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Interesting tactic from the News reporters.


Now that Awford has banned the players from talking post-match drivel with the News for Neil Allen and co to write up for three days after each game, the reporters are scouring the opposition websites for comment instead! Enterprising job protection operation by Allen and the boys...




Very rare.

Just deleted my own proposed post for legal reasons.


Don't worry, it was just the usual old bitter twaddle blended with facts and social comment. :)

Very rare.

Just deleted my own proposed post for legal reasons.


Don't worry, it was just the usual old bitter twaddle blended with facts and social comment. :)


I am interested to know now what you had put down


Let's hope they don't need to rattle those buckets any more any time soon as it doesn't appear that your average Skate has a lot of cash to spare:




Although, with their #1 typical profession being sitting around at home or in the garden, I'm not that surprised.


Maybe if they get into trouble again they could tap us up for a few quid:



Very rare.

Just deleted my own proposed post for legal reasons.


Don't worry, it was just the usual old bitter twaddle blended with facts and social comment. :)


I hope that wasn't the bitterness of a jealous Saints supporter caused by unfavourably comparing their fan owned business model and their bestest most passionatist fans with our desperate hopeless position


Congratulations to everyone at the Fortress of Fat - recognition at last, it's World Toilet Day!

And if that celebration isn't in association with their lovely ground then it would still be an apt day to get flushed to the bottom of the south coast by Aldershot.




Space 1999?

Currently I believe the space is approx 75 league positions.

Congratulations to everyone at the Fortress of Fat - recognition at last, it's World Toilet Day!

And if that celebration isn't in association with their lovely ground then it would still be an apt day to get flushed to the bottom of the south coast by Aldershot.




Space 1999?

Currently I believe the space is approx 75 league positions.


Thank you RB for another lol at the expense of the phew. Hopefully they will be taking delivery of another generous instalment of karma tonight

Skate shirt selling for three times what a Liverpool shirt went for? Some people have more money than sense.


There is no guarantee they've paid for it of course...


The News's sycophantic relationship with the Trust is not only unhealthy in terms of journalistic ethics but actually dangerous to the long-term health of PFC. :) A local newspaper by all means should praise, when praise is due, but it must also feel free to criticise and probe when things aren't quite what they seem and this the News are blatantly not doing. They have been quite liberal in recently damning local clubs such as Gosport etc but are reluctant or even too scared to question McInnes and his band of chums or even put them under the critical spotlight. This means the club is allowed to flounder on while pulling the wool over the eyes of the myopic fanbase as they both hurtle to the trapdoor that says permanent oblivion.


As this thread now enters the home straight to a 100,000 posts I predict plenty more entertainment emanating from our fishy outpost along the M27 made even more enjoyable by Neil Allen and Co's tugging of the forelock.

Posted (edited)
I would like to propose that Fitzhugh Fella has the honour of having the 100,000 post as he started this roller coaster ride,


That's only right and proper and thanks to all past and present PTS contributers for all the lols, hopefully there will be plenty more to come as the phew continue to collect further instalments on their long overdue karma

Edited by Waterside.saint
Corrected acronym
For those that haven't realised Aldershots cup final is live on BT sport tonight.


Cheers. Masterchef the Professionals is on at 8pm and then The Apprentice so might put the game on record for the lolz in case they lose and will delete if they win.


Sorry, that probably means I fail my seasoned PTS thread exam!

I would like to propose that Fitzhugh Fella has the honour of having the 100,000 post as he started this roller coaster ride,



Thanks, an honour but one I feel should go to Rally Boy who has consistently made us all laugh.

I would like to propose that Fitzhugh Fella has the honour of having the 100,000 post as he started this roller coaster ride,


Agreed. May be the mods should stop it at 99,999 to make sure nobody else inadvertently tips it over.


Steady on Nutjobs!


I am not worthy, it was FF who gave me life...he put the wind in my sails, he created the babbling brook in which I swim, he painted the clouds across the sky and allowed me to spread my wings, it was him that took me to a busy badger set and handed me an AK47, he drove me to Horton Heath and tucked a grubby tenner in my Y-fronts - I am but nothing without his vision and the opportunity he created....

All that, and the fact that he got a good tip off many moons ago and shared it with us.






Come on you Shots!!!

Has anyone considered that they *might* sort themselves out before we reach 100000 and become a humble well-run example to us all?



Based on the evidence thus far it doesn't look that promising does it...


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Has anyone considered that they *might* sort themselves out before we reach 100000 and become a humble well-run example to us all?







Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Corp ho to return for 100k? (Or tal ben haim's monthly pay packet as it used to be known on the septic isle).


Good shout.


Come on Corpy, we know you still read this - Come and say hi


Highly amusing fact alert. Since losing to Chelsea in the final in 2010 Pompey, have won a grand total of zero FA Cup matches. So, if they do manage to sneak a victory against the Shots this evening, it will be a hugely significant and historic turnaround in their fortunes.

Highly amusing fact alert. Since losing to Chelsea in the final in 2010 Pompey, have won a grand total of zero FA Cup matches. So, if they do manage to sneak a victory against the Shots this evening, it will be a hugely significant and historic turnaround in their fortunes.


Happily, Aldershot have won both their last two games (one home, one away) whilst the phew lost their only match since then 0-3 to mighty Argle. Come on you 'Shots

Happily, Aldershot have won both their last two games (one home, one away) whilst the phew lost their only match since then 0-3 to mighty Argle. Come on you 'Shots
i assume that the 250000 fans who were on Southsea common and unable to travel to Aldershot will be on the bridges leading into Portsmouth with banners and flags welcoming home their conquering heroes if they win tonight
Has anyone considered that they *might* sort themselves out before we reach 100000 and become a humble well-run example to us all?



feckin behave your self waterboy,:scared:

The News's sycophantic relationship with the Trust is not only unhealthy in terms of journalistic ethics but actually dangerous to the long-term health of PFC. :) A local newspaper by all means should praise, when praise is due, but it must also feel free to criticise and probe when things aren't quite what they seem and this the News are blatantly not doing. They have been quite liberal in recently damning local clubs such as Gosport etc but are reluctant or even too scared to question McInnes and his band of chums or even put them under the critical spotlight. This means the club is allowed to flounder on while pulling the wool over the eyes of the myopic fanbase as they both hurtle to the trapdoor that says permanent oblivion.


As this thread now enters the home straight to a 100,000 posts I predict plenty more entertainment emanating from our fishy outpost along the M27 made even more enjoyable by Neil Allen and Co's tugging of the forelock.

You make that sound like a bad thing!

Agreed. May be the mods should stop it at 99,999 to make sure nobody else inadvertently tips it over.

Good call. Don't know if they can actually stop nut jobs posting, but the mods can delete all the inane posts that may appear at 100,000 and after, reserving the 100,000th slot for one of the nut job giants.


FF and RB are being very modest, but one of them, or Trousers, should have the honour. FF for being the father of this thread of course, and RB and Lord T for being between them responsible for about 50% of the posts, without which we'd be nowhere near this historic landmark. :o


One idea is for the above mentioned nut jobs (and maybe others!) to submit to the mods their contribution of wit and wisdom for the historic post, and the mods to combine them and post it themselves.


Failing that, feel free to cut and paste this. ;)



Funniest thing with scum was how they told us no-one's interested in the FA Cup anymore, it's a devalued competition, no-one cares about winning it etc and then when their manager fielded a weakened team in it last season and they got knocked out they all went bat ****


Did we? I must have missed that. Or is Corpy coming up with more portsmyths


And he has a message for us nutjobs


I assume the scummers on "that" thread will be writing to David Conn/ the FL/ FA/ David Icke about Bury overspending and cheating their way to whatever it is the scummers are obsessed with now


Perhaps the 100,000th post should be a collection of Corp Ho's greatest posts


So BT have a skate commentator. Skate summariser. Skate pannelist. I don't think I can bear to listen to 90 mins of self-congratulatory bulls hit.


Volume off.


C'mon you Shots.


BTW. Brett Williams no.9, ex-Eastleigh, is the Saints fan.

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