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I bet he pays over 5m for him which would be stupid.

Agree with that SkintSaint I dont see any other club paying anything like the money their talking about. I predicted the max they'd get would be 4-million and that would be last thing Monday night with them desperate for cash. But I think Pompey still owe Spurs for instalments on the original Transfer, plus a sell on clause? Guess we'll see what transpires.

It means the players can hand 14 days notice in and walk away for free... which is probably a massive reason why P*mpey have been quiet on the selling, quite simply because clubs have been waiting for payday to see if they can pick their targets up on a freebie.


Ah yes that's right, remember now. Cheers mate.

I can't believe the gates haven't been locked at their training ground yet - surely they must owe the university a fair ol' wedge? :)


I thought they were kicked out of there the other week?

I can't believe the gates haven't been locked at their training ground yet - surely they must owe the university a fair ol' wedge? :)


Its not the uni, its King Edwards that own Wellington now.


Still, your point remains valid.

Did I read somewhere that if their staff don't get paid for a third time, then they will be wound up/placed in admin/other punishment? I am sure I read it, but I could have been dreaming. I do have some odd dreams; Pompey v Saints FA Cup final the other night.

Just means that If your not paid you can hand in a 14-day notice of termination of contract, but if the club pays up within that period then the contract stands I believe. I think that's why they are so desperate to do a deal to get cash for the wages, so they can stagger on until Feb 10th. I think there was a rumour about earlier on in the thread much as you've said above, but I don't think it was substantiated. More embarrassment for the EPL for lifting the embargo.


Looks like no money for nugent then either..



"We have exercised our option to extend his loan through for the rest of the season," Burnley manager
Brian Laws
told the club's official website.

"We are now just waiting for Portsmouth to get back to us to get it clarified and sorted for the weekend. We are just waiting for their reply and paperwork and I am assuming that's going to go ahead."

I am sure sorting out Nugents paperwork will be top of their pile of things to do at the moment. But don't hold your breath Brian!

I thought they were kicked out of there the other week?


Apparently they trained at Soccer city,fareham,due too weather conditions.

Still believe the academy can't train at Collingwood,although i could be wrong

No, that's the "Academy" training base at HMS Collingwood.


Apparently they trained at Soccer city,fareham,due too weather conditions.

Still believe the academy can't train at Collingwood,although i could be wrong


Oh right. Getting myself confused.


Its getting a bit like shooting fish in a barrel at the moment isn't it? According to a poster on one of the pompey boards..


I have just been told that it's going to get a little bit worse as Powergen are overdue a £257,000 electric bill.

I thought they were kicked out of there the other week?


No, that's the "Academy" training base at HMS Collingwood.


Its a job keeping up with it all there is just so much to remember its not surprising that we forget some details.

Also on Sky now Spurs also in talks for the Keeper Bergovic

Pompey's website being disconnected is laughable enough.


But surely this will cost the club more money as the site advertising isn't being displayed and the advertisers can pull their funding? :cool:


Yeah! I wont believe it until it appears on the P*mpey OS! Oh!!!!!!!!! LMAO!

Its a job keeping up with it all there is just so much to remember its not surprising that we forget some details.

Also on Sky now Spurs also in talks for the Keeper Bergovic


Niemi in at St Mary's?

Yeah! I wont believe it until it appears on the P*mpey OS! Oh!!!!!!!!! LMAO!


Can I claim for a new keyboard, the keys are getting a lot sticky with Spurting coffee over it. Enjoy the rest of the day I'm off to work now. Wonder how many more pages on here by 11 O-clock tonight. :D

So what's happened to the £1.6M of Sky money the PL eventually let them have if none of the bills have been payed and no players to be bought and no wages this month?


It is probably a lot worse than it has been made to look! 300k Leccy Bill ? feed the meter Storrie!

So what's happened to the £1.6M of Sky money the PL eventually let them have if none of the bills have been payed and no players to be bought and no wages this month?


Given the way that Portpin where pompey got their short term loan from were threatening to sue the PL to get at THEIR £7M in tv money I would guess it went to them to try to keep them quiet for a bit longer...

So what's happened to the £1.6M of Sky money the PL eventually let them have if none of the bills have been payed and no players to be bought and no wages this month?





Dead Parrot Sketch..

(with apologies to The Monty Python Team :D)




The cast: Customer : Fake Sheikh

Club Owner : Peter Storrie



The sketch:

A customer enters The PFC Club shop.

Fake Sheikh

: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint.

(The owner does not respond.)

Fake Sheikh

: 'Ello, Miss?

Peter Storrie: What do you mean "miss"?

Fake Sheikh

: I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint!

Peter Storrie: We're closin' for lunch and a bit of tax return book fiddling.

Fake Sheikh

: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this football club what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.

Peter Storrie: Oh yes, the, uh, the Pompey Blues...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?

Fake Sheikh

: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!

Peter Storrie: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting.We are the worlds biggest sleeping giant don't you know?

Fake Sheikh

: Look, matey, I know a dead football team when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

Peter Storrie: No no he's not dead, he's, he's a sleeping giant'! Remarkable club, the Pompey Blues, isn'it, ay? Best Fans in The world!

Mr. Praline: The fans don't enter into it. The Club and it's massive fan base is stone dead.

Peter Storrie: Nononono, no, no! 'they's resting!

Fake Sheikh

: All right then, if theys restin', I'll wake em up! (shouting at Farton Krap) 'Ello, Mister Football Fans ! I've got a lovely fresh skate fish for to fondle


Peter Storrie: There, they moved!

Fake Sheikh

: No, they didn't, that was you hitting the cage!

Peter Storrie: I never!!

Fake Sheikh

: Yes, you did!

Peter Storrie: I never, never did anything...

Fake Sheikh

: (yelling and hitting the cage repeatedly) 'ELLO PO'MPEY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o'clock alarm call!

(Takes a player out of the cage and thumps his head on the counter. Throws it up in the air and watches the team plummet to the bottom of the league.)

Fake Sheikh

: Now that's what I call a dead football club.

Peter Storrie: No, no.....No, 'e's stunned!

Fake Sheikh


Peter Storrie: Yeah! The Taxman stunned them, just as the sleepin giant was wakin' up! Pompey Blues stun easily, major.

Fake Sheikh

: Um...now look...now look, mate, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That football club is definitely deceased, and when I purchased it not 'alf an hour

ago, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein' tired and ****ged out after holding Arsenal to four goals at Notarf Krap.

Peter Storrie: Well, he's...he's, ah...probably pining for The forties and fifties mate. We were the best back then and held The FA Cup longer than anybody else in the whole wide world.

Fake Sheikh

: PININ' for The 40's & 50's?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got 'im home?

Peter Storrie: The Pompey Blues prefer kipppin' on it's back! That way they don't squash the beautiful skate fish. Remarkable Fans, best in the land, innit, squire? Lovely fans!

Fake Sheikh

: Look, I took the liberty of examining that football clubs accounts when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it hadn't been put into administration in the first place was an IOU for 7 million quid from Harry nailed to the accountants door.


Peter Storrie: Well, o'course it was nailed there! If we hadn't nailed that note there, the players and would have thought they weren't going to get paid ever. But now they think we have cash watch them fly up the league table .... VOOM! !

Fake Sheikh

: "VOOM"?!? Mate, this club wouldn't "voom" if you put 80 million quid into it! 'E's bleedin' demised!

Peter Storrie: No no! 'E's pining! E's a sleeping giant. Best fans in the world the Pompey Blues innit guv.

Fake Sheikh

: 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This club is no more! It has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e

rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed sold some players 'you'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the

bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-FOOTBALL CLUB!!


Peter Storrie: Well, I'd better replace it, then. (he takes a quick peek behind the counter) Sorry squire, I've had a look 'round the back of the shop, and uh,

we're right out of football clubs.

Fake Sheikh

: I see. I see, I get the picture, and it's not a very good one. At least SFC were giving away pictures of trains when I tried taking them over.

Peter Storrie: I got a skate.


Fake Sheikh

: Pray, does it play football?

Peter Storrie: Nnnnot really.

Fake Sheikh


Peter Storrie: N-no, I guess not. (gets ashamed, looks at his feet)

Fake Sheikh

: Well.


Peter Storrie: (quietly) D'you.... d'you want to come back to my place? Or shall we join Avram down the knocking shop? Fake Sheikh

: (looks around) Yeah, all right, sure.

thats bloody fantastic lmfao

Given the way that Portpin where pompey got their short term loan from were threatening to sue the PL to get at THEIR £7M in tv money I would guess it went to them to try to keep them quiet for a bit longer...


Makes sense. Guess there are other 'pressing' creditors as well.

Its getting a bit like shooting fish in a barrel at the moment isn't it? According to a poster on one of the pompey boards..


I have just been told that it's going to get a little bit worse as Powergen are overdue a £257,000 electric bill.



They're just trying to keep people in the dark.


(I'll get me coat.)

Given the way that Portpin where pompey got their short term loan from were threatening to sue the PL to get at THEIR £7M in tv money I would guess it went to them to try to keep them quiet for a bit longer...


Makes sense. Guess there are other 'pressing' creditors as well, but wonder whether Krissyboy is nearer the mark!



The Premier League or FA or whoever it is who made the decision regarding the embargo should hang their heads in shame.


Allowing PFC to resume buying players when they can't even pay their existing staff.


To be honest, if I was PFC employee I'd be walking out and joining the back of the queue to sue the **** out of them...


Tbh, I don't blame the skint arabs but the people that put them in that situation and continued to lie about it: Storrie et al should also be hanging their heads in shame...



I love the advertisement 'never miss a pompey story - get them sent straight to your inbox!' - I've taken up that if offer its so ****ing funny!

And this, posted by a P*mpey fan on there:-


Pompey have signed a unique co-operation deal with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO).


“Yet the indigenous people of these countries have been so taken with the poverty at Fratton Park that the latest news of the probable non-payment of wages has led many of them to volunteer to play for the club for the remainder of the season.”


One of the first volunteers was Zimbabwean midfielder Fiddel de Books, 44, who said: “I was moved by the plight of this poor club. From the pictures I have seen they have no running water, no money and are riddled with corruption.


“We Africans are only too familiar with this situation. Some of my friends do not understand why I would be prepared to fly to a foreign land and work for nothing, but it feels good to give something back.”


A Pompey spokesman confirmed the deal, while signing a five-figure cheque for the club’s chief executive.


He said: “This is just the sort of forward thinking this club is becoming renowned for. Volunteering is the new working. Given that we’ve given up all hope of avoiding relegation already, we are only too happy to have overweight foreigners playing at no cost while our existing players walk away from their expensive contracts.


“Rest assured we are not in danger of administration with this sort of player recruitment policy. By the way, have I ever told you I’m a lawyer?”

The Premier League or FA or whoever it is who made the decision regarding the embargo should hang their heads in shame.


Allowing PFC to resume buying players when they can't even pay their existing staff.


To be honest, if I was PFC employee I'd be walking out and joining the back of the queue to sue the **** out of them...


Tbh, I don't blame the skint arabs but the people that put them in that situation and continued to lie about it: Storrie et al should also be hanging their heads in shame...


I think the fault lies in part with whoever came up with the PL rules for no realising this situation would arise. It has all the signs of lawyers threatening the PL that if they didn't obey the letter of their rules they would be sued and they had no backbone to obey the spirit of the law.

I interpret "...could be late" as "if we don't sell a player this afternoon, you won't be getting paid tomorrow".


I bet that e-mail went down well.


I've got a bet on Pompey to finish bottom of the Premiership, if they get wound up, are Betfair likely to pay up??


Me too.


I'm due £40 if they go down, £160 if they finish bottom.


If they go pop completely and are withdrawn from the league then technically they won't have finished bottom, or been relegated...

Me too.


I'm due £40 if they go down, £160 if they finish bottom.


If they go pop completely and are withdrawn from the league then technically they won't have finished bottom, or been relegated...

Yep, results expunged from the record books, all bets voided.

Posted (edited)
Me too.


I'm due £40 if they go down, £160 if they finish bottom.


If they go pop completely and are withdrawn from the league then technically they won't have finished bottom, or been relegated...


you might possibly, although unlikely, get your stake back under a non runner rule?, as with the results expunged, they could be deemed to have not competed


although if your horse falls down the back straight you dont get your money back. quite what happens though if someone shoots your horse half way through im not sure :rolleyes:

Edited by Saint Keith
Posted (edited)


At least someone has maintained his/her sense of humour.....




Old Pompey Blue,


, Cold and Wet in Wonderland 28/01/2010 13:39:19 Fancy a laugh? Then read on:


Pompey have signed a unique co-operation deal with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO).


“Yet the indigenous people of these countries have been so taken with the poverty at Fratton Park that the latest news of the probable non-payment of wages has led many of them to volunteer to play for the club for the remainder of the season.”


One of the first volunteers was Zimbabwean midfielder Fiddel de Books, 44, who said: “I was moved by the plight of this poor club. From the pictures I have seen they have no running water, no money and are riddled with corruption.


“We Africans are only too familiar with this situation. Some of my friends do not understand why I would be prepared to fly to a foreign land and work for nothing, but it feels good to give something back.”


A Pompey spokesman confirmed the deal, while signing a five-figure cheque for the club’s chief executive.


He said: “This is just the sort of forward thinking this club is becoming renowned for. Volunteering is the new working. Given that we’ve given up all hope of avoiding relegation already, we are only too happy to have overweight foreigners playing at no cost while our existing players walk away from their expensive contracts.


“Rest assured we are not in danger of administration with this sort of player recruitment policy. By the way, have I ever told you I’m a lawyer?”




Christ...I read it, I cut and paste it, and I'm still the second one to get it up on here!!!!

Edited by Gingeletiss
Not fast enough

Website being down really does strike alarm bells, Saints were not this deep in until in admin if I remember correctly, that was the only time we struggled to pay players and staff.


So why if RL had a cheque for £6000 bounced are they not in admin?, are they issuing cheques but not covering them? someone has to see they are trading insolvent surely if they arn't even making an attempt to pay there way ,whats the Department of Trade and Industry doing surely they oversee this area? It can't surely rely on the directors to decide, staff will be incurring bank charges , they can't even get a payday loan as they don't know if let alone when they'll be paid.


Anyone sussed who the other two companies are yet? Printers for the matchday programmes?


Surely the announcement that wages maybe late is another admission they are insolvent as they are unable to meet their commitments, FA and EPL need to take the bull by the horns now, how can they allow them to potentially take on more debt by signing players, surely the PFA have a viewpoint after all its their members , what advice are they issuing as a union? are agents involved in loans? if so whose paying them?

heard this morning now three main groups


the haves


the have nots


and the not paid yets!

I interpret "...could be late" as "if we don't sell a player this afternoon, you won't be getting paid tomorrow".


I bet that e-mail went down well.


I've got a bet on Pompey to finish bottom of the Premiership, if they get wound up, are Betfair likely to pay up??


Add yourself to the list of people owed money by Pompey :rolleyes:


Question for our accountants about "Trading when insolvent"


In theory the book value of their players may be more than the value of their short term debts. Whereas with us we had far higher debts than we had players (assets)


Taking out the dubious equity ish loans is this the correct definition of insolvent?


Also I wouldn't expect a bunch of Johnny Foreigners to be that well versed in UK corporate law and so they could be digging an even bigger hole.


On behalf of the people of the Emirates though, we don't really want to see the skates totally die, but PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, make sure that Sultan Bin Trump is taken away for so long that we NEVER have to watch one of his reality TV shows EVER again. That's all we ask

Question for our accountants about "Trading when insolvent"


In theory the book value of their players may be more than the value of their short term debts. Whereas with us we had far higher debts than we had players (assets)


Taking out the dubious equity ish loans is this the correct definition of insolvent?


Also I wouldn't expect a bunch of Johnny Foreigners to be that well versed in UK corporate law and so they could be digging an even bigger hole.


On behalf of the people of the Emirates though, we don't really want to see the skates totally die, but PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, make sure that Sultan Bin Trump is taken away for so long that we NEVER have to watch one of his reality TV shows EVER again. That's all we ask


Without quoting (section 212 of the insolvency act if anybody cares) there are two definitions of insolvency,


The first is liabilities (including contingent/prospective) being greater than assets.


The second is not being able to pay creditors as and when they fall due.


HMRC's petition is based ont he fact that they have not been paid as and whe the amounts were due and therefore the Company is insolvent and should be wound up.



Woo hoo glad to see they found my cartoon. Fame at last :D


Now to get Eric's Dead Parrot sketch up there!


As it's gone wide better thank the Sunday Times for the original which was Soooooooooooo totally banned down here...





(Although that being said, my original copy came from some mates of Khalifa who were lolling at their cousin's plight)

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