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How can an accountancy firm sign this off?


It's a bit like saying, "We think our best chance of maintaining this business as a going concern is to give it to these people, who haven't got the foggiest where they will get the cash from".


Why aren't they realising the best return for the creditors of the business, and liquidating it?


I can understand the PST being passionate and wanting the old regime out and a new ownership in place, but I just can't fathom the lack of objectivity from the administrators. It beggars belief.

It beggars belief.


At least anything from there is consistent...


As long as they keep deluding themselves it will only end one way; and considering that they seem pathologically incapable of anything else....


The reality is that all football authorities and the court of law will bend over backwards to ensure that Portsmouth survive and thrive. I fully expect the Football League to deduct them no more points than the 10 and I even have my doubts that they will deduct that 10. The other 23 clubs in the league don't have the same power as Pompey and won't have the balls to confront the FL.


When it comes to the valuation of Fratton Park in the courts, it is obvious that the facts will be thrown out the window and Chainrai will be forced to sell up for a figure less than 3 million. Why we are even getting excited about this beggars belief, Chainrai will lose. The courts will bow down to the pressure and will NOT want to be seen as the people who kill Portsmouth FC. They will make 100% sure that they come out of this looking sweet.


Nobody wants to be seen as the man who killed Portsmouth FC. That is why they will survive and thrive.


Nobody will question their spending.


Nobody will question the 'fans' who 'own' the club.


All the authorities will be leniant once again when it does go pop and say the fans deserve a 2nd chance.


It's a never ending story.

Call me pedantic but do these numbers make sense??


At the end of 2012/3 they have £1.3m in the bank. The next season their income is £2.2 million less than their expenditure ... yet their bank balance has grown to £2.2 million. They lose £2.2 million yet their bank balnce increases by £0.9 million. The same is true in future years.


Any idea how they achieve that


Has the Portsmyth Accounting Standards ever made sense?


Lets not forget the line "I am secured, I will get my money back".


He's hung around this long, Chinny won't lie down on this until he feels he has raped am much money as he can get our of the carcas. Even if the courts decide that the ground valuation is less than 3m I think there is more to come from Agent Chinny some way or another.

I think the correct phrase is "the more things change, the more they stay the same".

Rubbish. How can you say such a thing.


This time they've got nice new owners, who have purchased the club (maybe) in a leveraged deal using money they have borrowed by putting the stadium up as security. It's nothing at all like last time, or the time before, or the time before that. No sireee. Absolutely not. Never.

Call me pedantic but do these numbers make sense??


At the end of 2012/3 they have £1.3m in the bank. The next season their income is £2.2 million less than their expenditure ... yet their bank balance has grown to £2.2 million. They lose £2.2 million yet their bank balnce increases by £0.9 million. The same is true in future years.


Any idea how they achieve that


Because an income and expenditure statement is only part of the story


What any real business man would want to see is the balance sheet - as clearly there are some significant opening creditors and it is the movements in these that is driving the changes in the cash balances


After that, a weekly or possibly even daily cash flow to see whether the pinch points are - I would imagine that these occur in the lean periods before parachute payments and during the summer season


Oh - and I wonder how much of the cash sits in various escrow accounts and is unavailable to the Trust for day to day needs

After that, a weekly or possibly even daily cash flow to see whether the pinch points are - I would imagine that these occur in the lean periods before parachute payments and during the summer season


A perfectly reasonable request for most businesses would be "can you temporarily extend my overdraft for a temporary cash flow issue"?


In this case I can see any bank (or creditor) saying **** off, although possibly in more measured and technical terms.

In which case it's crystal clear :



Therefore, as a condition of membership, any new company established to apply for ownership of Portsmouth Football Club's share in The Football League will be required to:


1. Accept a deduction of 10 points in the 2012/13 season;"


Time for an email to the Football League I think...


I would have thought that BC will sit back and look at the trusts/developers plans. He will soon work out that if he gets the club liquidated,he then can buy the extra land cheap then put it all together and make a decent return. I do not know all the in and outs of the lands ownership or BC real rights, but from the little i see he is in the box seat still. He can see them be liquidated by the fall guys (the trust) and shrg his shoulders saying i told you i was the best one and walk away with the spoils.


As for the -10 I will give £50 to children in need if it gets applied, Iam certain it wont although VFTT has pointed out the FL's quote. All along the football authorities have bent over for them and i doubt they will change now. Pompey have seen the power they have by threatening to liquidate and so throw the league into disarray.

In which case it's crystal clear :



Therefore, as a condition of membership, any new company established to apply for ownership of Portsmouth Football Club's share in The Football League will be required to:[/B]


1. Accept a deduction of 10 points in the 2012/13 season;"


As I understood it, in Law "will be required to" is not an edict, it is a "request"


Now, if the FL had said " the -10 Penalty comes into force, once the Club exits Administration ", then that is a categoric statement.


I still say that the FL, for some historic reason, most likely many funny handshakes, will bend over backwards (pun intended) to let the lying cheats get away with every little scam going


The FL are themselves bringing the game into disrepute


Disgusting FL, they should be ashamed of themselves


When it comes to the valuation of Fratton Park in the courts, it is obvious that the facts will be thrown out the window and Chainrai will be forced to sell up for a figure less than 3 million. Why we are even getting excited about this beggars belief, Chainrai will lose. The courts will bow down to the pressure and will NOT want to be seen as the people who kill Portsmouth FC. They will make 100% sure that they come out of this looking sweet.


Nobody wants to be seen as the man who killed Portsmouth FC. That is why they will survive and thrive.



Whereas I agree to a certain extent about the outside bodies that oversee footballing matters, I disagree about the legal side of things. The Skates might have bamboozled a judge to allow them to continue when they were clearly trading while insolvent before, but I doubt whether they would get away with it again. And I don't believe that sentiment, or the desire not to be seen as the judge and jury who killed off the Skates will be factors in any legal jurisdiction concerning them in future. The framework of the legal process, judgements regarding precedent and the possibility that the judgement would probably be challenged by many other parties with counter-interests will determine that the letter of the law will be applied the next time they are up before the beak.


The FL are themselves bringing the game into disrepute


Disgusting FL, they should be ashamed of themselves


What have they done?

Surely the -10 will be applied as soon as this sale to PST is completed and they exit admin ?



Only if your name is Luton, Bournemouth etc


Portsmouth ? No


Can't prove it, but Just wait and see

As I understood it, in Law "will be required to" is not an edict, it is a "request"


Now, if the FL had said " the -10 Penalty comes into force, once the Club exits Administration ", then that is a categoric statement.


I still say that the FL, for some historic reason, most likely many funny handshakes, will bend over backwards (pun intended) to let the lying cheats get away with every little scam going


The FL are themselves bringing the game into disrepute


Disgusting FL, they should be ashamed of themselves


You see it as a request, but I see it as a categoric statement. In order to obtain the golden share, they are required to accept a 10 point deduction. It seems clear enough to me; if they don't accept the points deduction, then they don't get the share, therefore they cannot participate in the football leagues.


If they are allowed to get away with it, they will have created a unique precedent. Other clubs and numerous supporters of those clubs which were penalised with points deductions for similar misdemeanours, will be very angry and make things very difficult for the FL. It wouldn't surprise me if the chairmen of those clubs banded together and sought the support of several other chairmen who would sympathise with the injustice and force through an amendment to the FL decision. After all, it is a members' club, not run solely for the benefit of the Skates to the detriment of the other members, many of whom would gain an advantage by their demise.

You see it as a request, but I see it as a categoric statement. In order to obtain the golden share, they are required to accept a 10 point deduction. It seems clear enough to me; if they don't accept the points deduction, then they don't get the share, therefore they cannot participate in the football leagues.


If they are allowed to get away with it, they will have created a unique precedent. Other clubs and numerous supporters of those clubs which were penalised with points deductions for similar misdemeanours, will be very angry and make things very difficult for the FL. It wouldn't surprise me if the chairmen of those clubs banded together and sought the support of several other chairmen who would sympathise with the injustice and force through an amendment to the FL decision. After all, it is a members' club, not run solely for the benefit of the Skates to the detriment of the other members, many of whom would gain an advantage by their demise.


The FL are the other clubs. Didn't the latest set of sanctions follow a full meeting of the FL?

You see it as a request, but I see it as a categoric statement. In order to obtain the golden share, they are required to accept a 10 point deduction. It seems clear enough to me; if they don't accept the points deduction, then they don't get the share, therefore they cannot participate in the football leagues.


If they are allowed to get away with it, they will have created a unique precedent. Other clubs and numerous supporters of those clubs which were penalised with points deductions for similar misdemeanours, will be very angry and make things very difficult for the FL. It wouldn't surprise me if the chairmen of those clubs banded together and sought the support of several other chairmen who would sympathise with the injustice and force through an amendment to the FL decision. After all, it is a members' club, not run solely for the benefit of the Skates to the detriment of the other members, many of whom would gain an advantage by their demise.


I too would love to see them not get away with it, but "just" and "fair" are things that have NEVER applied to Portsmouth


Other Clubs that have breached Rules, and have subsequently been punished by the Football League, to the point where they have in effect been demoted two Divisions and/or nearly put out of existance ... for "crimes" far less than those that Portsmouth have racked up over a great length of time


Yet, by comparison to other Clubs punished by the FL, all we have seen is a " Softly Softly " approach by the Fl


Most people se this as being "something rotten in the State of Denmark "


So WHY are the FL pussy footing around ? By comparison, Bournemouth would have ALREADY had points deducted, fined etc, yet Portsmouth have had multiple Admins, have had MILLIONS wiped off for pittances ... AND ARE STILL TRADING


So, I ask again, what Historical hold have Portsmouth over the Football Authorities, because they are certainly NOT being dealt with as would a Club by any other name

Whereas I agree to a certain extent about the outside bodies that oversee footballing matters, I disagree about the legal side of things. The Skates might have bamboozled a judge to allow them to continue when they were clearly trading while insolvent before, but I doubt whether they would get away with it again. And I don't believe that sentiment, or the desire not to be seen as the judge and jury who killed off the Skates will be factors in any legal jurisdiction concerning them in future. The framework of the legal process, judgements regarding precedent and the possibility that the judgement would probably be challenged by many other parties with counter-interests will determine that the letter of the law will be applied the next time they are up before the beak.


The next case is going to be very different too. Whereas they have previously been able to plead "please don't wind us up, you'll kill the club, 100 people will lose their jobs, creditors will lose all their money, please give us another chance" to a judge who has that stark choice to make and knows he would have blood on his hands, this time they're going to be pleading "please let us buy this land very cheap so that a few of us have the change to make a tidy profit by developing it". They can't plead that the club will die unless they get the land cheap as Chinny has already offered to rent it back to them and I expect Portpin's bid will be back on the table before the case starts, just to prove that the PDT is not the only option to save the club.


And of course, the court will only be interested in the value of the land and Portpin's charge and not even be considering the ramifications of its decision.


There should be little room for emotional blackmail this time.

The first step is to turn the goodwill into share capital. This will strengthen the club’s balance sheet and cement the new

ownership structure. The we can set about creating a better-run, sustainable club.


Webbed fingers make typing difficult I know, but this is supposed to be a share prospectus for God's sake.

As I understood it, in Law "will be required to" is not an edict, it is a "request"


Now, if the FL had said " the -10 Penalty comes into force, once the Club exits Administration ", then that is a categoric statement.


I still say that the FL, for some historic reason, most likely many funny handshakes, will bend over backwards (pun intended) to let the lying cheats get away with every little scam going


The FL are themselves bringing the game into disrepute


Disgusting FL, they should be ashamed of themselves


You almost sound surprised!

So, I ask again, what Historical hold have Portsmouth over the Football Authorities, because they are certainly NOT being dealt with as would a Club by any other name


Yes they are. They are being dealt with in exactly the same manner. There simply is no conspiracy, just a reluctance from the football authorities to kill off a fairly senior professional club which is totally understandable.


If financial irregularities are proven then the authorities will be forced to act. They can do nothing else at the moment though because they are waiting for the results of the DNA test to prove that the big grass-eating, milk-producing animal that goes "moo" is actually a cow.


The new (if it goes ahead) Chairman (?) Ashley Brown said on Wave news at 7pm last night 'only two things can stop this going through; 1) we do not get all our pledges; 2) The court does not order Portpin to sell us FP. PKF have been blinded by the bull**** spouted by an opportunistic property developer promising millions if X, Y and Z happen. There has to be something in the water down there, all those fish to feed 5000, truly a miracle. Simply nauseating.


it might be a rule but it isn't fair to the fans.

Why should pompey be penalised twice for the same unfortunate mistake?


Chelsea spend more than they earn yet they haven't got -10.

And it was former staff who were responsible for those financial irregularities and the CVA, so it's nothing to do with the club, they just committed the crimes in the name of the club, for the benefit of the club - creditors were just unlucky.


The plucky Property Development Trust shouldn't be suffering any sanctions - and they certainly shouldn't be responsible for any of the debt incurred buying the FA Cup, such is their desire to distance themselves from past crimes, I doubt whether they will even keep that trophy in the official history.


If anything the league should be returning the previous lost points, they should be imposed upon Chanrai's businesses instead.


Those leeches from the British Legion are the same - are they still banging on about war and stuff?

If they were any good as soldiers they wouldn't have been robbed, so that's their lookout.

Same goes for the terminally-ill kids, just because they're in wheelchairs they think they deserve the money donated to them by the public.


The Lithuanian pensioners are also gobbing off.

That mafia money was needed to pay Rocha, Lawrence and Kitson, those life savings paid for that glorious draw at SMS, it was money well spent.

Anyway, how cold can it be in Eastern Europe during the winter?

Just put a jumper on and warm yourself with the glory of that point that stopped the scummahs from going up.


And as for the player agreements, those former heroes knew what they were getting into, there's always an element of risk dealing with pikeys, so they can just jog on.

Yes they had contracts, but we all know that players are disloyal so it'll do them good having a taste of their own medicine - especially Kanu, what did he ever do for pompey, greedy ba$tard.


The most important thing is that the property developers and loan sharks are driven out of the club and replaced by property developers and astute businessmen who have the fans' best interests at heart.

As Penny mumbled on a recent visit to a sticky bun factory, this will be the first time that a big sleepy giant of a club has ever been controlled by the most heroic fans - so this swift and efficient takeover will be the blueprint for world football to follow.



Hurrah for fan power!

What's that bulldozer doing....why is that man marking out foundations in the goalmouth?

it might be a rule but it isn't fair to the fans.

Why should pompey be penalised twice for the same unfortunate mistake?


Chelsea spend more than they earn yet they haven't got -10.

And it was former staff who were responsible for those financial irregularities and the CVA, so it's nothing to do with the club, they just committed the crimes in the name of the club, for the benefit of the club - creditors were just unlucky.


The plucky Property Development Trust shouldn't be suffering any sanctions - and they certainly shouldn't be responsible for any of the debt incurred buying the FA Cup, such is their desire to distance themselves from past crimes, I doubt whether they will even keep that trophy in the official history.


If anything the league should be returning the previous lost points, they should be imposed upon Chanrai's businesses instead.


Those leeches from the British Legion are the same - are they still banging on about war and stuff?

If they were any good as soldiers they wouldn't have been robbed, so that's their lookout.

Same goes for the terminally-ill kids, just because they're in wheelchairs they think they deserve the money donated to them by the public.


The Lithuanian pensioners are also gobbing off.

That mafia money was needed to pay Rocha, Lawrence and Kitson, those life savings paid for that glorious draw at SMS, it was money well spent.

Anyway, how cold can it be in Eastern Europe during the winter?

Just put a jumper on and warm yourself with the glory of that point that stopped the scummahs from going up.


And as for the player agreements, those former heroes knew what they were getting into, there's always an element of risk dealing with pikeys, so they can just jog on.

Yes they had contracts, but we all know that players are disloyal so it'll do them good having a taste of their own medicine - especially Kanu, what did he ever do for pompey, greedy ba$tard.


The most important thing is that the property developers and loan sharks are driven out of the club and replaced by property developers and astute businessmen who have the fans' best interests at heart.

As Penny mumbled on a recent visit to a sticky bun factory, this will be the first time that a big sleepy giant of a club has ever been controlled by the most heroic fans - so this swift and efficient takeover will be the blueprint for world football to follow.



Hurrah for fan power!

What's that bulldozer doing....why is that man marking out foundations in the goalmouth?


That has just brightened up my gloomy Friday morning, a true epic post.

I would have thought that BC will sit back and look at the trusts/developers plans. He will soon work out that if he gets the club liquidated,he then can buy the extra land cheap then put it all together and make a decent return. I do not know all the in and outs of the lands ownership or BC real rights, but from the little i see he is in the box seat still. He can see them be liquidated by the fall guys (the trust) and shrg his shoulders saying i told you i was the best one and walk away with the spoils.


As for the -10 I will give £50 to children in need if it gets applied, Iam certain it wont although VFTT has pointed out the FL's quote. All along the football authorities have bent over for them and i doubt they will change now. Pompey have seen the power they have by threatening to liquidate and so throw the league into disarray.


Exactly, per my last post - "I am secured, I will get my money back"

I too would love to see them not get away with it, but "just" and "fair" are things that have NEVER applied to Portsmouth


Other Clubs that have breached Rules, and have subsequently been punished by the Football League, to the point where they have in effect been demoted two Divisions and/or nearly put out of existance ... for "crimes" far less than those that Portsmouth have racked up over a great length of time


Yet, by comparison to other Clubs punished by the FL, all we have seen is a " Softly Softly " approach by the Fl. Most people se this as being "something rotten in the State of Denmark "


So WHY are the FL pussy footing around ? By comparison, Bournemouth would have ALREADY had points deducted, fined etc, yet Portsmouth have had multiple Admins, have had MILLIONS wiped off for pittances ... AND ARE STILL TRADING


So, I ask again, what Historical hold have Portsmouth over the Football Authorities, because they are certainly NOT being dealt with as would a Club by any other name


It could be that the FL have kept their powder dry awaiting the results of the forensic investigation by Baker Tilley into the affairs of Oldco. The first evidence of irregularities has been reported involving Jacobs and Fugler's misuse of their client account. Notification has been made that several other writs will be issued against other parties involved in the running of the club and clarification will hopefully be forthcoming over the involvement of Al Mirage and any connection he might have had to Chinny, and whether there was creative accounting used by Andronikou to head off HMRC's ability to decline the CVA, etc.


Once evidence has been presented by Baker Tilley and proof accepted that there were severe financial irregularities by former owners/executives at the Club, then in my opinion the FL will have no alternative but to apply swingeing points penalties at least commensurate with those applied to Luton.


@solentsport: PST PRESSER: Mcinnes "we,ve looked at other grounds to play but in this instance it's Fratton Park or bust"

Nabil Hassan ‏@NabilHassan79


I bet it is. Now why don't you just buy PFC without FP and play elsewhere for a small rent? Surely as fans it's the club that counts? What's that? You'll have no property to develop?

Administrators of #pompey have agreed the sale of the club to the Pompey Supporters Trust. Set to become largest supporter owned club in UK.


I thought Abramovich was a Chelsea fan?


[quote name=

Administrators of #pompey have agreed the sale of the club to the Pompey Supporters Trust. Set to become largest supporter owned club in UK.



Only they won't Exeter city have around 4000 members while PST has about 2000 pledges. So half the size at best.

Only they won't Exeter city have around 4000 members while PST has about 2000 pledges. So half the size at best.


Come on, they don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

will they be similar to Swansea whom i believe are partially owned by the fans & wealthy local businessmen ?

or will they be still further down the list of fan owned clubs?

Swansea's supporters trust owns 20% of the football club. I suspect ultimately that means they've got a bigger share in their club than the actual supporter members of the PDT will get.

Only if your name is Luton, Bournemouth etc


Portsmouth ? No


Can't prove it, but Just wait and see


You 'assured' us Rupert was coming back.


Still waiting.

He did come back .... to guide us to near extinction


Nah - after that, just before the Liebherrs arrived.


You said he was planning a swoop to rescue us from administration.


I think there is some indication that the FL are trying their damnedest to avoid Portsmouth being liquidated, and I think most non-saints fans woud think they should do so. However if the trust do eventually takeover and the risk of liquidation has gone, I can't see that the FL will have any motivation whatosever to be lenient with them.


As long as they actually exist , no one at the League will care if they exist successfully , in L1 or in L2, or even relegated out of the league. I'll be absoutely amazed if the ten points don't come off, and not totally surprised if even more points are taken off later for financial irregularities.

Posted (edited)
Out of curiosity how much were the Exeter pledges?


I honestly couldn't answer that. It is however slightly disingenuous to suggest that less fans can generate the largest fan owned club, particularly when they will be propped up by property developers.


Interestingly, their ownership structure is based on annual membership, ensuring a constant stream of funds into the club yearly. 2750 currently active members paying less then 2 pounds a month, not masses but every little helps. The Skates is one lump sum up front, just like their season ticket for life scheme a decade or so ago. The differing structures are quite fascinating.

Edited by Colinjb
I honestly couldn't answer that. It is however slightly disingenuous to suggest that less fans can generate the largest fan owned club, particularly when they will be propped up by property developers.


And especially given that the PFC pledges haven't actually been paid yet. I can see a good half of the plucky 1800 having second thoughts.

I honestly couldn't answer that. It is however slightly ingenious to suggest that less fans can generate the largest fan owned club, particularly when they will be propped up by property developers.


I preferred your original reply better, although the word would suggest that the idea came from the non-Portsmouth HNWI "fan"!!

I preferred your original reply better, although the word would suggest that the idea came from the non-Portsmouth HNWI "fan"!!


You can tell it's friday can't you. ;)

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