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Hot news just in.


Reports are coming in of interest from Hollywood in turning the recent Internet Wars into a new Summer 2010 Blockbuster.


Apparently, Hollywood execs rejected earlier scripts based upon the demise of a small town English Soccer Team as being too far fetched. However the recent outbreak of hostilities between the two sets of fans is believed to attracted great interest.


The movie will play around the central core of the change in fortunes of the two sides of the county of South Hamptonmouthshire, with tales of lynch mobs burning floating bridges and the introduction of increasingly aggressive attempts at Computer Hacking which eventually gained access to a secret server after the password Honeymoon was hacked. The subsequent release of 2,146 brown paper bags caused a major pollution scare and (according to the script) the accidental demolition of a soccer statdium when one of the bags caused a landing Harrier jump jet to veer off course and crash into an unoccupied car park near to a main line railway junction.


A senior executive at a well known Hollywood studio said "we felt this story had far more believability than the tense action drama involving alleged gun running, reality television and secret Middle East peace talks"



The Admin of Pompey Online wrote:


Just a note to everyone, be aware that there are one or two Scummers around just now trying to stoke fires. As I mentioned the other day, Sweetcorn was one and I've got suspicions about one or two others but be aware that they're around so don't let yourselves be drawn into something when not necessary, and don't be surprised to see one or two users disappear. It's not anything about differing opinions, it's just a matter of people not who they appear to be. A lot of time and work goes into doing these forums, not got time to mess about with a load of kids and Scummer ****s.


Would be different if they had the guts to face up under their real 'personality'. but one has been openly saying on a Scummer forum he'll be on here to wind people up, so I'm looking into action to take against that forum (yep, it can be done). Plus, of course, I have some details to have some fun with (and it's amazing what you can find out with these things)


Anyway, just a heads-up.






There's an awful lot of nonsense on the internet but this guy has excelled himself.

well done mate, I am on Pompeyonline and an admin myself. Thanks for the info. You will not be posting for too much longer ;)


You sad hypocritical ****.


Interesting snippet on Radio 5Live earlier. Some journo was saying that it's an open secret that a person was owed £3m by PFC and was absolutely desperate to bring in a new owner (this is the latest new owner, ie the post-Fahim group) in order to try and recover it. Said the person would bring anyone to the table who he believed might be able to get together enough dough for him to get his £3m back regardless of the consequences. Aparrently everyone knows this but no-one's publishing it yet. Steve Claridge was in the studio and was "nodding".


I wonder what this could all mean? I do hope they haven't been let down by someone else. I really hope it's not someone who they think well of.


''it's just a matter of people not who they appear to be''....


if that is a Pompey concern you should be a bit less concerned about your forum and have a look in your boardroom mate!



The future is very red and white.


Always have to do a double take when I see a Pompey shirt. for some reason or other I seem to see the logo G O B S H I T E rather than the actual one they have on there. Is there something wrong with me?

well done mate, I am on Pompeyonline and an admin myself. Thanks for the info. You will not be posting for too much longer ;)



Its difficult to imagine you didn't type that without a raging bone-on.


Little Pompey t'internet forum emperors. Aren't we all scared :rolleyes:

Interesting snippet on Radio 5Live earlier. Some journo was saying that it's an open secret that a person was owed £3m by PFC and was absolutely desperate to bring in a new owner (this is the latest new owner, ie the post-Fahim group) in order to try and recover it. Said the person would bring anyone to the table who he believed might be able to get together enough dough for him to get his £3m back regardless of the consequences. Aparrently everyone knows this but no-one's publishing it yet. Steve Claridge was in the studio and was "nodding".


I wonder what this could all mean? I do hope they haven't been let down by someone else. I really hope it's not someone who they think well of.


Didn't Pini Zahavi say they owed him something like £3m a couple of months back?


Sooner or later the are going to have to pay these loans back.


If they are not generating enough cash to repay the current set then further loans are not going to help. Especially if they are only short term.




More borrowing? Overheads creeping up, income reducing, what could possibly go wrong?!


They need a VERY dim billionaire or a miracle.


With missed wages etc the results on the pitch should be the least of their worries yet supporters are celebrating another loan to add to the pile - wakey wakey blue few, increased borrowing on a business incapable of servicing the current level is not a good thing.





Clippity-clop, clippity-clop - that'll be the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding up the M275.

Interesting snippet on Radio 5Live earlier. Some journo was saying that it's an open secret that a person was owed £3m by PFC and was absolutely desperate to bring in a new owner....regardless of the consequences.




Forward to 1hr43. They really are fooked. It is Zahavi (that's why they're all sh*t scared about naming him) and he will get his cash.


If you lie down with dogs 'n all that..

Nothing to do with the thread, Hypo but have you seen this?




Just up your street - or won't you have finished the New York Marathon by then?


Being serious, I do like that show. I'll be back by then and provided I haven't died and am in Southampton, I may go and see it.


The reason I'm hypochondriac on here and quite a few other sites is that when I was younger I used to love spelling and hypochondriac was the first long word I learnt to spell as a kid. I was quite proud about it at the time.

Being serious, I do like that show. I'll be back by then and provided I haven't died and am in Southampton, I may go and see it.


The reason I'm hypochondriac on here and quite a few other sites is that when I was younger I used to love spelling and hypochondriac was the first long word I learnt to spell as a kid. I was quite proud about it at the time.


So it's not your real name then? :confused:

think I'll take your PM up with Steve Grant who I know well and posts on POL. Why you feel the need to post on the main board of a pompey forum I do not know - we blue lot pretty much respect it here and I believe you should do so over there. There has always been a reasonable relationship with both sites going back to playing games for charity against each other.


I'll pass your PM info on to Pompeyscot, I bet he will be quaking in his boots though

You have always seemed a decent sort of skate but this is getting foolish.

During our darkest hours we had quite a few posts on our main board and I for 1 objected.The mods let them stay. if the posts on your main board are childish then i agree you should remove them but if it is a case of pointing out you indeed bought the cup , are Wigan of the South, and are mad to dance to Peter Storries tune, then I see no harm of them informing you of the truth.

I myself dont feel the need to post on a Pompey site, id feel dirty and anyway so many of your lot look on here i dont need to.

Bringing £15m apparently. That won't go very far :D


It's only a 15m loan though. It's to tide them over and pay this months wages and HMRC, until they can sell the club on.


Apparently they need to sell within 8 weeks or they go into admin, as they have so many loans taken out against different parties - it all needs paying back at some point...


Bizarre goings on.

Posted (edited)
Bringing £15m apparently. That won't go very far :D


As a loan or do thay want them as well? This club has alot of people involved I cant keep up! I just want them to sod off I'm a bit bored now and I'm supposed to enjoy it!!!


Saying that due to the comments from them when we were in the poo is why I really could not give a **** as I said can't they just go into admin and admit it. There is no way that its a short (6month) to med term return on investing unless they know something no one else does.



Edited by Joesaint
What is going on down there, are they rich now? was it 3 new investors they said on south today? WTF


Bringing £15m apparently. That won't go very far :D


If it was anyone else you'd feel sorry for them, but as it's the Skates it funny as ****. £15mil is loose change to Mr Liebherr, the Skates must be green with envy of us.


Also that £15mil is a loan so presumably it'll be guarenteed against any assets they have left and/or TV revenue money they have coming in.

If it was anyone else you'd feel sorry for them, but as it's the Skates it funny as ****. £15mil is loose change to Mr Liebherr, the Skates must be green with envy of us.


Also that £15mil is a loan so presumably it'll be guarenteed against any assets they have left and/or TV revenue money they have coming in.


true - as well as the £5m loan Faraj has already taken out to fund last months wages.


All gambled on the assumption that they'll be in the premiership next year, excellent work. By January i reckon they'll be in admin.

If it was anyone else you'd feel sorry for them, but as it's the Skates it funny as ****. £15mil is loose change to Mr Liebherr, the Skates must be green with envy of us.


Also that £15mil is a loan so presumably it'll be guarenteed against any assets they have left and/or TV revenue money they have coming in.


The Sky money's already gone, hasn't it - to repay Standard Chartered Bank?


And what assets? Players? (s******). Not the land, because Farim owns that apparently :D

The Sky money's already gone, hasn't it - to repay Standard Chartered Bank?


And what assets? Players? (s******). Not the land, because Farim owns that apparently :D


~I thought Gay mark had the land and if the people who just come in sued his dad im sure he is going to make things difficult!

To be honest though I am lost in the whole matter now.





Guardian continue to be best contributor to this thread :)


"The Portsmouth chairman, Sulaiman al-Fahim, insists there will be no sale of his 10% shareholding at Fratton Park to the club's new owner, Ali al-Faraj, even if the 32-year-old were to be offered twice their value, around £10m."


Um.... 10% of the skates is not worth £10m!


10% x £0 = £0

Always have to do a double take when I see a Pompey shirt. for some reason or other I seem to see the logo G O B S H I T E rather than the actual one they have on there. Is there something wrong with me?


Thankfully in London you never see them.

Posted (edited)
~I thought Gay mark had the land and if the people who just come in sued his dad im sure he is going to make things difficult!

To be honest though I am lost in the whole matter now.




Actually the whole thing is explained in great and accurate detail on here, just go back to page 1 and spend the next 3 weeks reading...


Or in very simple terms, the skates have now, thanks to their "hero" Storyteller ended up with a board room and split shareholding that makes Rupert seem like a Metroman from Sex & the City and as if he was best friends with the wise and knowledgable Mike Wilde and are both off on a shooting, golfing and drinking holiday with their best friend and PR guru Leon Crouch at the invite of Hone & Dulieu, with Harry Redknapp as tour guide George Burley as Sommelier and Nigel Pearson as Rupert's personal fashion expert.


Trust me, our ownership & boardroom divisions of the past years look like heaven compared to where they are currently sailing.


Heck, for the Sk8te fans, Story could even end up (nearly) making Askham look like a hero to some on this forum by comparison..


If you like Bewbs, keep watching, it's amazing how often you can get t*ts up in one place

Edited by dubai_phil

I don't want them to go pop. I think if they go under it will be monumental, the only assets they have is their PL status and (possibly depending on who you believe) some old railway land. One of those will be gone by May.


This is too funny. It is like the scene in Life of Brian when they all follow the new Messiah blindly.


They have to be careful though with all these new owners, I was always told that 3 sheihks is a w***.


I've seen Saints all over the UK, as well as randomly meeting them in Italy, Turkey and Egypt. I have only ever seen two Pompey fans however. One on the Underground when they were playing Fulham away once, the other was a baggage handler at Gatwick Airport.


I have met several Saints fans over here and 4 of them were single young ladies all travelling separataly!!.

I have also met a couple of "that lots" fans and one of them, a female, tried to avoid paying the company I work for

the money she owed just because she found out I supported Saints. She didn't get away with that though :D:D

Just Found this



Had to LOL at the paragraph Sad to see Poopey fans are so desperate for someone to come in and bail them out they are willing to except any Tom, **** or Ahmed as long as he CLAIMS that he has a few bob & is willing to bail them out


The comments at the bottom of that article are a joke. 'Loyal fans?' Where are they then?


"I intend to remain at Portsmouth for the long term – by that I mean many, many years., and think of myself as a supporter who can attend board meetings

"I can talk whenever I wish, I see myself as a fan first of all, and all fans are allowed opinions," added Fahim, who has called for a board meeting to unite the club.


PMSL! :lol:





Guess the Prem is starting to see that they're financially unviable as a going concern as well now... Looks like they're cutting them loose.


Like the comment "It would be madness....." There we go, final confirmation that even the PL think they have lost the plot....


Still, no doubt they'll be on here today telling us they have turned the corner after scoring 4 last night with their reserves





Guess the Prem is starting to see that they're financially unviable as a going concern as well now... Looks like they're cutting them loose.


I am loving the opening lines - emergency signing Eugene Bopp - ha ha ! We have done well -from Diarra to Eugene !


I would be quite warming to an AFC Portsmouth if it all goes TU though, I think this slow death of PFC should be stopped and put an end to once and for all, for the sake of fans, staff, creditors etc


They're okay now, they've beaten Stoke reserves and have managed to increase their debt to pay the wages short term.

I guess this glorious improvement will signal their fans returning here in droves.


Bearing in mind they are likely to turn a corner at some point and the gobby ones will crawl out again, can we come up with an official name for this era for future reference? - The Great Silence, The Hush of 2009, The Year of the Tumbleweed? - something similar?...it needs to say shame, ridicule, failure and cowardice ideally.

I just think we should remind every 'visitor' of these months on every future thread they try to hijack.


Merovingian is obviously excluded from any of this as along with a couple of others he is braver than the rest so deserves respect, and though he doesn't realise yet, he's also our conversion project.

He'll be there with us at Wembley in May, tattoos covered by Saints stickers...

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