quite odious. If I was in charge at the PL, I would respond to AG's "hint" with a hint of my own: The advance on your parachute paymentls depends on you playing by the rules of the Premier League. You may not like it. You may not like us. We, however, can make the difference between your fans lining up for Championship match tickets at FP and your fans lining up outside the estate agents' offices to get the chance of a brand new 1 bedroom apartment on the former site of FP. So stop mouthing off, stop feeling sorry for yourself and go do your job. If you're feeling stressed then pop off down to unit 1 and ask for the usual. However, we advise you to stop short of asking her to wear as strap on because if you need to get f***ed up the a**e, you only need to keep on talking and we'll let the HMRC show you how it's really done.


Superb post. If only the PL would follow this advice.... :supz:

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