stevegrant Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Trying to be serious for a mo, how could anyone vaguely connected with the club think it is a good idea to jet off abroad for pre-season training (ignoring the 'squad' situation) when they could and should arrange friendlies at home that would incur far less cost, at a time when minimising their costs should be number 1 priority. Is there ANY rational explanation for this? I can only assume that someone else is footing the bill (just to make a change), perhaps the Gibraltar tourist board in an attempt to get more teams over there?
sussexsaint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 They can't afford to train here? cheap flights and sleep on the beach may be cheaper
Alien Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 An insolvent club traveling 1400 miles to play against a team that is based 50 miles along the A27.
Wurzel Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Trying to be serious for a mo, how could anyone vaguely connected with the club think it is a good idea to jet off abroad for pre-season training (ignoring the 'squad' situation) when they could and should arrange friendlies at home that would incur far less cost, at a time when minimising their costs should be number 1 priority. Is there ANY rational explanation for this? This may be a clue . Rosie may have just remembered her other pin number
Ohio Saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 This may be a clue . Rosie may have just remembered her other pin number Hmmmmmm. Interesting idea!
Weston Super Saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 I can only assume that someone else is footing the bill (just to make a change), perhaps the Gibraltar tourist board in an attempt to get more teams over there? I believe Brizzle City also went to a training camp in Malaga today. Gibraltar could have played them - it would have been a lot cheaper as brizzle are paying their own way
suewhistle Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Probably Gibraltar wanted the naval tradition, and a team weak enough to be able to beat....
St Lightjaw Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Meanwhile, while looking at this ^, i noticed that maybe their OS is getting prematurely excited in assuming they will survive that far? They've awarded themselves the 10 points back by the way
Sevvy Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Nobody wants him, or anybody else it would seem.
andysstuff Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Nobody wants him, or anybody else it would seem. 'he expects a few surprises at Fratton Park before the end of the summer' Liquidation being one of them.
trousers Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 @pn_neil_allen: #Pompey squad train in Benhavis. to remind everyone it is funded by a local business and Gibraltar FA.
Crab Lungs Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 @pn_neil_allen: #Pompey squad train in Benhavis. to remind everyone it is funded by a local business and Gibraltar FA. God, I miss Andalucia
andysstuff Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Neil Allen @pn_neil_allen #Pompey squad train in Benhavis. Incidentally, trip funded by a local Portsmouth businessman and Gibraltar FA. Has he added the word P*rtsmouth?
trousers Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 An subtle edit to that last tweet... @pn_neil_allen: #Pompey squad train in Benhavis. Incidentally, trip funded by a local Portsmouth businessman and Gibraltar FA.
trousers Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 First time I've heard of a sponsor not publicising their name... Hmmm...
SaintRichmond Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 (edited) First time I've heard of a sponsor not publicising their name... Hmmm... Most likely " Find-Us Skate Fingers Inc " Edited 16 July, 2012 by SaintRichmond hyphen
angelman Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 They've awarded themselves the 10 points back by the way Can they supplement their first team with some from the ladies team?
badgerx16 Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 'he expects a few surprises at Fratton Park before the end of the summer' Liquidation being one of them. Surely that wouldn't be a surprise ?
pedg Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Has it been confirmed its only trialists on the trip? If so what are the other players doing? One assumes they have to maintain the illusion of preparing for the upcoming season?
pedg Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 They've awarded themselves the 10 points back by the way See their website still prominently displaying Jobsite and claiming they are still in the championship!
PaulSaint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 How the hell can you "Break The Bank" You never keep any money in it For advice on this you'll need to speak to the Snoras Bank in Lithuania
Doctoroncall Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Tweets you'll never see Neil Allen make: #Pompey decide to divert PP to all creditors #Pompey abiding by the strict financial structure set by the FL, accounts open to public scrutiny #Pompey players camping in Spain to save hotel money for creditors #senior pros being welcomed back to training while club trying to find them new clubs #transfer embargo working at Pompey as no contracts have been offered while club is in administration.
andysstuff Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Surely that wouldn't be a surprise ? I think it would be in the wider football world. Even after what's happened with Rangers, to see it happen to an ex premirership club would probably come as a big surprise to many people. Fingers crossed eh?
latter day saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 I think it would be in the wider football world. Even after what's happened with Rangers, to see it happen to an ex premirership club would probably come as a big surprise to many people. Fingers crossed eh? and toes ! problem is i've been doing it for so long ive got some serious cramps
jdsaint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 I can only assume that someone else is footing the billMaybe they're going on one of those timeshare tours, pay £39 for your flight and stay, but you have to go and look at some apartments/villas and have a bit of a pressure sale as part of the deal?
Truckasaurus Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 :bun:Death by a thousand cuts. Funny really,probably works out at about one cut a day. When they go pop it would be nice to see what happened one thousand days previous........."weird stuff man". How many cuts to go we all wonder,well Kingsbridge Saint not long to go for you my little beauty. God bless sharp knives.
Cincy USA Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Can they supplement their first team with some from the ladies team? You mean like last season?
dubai_phil Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 I can only assume that someone else is footing the bill (just to make a change), perhaps the Gibraltar tourist board in an attempt to get more teams over there? I blame Dune. We all know he loves Gib But then in reality. Think it through. Gib Tourist Board no doubt employed some dipstick with an MBA to be their new Marketing Guru. They came up with the idea of an International football tournament (You probably have to have been to Gib to see why that is so funny). They pumped some money into the project (20 seats on Easyjet or Gib Airways for 50 quid return bought 6 months ago and then went looking for teams to travel and play. Let's face it, most of the lads in Salisbury & District Div 5 have full time work so after they failed to attract any of them they were left with???? There'll be an idiot with an MBA somewhere in that decision making chain
Dark Munster Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 (edited) Players that some other League One teams couldn't hope to match their wage demands. I know that Pompey can't sign these players until the embargo is lifted but the very fact they are even contemplating doing so is deja vu of breathtaking proportions... I reckon this is part of Cheats FC's cunning plan. Herd up a bunch of trialists (with no intention of buying), and raise up the phew's hopes to be able to sell some more "early bird" season tickets to the gullible. They are even talking about bouncing back to the Championship. A dead cat bouncing, more like I think. But I think Voldemort's plan of leaving the senior players behind is not going to be quite as successful. They may be a little pissed off by being treated like lepers and missing out on the Gibraltar timeshare excursion, but somehow I can't see that being quite enough to make them tear up their contacts in disgust and waving goodbye to the millions they're owed. Nice try though, Appy. Edited 16 July, 2012 by Dark Munster
Waterside.saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Trying to be serious for a mo, how could anyone vaguely connected with the club think it is a good idea to jet off abroad for pre-season training (ignoring the 'squad' situation) when they could and should arrange friendlies at home that would incur far less cost, at a time when minimising their costs should be number 1 priority. Is there ANY rational explanation for this? Courage, mes braves. Lets be honest about this, if they were to behave in a more rational way many of us would be disappointed. We've been called nutjobs, bed wetters and window lickers - but I strongly suspect we have a firmer grip on reality than most of our friends on Portsea Island
Waterside.saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 See their website still prominently displaying Jobsite and claiming they are still in the championship! If wishes were horses, beggars would ride
Wurzel Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Has it been confirmed its only trialists on the trip? If so what are the other players doing? One assumes they have to maintain the illusion of preparing for the upcoming season? Presumably, technically a trialist is invited for a trial and makes his own arrangements. Taking contracted players would have required insurance premiums being paid.
Sevvy Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 According to Halford, TB is not even talking to some of the players,
Waterside.saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 According to Halford, TB is not even talking to some of the players, Fact can truly be stranger than fiction. I know, I know, its all been said before - but its yet more evidence, if any more were really needed, that they are indeed 'special'
rallyboy Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Looking for adventure?... Tired of life on the scrapheap?.... Feel that your career has hit rock bottom and you could only sink lower if you offered filthy sailor's 'special services' on the quayside? Well why not leave your **** life behind for ten days, join Capt Appy's Extreme Camping, Sailing and Hunting charity* tour of Gibraltar this summer! Day one, you meet up with a bunch of strangers and misfits in the car park of Halfords, some of these people may be convicted criminals. On the special command, you all steal bikes and head off to Camber Docks. Four stomach-churning days later your fishing vessel will sail into Gib, but there's no time for sightseeing, for the survivors it's off into the hills on two wheels to catch squirrels/monkeys and build shelters. But what's in it for me, I hear you squeal with excitement, other than motion sickness, stomach cramps, broken promises, exposure, and scurvy... Absolutely nothing! You might be asked to play a match, but you won't get taken on, and you'll get promised stuff that will never happen - you're only there to meet some contractual requirement agreed by a lunatic. But on the plus side, you'll bond with a bunch of people that you won't see ever again - and you'll come home after a week dining on the finest squirrel stew thinking that Iceland stores sell quality food, and a Premier Inn is posh. But don't take our word for it, see what our happy customers have to say... It's been four years now, seriously, when am I going to get paid? Sol, London What do you mean the squirrel is Halal? TBH, Monaco They can't afford to pay me but they're having ANOTHER fricking holiday?? Terry B, no fixed abode So these pretty little monkeys, they just hang around on the rocks, naked you say?.... AG, Horton Heath I thought Cotterill's US holiday was barmy but this takes the biscuit. LL, c/o ticket office. *No creditors will be hurt by this trip. Much.
trousers Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 (edited) According to Halford, TB is not even talking to some of the players, From that article: "There has been such little communication between us as players and the administrators, which makes it even harder. "They say they want you off the books but they're not really doing anything to get you off the books. "Everyone thought they'd be on the telephone, calling clubs just trying to push things through but it doesn't seem as though they've been doing an awful lot, which is hard to take. "Football is our livelihood. It's our passion. It's what we do. For me, it's pretty much all I know and to be in this situation is very scary. One word: astonishing Can someone actually explain to me what Birch is up to? None of this adds up....yes, I's NEVER added up before so why should it add up now? But this is just getting too surreal now... Edited 16 July, 2012 by trousers
Waterside.saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 According to Halford, TB is not even talking to some of the players, "We're all getting paid but it's only a very small percentage of our wages. Each week we don't get paid it goes straight to the deferral money (kitty) that is racking up and up. "Obviously that's a debt for the club and another reason for them to get us off the books. Oh for a quick look through their books - perhaps the greatest works of fiction since vows of fidelity were included in the French marriage service* *Apologies to Blackadder
Waterside.saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Pompey ‘dream’ over for Slovenian stopper You've got wonder where they learned their PR skills and values - sows ear => silk purse comes to mind. One assumes there has to be a grain of truth in there somewhere amidst the spin and hype, but it must be a very small particle indeed
Yeovil Saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Pompey ‘dream’ over for Slovenian stopper You've got wonder where they learned their PR skills and values - sows ear => silk purse comes to mind. One assumes there has to be a grain of truth in there somewhere amidst the spin and hype, but it must be a very small particle indeed I think we did too much research on Darjan Curanovic. Appy was quoted in the Pompey News on 6th July and made an interesting slip ‘Curanovic has done okay for Slovenia and, at the end of the day, has come from an agent who is aware of our goalkeeping situation at the moment. Not okay in Slovenia (a reserve keeper for a relegated first division club) but okay for Slovenia. Did Appleton really think he was getting his hands on a Slovenian international keeper?
Tokyo-Saint Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 Probably posted already but from pompeyonline today: Considering our avarge league attendance last season was 15,000, and Doncaster's was 9000 ish, we could probably offer much better terms than them, but still not break the league 1 wage structure. They still don't get it.
trousers Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 @pn_jordan_cross: In The News tomorrow, the preferred #Pompey training site revealed, Appy on the man who can be his star summer signing and pre-season latest
Matthew Le God Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 If only he'd let me tweet him, I'd have such fun. Stop teasing me trousers by posting the nonsense he keeps spouting!
Appy Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 @pn_jordan_cross: In The News tomorrow, the preferred #Pompey training site revealed, Appy on the man who can be his star summer signing and pre-season latest I'll never cease to hate his nickname.
SaintBobby Posted 16 July, 2012 Posted 16 July, 2012 wtf? John Westwood @JohnWestwoodPFC good news on new team being pulled together #wewillneverdie #pompey
Saint J 77 Posted 17 July, 2012 Posted 17 July, 2012 wtf? John Westwood @JohnWestwoodPFC good news on new team being pulled together #wewillneverdie #pompey Perhaps he is exchanging his clown shoes for a pair of football boots and is going to play for them?
sotonswan Posted 17 July, 2012 Posted 17 July, 2012 From that article: "There has been such little communication between us as players and the administrators, which makes it even harder. "They say they want you off the books but they're not really doing anything to get you off the books. "Everyone thought they'd be on the telephone, calling clubs just trying to push things through but it doesn't seem as though they've been doing an awful lot, which is hard to take. "Football is our livelihood. It's our passion. It's what we do. For me, it's pretty much all I know and to be in this situation is very scary. One word: astonishing Can someone actually explain to me what Birch is up to? None of this adds up....yes, I's NEVER added up before so why should it add up now? But this is just getting too surreal now... Do you think Trevor Birch is having a breakdown? I imagine him spending the entire day rocking back and forth at the PC repeatedly pressing the [Delete] key. Perhaps Rallyboy could paint us a picture of 'A Day in the Life of Trevor Birch, Administrator'
Kingsbridge Saint Posted 17 July, 2012 Posted 17 July, 2012 So it wasnt yesterday. In a way i am glad as we all get more rallyboy. That last one above was comedy gold.
dubai_phil Posted 17 July, 2012 Posted 17 July, 2012 According to Halford, TB is not even talking to some of the players, Everyone thought they'd be on the telephone, calling clubs just trying to push things through but it doesn't seem as though they've been doing an awful lot, which is hard to take. hmmmmmmm
sticksaint Posted 17 July, 2012 Posted 17 July, 2012 My local paper (yorkshire evening post ) claimed that two local businesses were footing the bill for the trip. Ps Rallyboy you`re hilarious !!
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