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With all the saints goings on that still get endless headlines during a world cup, I'd forgotten all about old pompey.


What have they done this summer? Spent lots? Signed another 15 players for the big league 2 promotion push? I'll check the league table in March and see how that's going.


This will be the ultimate victory, completely forgetting that the grotty little cesspool of a club exists.


our new hated team is Liverpool now anyway ;)

have Real Madrid not signed Jed Wallace yet?




Don't be stupid Hatch - Why on earth would you sign for Real Madrid when you could sign for the blue few.


I did wonder at the time, how much that the "Incentives" for him to sign would have cost them, but then I remembered they have pots of cash + parachute payments + Tesco's + penalty spot sales.


of course Madrid haven't signed him.

The highly-rated midfielder will have turned his back on a host of offers from Premier League clubs, declined the chance of Champions' League football and sensibly pledged his future to plucky pompey - who will in turn have spurned the advances of several European giants and fought off competition to retain the services of the future England international, allowing him to lead them to promotion glory.

And bestest of all, those 'facts' can all be shoehorned into paragraphs of eight words.


That's 2 shock Factless exclusives in a week. They promise to stick to their budget, plus they train and don't punch each other. Says so much about what's gone before...

Still 17/24 of the Pompey Match Reporter packages left which is completely baffling. You'd think the local 'females' woud be selling their false teeth to have the chance of sitting next to award winning journalist and all round man-hunk Neil Allen.


You're forgetting that he's not from the Island of Doctor Moreau (high time that one was revived I think), so the chances of him being a sufficiently close relative are just too low.


Could we use the money from the sale of lalanna and buy the skates and just use them as a feeder club........just for ****s and kicks :-). Obviously buy them anonamously then once completed re brand them.


With a career win ratio of 23% and average of 1.02 points per game, you can see why. Odds are he could keep you up most seasons.

With a career win ratio of 23% and average of 1.02 points per game, you can see why. Odds are he could keep you up most seasons.


Are you sure? 50pts gets you relegated from the 4th Division most seasons. that's more than 1.02 ave.


how can you have a hissy fit when nothing is happening?

You really need to save your attention-seeking outrage and childish moral stances for match threads - or transfer discussions.


Exit from Rio today. Four years ago in South Africa I saw a fair few Pompey flags and met a number of their fans but not so many Saints fans. Big turn around this time. Not come across one Pompey fan but met loads of Saints fans. How times change.


(Should that be five paragraphs?)

how can you have a hissy fit when nothing is happening?

You really need to save your attention-seeking outrage and childish moral stances for match threads - or transfer discussions.


He was leaving the forum and shutting it down honest he was! Err except no he wasn't, in fact he is still going to be involved in running it he just wanted a load of posts begging him to stay.

What's happened there then?


Some posters were annoyed because they were fed up of being asked for money and being made to feel bad for not donating. Others said they shouldn't complain about something like that and a big argument ensued. Pompeyscot lost it when someone said they were annoyed about him continually threatening to close down the forum :lol:


I would say Pompey is the gift that keeps on giving. But in reality they are the charity case that keeps on taking.


Maybe the good folk of POL could buy their own virtual server or rent out their Mod slots to fund the site?

The "best pompey mum" and "best pompey dad" shirts could create all sorts of confusion and problems :-o


Do they sell 'brotherdaddy' and 'sistermummy' shirts too?

Posted (edited)

Oh dear even Leyton Orient have just been bought by an Italian multi millionaire. Surely he missed the outstanding super bestest biggest fan owedclub in the world, as an investment not to be missed. Or in their case, just as attractive as genital warts....

Although not Saints related I thought, today of all days, this news (which has just come to me from an excellent well-placed source in P*mpey) deserves a position on the main forum. I am told news of the collapse will officially emerge in the next few days.

This is not a wind-up. I don't usually "do" gloating but with the mod's permission can I indulge myself just a little?


Perhaps today (July 8th) should now be made a public holiday in Hants.


Happy 5 Years to all my fellow Nutjobs.


Five years?

This thread has more history than the current company AFCpompeyphoenix2013PDTbeggingcharityincorporated.org.

Happy anniversary you bedwetting nutjobs, let it go, there's nothing to see here, as one infamous poster said two takeovers ago. :lol:


What a delicious counterpoint this has provided to our own rise. We are now more financially well off then at any other point in our history and they have forever created their own hell with a structure that will ensure they will never be anything more then a low level championship team at very, very best.


Happy half-decade Nutjobs.


Five glorious years..Us, this thread and the plummet of the few to a more fitting league position. If we could just get p*ssflaps locked up then it would be perfect....perhaps Theo could file a historical complaint :D


Happy Anniversary Saints fans...and to Mack who has seen it all through with humour. Particular good wishes to FF for starting this, Rallyboy for adding to the comedy that this thread already brings and to Trousers and the techies (sounds like a sixties band) who seek out and post the snippets from the obscurer sources for our delectation and derision!

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