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Attendance at the 2008 Cup Holders, competing against a team who very recently had sustained top flight football for 37 consecutive years.


11,214, of which over 3,000 where away fans.




I'm by no means a supporter of the Gob****es but do believe in keeping a reasonable perspective.


I suspect if we had been in their parlous position (on & off the field), whilst at the Dell, and had been asked to pay up to £25 for a ticket, I doubt if the crowd would have been significally disimilar.


Moving to St Marys, having a sense of optimism, plus sensible pricing does wonders.


It's great to have the bragging rights on attendances though

I'm by no means a supporter of the Gob****es but do believe in keeping a reasonable perspective.


I suspect if we had been in their parlous position (on & off the field), whilst at the Dell, and had been asked to pay up to £25 for a ticket, I doubt if the crowd would have been significally disimilar.


Moving to St Marys, having a sense of optimism, plus sensible pricing does wonders.


It's great to have the bragging rights on attendances though


We'd have still filled it or as near as d*mn it for the FA Cup. Especially in a time of crisis. They are back to their long term core of supporters now the JCLs have fooked off. They'd do well to match that for the FizzyPop game next season

We'd have still filled it or as near as d*mn it for the FA Cup. Especially in a time of crisis. They are back to their long term core of supporters now the JCLs have fooked off. They'd do well to match that for the FizzyPop game next season


80,000 on Southsea common I believe. Hmmmmmmmm

Check out the Peter Storrie audio interview after today's game at http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8435997.stm


It sounds like he has no idea of what is going on and he also sounds like a broken man!


Run out lies and spin methinks. The blokes an aboslute crook and to first deny he had any knowledge of overspending (as a CEO) and then subsequently admit he had knowledge but was overruled is an absolute disgrace. If he felt that bad about it he would have walked and made a statement about it. That is of course, if he really did care.



Check out the Peter Storrie audio interview after today's game at http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8435997.stm


It sounds like he has no idea of what is going on and he also sounds like a broken man! He claims the owners are working on new loans, players may be sold, administration is possible.


"Either borrow or live within your means, and with 20,000 attendances we would need to cut our wage bill even further. We have already cut it by 30% this season.......5 points off 15th.....blah blah blah"


His head is so fecked he can't even understand the situation.


It doesn't even sound good coming from Peter Storrie!

Check out the Peter Storrie audio interview after today's game at http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8435997.stm


It sounds like he has no idea of what is going on and he also sounds like a broken man! He claims the owners are working on new loans, players may be sold, administration is possible.


as much as i don't work in finance i am pretty sure i know more than peter storrie esp when he says the only way to stay there is more and more finance and they can't live within there means because of the ground, he actually talks out of his a**e.

If they live within there means they may be playing at there true level but they have alot more chance of 'staying there' and then maybe use a loan/morgage for a new ground for steady growth.

Am I wrong???

What I want to know is if Maradona has persuaded Riqualme to sign yet?


Nah but he signing in January, when he agrees to pay the club £200,000 per week for the priviledge.

"Either borrow or live within your means, and with 20,000 attendances we would need to cut our wage bill even further. We have already cut it by 30% this season.......5 points off 15th.....blah blah blah"


His head is so fecked he can't even understand the situation.


It doesn't even sound good coming from Peter Storrie!


Wow for the second time on this thread I get to be able to say a "you should have asked us" moment....



Dear Story Teller, I note with interest that you are stating your success in cutting your operational expenses by 30% so far this season. I am sure as a CEO that you are very proud of such a major reduction. However, if you had bothered to check out some fairly conclusive, and local empirical evidence, you would have seen that such a pathetic attempt at a cut-back was doomed to failure.

Why only a few miles up the road, a similar succession of catastrophic events was, only a few months ago, the subject of exactly the same cost reduction exercise. The previous regime felt that cutting back by 30% would do the trick. The resulting loss of customer loyalty playing quality and general motivation of all parties concerned didn't work here either.


Just give it up, save your fans the PR rubbish and admit it, you have, like the crazy gang here screwed up. Your club is dead, the longer you leave it the worse it will be. 30% didn't work for Rupert and his "well run ship", it's laughable to think it would work for your ludicrous la-la land spending.


See, I could have saved you months of agony, (but to be fair you wouldn't have got all those airmiles from that big rescue trip of yours, bet it was in Biz class as well)


It's amazing how prescient Douglas Adams really was.


So long and thanks for all the fish.

What a load of nonsense, their fans craved success, lapped it up and gloated, they didn't care for one moment about prudence, good business principles and accumen. They knew all along the team was being funded by gun runner's blood money, they knew it was an unsustainable business model.


They obviously couldn't do anything about it, and you can't blame them for lapping up their success but to turn round now and cry like a bunch of babies and protest is just pathetic. You see the retards being interviewed on TV, the mongs seem to think they have a devine right to have some dumb billionaire pour money into their crap hole just so they can lord it over others.


Their club is going down the crapper and they will just have to accept the fact that they were willing parties in everything that has caused it.


Perhaps I should have just rested my case and let PES tell it how it is. But you obviously misread or misunderstood my original post. The point that I made was that the fans wouldn't particularly care about how success was achieved - they wouldn't have had thier eye on the Boardroom - they were enjoying Premiership football and winning the FA Cup. Thus - I think that we actually agree with each other..?


If you're saying that we (or any other fans for that matter) would have been different in the same circumstances then I would totally disagree. Fans come to see success on the pitch and if that is delivered then they probably don't give two thoughts to what is happening in the Boardroom.


Perhaps I am just a bad fan though or I have moral issues that I should address.


Get real Aint! Its Portsmouth FC, not Economists FC! I actually keep a pretty tight control on my own finances and save like a MF for a hoped for early retirement. However when it came to my Football fan life I showed no such restraint, I wanted the madness, I enjoyed it, I didn't think about tomorrow, who as a football fan in honesty does (Without the benefit of Hindsight)? Football is my escape from the grind, I'd do it all again. No regrets or *****ing from me, I saw my team lift the FA Cup at Wembley!. I had no control over who came in then, what happens now or whats going to happen in the future. It's a rollercoaster ride on which we the fans are just passengers, we've had the ups, now its time for the big dipper! And for one final piece of perspective, I'd rather Portsmouth FC died than any of my friends or family. (I know crazy innit!) :D :D

It was a poor attendance but I'm astonished that as many fans as that still think the club's management deserve their support.

'But the club needs our cash' mutter the toothless simpletons....yeah, but the gate money isn't going into your beloved club, it's going straight out of the door to an odd collection of financers and to prop up a distant landmine factory.


They may yet be able to stumble through and complete the season but the debts are just climbing with every loan and a loss of big Sky cash would surely mean instant implosion.


They have to stay up to survive, obsessive gambler Storrie is down to his pants and his house keys have gone on the table now - I wonder how lucky he feels...at least he has no other worries on his mind, like being banged up.


So they are waiting on a short term loan for the wages.................I thought that someone at bank didnt load the file correctly......silly old me.


Take the emotion out of it being portsmouth, thier fans should be ripping the doors off the board room.



Another loan to pay this weeks wages. F*CK OFF!


Everything is..... 'my understanding' etc.


Lies again me thinks. Why is he even bothering to pander to the masses, it is becoming clear that those in charge have no clue and are just pushing Storie into the limelight to take the blame from the deciept etc from the arabs.


They clearly are scrabbling around for money, though, the worry for me that is beginning to circle in my mind is that if they have any clue, (and they are not completely stupid surely) they obvliously see a way out of this as otherwise they would not be racking up these short term loans. Don't get me wrong, they are out of the prem but i am worried they will now survive disaster.


If the end was that innevitable then the owners would surely take the admin route ?? Instead of scrabbling around for loans ??


When oh when will those idiots at the PL get their heads out of the sand and sit down and have an "emergency meeting" to start to sort out English Football.


Journalists and bloggers have been saying since Lehman that football will have problems, and here we are transfer embargoes all over the place, screwing the fans for advance ST purchases, reliance on promises of "dodgy" overseas finance, and even debt for equity swaps.


Michel Platini got it very right, something needs to be done, it's all very funny watching the Blue Few suffer, and nobody really has a soft spot for Cardiff, but FFS we're now (allegedly) very secure financially, so we need SOMEBODY to survive if we are to have games to watch/listen to each week.


But no doubt the World Cup bid optimism will kick in and everything will be alright on the night attitude will prevail.


Uttaka on 80k a WEEK? If that isn't a sign of serious sickness in English football then nothing is. Wake up & smell the coffee FA & FL. Points deductions aren't the answer, football needs radical surgery and fast

When oh when will those idiots at the PL get their heads out of the sand and sit down and have an "emergency meeting" to start to sort out English Football.


Journalists and bloggers have been saying since Lehman that football will have problems, and here we are transfer embargoes all over the place, screwing the fans for advance ST purchases, reliance on promises of "dodgy" overseas finance, and even debt for equity swaps.


Michel Platini got it very right, something needs to be done, it's all very funny watching the Blue Few suffer, and nobody really has a soft spot for Cardiff, but FFS we're now (allegedly) very secure financially, so we need SOMEBODY to survive if we are to have games to watch/listen to each week.


But no doubt the World Cup bid optimism will kick in and everything will be alright on the night attitude will prevail.


Uttaka on 80k a WEEK? If that isn't a sign of serious sickness in English football then nothing is. Wake up & smell the coffee FA & FL. Points deductions aren't the answer, football needs radical surgery and fast


Exactly. Tis all very well laughing our coks off at the Blue Few down the road - but look more closely at football in general. Pompey, West Ham, Hull, Watford, Cardiff plus others that I have probably missed - all in the shyte, to put it bluntly.


Funny though it may be - you have to ask yourself, where will it all end - once Pompey have been erased from the footballing calender, who shall we bay for next, Bournemouth, then who, B&HA perhaps. More to the point - when will our time come, when do we cease to exist - will we all have a jolly good chuckle about that, what the hell, it was good while it lasted..!


Dave Whelan was right when, a couple of years ago, he prophocised that an English Premier League club could cease to exist because of the dynamics of the PL - shouldn't be too long before he can say 'I told you so'. Phil is right - the bodies that oversee English football need to take a long hard look at the way in which it continues to run, largely on 'substainable debt' (never never) and now by 'faceless' owners.


The problem as I see it is that the suits at the FAPL do 'very very well thank you' from the finances generated from the product - and so are not keen to rock the boat. Perhaps they are willing to let all small clubs go to the wall so long as the big four prop up thier investment. A bit like the superstores putting the 'family run' and 'market stalls' out of business - sad sad state of football today.

Surely this is ultimately adding to their problems?


Had to laugh at the protests after the game as shown on the ITV highlights, can't have been more than 40 people there, the majority of which were John Westwood and his fellow goons.


talking of whom this is quite fun...




Meanwhile, could someone attempt a terror attack with a bell? Just so that they all get confiscated in future? I'll leave the details to you, but if you can find a way to hijack a plane using a loud "clang, clang" noise, well, you'll be taking one for the team.

Gaydamak has spoken.



'I was the guarantor of the loan to Barclays. When the club didn't pay, the bank came to me and I paid it to avoid it going into administration. If the club goes into administration I lose everything. I am owed £9 million by the club which is due in January 2010 and another £19 million in May 2012.'


But Gaydamak is sceptical that Ali Al Faraj has anything much to do with the club. 'I think he exists as a man, but he has no influence.'




Gaydamak has also been hurt by suggestions he wants to harm the club and insists he wants it to survive.


'I have never taken a penny out of the club, apart from a driver who used to take me from London to home games, a [mobile] telephone account and sometimes a hotel bill for away games,' he said.


'I want people to judge me on facts. They can go and see the club accounts. Everything I say has been documented. As for these stories that I have been laundering money, they are ridiculous.


Storrie was actually pretty honest yesterday - officially admitting more than has been admitted before. They really are up sh1t creek, aren't they? I still have that little nagging fear that they will get away with it, but more & more does it look like they really could go all the way. Only the mealy-mouthed cowards at the PL can save them, and then only temporarily.

Admin only works if all the creditors accept so many pennies in the pound - with us it was mostly one large institutional creditor who could see the sense in at least getting something back (& not having the bad publicity). With them there are so many creditors & so little value there isn't much point settling for a penny or two. Also, are Chenrai, Lens, all the other murky unnamed Middle-Easterners really going to care about bad publicity?

Amusingly, though, on their numbnut forums they haven't grasped the fact that the likes of Utaka & his £80k/week aren't going to be their salvation. They say things like, Oh, we'll get £3-£4 mill for him. No they won't. As we discovered with Saggy, he is worse than valueless - he is a huge cash drain. Rather than raising money on him they are stuck pouring nearly half a mill a month (all in) into a bottomless pit till his contract expires.

We're all going to miss this saga when it finally comes to an end

Everything is..... 'my understanding' etc.


Lies again me thinks. Why is he even bothering to pander to the masses, it is becoming clear that those in charge have no clue and are just pushing Storie into the limelight to take the blame from the deciept etc from the arabs.



I think its the complete oposite. Tell's Stories is effectively jobless. He is completeloy out of the loop at the highest level and has no say on anything these days. He's just passing on what little information has been passed down to him. The only reason he is still there is because he has a contract that they can not afford to pay off at this time.

I think its the complete oposite. Tell's Stories is effectively jobless. He is completeloy out of the loop at the highest level and has no say on anything these days. He's just passing on what little information has been passed down to him. The only reason he is still there is because he has a contract that they can not afford to pay off at this time.


Did anyone see the "demonstration" after the game?


Your club is potless, bottom of the league, owes the taxman millions, cannot pay the wages, has to sell its best players, no one knows who owns what or who's responsible...


So what do you do? Muster about thirty planks/chavs to stand outside the ground singing "Sack the board" after a game that attracted 11,214 of which, what, 3,000 are away fans??


Small tip here, one of the things that saved Saints was the fact that we got behind the club and worked hard to keep it. Leibherr stated it was one of the things that attracted him to the club, the way the fans rallied behind the club. Attendances like that, demonstrations like that, will send your club into oblivion...


Sort yourselves out...

170k a week for JT , it is a madness. It makes me less keen to get back to that nonsense. Yesterday was perfect , 10-15 quid to get in and still have a game to watch.

if chelsea can offord to pay it, then so be it


no one really has a problem with johnathon ross earning a similar amount..no one seems to want to shed the BBC

if chelsea can offord to pay it, then so be it


no one really has a problem with johnathon ross earning a similar amount..no one seems to want to shed the BBC


They can't, that's the point. They lost £44m last year. Roman Abramovich can afford to pay it. Chelsea FC cannot.

if chelsea can offord to pay it, then so be it


no one really has a problem with johnathon ross earning a similar amount..no one seems to want to shed the BBC

Ross doesnt earn 7m a year from the Beeb.

Ross doesnt earn 7m a year from the Beeb.

its not far off...for the odd show every week and hosting the odd awards ceremony...and being, generally, unfunny...


I wonder how much "we" have paid him over the years..?

They can't, that's the point. They lost £44m last year. Roman Abramovich can afford to pay it. Chelsea FC cannot.


I think they're debt free now. I'm sure I read in the past few days that they've swapped debt for equity (presumably Abramovich owning the equity)

I think they're debt free now. I'm sure I read in the past few days that they've swapped debt for equity (presumably Abramovich owning the equity)


Yes, but that doesn't mean they can afford their running costs.


You can be debt free but reliant on the wealth of a man to make the business vaible (dare I say, like Saints). We're not in debt but can we ****** afford to sign players for £1m and pay the wages of Jaidi, Davis and Connolly without Mr Liebherr.

Small tip here, one of the things that saved Saints was the fact that we got behind the club and worked hard to keep it. Leibherr stated it was one of the things that attracted him to the club, the way the fans rallied behind the club.


Hmmm, like the way all 1500 of you rallied around in your darkest hour for the 'Save the Saints' game. Don't you ever attempt to lecture to us about support again after that. You'll NEVER live that one down......

Hmmm, like the way all 1500 of you rallied around in your darkest hour for the 'Save the Saints' game. Don't you ever attempt to lecture to us about support again after that. You'll NEVER live that one down......

the most hypocritical thing written..

Hmmm, like the way all 1500 of you rallied around in your darkest hour for the 'Save the Saints' game. Don't you ever attempt to lecture to us about support again after that. You'll NEVER live that one down......


Lol - a pointless event organised by amateurs. That is whay I didn't go anyway.


As far as lecturing you about support, we will continue to do that for as long as your support is so manifestly pathetic. Seriously, how many fans do you expect to turn up next year when you're in the second division? I am guessing at an average of about 9,000.

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