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@pn_neil_allen: RT @iepeach: If you're a #pompey fan then please read this letter I received today. It should warm your heart.



Couple of weeks wages for one player sorted for next season then!

@pn_neil_allen: RT @iepeach: If you're a #pompey fan then please read this letter I received today. It should warm your heart.



With my cynical head on, any JCL could have written this. Be prepared for plenty more of this drivel to be drip fed to the phew over the coming months, as encouragement to continue pledging.


Wouldn't this kind person have been better off donating the 5 grand to their local hospital to help with the backlog of operations that built up due to Pompey evading £60m tax payments?


2 weeks wages for a league 2 footballer or a life changing operation? Hmmm, tricky one that...


I notice the letter writer also thinks the FA have anything to do with this.


Another one who has a good reason for not packing the park as well, I see.


He/she's either loaded or mental or both.

Personally I think fair play to the old chap.


Me too. One of my best mate's dad is a Pompey fan and is a wonderful committed proper football fan.

Personally I think fair play to the old chap.


Call me a "cynical old ****"...because I am a cynical old ****...but I'd have to say just more p*rtsMYTH.


Nice heartwarming "look at us we're special" story and shame other skates into investing. At the end of the day only a small percentage of their fans have actually pledged/paid up and they need significantly more financial input to make it viable or the "bestest" will have to start finding more excuses for staying away.


I mean, It wouldn't be like them to make things up...


Amazing that the person failed to put their name and address on it, not very old school. I would normally expect that old habits die hard and the address would have been added. Amazing all the positive points to pull at the heartstrings are in the letter, you'd have almost have thought it was the script of an entrant of X-factor ( I was going to put Britains got talent but realised we were talking Pompey)

Posted (edited)
Amazing that the person failed to put their name and address on it, not very old school. I would normally expect that old habits die hard and the address would have been added. Amazing all the positive points to pull at the heartstrings are in the letter, you'd have almost have thought it was the script of an entrant of X-factor ( I was going to put Britains got talent but realised we were talking Pompey)


It was completely anonymous according to the chap who tweeted it... they even went as far as sending a 'counter cheque' rather than a personal cheque...


I think the letter says the first game they went to was "Easter Monday 1946".... I haven't found any fixtures for that date yet (22nd April)...(?) The football league proper didn't start again until the following season (after the war ) so maybe it was a friendly fixture...


I'm sure it's all above board....

Edited by trousers
It was completely anonymous according to the chap who tweeted it... they even went as far as sending a 'counter cheque' rather than a personal cheque...


I think the letter says the first game they went to was "Easter Monday 1946".... I haven't found any fixtures for that date yet (22nd April)...(?) The football league proper didn't start again until the following season (after the war ) so maybe it was a friendly fixture...


I'm sure it's all above board....


Oh! come on Mr T, when has anything been above board at the cheats?

It was completely anonymous according to the chap who tweeted it... they even went as far as sending a 'counter cheque' rather than a personal cheque...


I think the letter says the first game they went to was "Easter Monday 1946".... I haven't found any fixtures for that date yet (22nd April)...(?) The football league proper didn't start again until the following season (after the war ) so maybe it was a friendly fixture...


I'm sure it's all above board....


Before everyone gets all dewy eyed lets not forget the cancer charity money Pompey purloined from equally well meaning fans only to use it to pay Dave Kitsons wages for a week....

It was completely anonymous according to the chap who tweeted it... they even went as far as sending a 'counter cheque' rather than a personal cheque...


I'm sure it's all above board....


They're still laundering money, but on a much smaller scale.


Before the meeting started the Conference held a minute's silence in memory of our good friend and Trust Founder Tony Goodall, and also in memory of Jim Riordan whom also did a lot of work in The Trust's infancy.

Steve Tovey opened the meeting by firstly cracking open the champers and some dodgy soft drinks!

After the momentous occasion settled, Steve introduced the Conference to our new C.E.O Mark Catlin.

Mark spoke to remind us all that the hard work has only just begun.

Ashley Brown introduced Micah Hall, who'll be working alongside Mark under the title Engagement Manager.

Micah has been layng the "groundwork" for the last 3 months.

Micah mentioned that there is very little infrastructure in place

How the print at home tickets had cost the club £40k because the ticket provider was having their cake and eating it! so he'll be looking into future ticket provider.


Then Micah gave some insight into Season Ticket prices (fantastic deals for kids) Shareholders to pay less for their Season tickets than last year,a direct debit scheme to be set up,a season ticket available for the matchday magazine. an "away" season ticket, loyalty point type scheme for those travelling regularly to away games, lifetime season ticket holders to be honoured, although a possibility could exist for "lifers" to cash it in for shares! matchday prices, how the ticketing facility can be taken to new levels, marketing ideas amongst a stack of other things. Also, PFC will have the cheapest replica shirts in Professional Football!

the kit deal is more or less done with 3 new kits in the offing, to be ready to go on sale in June!

A digital magazine to be sent out to those on database monthly too, to keep every fan upto date with everything happening at PO4 8RA.

Micah continued. ideally would like to get into schools to show videos of what Portsmouth FC do. an idea would also be for shirt swapping., handing in their Premier League shirts for Pompey ones.

Another idea would be to go around schools with Paul Foley and Cass Pennant!

Micah and Ashley to look into a cash turnstile during the Summer.

also noted was that Mark Catlin and Micah will be earning less than a 1/5th of the last "management team!"




Mick Williams then mentioned that there'll be a "jobs for the boys" backlash. it isn't. it's about utilising peoples skills.


The agenda then ran as follows:

Tom Dearie, Community Ideas. The Original document to be updated.

The pay-for-a-pal scheme to face an overhaul after a number who'd applied for them for the Hermann game failed to pick their tickets up!

Clare Martin had the idea of then using the scheme for Theme days ( 4 - 6 matches) per Season.

Local Businesses are also preparing to support the scheme. The News are going to buy 2 season tickets which they will then advertise. The News will also promote/advertise all the local businesses involved.

The 12th man mascot would be set to re-start.

and "Fans Day" will be set for, hopefully, the first home game of next season!


S.O.S are set to hold a "Victory Parade" from The Guildhall to Fans Day.


Ken Malley. Spoke about the success of the six-a-side tournament. Pitch Invasion closed the competition on 16 teams which raised £800, plus another £52 was also collected on the evening of event. Pitch Invasion are keen to hold the event again, and hopefully it'll become an annual event.

On Monday 24th June a ten pin bowling contest will take place at Bowlplex, Gunwharf. This will hopefully raise around the same amount. looking to charge £20 per participant, with 3 games guaranteed. Hopefully this event to become annual as well.

The money for the first year to be converted into shares, the following years the money raised to go into Academy and Study Centre.


Tom Dearie then mentioned that the taxman (Boo) hit Clare Martin with a V.A.T bill for £1900 for "Flag day" the season before! so, therefore, the first £1900 raised on Fans day is to go back to Clare's department.


Sue Maskell, re Brentford. Sue has obtained videos and photos. Anecdotal evidence discussed between PFC and The Police.

Brentford have a case to answer for the way they handled the match.

Sue also said that Hampshire Police had been very helpful.

Brentford had hired stewards in because their stewards were at Wembley!

Ken Malley said pass the lot to the Supporters Federation who will then take it up with The Police and Clubs.


Vern Rickman, Training Day.

A good day, a very good day according to our Vern. Guy Whittingham and Johnny Ertl were fantastic.

Guy and Johnny Moore to be especially thanked for organising a great day.

Johnny Ertl believes all the players should live within the City, to live and breathe the place in.

A fab day all round (me speaking and thinking aloud.gutted i missed it, need another job!!!)


Johny Moore then spoke about the Hermann game/night. A super night, we don't have to accept the "can't do culture"

a special thanks to Steve Tovey and Tom Dearie.

it's the first ethos of how a community club should/will work.

the money from the night's is safe with Tanya Robbins and Trevor Birch. The match cleared £40k. (all to receive a copy of accounts)

Hermann's Q and A night. another brilliant night, with specail thanks to Jake Payne, Pam Wilkins, Scott McLachlan, Tom Dearie, and the Stewards (on both evenings). a Huge to thanks to the Stewards for mucking in and selling Matchday Programmes too.

and thanks to the Brazillian Ladies. The Monday night raised over £500.


Mick Williams. The Club's new Bank Manager was at the game on Tuesday evening (her first ever match) and thoroughly enjoyed it


Steve Tovey.

to set in stone bi monthly conference meetings for season when the fixtures come out.

How we're to make the Conference more successful. Steve to also send a plan to us of how Club is structured. There will be transparency, and we're all to be involved.

There will be sub committees meeting regularly and talk to Management. 3 to 4 people to meet management to discuss ideas, matters etc and then report back to rest of Conference.

The possibilities are for Conference Members to join sub groups and to form ideals etc,

Hospitality groups, Pompey Style!

There will also be invites for other people to join the Conference, such as those not connected to any particular group, and get involved in sub committees.

a web conferencing could be set up for every Pompey group worldwide to get involved in. and meetings at away games for Members in other areas around the Country to get involved in.

Next Season will be a very challenging time on and off the pitch.



there is a vision to have a new Club website, with all groups to have a webpage, including one for the Fans Conference. There could be a section in the matchday programme too!


Tom Dearie has offered (now on Facebook too) the 12th man website.


The Press Conference is now on Wednesday 24th April 10.30 am


Ashley Brown, then announced the set up of The Club

It will be:

Presidents (individual investors)


on day one £1.85m in PST shares, meaning PST currently own 55-60% of the Club.

Tom Dearie then mentioned that 65% of shares now being taken up by new investors ( since ths Court Case finished)


The meeting wrapped up at 12:05


Got to say one or two good ideas in amongst all this.


If they can keep up the momentum then fair play to them and assuming a successful season in Div 2 then this is likely.


However I have been involved in a few organisations run by enthusiastic individuals and there are always fall outs which sap energy and enthusiasm of even the most committed people.


The Trust may well be a good blue print for other clubs but it is just as likely to fall apart at the seams especially if next season does not live up to expectation


So the club is going to be funded through bowling competitions and annual five-a-side tournaments with £800 a time flooding into the coffers.


I think they might need to throw in a Tombola and a Bake Sale or two if they want a "competitive" squad.

I don't think that Cass Pennant visiting local schools could be included?




I noticed this and assumed the person referred to wasn't the 'real' Cas Pennant who is supposed to be a Hammers fan


Perhaps the Pompey Trust are looking to revisit their 'history' a la 657 style

Guy has actually said some sensible stuff since he took over. There has only been occasional delusional comments but on the whole, he's been decent and well-measured/ Fair play to him.


It can't be long before the simpletons drive him out then.

Guy has actually said some sensible stuff since he took over. There has only been occasional delusional comments but on the whole, he's been decent and well-measured/ Fair play to him.


And how many time's has it been said "Good striker, player, feckin shyt manager" Just look at his record. Shyt, Sacked. Shyt, Sacked. Shyt, Sacked. at least we have consistency:rolleyes:


I think it's time this thread was put to bed. It's been p!ss funny watching their decline but you can only laugh at those less fortunate for so long.


They are scraping about in the arse end of the football league with a joke of a manager, no money and a crumbling old stadium. Lock the thread and start a new one for their next admin when it happens.


Would be a shame if this thread just turned into a commentary of all things Pompey. Can't we just go back to them just being an insignificant lower league "rival" who we rarely get to play cos they're so ****. Let them get on with screwing things up in League 2 in their own special way. No one cares about them anymore... Just how it should be.

I think it's time this thread was put to bed. It's been p!ss funny watching their decline but you can only laugh at those less fortunate for so long.


They are scraping about in the arse end of the football league with a joke of a manager, no money and a crumbling old stadium. Lock the thread and start a new one for their next admin when it happens.



That's what they told us nutjobs to do after each of the previous 5 or 6 owners took over.


In the early days of this thread I wanted sudden final closure of Pompey and soon after this thread.


Others wanted a long drawn out destruction of Pompey. As idiots in the judicial system failed to do their job. Failed to close the insolvent business


I need to see Pompey crumble to their lowest possible point. The job is not done yet.


I am confident they have picked the right team and have the "backing" of the Few to conclude this.


This thread must continue to record history.


I see some haven't changed their views...


Admirable words from Guy but £1.1m will be blooming tight!! Mind you how many other lg2 clubs can pay that? They say that's outside other clubs?? who has more than that?? To me if they said if we increase the budget to say £2m would we accept a 10% rise in ticket prices. I would for sure. At least we'd be bankers for prpromotion


so 10% rise in ticket prices equals £900k! Pompey maths at work again.

Christ that is like reading the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council who are attempting to organise a "funday".


I must be a bit dim, was there a part where they mentioned paying any money back?

I see some haven't changed their views...


Admirable words from Guy but £1.1m will be blooming tight!! Mind you how many other lg2 clubs can pay that? They say that's outside other clubs?? who has more than that?? To me if they said if we increase the budget to say £2m would we accept a 10% rise in ticket prices. I would for sure. At least we'd be bankers for prpromotion


so 10% rise in ticket prices equals £900k! Pompey maths at work again.


It does make me laugh when they say that £1.1 mil will be tight !

Your budget depends on your income/outgoings calculation, not on what you reckon other teams may be paying !

Living within your means depends on internal bookeeping, not on comparing with your competitors or pandering to the fans, the sooner they start to understand this concept, the sooner they will start living in the real world !

One or two bad results next season and there will be a clamour for new signings etc.. I'm afraid all clubs have idiots who ignore the bigger picture and demand instant fixes (we are actually no different in that respect!) and this will be when it becomes dangerous again for them !

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