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"They're all rank", I thought to myself, scrolling down the page. Yet, lo! The horror! Number six did leap upon me like a drunk sailor in the night, pistol cocked and stinking.


Vote number six.


Genuinely appalling.



Asking fans to submit their preferred choice of badge. Time for us to help our fishy friends out?


Jesus Christ, they can't help themselves can they? Here's the last one, 3 years ago - 55% voted to change it. I wonder if it's the same 55% voting to change it again? :D



As well as 2018 and 2014, they've also changed it in 2008, 1997, 1995, 1993, 1989, 1980 and 1973. I'm not sure whether its impatience, delusion, inferiority or what.


In contrast, Saints have only made tiny cosmetic changes to the club's badge since original introduction in 1973 (eg putting the design into a circle - and then retaining part of that circle ever since, or adding a circle or shield shape to host the main design, making it monochrome or, the only actual change to the overall design, amending the ball to be 32 panel rather than 18 for copyright reasons.) So basically retaining the same "halo/ball/scarf/shield/tree/flower/waves/scroll" motif throughout whilst Portsmouth have changed theirs nine times.

Jesus Christ, they can't help themselves can they? Here's the last one, 3 years ago - 55% voted to change it. I wonder if it's the same 55% voting to change it again? :D



As well as 2018 and 2014, they've also changed it in 2008, 1997, 1995, 1993, 1989, 1980 and 1973. I'm not sure whether its impatience, delusion, inferiority or what.


In contrast, Saints have only made tiny cosmetic changes to the club's badge since original introduction in 1973 (eg putting the design into a circle - and then retaining part of that circle ever since, or adding a circle or shield shape to host the main design, making it monochrome or, the only actual change to the overall design, amending the ball to be 32 panel rather than 18 for copyright reasons.) So basically retaining the same "halo/ball/scarf/shield/tree/flower/waves/scroll" motif throughout whilst Portsmouth have changed theirs nine times.


It because they are w ankers nothing more nothing less


Very clever how they pretend that it will be the fans voting choice,but really it is down to the advisory panel to put a choice to the board.

No6 is straight from Jake and the Pirates lol.

Somebody needs to photoshop that one and put a W at the top of the anchor.

Posted (edited)

I actually laughed out loud at number 6.


I’d expect something like that if you gave the task to 6yo kids

Edited by whelk

Voted six and slated the rest. They've made it pretty laborious to get through the voting so will take some serious nutjobbery to swing it in our favour.

Do you remember lovely Penny and that dive...well she has just been promoted in for Priti Patel...Splash
Excellently titled article in the guardian - new minister is Brexit unafraid to make a splash.


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Do you remember lovely Penny and that dive...well she has just been promoted in for Priti Patel...Splash


The woman who gave a whole new meaning to "wardrobe moment"

Voted six and slated the rest. They've made it pretty laborious to get through the voting so will take some serious nutjobbery to swing it in our favour.


Yeah, I started and gave up after a couple of minutes. They're only going to ignore it and pick the one they want anyway.

I'm pretty sure one of the Eisners is promoting number 6.


I see they are also just three points off the playoffs again.


And 2 points off 15th.

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