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Comment From Yorkshire Blue

Hi Iain, many congratulations and thanks for all your hard work in getting us to this point. Like many others, I have contributed my £1k? Will us ordinary Trust members & community shareholders get a say in decision on how things go forward?



Iain McInnes: Yorkshire, thanks for your pledge, of course we want to find a way to consult and involve fans but we have to also recognise the role of the management team who run the club on a daily basis



Nope, didn't answer that one either ;)



Comment From Darren

Are you able to give any more details about the "add-ons" that were agreed between BDO and Portpin? I'm just worried that it seems odd that Portpin gave in to the Trust's demands with what appears to be a whimper. Thanks



Iain McInnes: Darren, this will be published fairly soon on the PST website


Ah an answer at last :?



Comment From Phil lips

Now that the deal has been done, are you ably to let us know exactly how many £1000 pledges have been made. Presumably this is no longer commercial in confidence.



Iain McInnes: Phil, we'll try to keep you up to date over the next few weeks. What I can tell you is we've had close to 250K since the court case!!


Yep! but which court case?



Comment From Henry

Roughly speaking, do you anticipate us having a competitive budget for players next season (compared to other teams in the same league) or do you see us having to cut our cloth to begin with? Cheers.



Iain McInnes: Henry, Yes


:lol: Yes, but yes to what part of the question!



Comment From Big nudge

Well to the PST!! Do you personally think we will get the points deduction this season? Honest opinion please.



Iain McInnes: Nudge, I believe we will


Oh! that's ok then then ;)



Comment From PaulIOW

What's the main source of income for Pompey, commercial activities or investment?



Iain McInnes: Paul, it has to be tickets and commercial activities. Thats the only way we can insure survival


Admin is is then:lol:



Comment From Steve Coe

Hi Iain - BIG CONGRATS. Do you have more fundraising plans? Concerts at FP? Or a celebratory party that maybe the Council could organise say on Southsea Common?



Iain McInnes: Steve, we all love a party, lets look into it.


200,000 person party, bring it on:lol:



Comment From Jack2

Are there any legacy issues that you've inherited (apart from CVA & Portpin payments) that could be restrictive? I'm thinking along the lines of the Kappa kit deal that didn't add much from shirt sales after the initial payment.



Howard: Very few Jack2


Oh good, very few :rolleyes:



Comment From Dinks

The judge said that the details of PST's agreement with Portpin could be made public so why aren't they?



Iain McInnes: Dinks, they'll be made public hopefully today, check the PST website


Ah, today, we await with baited breath!



Comment From Bluekite

Firstly congratulations.. my first game was in the 50s v Man City who had Bert Trautmann in goal !... You said we start debt free... does this mean that the CVA and all of the football debts (Sol, Kanu etc) are completely covered by the parachute payments


Iain McInnes: Bluekite, when we talk about debt free we mean that all old debt has been packaged up and agreements made on what must be paid and when. The number is totally in control and can be handled within our projections


Debt free, and Poopey, words not to be used in the same sentence!


Comment From Darren

Are you able to give any more details about the "add-ons" that were agreed between BDO and Portpin? I'm just worried that it seems odd that Portpin gave in to the Trust's demands with what appears to be a whimper. Thanks



Iain McInnes: Darren, this will be published fairly soon on the PST website


Good question Trousers...oops, I mean Darren...

Posted (edited)

Comment From Henry

Roughly speaking, do you anticipate us having a competitive budget for players next season (compared to other teams in the same league) or do you see us having to cut our cloth to begin with? Cheers.



Iain McInnes: Henry, Yes



Err yes to which bit exactly??


Another great question... ;) Shame about the answer...

Edited by trousers

Comment From Yorkshire Blue

Hi Iain, many congratulations and thanks for all your hard work in getting us to this point. Like many others, I have contributed my £1k? Will us ordinary Trust members & community shareholders get a say in decision on how things go forward?



Iain McInnes: Yorkshire, thanks for your pledge, of course we want to find a way to consult and involve fans but we have to also recognise the role of the management team who run the club on a daily basis



Nope, didn't answer that one either ;)


Which roughly translates as: Thanks for funding the purchase of the club and ground by the HNWs now please mind you own business.


Did my question about what they would do with a parachute payment windfall get through? I suggested they might want to consider donating any above budget PPs to the creditors as a gesture of good will.


Down the pub so can't keep track...


Comment From Bluekite

Firstly congratulations.. my first game was in the 50s v Man City who had Bert Trautmann in goal !... You said we start debt free... does this mean that the CVA and all of the football debts (Sol, Kanu etc) are completely covered by the parachute payments


Iain McInnes: Bluekite, when we talk about debt free we mean that all old debt has been packaged up and agreements made on what must be paid and when. The number is totally in control and can be handled within our projections


Debt free, and Poopey, words not to be used in the same sentence!


by the same token the UK is largely debt-free



Comment From blunproud

why has no one from the trust thanked the rest of the country for helping buy the club, the taxpayers writing of £40m in unpaid taxes


Not answered......


Yes it was.....




Iain McInnes: blunproud, by saving the club we make some element of that payment and protect revenue payments in the future. It wasnt us who didnt pay the bills!



Comment From Phil lips

Following on from your answer to Bluekite, how much debt it there and how is it seen we will pay it back?



Iain McInnes: Hi Phil lips .. there is no doubt



He's really not going to say how much debt there is!



Comment From Phil lips

What actual percentage of the club is owned by HNWS?



Iain McInnes: Phil lips, it can be absolutely determined until we close the share issue but it looks like the PST will hold the majority. Keep the shares coming in!!


So there! nah nah na nah nah:smug:


Comment From Phil lips

What actual percentage of the club is owned by HNWS?



Iain McInnes: Phil lips, it can be absolutely determined until we close the share issue but it looks like the PST will hold the majority. Keep the shares coming in!!


So there! nah nah na nah nah:smug:


Fair play to the skates if this is true. You'd have to question the wisdom of anyone taking out new shares. Supposedly: the club and ground are secured. the PST are going to be in the majority (see above) and all obligations are covered by the business. What exactly do you get for chucking in another £1k? **** all.

Fair play to the skates if this is true. You'd have to question the wisdom of anyone taking out new shares. Supposedly: the club and ground are secured. the PST are going to be in the majority (see above) and all obligations are covered by the business. What exactly do you get for chucking in another £1k? **** all.


Of course they could decide never to close the share issue in which case even with one person signing up a year they could still claim that the PST will eventually hold the majority.

Fair play to the skates if this is true. You'd have to question the wisdom of anyone taking out new shares. Supposedly: the club and ground are secured. the PST are going to be in the majority (see above) and all obligations are covered by the business. What exactly do you get for chucking in another £1k? **** all.


Surely that is only becaue the £1.2 million loan from robinson was to the PST, as was the council's £1.45 million loan, so ,with their own £1.4 million, they have more money than the HNWs are putting in .... But only because of the "no debt" !


Comment From Bluekite

Firstly congratulations.. my first game was in the 50s v Man City who had Bert Trautmann in goal !... You said we start debt free... does this mean that the CVA and all of the football debts (Sol, Kanu etc) are completely covered by the parachute payments


Iain McInnes: Bluekite, when we talk about debt free we mean that all old debt has been packaged up and agreements made on what must be paid and when. The number is totally in control and can be handled within our projections



This is excellent news. It means that despite my huge mortgage and excessive credit card bills - I am Debt Free!! Thank fook for that. Time to go on a spending spree to celebrate.


Comment From Bluekite

Firstly congratulations.. my first game was in the 50s v Man City who had Bert Trautmann in goal !... You said we start debt free... does this mean that the CVA and all of the football debts (Sol, Kanu etc) are completely covered by the parachute payments


Iain McInnes: Bluekite, when we talk about debt free we mean that all old debt has been packaged up and agreements made on what must be paid and when. The number is totally in control and can be handled within our projections


Debt free, and Poopey, words not to be used in the same sentence!


Carlsberg don't do avoiding the crux of the question, but if they did...


This use of the word 'share', correct me if I'm wrong, but they do not get any 'voting rights' they will not get any 'dividends', and they will not get their money back. Is this not just a 'gift' dressed up in Poopey talk?


just a minor point before we sweep the last few years of criminality under the biggest debt-free, fan-owned carpet in world football - the actual result in figures, how much did the taxpayer and local businesses lose?



Firstly congratulations to Andronikou, he did more for them than anyone in this heist, converting £80M of unsecured debt into £16M, which was then seasonally-adjusted to zero.

£80M owed, not a single penny paid.

Wow, step forward AA, hero status.


If we then add in the £16M of their owed £24M, surrendered by the players, and see how the next batch of debt was downgraded, minus the costs to Chinny and the pitiful CVA2, I reckon they've got away with writing off up to £135M.*

That's IF they pay the football debt and the other add-ons.




Anyone else want to have a bash at the maths and see the actual value of the crime that the media won't bother to print?


*I realise of course than Saints and pompey's admins were identical and that we are jealous.


Mind boggling vomit inducing figures RB, when i think of the tax I have paid the last 2 years it stinks, especially as HMRC were like a dog with a bone on me after i had been made redundant, bar stewards!

Think I have found the proof that McInnes is really the devil in disguise ;)



interesting that one of their posts stated that some of the new men were in the 657,which ones ? if they are not careful £657 will be the full worth of the High Net Worth bank accounts shortly.

Comment From Bluekite

Firstly congratulations.. my first game was in the 50s v Man City who had Bert Trautmann in goal !... You said we start debt free... does this mean that the CVA and all of the football debts (Sol, Kanu etc) are completely covered by the parachute payments


Iain McInnes: Bluekite, when we talk about debt free we mean that all old debt has been packaged up and agreements made on what must be paid and when. The number is totally in control and can be handled within our projections


Debt free, and Poopey, words not to be used in the same sentence!


So not debt free at all then!! They are clueless. The funniest thing is that it will be the PST that put the final nails in the skate coffin.

Posted (edited)

Am I alone in thinking it's slightly strange that Chainrai has gone from 'bullish protagonist-in-chief' to 'Trust loving roll over puppy' in the space of a few days?


Something doesn't quite add up to me...

Edited by trousers

The only way they can claim to be debt free is if the money to pay off the debts that have been rolled together in a payment plan, is ringfenced and protected, seperate from the funds used to run the club. Even that isn't truly debt-free, but at least the repayments would be protected so as to not affect the daily running of the club. Any other scenario, it is still debt.


Comment From Bluekite

Firstly congratulations.. my first game was in the 50s v Man City who had Bert Trautmann in goal !... You said we start debt free... does this mean that the CVA and all of the football debts (Sol, Kanu etc) are completely covered by the parachute payments


Iain McInnes: Bluekite, when we talk about debt free we mean that all old debt has been packaged up and agreements made on what must be paid and when. The number is totally in control and can be handled within our projections


Debt free, and Poopey, words not to be used in the same sentence!


They have the mother of all consolidation loans -- that is not exactly the definition of debt free is it.


Comment From Bluekite

Firstly congratulations.. my first game was in the 50s v Man City who had Bert Trautmann in goal !... You said we start debt free... does this mean that the CVA and all of the football debts (Sol, Kanu etc) are completely covered by the parachute payments


Iain McInnes: Bluekite, when we talk about debt free we mean that all old debt has been packaged up and agreements made on what must be paid and when. The number is totally in control and can be handled within our projections


Debt free, and Poopey, words not to be used in the same sentence!


I am debt free, that is if you exclude my mortgages which I intend to pay within my projections.



Am I alone in thinking it's slightly strange that Chainrai has gone from 'bullish protagonist-in-chief' to 'Trust loving roll over puppy' in the space of a few days?


Something doesn't quite add up to me...



Completely surprised to find no sign of the details on their website yet.


That can't be right, I'm sure they said in the webchat they would be. Who would have thought that one would slip.

That can't be right, I'm sure they said in the webchat they would be. Who would have thought that one would slip.


I am as shocked as you are!

This use of the word 'share', correct me if I'm wrong, but they do not get any 'voting rights' they will not get any 'dividends', and they will not get their money back. Is this not just a 'gift' dressed up in Poopey talk?




once they leave the safe haven of administration they'll have to do those things that proper businesses do, like file some accounts.


And I suspect the taxman will be down there the next day if they miss a payment from now on.


BUT we are getting ahead of ourselves.

The other day they were given the opportunity to complete a deal.

Despite being fully funded and ready to go they are now talking today about 'further negotiations'.


Nor have they released the detail of the agreement that was enough to make Chinny walk away - an oversight perhaps, another computer glitch?


That detail could be interesting, especially if it still gives him guarantees that the FL are not happy about.

As pointed out above, this brave new era of transparency is working out really well.



But on a lighter note, I expect them to get officially relegated tomorrow. :)

Am I alone in thinking it's slightly strange that Chainrai has gone from 'bullish protagonist-in-chief' to 'Trust loving roll over puppy' in the space of a few days?


Something doesn't quite add up to me...


I expect with the add ons it will add up.

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