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McInnes is the chairman and he did indeed say it. It got a big laugh from the Neanderthals at the BBC fans forum at Fratton Park. He really doesn't come across as professional at all... its lunatics running the asylum.


I want to say I can't believe that. But I can. Such a lack of class that side if the M27

(Ted Bates booing)


"If money was no object, which player would you bring to Pompey?"


McIness: "Ruben Reid" (to much laughter)

Paul Cook: "I wouldn't sign him!"

McIness: "Andy [Awford] said that and he got sacked!"




Not impressed on POL either


Is McInnes pished? He's slurring, making comments about Peter Storey, calling previous owners crooks. He is coming over as unprofessional and out of control.


McInnes really needs to button it now and again....well, a bit more than now and again.


Sorry but, as a chairman, its embarrassing.


Let mark Catlin do and talk about the club. He is articulate and doesn't venture into cheap gags


Ego maniac IMO. Very sad. As Chairman he should show a bit of decorum, the comments about Andy were out of order really.


He needs to shut up . A chairman can't make jokes about a fellow clubs supporter being killed live on the radio . He's been behaving in a disgraceful manor tonight.


The shame of it is that he appears to have let his own success in the business world go to his swede.


people would be up in arms if Ralph Krueger has said the same thing about us.



There are a few comments from the skullheads who found the comments hilarious, McIness is a legend innit for killing scummaz but most of the comments seem fairly reasonable.


But don't worry folks, they haven't forgotten about us


Like Andrew Moon I cringed at McInnes over the top comments,chances are the ponies weren't listening but those who read this forum will be adding it to their mega thread.




Stuff their mega thread. It's only the total dinlos left on it now anyway.


Dinlos?? I think the word this skate was looking for is nutjob


Meanwhile, our old friend Corporate Ho has been peddling a few Portsmyths again


But how do we build a new stadium at a cost of around £50m without crippling the club like scum did?

Not impressed on POL either


There are a few comments from the skullheads who found the comments hilarious, McIness is a legend innit for killing scummaz but most of the comments seem fairly reasonable.


But don't worry folks, they haven't forgotten about us







Those are mostly fair comments. I did listen to most of the Solent broadcast. I think Catlin and Cook are doing a decent job for them but McInnes is a liability. He has got that alkie slur and loss of awareness of boundaries. I imagine he thinks he is unsackable because hes put money in, but they'd be better off with one of the other presidents in the chair.


So, this new stadium that "crippled" us.... Will that be the same stadium (aka infrastructure) that made us a viable proposition for serious investors thus ultimately being a key factor in turning around our fortunes?


Maybe we should have taken a leave out of Pompey:s book and "crippled" the club by overspending on players we couldn't afford instead?



Seriously considering writing a letter of complaint. Absolutely out of order for someone in his position to make such a poor taste comment

I'm slightly surprised the local media haven't made more of it TBH.


A saints fan dying at their ground? - Top banter!

Like booing a dead man in front of his family was just banter.



One bloke has the right idea - look east and wave them goodbye Ted, leave them as a little blip in history, wave them goodbye....


You might as well write and complain just to waste a bit of their time that could otherwise be spent so successfully running their club.


Not even halfway through that Fan's Forum, it's absolutely ridiculous. Players are apparently freezing when they play for Pompey, weighed down by the enormity of the occasion playing in front on "18-19,000 passionate fans". Additionally, apparently everywhere they go everyone wants to beat Pompey.


It's real sick bucket stuff. McInnes is utterly classless which, ironically, suits the knuckle-dragging, delusional, sister-bothering, cretinous weirdos to a tee.


F()ck me listening to that really does re-ignite your hatred for them. Can only hope we play them at somepoint soon.


Wow. Just heard the McInnes comment. I've no doubt he didn't mean it, my theory is that he's just a soft-as-sh1te porkster who likes a drink and is in all honesty, thoroughly scared of the audience of neanderthals - hence why he made those moronic comments in some kind of weird, vain attempt to pander to them.


The fact it was also totally and despicably unprofessional and nasty is another matter altogether.


i have just listened to McInnes and whilst it was done to play up to the fans, should not the Council safety officer not be a tad concerned that pieces of masonry are falling off and McInnes own words it might kill someone?


I think this thread needs to get used to the idea that PFC are going to be contenders this season. Personally I think the best we can hope for is some kind of play-offs choke, ideally at semi-final stage.

I think this thread needs to get used to the idea that PFC are going to be contenders this season. Personally I think the best we can hope for is some kind of play-offs choke, ideally at semi-final stage.


I don't begrudge them that, they've been down there long enough (looking from a purely footballing basis, not "cheating the local businesses pov)

Great result. Need to see them promoted this season to keep the interest levels up. Play up Pompey!


We should all lump on so we have an excuse to cheer them on each week. They would love that.

Great result. Need to see them promoted this season to keep the interest levels up. Play up Pompey!


Relegated would up my interest far more but I'll settle for them choking the play offs :-)

Yay I am part of a mega thread.

Welcome to the nutjob clan. Only 6402 more posts and you'll be up there with Lord Trousers. :thumbup:

Actually, by that time you'll need a few thousand more to keep up.


Talking of which...


Great result. Need to see them promoted this season to keep the interest levels up. Play up Pompey!


:scared: Steady on, old chap. Let's not get carried away. If relegation is out of the question, I'll also go along with the heartbreaking playoff loss. Forget semi-finals, a penalty shoot out failure in the final would be suitably agonising I think, as well as keeping this epic thread humming along nicely.

I don't begrudge them that, they've been down there long enough (looking from a purely footballing basis, not "cheating the local businesses pov)

You've just come out of a time machine and posted this 100 years in the future, right?

I think this thread needs to get used to the idea that PFC are going to be contenders this season. Personally I think the best we can hope for is some kind of play-offs choke, ideally at semi-final stage.


I think it's been widely accepted over the past few months that they will probably be promoted this season. They bloody should be anyway. Hence I stuck £20 on it just to soften the blow slightly.


HMS Victory is less than 20% original wood now and the guns are made of fibre glass, but other than that it's lovely.

Reminds me of a football team that is living on past glories from previous centuries and occasionally slaps Aldi emulsion on the cracks to keep up appearances.

Nice touch the EA Sports ground thing. Something sadly lacking from the entire Pompey midfield.


Just for a millisecond I thought Rodney Parade might be on there too.


If it ain't happening this season I'm pretty sure it ain't happening at all, cos they're never doing the grounds for the National League.


On the bright side, we can all play as Saints at a proper Fratton and stuff them many times instead of having to pick one of the other ramshackle tinpot lower league pretend sheds.

Posted (edited)


wtf is wrong with them? They think they won the world war by themselves now?


The thing with psychological gee ups is that they need to ring true with the reader. "Go play for Pompey because some people from here (no more or less than other places) died 100 years ago and you owe them" isn't a winner. If people smell manipulation you get less commitment to the cause not more. PUP

Edited by buctootim
Posted (edited)
wtf is wrong with them? They think they won the world war by themselves now?


The thing with psychological gee ups is that they need to ring true with the reader. "Go play for Pompey because some people from here (no more or less than other places) died 100 years ago and you owe them" isn't a winner. If people smell manipulation you get less commitment to the cause not more. PUP


What a load of f()cking t0ss. People went to war from Southampton, Preston, Gibraltar, India... don't see Sachin Tendulkar daubing the walls of the stadium in Kochi reminding them of the absolute thousands who fought for the empire...


Oh and if that isn't sick inducing enough, it wasn't even Alan Ball's actual quote;


It's a great idea, and is every bit as iconic and inspiring as the "This is Anfield" sign in the tunnel at Liverpool's ground. However, I think, at the risk of being called pedantic, it would have been nice if they had quoted Ballie properly. he actually said. that Portsmouth "is a tough, street-fighting city, and they send people to war from here" I do however applaud the sentiment, and agree whole-heartedly that the players and staff should find all the inspiration they need in that tunnel. All credit to the club for doing this, and thanks to one of our "greats" for the quote, which is every bit as relevant today as it ever was.....PLAY UP, POMPEY
Edited by Crab Lungs
It's a great idea, and is every bit as iconic and inspiring as the "This is Anfield" sign in the tunnel at Liverpool's ground.


Really, do behave yourself


Personally I hope some masonry falls off the tunnel ceiling and kills somebody from Portsmouth. Kills them. Dead. Ahahaha wouldn't that be so funny hahaha a haha haha a hahaha oh why can't I be a chief executive I've got the brains for it.

What actually is the capacity of Krap Nottarf as the pet Skate claimed it was sold out Saturday but only 16K there.


They had just under 17k and there is no way it was sold out.



A skate just sent this. He genuinely thinks it's going to happen, bless him.


Cute, I'm sure the fact that this would cost more then the stadium they believe we couldn't afford when in the Premier League, and that that they would have to do it on League 2 income is simply not a hindering factor.



A skate just sent this. He genuinely thinks it's going to happen, bless him.

They are ****ing hilarious aren't they? [rhetorical].


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