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why specifically 16-17 year olds?


Because then it is classed as 'youth training' or 'apprenticeship' so they don't have to pay them minimum wage.


Who would have thought the dirty skates would find a way around the country's tax laws ;)

£35 'contribution' I assume is to cover the climbing of the walls in Dorset.


Otherwise it seems they are getting a load of kids together to brainwash them, teach them the hard sale/begging tactics, then send them out across portsea to aggressively seek more donations into the black hole.


Yep, I think that's the way this community club works :scared:


I guess it's one way to spend your summer holidays. Personally, I found actually earning some money whilst at work more appealing at that age. I wonder which evil Fagin of an "Engagement Manager" dreamed that one up.


how many more times is the deadline to buy 'shares' going to be extended?


Do the people who originally 'bought shares' realise that in very simple terms - with every extension, their percentage of ownership in something that they don't own, but that holds an ever-reducing percentage in a football club that they have minority voting rights in and little control over, reduces?


To put it another way, if you and ten other people shared a cake, if you then introduced another ten people to the party, your slice gets smaller.



Not that they get a slice.

Cos the cake is owned by property developers.

Had a look at the Pompey Education Centre on streetview - looks a classy installation


Pompey Education Center is that like one of those old Communist Re-education Center's "You will give all your money to PFC"


Come on Rallyboy, tell us a little bit about yourself, you are eloquent, funny and so accurate with your analogies. Just a sniff of the job or daily grind.

Come on Rallyboy, tell us a little bit about yourself, you are eloquent, funny and so accurate with your analogies. Just a sniff of the job or daily grind.


This smells of fish "tell us who you are and we will come and get you"


Pedro is a skate fish fiddler

how many more times is the deadline to buy 'shares' going to be extended?


Do the people who originally 'bought shares' realise that in very simple terms - with every extension, their percentage of ownership in something that they don't own, but that holds an ever-reducing percentage in a football club that they have minority voting rights in and little control over, reduces?


To put it another way, if you and ten other people shared a cake, if you then introduced another ten people to the party, your slice gets smaller.



Not that they get a slice.

Cos the cake is owned by property developers.


And there was me thinking that "Community Club" meant Pompey giving something back to the community, not voraciously milking it for all it's worth... I wonder how many of those kids will actually turn up for week 2 once they realize the life skills they will be acquiring consist of how to leaflet the high street and how to persuade your Nan to part with a tenner.


I've seen the schedule for the 16-7 year olds course. Looks brilliant.


Week four of the course is a lovely singing competition between all the kids involved.


The final is on Thursday, with the three winning kids taken away on Friday to have hot wax poured into their eyes before being sent off out into Gunwharf Quay with a cardboard sign and a song in their heart.


Great to see the South Coast Premier sports journalist still has the writing skills of a 5 year old...


"We are aware there is a number of fans who have been wanting to contribute to our community club but have perhaps found raising the funds to buy a community share or in a part share a bit too onerous".

"We are aware there is a number of fans who have been wanting to contribute to our community club but have perhaps found raising the funds to buy a community share or in a part share a bit too onerous".


I wanted to buy Saints when we were in administration, but I found it a bit too 'onerous' too. No bugger helped me.

And there was me thinking that "Community Club" meant Pompey giving something back to the community, not voraciously milking it for all it's worth... I wonder how many of those kids will actually turn up for week 2 once they realize the life skills they will be acquiring consist of how to leaflet the high street and how to persuade your Nan to part with a tenner.


LOL, excellent point. £35 for the first week is fair value, then I think you're right there will be lots of upset tummies on portsea preventing Alfie and the gang from doing their community work and delivering 10,000 leaflets (per child).


'Crowdfunding' ... lol


Who are they honestly trying to kid with this ?


Its a cynical plot to set up the bestest.. when the money for the roko development fails to materialise, in step the PDT with the secured loan chequebook to further dilute the pst shareholding.


Remember, in the words of the trust the value of your share will never increase, though at the same time the value of your share may decrease


LOL :mcinnes:



About a quid from everyone on Southsea Common then. Can't be that hard.



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The city of Portsmouth has two major sources of pride as the home of the Royal Navy and Portsmouth FC. Football in Portsmouth is regarded as more than just a game.Our club is unique in English football – and you only have to meet the characters who make up this wonderful club to see that.

It’s an integral part of our community. The support the team receives through thick and thin is spellbinding. Football luminaries including Sir Alex Ferguson, Thierry Henry and Ronaldinho have publicly stated their admiration for the amazing atmosphere they experienced at Fratton Park.



A few years ago, we had a taste of what could be, winning trophies, playing in Europe against AC Milan – things many of us thought would never happen. But as we all know, it came at great cost.

Yes, it's more commonly known as "cheating".

Our vision is to return Portsmouth FC to where we belong, at the top table in English football

portsmyth no.836. The support the team receives through thick and thin is spellbinding


Er, no it isn't, check out the unsold seats when they tried to pack-the-park. :lol:

It only sells out when big clubs go there, clubs like Milan, and Southampton.


And don't tell me 15,000 is good for League Two - yes it is....

Just as it would be if West Ham, Newcastle, Leeds, and all the other clubs that live in the shadow of the bestest played at that level.

But those little clubs can't compete with the plucky blue army, oh no.

Nor can Boca Juniors, or Poznan, or Galatasary, or Celtic etc.


Because the little cross-eyed minnow pompey is the club that claims to be the best supported in world football.

Empty seats don't support the claim, but I'm sure that their support through thick and thin is spellbinding!




And if they are so on track with funding, why are they dragging in scabby tatted chavs to beg for £250K?

Come on Rallyboy, tell us a little bit about yourself, you are eloquent, funny and so accurate with your analogies. Just a sniff of the job or daily grind.


Rallyboy is Neil Allen's alter ego.


I know I am only a tight fisted not coughed up a fiver member but it is beyond belief when the adds on here are for Portsmouth football club and there teach the kids how to rip of your granny for the summer


Mods you have to sort that out a Saints site with Skate adverts all over it.


£250,000 in 61 days. Will be interesting to see how long they stay on target of almost £4,100 a day. And what happens if, perish the thought, they don't make it over the line.



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I might donate £25, get my own square metre of turf, then ban them from using it


Ah you made the basic mistake of thinking that you get something for your money. It's a donation and once the money leaves your hand you can go home and wait until the next time the begging bowl comes out.


You should much rather buy a "share" and drag them to court for misleading you ;)


Pledge £10,000 Limited (1 left of 1)


Be a Portsmouth Squad Member for 2014/15


Once in a lifetime opportunity and they don’t come very often. Be an official Portsmouth FC squad member for 2014/15 season and enjoy all the benefits that come with it. + Your Virtual Square Metre.


Turf sale not going well?

Need to promote your latest begging campaign and conjure up the tears of hope spirit again?


We must be due another heartwarming car-wash/cycle ride tale anyday - no doubt starring a young and defiant, plucky rosy-cheeked street urchin with a penchant for right wing extremism and shameless self-publicity.


It might be just a dirty square of island turf to other clubs, but this modest piece of u**** grass, this small Suffolk Punch-dodging piece of England, this tear-stained sod of grassy hope, it says more about the turfy pride of the mighty blue city than lesser grass ever could!

Just one square on it's own is barely big enough to sustain an old corner flag.

But when gathered with many it will have the strength of a mighty field!


Anyone remember the legend that was Corpy & his deluded new Manager/Signings promises on here....


Getting very worried that he has infiltrated all our more established users and is now inhabiting the Main Board on here and placing 5 quid bets on our new manager then ROFL'ing at our delusions...




Anyone remember the legend that was Corpy & his deluded new Manager/Signings promises on here....


Getting very worried that he has infiltrated all our more established users and is now inhabiting the Main Board on here and placing 5 quid bets on our new manager then ROFL'ing at our delusions...




I found this post in my history about good old Corp and some of his best whoppers in recent times.



A compilation of quotes from our MIA Pompey hero Corporate Ho, and a lookback on his Nostradamus-like predictions of all things football.


About Sulaiman al Fahim, and his 2009 Pompey takeover...


...wouldn't be surprised to see Maradona acting as some sort of "ambassador" (call it what you want) for PFC as he is allegedly quite good friends with Al Fahim.


There was an interesting quote in the arab press when he was interviewed about buying the club. He said, "I've not just bought a football club, I've bought a city". Leaving aside your infantile jokes that will no doubt follow that, it's interesting. Given that his background is in property development I suspect that he's going to leverage the goodwill he'll generate from the council to make money from property development once the market picks up. He's already said he's in this for the long haul so there's no quick buck.


I can't believe, given how important status is in the Arab world, that he'd go ahead with the deal if he had no cash to spend on the team resulting in relegation.


Look at it this way, the only reason Al Fahim would want us is if we're in the Prem - why would he fail to spend the money necessary to keep us there? It wouldn't make sense. Fans are naturally anxious to see what happens but if the takeover happens (and everything I'm told and read suggests it will) I'm confident we'll have enought o finish at least mid table.


But then, a couple of months into the season, our hero has had a change of opinion somewhat...


I've said from the start of the season that we'd be relegated due to that clown Fahim's actions in the summer so it's not exactly news, is it.


Ali al Faraj enters the fray...


I think you'll also find that I've mentioned a few times on here that I've been told that he has backing from a branch of the Saudi royal family.


Incidentally, given how secretive Faraj has been it's amazing to see how many papers are intimately aware of his plans, don't you think? Also, how amazing that all these people should be allegedly interested in investing in Pompey when everyone on here told me we'd struggle to find investors.


About Saints Youth Academy...

One question about your youth academy. If it's so good, how come the players it's producing weren't even good enough to keep you in the championship? The ones I saw (and I'm not trolling here) looked lower league standard at best. Presumably they were the cream of the crop too?


About the value of Fratton Park...

Expansion of Fratton to 30,000 is covered by funding from Tesco to build a supermarket on land adjacent to the ground owned by PFC. Well documented. A new stadium would cost far more (if it ever happens) but it's also been widely reported that if we were to build a new stadium at Horsea then the FA would contribute towards the costs. Who knows if that will ever happen.


Cost of redeveloping Fratton has been reported as £22m which sounds about right to me. New stadium builds tend to cost around £2m per seat (ie a 30K stadium would cost around £60m) so an increase in capacity of 10,000 for £22m sounds right. Tesco have been reported as willing to pay around 70% of this cost. That would leave Pompey to find around £6.5.


IF (big if) Horsea ever did get the go ahead then you're right, we'd probably get around £10m for the land Fratton stands on. Seems like a decent deal all round.

I found this post in my history about good old Corp and some of his best whoppers in recent times.



A compilation of quotes from our MIA Pompey hero Corporate Ho, and a lookback on his Nostradamus-like predictions of all things football.


About Sulaiman al Fahim, and his 2009 Pompey takeover...










But then, a couple of months into the season, our hero has had a change of opinion somewhat...




Ali al Faraj enters the fray...




About Saints Youth Academy...



About the value of Fratton Park...


D_P Shoots.


The Kraken Scores.


Epic post


I do miss the good old days on this site. They really are starting to get boringly sensible these days.

On a separate note - how sh!te is Scottish football if Premier League teams are taking Skate rejects. (I hope we don't get Lennon - anything other than winning all trophies with Celtic is abject failure)


Pledge £100 Sold out

Your column in a match day programme

Write your own column in a match day programme for one of the games of the 2014/15 season + Your Virtual Square Metre

23 fanfunders


This would be amazing, if only we could submit a column without editing.

There was an interesting quote in the arab press when he was interviewed about buying the club. He said, "I've not just bought a football club, I've bought a city". Leaving aside your infantile jokes that will no doubt follow that, it's interesting. Given that his background is in property development I suspect that he's going to leverage the goodwill he'll generate from the council to make money from property development once the market picks up. He's already said he's in this for the long haul so there's no quick buck.


Hes going to leverage the goodwill he'll generate from the council to make money from property development once the market picks up.




Expansion of Fratton to 30,000 is covered by funding from Tesco to build a supermarket on land adjacent to the ground owned by PFC. Well documented. A new stadium would cost far more (if it ever happens) but it's also been widely reported that if we were to build a new stadium at Horsea then the FA would contribute towards the costs. Who knows if that will ever happen.


Cost of redeveloping Fratton has been reported as £22m which sounds about right to me. New stadium builds tend to cost around £2m per seat (ie a 30K stadium would cost around £60m) so an increase in capacity of 10,000 for £22m sounds right. Tesco have been reported as willing to pay around 70% of this cost. That would leave Pompey to find around £6.5.


IF (big if) Horsea ever did get the go ahead then you're right, we'd probably get around £10m for the land Fratton stands on. Seems like a decent deal all round.


Brilliant, the maths, the myths.. maybe we were too hard on Corpy, if the going rate for a new 30K stadium normally costs £60,000,000,000, yet he can get it done for £60,000,000, then he is a genius. In fact, he should advise Cortese.


Expansion of Fratton to 30,000 is covered by funding from Tesco to build a supermarket on land adjacent to the ground owned by PFC. Well documented.


Enjoy your significantly reduced car park and new hotdog stall you deluded skate c*nt.


PMSL :mcinnes:

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