OldNick Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 [/i] 1. Nick Nack, I agree I worded my question "when did I say we'd sell 16,000 ST's" badly but you've proved my point for me by posting the original quote. What I meant was "by when did I say we'd have sold the full 16,000". And the answer, as you've shown, was when the takeover was completed. Not trying to wriggle out of anything as I guess you assumed but my original statement is pretty clear, is it not? The takeover would generate a good feeling amongst fans who are pretty down and generate a demand for ST's - just as your takeover did for you. (end quote) You asked for the quote put up, and in so questioned that you ever said such a thing.It has been put up and so you have tried to wriggle by putting in provisos. Are you saying you dont believe your friend . Lol ? After all if you had sold 12k all those weeks ago getting up to 16k would be a doddle.Only you could come on here after knowing that the season after the FA cup final when the tide of excitement was at its highest and you got 13.5k s/ts that you'd expect to better it! even bigger lol. (quote) 2. Ref us "buying" the cup. If you'd like to look at the team sheet for that day I think you'll find that neither Defore nor Crouch played - Defoe was cup tied and Crouch didn't sign until the summer after we won the final. Which means you look a complete **** Nick Nack. As for how many of the others we could afford, Sol was a big drain on us eventually but initially Arsenal were paying 50% of his wages and as we signed him on a free that evened itself out. Likewise Distin & Kanu came on frees so even if we were paying them £50K a week it's no worse than paying £2.5m for a player and £30K a week. The amounts the same in the long run. James only cost £500K and Kranjcar may have cost us £3m but is only on £30K a week. Not to mention the fact that according to what you've said in the past we only beat lower league opposition to win it so didn't need to spend big on players anyway. So, how did we "buy it Nick Nack". Admit it, you've made yourself look a right **** on this one. I can't wait to see you try and wriggle your way out of this Unlike you i dont do more than have a passing interest in my rival team. I didnt watch the cup final and so couldnt or wouldnt be able to name your team. On gates of less than 20k (forget not if you didnt have the star names you wouldnt get that high an attendance) you would not have afforded even the few high earners you did then. If it was so easy all the PL clubs would have these superstar internationals.So whilst Crouch or Defoe (he would have been on massive wages at that time as well even if cup tied) were not there you still bought the cup with the highly paid stars who would not have been afforded if you had to deal in the real world of balancing the books.
OldNick Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Aftenoon my Stripey friends. Apologies for dropping this into the thread but I can't start my own. Of course, if anyone would care to create a new thread for it then I'd be most grateful. I have some places left for our charity golf day if anyone is interested, or if you know anyone who plays then please forward info below. Cheers! Ryder Cup-style Charity Golf DayIn aid of the Smile4Rich Appeal for the Wessex Neurological Centre Quindell Club - Wednesday 9th September 2009 Teams captained by Saints and Pompey Legends - Matt Le Tissier & Guy Whittingham Based on Ryder Cup golf, but played over 27 holes in a single day, comprising 9 holes of 4-balls and 18 holes of singles, this format has been hugely popular with those who’ve played in previous years, and has produced nail-biting finishes, last year requiring a sudden-death play-off to split the teams (which saw MLT slicing his tee-shot into the car park, resulting in a Pompey win ). Aside from the honour for the winning team of lifting the ‘Smile4Rich Trophy’, there’ll be a medal for every participant, plus trophies and some great prizes to be won in our ‘Longest Drive’ and ‘Nearest-the-Pin’ competitions, and a brand new car worth £10,000 for a hole-in-one! This is a really enjoyable format (not your average charity golf day), and at a cost of just £100 per pair of players (including coffee/tea & bacon roll on arrival, and a ‘Brunch’ breakfast after the first 9 holes) it represents fantastic value too. For full details and an entry form, please email info@smile4rich.co.uk or click the following link http://www.smile4rich.co.uk/fundraising/event-detail-28 but you'll have to be quick as places are limited and entries must be submitted by the end of August. There are also some great sponsorship opportunities available from just £75! As you are such a great mate with TL surely you could use his contacts. I bet you had a great laugh after telling us what a great deal he had for us, and then going back to your Pompey friends and having a giggle. Good luck in your charity day though.
Weston Saint Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Aftenoon my Stripey friends. Apologies for dropping this into the thread but I can't start my own. Of course, if anyone would care to create a new thread for it then I'd be most grateful. I have some places left for our charity golf day if anyone is interested, or if you know anyone who plays then please forward info below. Cheers! Ryder Cup-style Charity Golf DayIn aid of the Smile4Rich Appeal for the Wessex Neurological Centre Quindell Club - Wednesday 9th September 2009 Teams captained by Saints and Pompey Legends - Matt Le Tissier & Guy Whittingham Based on Ryder Cup golf, but played over 27 holes in a single day, comprising 9 holes of 4-balls and 18 holes of singles, this format has been hugely popular with those who’ve played in previous years, and has produced nail-biting finishes, last year requiring a sudden-death play-off to split the teams (which saw MLT slicing his tee-shot into the car park, resulting in a Pompey win ). Aside from the honour for the winning team of lifting the ‘Smile4Rich Trophy’, there’ll be a medal for every participant, plus trophies and some great prizes to be won in our ‘Longest Drive’ and ‘Nearest-the-Pin’ competitions, and a brand new car worth £10,000 for a hole-in-one! This is a really enjoyable format (not your average charity golf day), and at a cost of just £100 per pair of players (including coffee/tea & bacon roll on arrival, and a ‘Brunch’ breakfast after the first 9 holes) it represents fantastic value too. For full details and an entry form, please email info@smile4rich.co.uk or click the following link http://www.smile4rich.co.uk/fundraising/event-detail-28 but you'll have to be quick as places are limited and entries must be submitted by the end of August. There are also some great sponsorship opportunities available from just £75!Seperate thread now created Neil
Weston Super Saint Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Cost of redeveloping Fratton has been reported as £22m which sounds about right to me. New stadium builds tend to cost around £2m per seat (ie a 30K stadium would cost around £60m) so an increase in capacity of 10,000 for £22m sounds right. Tesco have been reported as willing to pay around 70% of this cost. That would leave Pompey to find around £6.5. Given that an extra 10K seats a year would generate approx £6m in revenue (at an average cost of £30 a seat) we'd pay that back fairly quickly. Even allowing for the predicatable "you wouldn't fill it" nonsense it would allow us to offer better facilities, family section, corporate hosting etc etc so it seems a fair assumption. IF (big if) Horsea ever did get the go ahead then you're right, we'd probably get around £10m for the land Fratton stands on. Seems like a decent deal all round. Please show me this other piece. I don't doubt that you did post something but I think it very unlikely that you have shaved £20m (let alone £30!!) off teh wage bill. I posted that the players we've sold were on salaries as follows (or close to) Crouch - £70K pw Defoe - £60K pw Diarra - £80K pw Muntari - £60K pw Campbell - £70Kpw + Johnson - £50K pw That's £19.5m a year saved right there. Add in the likes of Traore, Pamarot, Davis, Glen Little, Lauren etc etc all of whom were on £1m a year + minimum and tell me where my maths don't add up. Also the players wages are not debt (yet). Did you pay for every layer that you bought over the last 3 years up front? Did you B*locks. Your accounts (as posted by somebody else on here) show you to have monumental debts Well over £100m odd if memory serves (but I'll try to find the post after I finish this). Do you honestly thing that this has now been cleared? Oh dear... I think most of that debt has been cleared, yes. The reason for that is that most of our big buys (Crouch, Defoe, Muntari etc) either had their fee wiped as a result of being sold on (Spurs swallowing repayments owed for other players plus giving us cash when they re-seigned Defoe, the Johnson transfer to Livferpool wiping out the remainder of what we owed for Crouch etc) plus us making big, big profits on most of them (£13m profit on Johnson, £6m profit on Muntari, £15m profit on Diarra). Agreed, we won't receive all that money up front but it did wipe out the debt we'd accrued in signing them in the first place. Do you agree or not. And feel free to highlight any other big buys that we may still be paying for if you can find them. The accounts ytou mention are 18 months old by the way and therefore don't include all the above player sales. Once again, do the maths and tell me where it doesn't add up. Lol. So you've saved money off your wage bill - looks like good old Uncle Sasha doesn't have to fork out for the wages now, but, does your current income cover what is left? Also, wooohhhhoooo you sold some players and made quite a big profit on them, I wonder where the profits went - my guess is Sacha's big fat wallet
CB Fry Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Lol. So you've saved money off your wage bill - looks like good old Uncle Sasha doesn't have to fork out for the wages now, but, does your current income cover what is left? Also, wooohhhhoooo you sold some players and made quite a big profit on them, I wonder where the profits went - my guess is Sacha's big fat wallet Remember Corp has already told us Sacha's only using Portsmouth "as a toy" - he couldn't give two hoots about making any profits or anything as tasteless as that. Just a little plaything he bought to cheer up the gypos in Paulsgrove for a couple of years who he loves so deeply. Probably more than his own family. Who cares about silly old money? Just a toy. Not for profit. No sirree.
FMPR Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Cost of redeveloping Fratton has been reported as £22m which sounds about right to me. New stadium builds tend to cost around £2m per seat (ie a 30K stadium would cost around £60m) so an increase in capacity of 10,000 for £22m sounds right. Tesco have been reported as willing to pay around 70% of this cost. That would leave Pompey to find around £6.5. Given that an extra 10K seats a year would generate approx £6m in revenue (at an average cost of £30 a seat) we'd pay that back fairly quickly. Even allowing for the predicatable "you wouldn't fill it" nonsense it would allow us to offer better facilities, family section, corporate hosting etc etc so it seems a fair assumption. IF (big if) Horsea ever did get the go ahead then you're right, we'd probably get around £10m for the land Fratton stands on. Seems like a decent deal all round. Lol. So you've saved money off your wage bill - looks like good old Uncle Sasha doesn't have to fork out for the wages now, but, does your current income cover what is left? Also, wooohhhhoooo you sold some players and made quite a big profit on them, I wonder where the profits went - my guess is Sacha's big fat wallet Yea it does. Sky + season tickets sales equates to approx £45m per annum. Our wages bill is standing at around £20m right htis minute but obviously with a wage bill that low we have severe quality problems
Thedelldays Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Corp.. is Riqueleme still going to pompey..? can we have one of your transfer target updates..? many thanks Tdd xxx Corp...ffs..?
Crab Lungs Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Yes, I too would love to know who they have lined up? We've seen Moses Ashikodi and Eugene LOL Bopp, who else is Paul Hart scraping out of the barrel? Jermaine Wright perhaps? Shame Trevor Benjamin has found yet another club recently.
Master Bates Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 lolski http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55856253 http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55850916
Thedelldays Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 lolski http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55856253 http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55850916 I'll tell you what..I have read some real bollix this summer...from failka on sky sports, to tony Lynam, to the good Dr and buying pompey, to Corp telling us the takeover is just around the corner and the deal to sign that croat (or where what ever he is) striker that is now at blackburn is litterally done.. Yes, I have read some real bollix but those links take the farking p1ss of the highest order.. it is either a wind up or pure desperation...I really cannot decide which
bridge too far Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Yea it does. Sky + season tickets sales equates to approx £45m per annum. Our wages bill is standing at around £20m right htis minute but obviously with a wage bill that low we have severe quality problems But I thought Sasha had trousered the first instalment of Sky money to set against his debts?
Thedelldays Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 But I thought Sasha had trousered the first instalment of Sky money to set against his debts? dont be daft, pompey is sasha's play thing...he is not interested in profit...
Colinjb Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 lolski http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55856253 http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55850916 Absolutely f**king hillarious! They are so desperate they would believe anything!
Under Weststand Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 lolski http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55856253 http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A55850916 :smt044 :smt044 :smt044 is that Poopy going down the :toimonster: Talk about clutching at straws more like clutching at the space that the straws were last spotted in :smt040
CB Fry Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 'Arry's just been on Five Live slating his "spiritual home", revisiting the fact they only cobbled together 17,000 for the first Prem game of the season and spluttering at the notion of them filling a 30-40,000 seater stadium. "They can't do it". Also, hilariously, he talked about Defoe being sold for much less than they paid for him. The common denominator each end of those those deals being..... And a snorted "I'll believe it when I see it" when the studio panel were telling him the Doctor megabucks deal is still on. I think he had a text on his phone from someone telling him otherwise, he hinted as much. Arf. Always liked the bloke, me.
NSS Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 As you are such a great mate with TL surely you could use his contacts. I bet you had a great laugh after telling us what a great deal he had for us, and then going back to your Pompey friends and having a giggle. Good luck in your charity day though. Actually Nick, I still believe that Pinnacle (and TL) were absolutely serious about buying Saints and that, had they done so, they'd have been very good for your club. For whatever reason, and no I don't fully understand what went wrong, they failed to complete the deal. That certainly wasn't Tony's decision, but then it wasn't his money either. Did I take any pleasure in that? No, I didn't. Did I at any stage laugh at your (or any other Saints fans') expense? No, I didn't. As I said at the time, I've been there in the past with Pompey, and it seems we're there again now. It ain't nice. It ain't funny. And I wouldn't wish it on any fan of any club. What I will say is this. The eventual deal, i.e. the purchase by Herr Liebher (sp?), seems to be a great result for Saints - and yes, even better than Pinnacle's deal might have been had it been concluded. However, if any of you think TL was anthing other than utterly sincere in his attempts then you are wrong. The fact then that he, and to a lesser extent Matt, have been vilified for their efforts is, IMHO, ridiculous. At the end of the day they were doing their best to save your club. How much time, effort and money did you expend on trying to save Saints? (And yes, it cost TL financially too - if only through the fact that he wasted 10 weeks or so when he could have been earning from other projects). Anyway, if you play in the golf day you'll get the chance to meet and talk to Tony. And you never know, if you take your head out of the bunker you might even find that you like him.
Crab Lungs Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 LMFAO LMFAO, this just gets better and better. Even if Liebherr did owe the Dr some money (which is beyond the realms of Fantasy), I love the fact that we are now playing such a significant role in your pathetic demise. I actually liked Portsmouth once upon a time, but the fans are now turning me completely the other way... what a bunch of absolute planks.
Micky Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Actually Nick, I still believe that Pinnacle (and TL) were absolutely serious about buying Saints and that, had they done so, they'd have been very good for your club. For whatever reason, and no I don't fully understand what went wrong, they failed to complete the deal. That certainly wasn't Tony's decision, but then it wasn't his money either. Did I take any pleasure in that? No, I didn't. Did I at any stage laugh at your (or any other Saints fans') expense? No, I didn't. As I said at the time, I've been there in the past with Pompey, and it seems we're there again now. It ain't nice. It ain't funny. And I wouldn't wish it on any fan of any club. What I will say is this. The eventual deal, i.e. the purchase by Herr Liebher (sp?), seems to be a great result for Saints - and yes, even better than Pinnacle's deal might have been had it been concluded. However, if any of you think TL was anthing other than utterly sincere in his attempts then you are wrong. The fact then that he, and to a lesser extent Matt, have been vilified for their efforts is, IMHO, ridiculous. At the end of the day they were doing their best to save your club. How much time, effort and money did you expend on trying to save Saints? (And yes, it cost TL financially too - if only through the fact that he wasted 10 weeks or so when he could have been earning from other projects). Anyway, if you play in the golf day you'll get the chance to meet and talk to Tony. And you never know, if you take your head out of the bunker you might even find that you like him. I believe you are correct in general terms with what you say. TL and MLT acted (I believe) in good faith - thier intentions were good, but I don't think that they knew the money mans real intent. Hence they went with the flow. If we are to believe the current story - it would appear that Pinnacles (not necessarily TL) intent was to try to buy the club and then offload it at the earliest opportunity for a profit. Even that in itself is no crime - it could have proved a god send had Mr Liebherr not been waiting in the wings. Unfortunately - like most football fans - we Saints have very *short/selective memories, and at the time most were clamboring for Pinnacle to do the deal, buy the club and install MLT as Chairman. Most here would have been very happy had that happened - because the other option was LifeLongSaint *and/or oblivion. As history now shows - Pinnacle appeared not to have the wealth that they first purported to, Mr Fry opened the door to others and (luckily for us) Mr Liebherr bought the club. Ok - so the Pinnacle thing severly hampered our pre-season preparation, that said - we could lost the club altogeather. So I agree - that TL's intentions were probably honourable, but unfortunately he didn't have the backer behind him and couldn't see that. At the end of the day - it all worked out pretty well for us - so I for one, have little complaint.
Yate Saint Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 'Arry's just been on Five Live slating his "spiritual home", revisiting the fact they only cobbled together 17,000 for the first Prem game of the season and spluttering at the notion of them filling a 30-40,000 seater stadium. "They can't do it". Also, hilariously, he talked about Defoe being sold for much less than they paid for him. The common denominator each end of those those deals being..... And a snorted "I'll believe it when I see it" when the studio panel were telling him the Doctor megabucks deal is still on. I think he had a text on his phone from someone telling him otherwise, he hinted as much. Arf. Always liked the bloke, me. I heard some of that. It was funny. Was he on about gayda not really having any money or the new chap? I missed the start of that bit.
Weston Super Saint Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Did I take any pleasure in that? No, I didn't. Did I at any stage laugh at your (or any other Saints fans') expense? No, I didn't. Missed opportunities eh? Maybe you should have laughed a bit more at our plight, because I - and every other Saints fan I know - am f&cking ****ing my pants at your current situation. I find it hilarious that you can't fill your ****ty ground and your fans are now trying to blame our new owner because your version of Marc Jackson hasn't bought you. I found it pretty amusing laughing at some of our retarded fans and the bull**** they came out with, it's even funnier listening to the ramblings of your dribbling lot. Long may it continue I say.
Thedelldays Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Before our plight in the last 6 months I would have felt a bit of sympathy for the skates.. but this year has changed my mind..so many loved it when we looked dead and buried as a football club... so many of us predicted this for pompey when they started buying everyone.. I for one would not mind if pompey went out of business..I hate that club
S-Clarke Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207172/Sulaiman-Al-Fahim-insists-Portsmouth-takeover-track--ambassador-Diego-Maradona-100m-spend.html lol
Thedelldays Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207172/Sulaiman-Al-Fahim-insists-Portsmouth-takeover-track--ambassador-Diego-Maradona-100m-spend.html lol OH MY CHRIST and it is dated 17th Aug what a ******* laughing stock
S-Clarke Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 they're having their plonkers pulled, left, right and centre. ...and it's great fun looking in and having a good old laugh.
Weston Super Saint Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207172/Sulaiman-Al-Fahim-insists-Portsmouth-takeover-track--ambassador-Diego-Maradona-100m-spend.html lol Just when you think it can't get any funnier Doesn't SAF look ever so Jackson-esque in that picture too? If I was a Pompey fan I'd be ****ting my pants right about now
Dark Munster Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Corp, you're ****ed. Just admit it. Not so fast Crab Lungs. According to "Dr" Al Fialka's spokesman the deal is still on, and he says: "That is why he was there and I think the white coat was a statement of intent." So there you have it, the "Dr"'s white coat is proof that the deal is on! :smt081 http://www.sportinglife.com/football/news/story_get.cgi?STORY_NAME=soccer/09/08/17/manual_090608.html&TEAMHD=soccer But a bit worryingly for our fishy friends: Manager Paul Hart, who saw his side lose 1-0 to Fulham, is trying to keep his players in the picture but knows little more than most. "But I can only give answers to the questions I know the answers to...it's all getting a bit like Fawlty Towers."
saint lard Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 (edited) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207172/Sulaiman-Al-Fahim-insists-Portsmouth-takeover-track--ambassador-Diego-Maradona-100m-spend.html lol That is Phenomenally hilarious.:smt081 It's all getting a tad confusing for some:rolleyes: http://boards.footymad.net/forum.php?tno=424&fid=203&sty=2&act=1&mid=2124938513 http://www.fansonline.net/portsmouth/mb/view.php?id=173706 Edited 17 August, 2009 by saint lard
Colinjb Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207172/Sulaiman-Al-Fahim-insists-Portsmouth-takeover-track--ambassador-Diego-Maradona-100m-spend.html lol You know you are onto a winner when even the paper itself describes parts of the story as 'laughable.'
OldNick Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Actually Nick, I still believe that Pinnacle (and TL) were absolutely serious about buying Saints and that, had they done so, they'd have been very good for your club. For whatever reason, and no I don't fully understand what went wrong, they failed to complete the deal. That certainly wasn't Tony's decision, but then it wasn't his money either. Did I take any pleasure in that? No, I didn't. Did I at any stage laugh at your (or any other Saints fans') expense? No, I didn't. As I said at the time, I've been there in the past with Pompey, and it seems we're there again now. It ain't nice. It ain't funny. And I wouldn't wish it on any fan of any club. What I will say is this. The eventual deal, i.e. the purchase by Herr Liebher (sp?), seems to be a great result for Saints - and yes, even better than Pinnacle's deal might have been had it been concluded. However, if any of you think TL was anthing other than utterly sincere in his attempts then you are wrong. The fact then that he, and to a lesser extent Matt, have been vilified for their efforts is, IMHO, ridiculous. At the end of the day they were doing their best to save your club. How much time, effort and money did you expend on trying to save Saints? (And yes, it cost TL financially too - if only through the fact that he wasted 10 weeks or so when he could have been earning from other projects). Anyway, if you play in the golf day you'll get the chance to meet and talk to Tony. And you never know, if you take your head out of the bunker you might even find that you like him.NSS, I had a bit of banter with TL and he took it in good spirits. I dont play golf, but do wish the charity the best and hope agaqin it makes plenty of money. Pinnacle could have cost us our survival, we had a very close escape and for a time we were made to look ridiculous and one of our all time heroes was almost mightily wounded by it.Thankfully MLT has come out of it almost intact. Youi seem to be a decent person, but of course you also are a little wounded by your posts on here giving us hope and dreams that were never likely to come true.Sorry if I seem a tad acidic but the club means a lot to me
benjii Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207172/Sulaiman-Al-Fahim-insists-Portsmouth-takeover-track--ambassador-Diego-Maradona-100m-spend.html lol Once the Dr gets his bonus he'll have some money. I actually really hope this goes through.
CB Fry Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 I don't understand which part of "I don't have any money now but I will have £100m in six months" you lot find so implausible. We'll be laughing on the other side of our faces when Diego Maradona leads out Requilme, Eto'o, Ribery and the rest of the Portsmouth team in the World Cup final against Brazil next July.
angelman Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Would be nice to see Samuel Eto'o, Sergio Aguero, David Villa and David Silva playing in the same PL team!!! PMSL
Gigersaint Posted 17 August, 2009 Posted 17 August, 2009 Not so fast Crab Lungs. According to "Dr" Al Fialka's spokesman the deal is still on, and he says: "That is why he was there and I think the white coat was a statement of intent." So there you have it, the "Dr"'s white coat is proof that the deal is on! :smt081 Mmm... Not the first time Dr White's been associated with C*nts then? :smt081
Clapham Saint Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 (edited) Cost of redeveloping Fratton has been reported as £22m ....... And you base this on something you've seen reported in the tabloids? Or do you have some facts to back this up? These posts are starting to get a long to comment / counter comment on each and every line (and its also getting pretty late) but you consistently fall down with your selective acceptance of some reports and dismissal of others do fit your arguments. Given that only reports that fit your rose tinted view seem to count lets ignore all of them (for or aginst you) and go straight to the direct quote from the official club statement released on 4 August... "While it is our intention to add strengh to the existing squad we cannot rule out the possibility of having to sell more players should the take over not happen" Maybe you should contact PS and point out to him that now you are both debt free and operating at a profit this won't be necessary. It's probably something that it would be useful for him to know. :smt081 Edited 18 August, 2009 by Clapham Saint
Gigersaint Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 Mmm... Not the first time Dr White's been associated with C*nts then? :smt081 Sorry for my earlier post mocking the blue few, my Mrs has just informed me that Dr Whites won’t take the p*ss but will be there for a period…. But if pompey fans are uncertain they could be better off by at least putting a Tena on it!
Clapham Saint Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 Possibly the scruffiest chairman ever. Did they make him run to the ground?
saint lard Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 (edited) The Daily Mail certainly are focusing on the Skates at the moment.......Also one rumour doing the rounds is that Distin is on his way with Danny ****tu lined up to replace him....... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207244/David-James-Sylvain-Distin-pushed-breaking-point-Portsmouth.html ah,it's in the Sun this morning,maybe thats where the rumour has sprung from.... http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/2592961/Hart-hot-on-Dan-deal.html Edited 18 August, 2009 by saint lard
Clapham Saint Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 The Daily Mail certainly are focusing on the Skates at the moment.......Also one rumour doing the rounds is that Distin is on his way with Danny ****tu lined up to replace him....... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1207244/David-James-Sylvain-Distin-pushed-breaking-point-Portsmouth.html I won't happen. CoHo has done the maths and they are now profit making and debt free so why would they sell? Much more likely to sign players IMO.
skintsaint Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 Hart said: ‘I try to keep players informed of what’s going on. But I can only give answers to the questions I know the answers to... it’s getting a bit like Fawlty Towers.’
saint lard Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Porstmouth-snap-up-Bolton-Wanderers-duo-Gavin-McCann-and-Danny-****tu-article119137.html
skintsaint Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 Bolton have agreed to accept a minimal fee up front with the rest to be paid once Pompey owner Alexandre Gaydamak sells the club. Could be waiting a while..
Colinjb Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 Bolton have agreed to accept a minimal fee up front with the rest to be paid once Pompey owner Alexandre Gaydamak sells the club. Could be waiting a while.. In other words, more debt to be serviced by new ownership. They just never learn do they!
Crab Lungs Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 There were laughable claims last month that Maradona had assurances from Samuel Eto'o, Sergio Aguero, David Villa and David Silva that they would join him at the South Coast club. LOL, this just gets better and better and better and better. LMFAO
Greenridge Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 I see Campbell has come out (not literally lol) to say he wants a move to Newcastle. Things have got to be bad if you want to go to a Club that can't find a buyer, has lost all it's players and...oh, wait a minute
jeff leopard Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 http://boards.footymad.net/forum.php?tno=424&fid=203&sty=2&act=1&mid=2124938513 Fair play to BillytheCat for slapping Jumper down after his 'son of a camel' jibe. *Has an over-powering 'Pipes of Peace' moment* Wow, they're just like us, but blue.
angelman Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 what happens if a club goes into admin and is still owing other clubs money for players bought and not fully paid for?
OldNick Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 mccann and ****tu are the type of players that will scrap to keep them up.Good buys if htey come off
Doctoroncall Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 what happens if a club goes into admin and is still owing other clubs money for players bought and not fully paid for? They will have to be paid by who ever buys the club. It may take a while depending on various issues, but they would be paid in full, unlike the St John's.
Doctoroncall Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 mccann and ****tu are the type of players that will scrap to keep them up.Good buys if htey come off unless they are replacements.
OldNick Posted 18 August, 2009 Posted 18 August, 2009 unless they are replacements. In a relegation scrap players like Distin go awol. Mccann etc rol their sleeves up. Pompey are buying to stay up and then when they have they will spend to stay up again.They should be able to as there are some weak teams.Burnley surely are doomed so they have to beat 2others.
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