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Nope still enjoying beating your lot 4-1 thanks. Even though we had a weakened team as well just the same as you


slip, sliding away............

Nope still enjoying beating your lot 4-1 thanks. Even though we had a weakened team as well just the same as you


Funny that, we all thought you had strengthened your team before the match.


4-1's a good term to use.


Portsmouth 4 (potless owners and counting) Southampton 1 (decent,honest businessman).


There was mention of Investec in one of the early posts.


They are approved as a funding source by the PL & are to the best of my knowledge involved in factoring football debts.


Why they may wish to change their business model now is interesting as it would impact on their possible neutrality.


Of course another option could be that with a squad worth 28mil they sell the lot and get the cash straigh back at a discount of between 10 & 15%.


Nice asset strip, covers the 3mil fee.


Obviously it won't be that, but the wise Few would be sensible to do a lot of digging before jumping into bed, in a mess as big as been made down there, you can always find an angle if you have no shame.

Ohhhh nearly 4 in 8 - hit the post....


It's alright, PES explained it earlier - it's called 'rope a dope'.

from a skate on their MB's -

''Hi all,


Been asked if I can clarify the situation regarding the exclusivity, the administrator and the £3 million bond so I've made a couple of phone calls in between my work for you.


As I said, Andronikou has already met some of the other people working on this deal, and is meeting Rob Lloyd tonight at the Liverpool game. The £3 million bond has been paid and is in the system with the solicitors. Exclusivity starts from tomorrow morning.


A lot of things are happening just now, so let's just calm it and let things happen, and see where we are in a couple of weeks once the exclusivity deal is done and we see where we are. Things are looking hopeful though.''

sounds more and more like a pinnacle-esque effort as the day goes on. The same poster has also had a ''meeting'' with the proposed buyers, as is very encouraged by what they have to offer.


I'm sorry, but any buyer with any credibility at all does not go having meeting's with fans. I think we found that out - they may have the best interests at heart, but are very often skint.


Markus and Nicola just did the deal, didn't involve fans and i also don't think they paid exclusivity. That's what happens when you have the money, you can get a deal done without having to go through weeks and weeks of tosh..

I think that last paragraph is the most telling SC. We has the tyre kickers & Pinnacle debacle, which this Lloyd guy looks very similar. Ultimately we had something to sell & only just came out of it at a cost of 13-million with all our facilities, now can anyone tell me what they have to offer for 3-million let alone 13-million let alone the 30-million AA is supposed/quoted to be asking LOL.


Bringing the thread back on message before they go 4-0 down ,


Has Sol Campbel's day in court rather cleverly confirmed his status as a creditor and also no doubt being a 'football creditor' he has guanteed himself first dibs on funds leveraged by the Amdroid?


Back to Anfield - 5 loan players - disgraceful - sort it out PL.

Joe Royle - "No chance of a repeat of the 1927 score of 8-2 - no way the skates will get 2" :D

now can anyone tell me what they have to offer for 3-million let alone 13-million let alone the 30-million AA is supposed/quoted to be asking LOL.


how can you forget? it's their support, world class. Worth £30m on it's own.


they have taken 320 fans to anfield tonight, what an effort.

how can you forget? it's their support, world class. Worth £30m on it's own.


they have taken 320 fans to anfield tonight, what an effort.




And there was me thinking that the blue few aren't on here because they have all gone to the match......doh!!

how can you forget? it's their support, world class. Worth £30m on it's own.


they have taken 320 fans to anfield tonight, what an effort.


Yes PMSL when they read that out at the start, but they are the bestest fans in the whole wide world all 320 of them. Must have been another couple of taxi's turned up late as they now claim its 390 Uber fans??? + TCWTB

We beat them comfortably at FP this season. Last night they were beaten by the worst team we have faced this season (worst by some distance). A team is not simply a sum of it's component parts which is why I say again we are both s***. Who is currently the s***est we can revisit after the game can't we?


So, at 4 nil down, it appears that you are considerably shi tt er than them.


REmind me again what it is that these hedge funds see profit wise in the few?


Has something changed that I missed?


Last I looked they had everything mortgaged to old owners, and were heading for the CCC with at least £20m of debts that HAVE to be paid unless they want to start in August with a big points penalty.


Maybe they sold out a vital relegation match.

Calf injury, not sure if it's the same one that kept him out earlier in the season.


So it looks like he might be out for some time then? Then they really will be screwed. I would say they have a good chance of 3 points against Hull but after that I can't see where they will get their next lot of points from. With James out I'd say they will be losing by higher margins now which is not going to help that goal difference :)

So it looks like he might be out for some time then? Then they really will be screwed. I would say they have a good chance of 3 points against Hull but after that I can't see where they will get their next lot of points from. With James out I'd say they will be losing by higher margins now which is not going to help that goal difference :)


It doesn't matter. They're stuffed anyway as they're 8 points adrift. I'm gutted the -9 won't make any difference, but him being out should be beneficial for Fulham or Spuds

It doesn't matter. They're stuffed anyway as they're 8 points adrift. I'm gutted the -9 won't make any difference, but him being out should be beneficial for Fulham or Spuds


If James is still out come there FA cup semi final match I would say that they will definitely lose even if they raise their game again and manage to put in a half decent performance. I still can't believe they are in the semi finals. Its just not right.


Been discussing the Rob Lloyd takeover with a skate mate at work.


Me: I'm a bit confused. According to the reports shown earlier in this thread, Lloyd's company Eatonfield is in financial trouble. Therefore I assume that he is a bit short of cash himself, if he was minted why isn't he sorting that mess out before taking on the money pit that is Farton Park?


Skate mate: He's not the money man, he is just the frontman for the bid.


Me: If I was a rich money man interested in buying Poopey, why would I choose a publicity seeking, Liverpool supporting, financially troubled property developer to front my bid? Why would I not just talk Paul Walsh, Andy Awefull or even Banjo-head Dineage into fronting the bid/winning the fans over?


Me: Do you not smell something fishy?


(Perhaps the skates have become immune to the smell of fish)


If I were to dream up a conspiracy theory it would be that:


Lloyd is about to go bankrupt so has been offered a bit of off-shore untraceable cash to assume the debts and become a fall guy. He agrees terms with AA/Gaydamak/Chanrai keeps the club going with help from Gaydamak's South African friend until the parachute payments arrive.

The parachute money disappears off to SA. Lloyd defaults on his agreed schedule of payments to Gaydamak/Chanrai, is declared bankrupt and a year or so later collects perhaps £500K from a British Virgin Islands bank account.

Pompey enter admin for a second time with Gaydamak and Chanrai either owning Farton and the land, or at the very least still secured creditors.


Pompey by now are bled dry, unless AA mark 2 can find another mug to pay off Gaydamak etc.

Nope still enjoying beating your lot 4-1 thanks. Even though we had a weakened team as well just the same as you


Get it right for crissakes. You had a strengthened team containing players that you ought not to have had, as you were almost certainly trading while insolvent and therefore you should not have been able to afford them.


We had a weakened team because our January transfer window signings were cup-tied.


More importantly, we'll see how your administrator team stacks up against ours. Found any billionaires out there yet?


Liverpool 4 - Skates 1. Not quite so good against a team in the same division, are you? Did they plan to hit you on the break then?


And how many of the World's greatest fans made the trip up to Liverpool? Seemingly only about half as many as we had away at Hartlepool (635) on a Tuesday night and it's 60 miles further.

Liverpool 4 - Skates 1. Not quite so good against a team in the same division, are you? Did they plan to hit you on the break then?


And how many of the World's greatest fans made the trip up to Liverpool? Seemingly only about half as many as we had away at Hartlepool (635) on a Tuesday night and it's 60 miles further.


They are all mouth and no trouser, particularly now their viagra has been removed.

sorry, 390 fans. my bad.


much better.


390!? I think I just had a lolgasm. What a pathetic bunch they are. Still at least they 390 got to see their favourite scoreline.


Does this mean we could have a case to get ours reinstated ???


No, as it is handed out by two different governing bodies, each with their own rules. However there is no chance imo that the Premier League won't give them a deduction. They'd be uproar from Burnley, Hull, Wolves etc. The administrator is being foolish if thinks they will. He is just exploring every possible method of making a poor investment more inviting for an investor.


So, (for someone who hasn't been following this week) why the wait now in the Premier League deducting the points? I thought they were just waiting for the HMRC court case, which obviously never happened.


Anyone know the reason for the delay?

So, (for someone who hasn't been following this week) why the wait now in the Premier League deducting the points? I thought they were just waiting for the HMRC court case, which obviously never happened.


Anyone know the reason for the delay?


I think HMRC are re-scheduled for tomorrow for dotting i's and crossing t's, but don't see why there has been a delay in the PL deducting the points after the HMRC deemed the Adminstration legal last week once the paperwork was submitted. :confused:


Then and again maybe the PL are still trying to be blissfully ignorant of what is going on at Pompey... no change there then.



"It is the first time the Premier League will be taking this action, and it could be a mistake. It will set the precedent, and it would be the wrong precedent, so they need to think very carefully.


"The players are naturally concerned about their careers, and they want to go out and win every game, but why should they risk leg and limb if they are already relegated?


What planet is that guy on? Has he ever seen a football match? You can't question the 9pt penalty simply because it might demotivate the players. That happens any time a club fail to accumulate enough points to escape relegation. What does he want? To stop relegation to keep everyone nice and motivated? Here's the motivation, Mr. Android: "The players are in the shop window for their next club. It does wonders for motivation. It should help when you sell the players on - like the club should have back in January"


There are plenty of precedents. Take Derby for instance. Got relegated early. Players kept going because they were getting paid and because they wanted a new contract somewhere. If they weren't good enough to be signed by anyone, they found their level in the Championship. It's the law of footballing gravity at work.



There are plenty of precedents. Take Derby for instance. Got relegated early. Players kept going because they were getting paid and because they wanted a new contract somewhere. If they weren't good enough to be signed by anyone, they found their level in the Championship. It's the law of footballing gravity at work.


A good example indeed. I seem to remember an already relegated Derby giving us a 6-2 whooping a few years back.


When it comes to contesting the points deduction, Andronikou has one thing (and one thing only) going for him, which is that it's something that has never happened before to a Premier League club. From his point of view (ie as an administrator trying to get as much for the creditors as he can) he's quite right to attempt to test both the PL's rules and its resolve to enforce them. I'm sure he knows full well that his chances of staying the PL's hand are negligible or more likely non-existent, but he wouldn't be doing his job properly if didn't at least try.


I think the PL board has to meet to ratify the deduction, which is why it hasn't happened as yet; a meeting was scheduled for two weeks ago, but was postponed owing to the HMRC action.

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