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Interesting fact just given to me, as it happend here at our firm. That is, Customs and excise, can at any time, give notice that they are coming to see your books, and they come mob handed. So maybe, just maybe, Storrie may get a phone call!!!!!!!!!!!!;);), one which could well change his life forever.

The assumption that Pompey is our great rival ignores the history of our club and is, IMHO, just plain wrong.


Pompey were never our rivals, in my lifetime, nor anyone elses. Our true rival for many years was Manchester United


ROTFPMSL. That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read. I bet Man Utd fans still consider you their rivals too. :D What a mong. This from someone who doesn't consider us his rivals but spends time and money getting reports from company house to post on here with a ridiculously sense of self inflated importance finding a legal flaw in Chainrai's plan only to be shown up as completely wrong. Not only that but as we're not your rivals, why post the same findings on Pompey Online posing as a Pompey fan no less.


I was telling everyone as well as many others that the empire would crumble, 20k crowds do not support multi million pound wage bills.


Nick, do the maths. If we had a stadium the same size as yours and got average 30,000 crowds that would bring in (at an average ticket price of £30.00) an extra £5.7m a year. Enough to buy and pay one average PL midfielder. Bigger stadium would be nice but it's the SKY money that funds wage bills, not gate money.


Winding up order will not happen. Trading is the prime objective, we have a list of potential investors, we will need up front for anyone interested proof of funds. We will also be investigating how the company got into this mess LOL.


Solent didn't even stay for the questions. Administrator says they will come out with a CVA. They must have made the HMRC's debt not get to the amount where they have a say.



Nick, do the maths. If we had a stadium the same size as yours and got average 30,000 crowds that would bring in (at an average ticket price of £30.00) an extra £5.7m a year. Enough to buy and pay one average PL midfielder. Bigger stadium would be nice but it's the SKY money that funds wage bills, not gate money.


Yes but you don't.

How can he be so confident that they will get their CVA?


because there are various sources that suggest the real interested parties would not continue discussions with the club until admin occured.

because there are various sources that suggest the real interested parties would not continue discussions with the club until admin occured.


"the real interested parties" are you suggesting some interest has not been real ?

because there are various sources that suggest the real interested parties would not continue discussions with the club until admin occured.


And that will cost them, can't see the HMRC lowering their demands.





Nick, do the maths. If we had a stadium the same size as yours and got average 30,000 crowds that would bring in (at an average ticket price of £30.00) an extra £5.7m a year. Enough to buy and pay one average PL midfielder. Bigger stadium would be nice but it's the SKY money that funds wage bills, not gate money.



Good job PFC didn't employ you instead of Storrie. You Might still have had a club to support next season.

And that will cost them, can't see the HMRC lowering their demands.


neither can I but the money involved in getting back to the premier league outweighs the £18M owed to the taxman, so it makes sense to satisfy them to get a CVA

neither can I but the money involved in getting back to the premier league outweighs the £18M owed to the taxman, so it makes sense to satisfy them to get a CVA


Going to look a bit foolish paying 18M to get clear of the CVA only to be hit with points deductions when the various court cases are over (I don't think the "it was nothing to do with the club honest" defence will work).

cannot says I am persusaded either way, I cannot do anything about it, I cannot affect anything, why worry about it, I am fortunate in that my life does not revolve totally around football, I run a hockey team in fareham, take delight in following my non-league team and have other social activities.


A PFC will exist in some shape or form forever more, whether that be a phoenix club or whatever but either way it will exist. I love the rivalry and banter with you guys - will I be annoyed if we go down to the CCC with a 20 point penalty and then get relegated when you get promoted, yes coz then we won't play each other but I think the real fans are more concerned with how they are doing than with how their rivals are doing. That goes for both sides.


You had the upper hand for what 27 years, we have had it for prolly 10 years when this is all said done and then it may revert to you, cycles etc etc




skates above us for 5 years. Us above them for a lifetime


Gordon Brown said it is a "sad day for a great football club". What planet is he on?! Was it not a sad day for Saints when we went into admin. What about Palarse? Brown didn't wade in then so why is he saying it now about the no-bit embarrassment that is the skates. It's a sad day when a soldier dies in Afghanistan, not when a financially mismanged football club goes into admin. T*sser.


On a slightly more lighter note, found it funny hearing Pompey fans approach Storrie on the radio.


"1.2 million a year Storrie?! 1.2 million a year. Explain that mate. You're 'aving a laff mush"


Was hilarious

Going to look a bit foolish paying 18M to get clear of the CVA only to be hit with points deductions when the various court cases are over (I don't think the "it was nothing to do with the club honest" defence will work).


your assuming thats what will happen, we don't know the facts yet


Notes from press conference Andrew Andronikou (Live on Sky)


- Adninistrator to undertake a strict cost rationalisation and eradicate all necessary costs. The club must function within its means and difficult decisions need to be made.


-Administrator has a list of interested parties although proof of funds / references for fit and proper persons required.


-Administrator will stabilise the club and reinstate solid foundations.


-He confirms that there will be an investigation of the recent financial history. He wont be dragged into the criminality of the recent financial history at this stage.


-All admin works will be be undertaken on a transparent basis, as in the public interest


- A creditors meeting will be held 8 weeks today


- Gaydamak largest creditor


- Debt is 60m

ROTFPMSL. That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read. I bet Man Utd fans still consider you their rivals too. :D What a mong. This from someone who doesn't consider us his rivals but spends time and money getting reports from company house to post on here with a ridiculously sense of self inflated importance finding a legal flaw in Chainrai's plan only to be shown up as completely wrong. Not only that but as we're not your rivals, why post the same findings on Pompey Online posing as a Pompey fan no less.




Nick, do the maths. If we had a stadium the same size as yours and got average 30,000 crowds that would bring in (at an average ticket price of £30.00) an extra £5.7m a year. Enough to buy and pay one average PL midfielder. Bigger stadium would be nice but it's the SKY money that funds wage bills, not gate money.


Bigger stadium also means more sponsorship clout, extra revenue from concerts, extra revenue from corporate events, extra revenue from matchday corporate clients, extra revenue from matchday sponsors, extra revenue from matchday catering, extra revenue from replica kits and other merchandise.


Yep Ho, that's right... you will only make £5.7m a year in extra cash from having 10,000 extra fans in the stadium.


Fookin hell Ho, are you related to Storrie-teller?

He's no Mark Fry is he.
Looks and sounds 10 times better.


Cut to the bone

Pay all taxes from now on (well he has to)

Portpin will fund any shortfall

Gaydamac the biggest individual creditor

Ground still showing on the Balance sheet with Portpin charge

8 weeks to cut, review and then meet creditors

Avram Grant to stay until end of season

£60 -£70m in debt reports not far adrift


Just saw the press conference with the administrator on Sky News. Seemed to come across a bit arrogant. Time will tell. He's got a hell of a job to be do. Dodgey comb over!


He reckons the Skates will be playing football next season. Yeah, but in what League?!


Administrator perhaps a little less charismatic than Mark Fry, albeit less used-car-salesmany. But to give him his dues he said his piece reasonably enough. I would not be so confident as he claimed to be about a CVA being a certainty, but then he was hardly going to stand there and say 'face it guys, PCFC is up the swannee and I'm just here for the fees', was he?

He's now doing a one to one with the Sky reporter


being docked 9 points ''early days, we don't know if that will happen yet - discussions with PL next week''


errr, hello? it's the rules - don't you dare PL...


I dont understand how the company PCFC can go into Administration when owned by Portpin; and then Portpin then offer to inject cash to the administrator to keep the club running whilst in Administration. And Portpin will pay off the tax bill too? Why didnt they inject cash and pay the tax bill before administration?


Very iffy.

your assuming thats what will happen, we don't know the facts yet


No we don't know the complete facts but I don't think Milan or Arry have actually claimed the transfer to arrys offshore account didn't happen. Going to be hard to claim he should not have paid tax on it I would suspect.


Anyway my point was that paying off HMRC and assuming your home free is as much of an assumption as that there will be points penalties. IF I was going to pay money to clear HMRC I would want to know fairly clearly what the chances are of there being further deductions that I can't buyoff in the pipeline.

Portpon to inject cash when needed? A bit iffy IMHO.


...unless Portpin is one of the interested buyers.


Then putting further cash in might make sense - especially as that additional cash is likely to be far less each month as things are "cut to the bone".

LOL thinks he can get the PL to not give them a -9 point penalty, also wants to discuss getting cash advance from PL. Also wants the transfer window opened to sell 2 players WTF


The Premier League SERIOUSLY needs to grow some balls before that meeting.


Thought he showed alot of his hand - seeking concessions from the PL i.e. advances on parachute payments, selling players outside the window. Who knows what else. Disgusting.

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