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Can someone please explain that logic to me?


After the club ceases to exist, the council may consider buying the ground. Presumably this would be to preserve it as a football ground , rather than Chainrai etc overthrowing the planning constraints and building housing or a Tesco's? But then the council would be tying up a chunk of its capital for no noticeable return. (Does it even have any capital reserves or might it have to borrow to do this?) Any 'phoenix' successor club after liquidation would be in non-league , so could not afford to pay anything like a proper rent to the council. They'd be wasting public money.

Putting to one side how wrong it is for the council to be investing in Fratton Park when they have limited funds available and have actually been turned over themselves by PFC, there is something wrong about the council being able to restrict the use of the land, but then buy the land themselves, no doubt at a much cheaper price than it would be if it was possible to build say a supermarket on it.

"void planning use"!!.....Chinnys holding all the cards, check mate, money shot etc etc......




‘I don’t know where we would find the money from but we have had informal discussions over what would happen if things went really wrong.’
When I have been to council meetings when they have discussed buying an abandoned property with compulsory purchase, they have had to identify the money for that purchase even though a developer was lined up. To purchase a leaking mid terrace property, the Leisure department had to pledge that there would be no flowers or play equipment installed that year until the property was sold on.
Posted (edited)
Does Portsmouth Football Club exist anymore, are they not called Portsmouth Football Club 2010 Ltd? Would this have any affect on restrictions/covenants in the former name?


Hmmmm......I've posted a few times this week that, for some unknown reason, the 'Appointment of Administrators' notice was re-issued a couple of days ago in the 'London Gazette'....the two changes to the original notice (in February) were:


- Trevor Birch removed as a named "joint administrator" (replaced by a PKF colleague)

- and the line "(t/a Portsmouth FC)" has been added underneath the company name (i.e. "Portsmouth Football Club (2010) Ltd")


The 't/a' abbreviation means "trading as"....


The links to the original and new announcements are here and here.


Also, just a reminder that a new company called "Portsmouth Football Club Ltd" was incorporated with Companies House a couple of weeks ago.... http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/0a26c62cba867191738c573ea50b5654/wcprodorder?ft=1


Could all this be subtle manouvering by Birch and the council to ensure that they don't lose control over the land and/or the ground upon the club being liquidated....????

Edited by trousers
I believe that Middlesbrough effectively did this in the late 80's. The rules may well be different now though.


Indeed they did, in 1986. The club went into liquidation, Steve Gibson managed to get a consortium together at the last minute and they purchased the lot and carried on.


Hmmm, so maybe my question wasn't as dumb as I first thought.....there again.... :-)



So according to this guy they will still be getting 15k in non league and would easily afford the rent and upkeep of the ground. Cant see it myself


They can't get that many for Pack yer bags days - not without including the away support anyway so 15k for non league is a tad (14.9k) delusional. I know a few of that lot down the road and most have said they would not be supporting AFCP.

Can I ask what is potentially one of my daftest question yet? (yes, I know, there's a shed load of candidates for that particular accolade...)


IF PFC were to be liquidated, is there anything in the Football League rules that would prevent a deal being done whereby the 'phoenix' club that is then formed inherits the 'golden share' from the liquidated club via some kind of murky deal with the Football League?


In other words, are there actually any written rules that stipulate a club that is liquidated can't reform and be given the golden share again in the football league?


The more I write this the more I realise it's a dumb question but, if the Football League, Portsmouth politicians and Trevor Birch get to the point where they are all convincing each other that Pompey have been hard done by (in terms of their 'unfair' share of dodgy owners) then could they be trying to hatch a plan whereby they go into liquidation as a way of shaking off the likes of Chainrai and Gaydamark's hold over the club but come to a compromise arrangement whereby the 'punishment' is curtailed by ensuring that PFC2010 get relegated (via more points penalties if necessary) and the golden share is then handed over to the phoenix club.


The reason for this hair-brained notion is I get the feeling that the people trying to save the club (FL, the council, Birch, etc) are starting to see liquidation as the solution rather than a barrier to a solution but want to cushion the effect of taking that route.


Well, the Football League showed with the Wimbledon/MK Dons situation that they're prepared to sanction some pretty unseemly things, so I guess it wouldn't be entirely implausible, though it would be a first.


With the MK/Wimbledon situation the League has set the precedent that the company is the club wherever it is in England - it hasn't set a precedent that a club with a share can be replaced by another on grounds of geography alone. If that was the case the likes of Moneyfields, H&W and Gosport would have a claim on the golden share as well, surely ?


Moving on to the Fratton purchase by the council, the most important thing is that they're not suggesting buying out Chainrai and will only come into play AFTER liquidation.


Therefore their considerations for the land and/or stadium could just as likely be to knock it down to develop a new community facility for football, shopping, hotels etc on the site of the unused Fratton now they've got the chance to develop it without the inconvenience of 15k people pitching up every two weeks in the winter, than they are to build a shopping centre or housing on it.


Again with the Newport; County owned their stadium in the early 80s, sold it to the Council when in financial trouble and found the gates locked when they missed rent payments. Portsmouth City Council are not going to want to have that blame, so they're staying out of it until after the club goes.


When Newport re-formed, they initially had a lot of problems getting goodwill and the council wouldn't let the new club play in Newport to begin with, but after 4-5 years the club moved back to the town to play in a council-built facility, the old ground being built on for council housing.

Putting to one side how wrong it is for the council to be investing in Fratton Park when they have limited funds available and have actually been turned over themselves by PFC, there is something wrong about the council being able to restrict the use of the land, but then buy the land themselves, no doubt at a much cheaper price than it would be if it was possible to build say a supermarket on it.

If the present owner agrees to sell it to them I don't see a problem. But I don't see them being able to do any sort of compulsory purchase based on a value with that restriction in place, if that restriction reduces the otherwise "open-market" value of the property.


I imagine Chainrai is watching closely from Hong Kong.


Portsmouth City Council have obviously noticed that Eastleigh Borough Council have rescued Hampshire Cricket Club and the Rose Bowl for £6.5M of taxpayers money, plus £32M for a new hotel. If they can afford it, I am sure Portsmouth, with their tax base, can.


With the MK/Wimbledon situation the League has set the precedent that the company is the club wherever it is in England - it hasn't set a precedent that a club with a share can be replaced by another on grounds of geography alone. If that was the case the likes of Moneyfields, H&W and Gosport would have a claim on the golden share as well, surely ?


Agree and this would be a recipe for disaster.


Pay enormous wages to get promoted, rack up massive debts, liquidate, form Phoenix club, take golden share... rinse and repeat until you're in the champions league.


Just thinking out loud here but if Pompey go maybe HMRC could fund the purchase of Fratton Park? They're gonna have an unexpected windfall as they usually budget for Pompey defrauding them each year, not to mention all they'll save in legal fees if they don't have to take Pompey to court every six months? Is their anything in this? Maybe that MP could get behind it, she's got access to HMRCs confidential emails so she could easily get details of how much £££ they have available?

Moving on to the Fratton purchase by the council, the most important thing is that they're not suggesting buying out Chainrai and will only come into play AFTER liquidation.


When Newport re-formed, they initially had a lot of problems getting goodwill and the council wouldn't let the new club play in Newport to begin with, but after 4-5 years the club moved back to the town to play in a council-built facility, the old ground being built on for council housing.


People keep forgetting, even post liquidation chinny will maintain his security over fratton park. fixed and floating charges over anything bolted down. that does not change.


FFS how many times does chinny have to say 'i am secured' & 'i WILL get my money back'?


a person who is bankrupted dosent get to flog their house or shake the debt and start over, the mortgage lender has security and will reposess. Chinny has security and will reposess.


I imagine Chainrai is watching closely from Hong Kong.


I f*cking love Balram Chainrai! Southampton legend.



Just thinking out loud here but if Pompey go maybe HMRC could fund the purchase of Fratton Park? They're gonna have an unexpected windfall as they usually budget for Pompey defrauding them each year, not to mention all they'll save in legal fees if they don't have to take Pompey to court every six months? Is their anything in this? Maybe that MP could get behind it, she's got access to HMRCs confidential emails so she could easily get details of how much £££ they have available?


No, it doesn't work like that. Also HMRC don't run the nation's budget, uncle George does that as we shall see on March 21st. So long as Vince Cable says it's ok.

People keep forgetting, even post liquidation chinny will maintain his security over fratton park. fixed and floating charges over anything bolted down. that does not change.


FFS how many times does chinny have to say 'i am secured' & 'i WILL get my money back'?


a person who is bankrupted dosent get to flog their house or shake the debt and start over, the mortgage lender has security and will reposess. Chinny has security and will reposess.


I f*cking love Balram Chainrai! Southampton legend.


He may get his money back by selling the land to the council, of course...


Of course if PFC goes the land remains, and yes BC will reposess if the debenture charge is correct (has the legal challenge gone i/got anywhere?). Check the Land Registry entry for that and this supposed covenant in favour of PCC.


But any redevelopment will need access and guess who owns the access land....dear old Sacha. So BC has PFC and TB by the balls, and SG has BC by the balls. Lovely thought!

But any redevelopment will need access and guess who owns the access land....dear old Sacha. So BC has PFC and TB by the balls, and SG has BC by the balls. Lovely thought!


^ That's an excellent brief for the photoshoppers amongst us....maybe using a certain photograph of Vinnie Jones and Paul Gasgoigne as the starting point....


I see 4 Rangers players have accepted a 75% pay CUT - I suppose that's nothing compared to spending a couple of hours in the ticket office or 25% deferral :-)

Posted (edited)
I will pay a fiver to keep him restricted to 3 posts a day :)


I'd pay it just to see the cock post even more


Barbie Ho (sponsored by DFCSBs) telling it how it is.

















In his tiny, tortured mind.


It'll all turn out Rosey.

Edited by St Chalet
Don't name the troll

I understand that Saintsweb are going to refund Ho his fiver. As an unsecured creditor we have determined that he will receive 20p in the £1, payments will start 1st April and continue for another 5 years as I understand. This of course is subject to change and ability to pay.


An interesting article written by a Skate, wherein he wonders why the label of cheats should apply to them.




But then Maskell goes and spoils it all by suggesting the following:-


A club’s ‘natural position’ should be where its team takes it, not where its bank balance ranks it. So just exactly who has been ‘cheating’ at Pompey? Not the players on the field or the fans in the stands – that’s for sure.


He obviously isn't intelligent enough to work out that an owner with a large bank balance, spent on buying quality players, is going to have a massive influence on a club's "natural" position. And when the owner doesn't have that big bank balance and nevertheless copious amounts of money are still spent on players that the club cannot afford, then that would satisfy the definition of cheating as far as I'm concerned.


Like most Skates, here is another one who is in denial, or just not capable of rational thought.


Go on; vote him a one star.

An interesting article written by a Skate, wherein he wonders why the label of cheats should apply to them.




But then Maskell goes and spoils it all by suggesting the following:-




He obviously isn't intelligent enough to work out that an owner with a large bank balance, spent on buying quality players, is going to have a massive influence on a club's "natural" position. And when the owner doesn't have that big bank balance and nevertheless copious amounts of money are still spent on players that the club cannot afford, then that would satisfy the definition of cheating as far as I'm concerned.


Like most Skates, here is another one who is in denial, or just not capable of rational thought.


Go on; vote him a one star.


Done :-)


From the telegraph


Pompey proposal

Last week, this column asked which British football club might be attracting the interest of Canadian billionaire Mitchell Goldhar. The retail developer owns Maccabi Tel Aviv but has been approached to buy into football in this country.

It seems that he has been asked to get involved with financially-stricken Portsmouth. Whether he makes an offer remains to be seen.


Scroll to the bottom of this page for the original:



He obviously isn't intelligent enough to work out that an owner with a large bank balance, spent on buying quality players, is going to have a massive influence on a club's "natural" position. And when the owner doesn't have that big bank balance and nevertheless copious amounts of money are still spent on players that the club cannot afford, then that would satisfy the definition of cheating as far as I'm concerned.


I think it's even simpler than that. If a club stays in business by driving other local businesses to the wall (or near to it), and failing to pay taxes on excessive wages, then at the very least it has no right to retain its league position. If it does this as a repeat offender, it has no right to exist. The argument about 'cheating' in relation to other Championship clubs is secondary to that IMO.

An interesting article written by a Skate, wherein he wonders why the label of cheats should apply to them.




But then Maskell goes and spoils it all by suggesting the following:-




He obviously isn't intelligent enough to work out that an owner with a large bank balance, spent on buying quality players, is going to have a massive influence on a club's "natural" position. And when the owner doesn't have that big bank balance and nevertheless copious amounts of money are still spent on players that the club cannot afford, then that would satisfy the definition of cheating as far as I'm concerned.


Like most Skates, here is another one who is in denial, or just not capable of rational thought.


Go on; vote him a one star.

An unbelievable article. Shows that they still don't get it.
I understand that Saintsweb are going to refund Ho his fiver. As an unsecured creditor we have determined that he will receive 20p in the £1, payments will start 1st April and continue for another 5 years as I understand. This of course is subject to change and ability to pay.[/quote




What the stupid thick skates keep forgetting is that when they announced the grand plans for the toilet bowl stadium, they announced at the same time that they would be building 750 houses on the flatten park site to fund it......


How exactly did they think they would be able to build these houses? Oh that's right, if the football club isn't there, then they WILL get planning permission to build houses.


So, chinny and buddy gady own the stadium [sic] and all the land around it. Enough land to build 750 houses apparently..... When chinny says he is secured and WILL get his money back, he seems to be forgetting the 'and then some!!!' bit, with a big grin on his face and a new gold chain :)


In other news, it seems like the pressure is mounting over at corpse towers ;)



It really is a disease that runs through them. If I remember the conversation correctly Steve (alcohol permitting......) he mailed through two pieces of card and insisted that there was a fiver between them? But naturally there must have been something amiss through the postal system, yet the envelope was untampered. Curious.


Hmm... I had an ex-sister in law tried a similar stunt to that - on members of her own family I might add...."Oh, the cheque in the envelope must have fallen out of the bag.."


She turned out to be SO Walter Mitty/Billy Liar that my brother was awarded custody of their kids...


That really is so LOW Corp.

Well, the Football League showed with the Wimbledon/MK Dons situation that they're prepared to sanction some pretty unseemly things, so I guess it wouldn't be entirely implausible, though it would be a first.


With the MK/Wimbledon situation the League has set the precedent that the company is the club wherever it is in England - it hasn't set a precedent that a club with a share can be replaced by another on grounds of geography alone. If that was the case the likes of Moneyfields, H&W and Gosport would have a claim on the golden share as well, surely ?


Moving on to the Fratton purchase by the council, the most important thing is that they're not suggesting buying out Chainrai and will only come into play AFTER liquidation.


Therefore their considerations for the land and/or stadium could just as likely be to knock it down to develop a new community facility for football, shopping, hotels etc on the site of the unused Fratton now they've got the chance to develop it without the inconvenience of 15k people pitching up every two weeks in the winter, than they are to build a shopping centre or housing on it.


Again with the Newport; County owned their stadium in the early 80s, sold it to the Council when in financial trouble and found the gates locked when they missed rent payments. Portsmouth City Council are not going to want to have that blame, so they're staying out of it until after the club goes.


When Newport re-formed, they initially had a lot of problems getting goodwill and the council wouldn't let the new club play in Newport to begin with, but after 4-5 years the club moved back to the town to play in a council-built facility, the old ground being built on for council housing.


uhmm.. they have in effect done this already - at the last admin 2 years ago, PFC was in effect liquidated and NewCo inherited the golden share on the proviso that the old co would be subject to forensic accounting etc... this is teh biggets feckin feck up within the system as the new co (now also in admin) is no longer in effect liable for the previous CVA, nor will it be liable (unlike Luton) if any financial irregularities are uncovered in the old co (if thr forensic accounting is evne being followed up)... so in effect by liquidating the old co, the new co (current) are no longer punishable for any misdemeaners uncovered form the old co, no longer liable for teh old co CVA, yet teh new co get all the benfits of the old co in the shape of teh golden share AND the parachute payments - surely what should have happened as a prerequisite of teh golden share passing to the the new co, wa sthta ALL the parachute payments remaining automatically went to the old co to pay off its creditors....

... and we get the f uckwit nonsensce for corpse and other portsmouth fans complaining that they did not cheat the system... fair enough they have not cheated the system, but even they with limited inteligence must recognise that this is completely against any moral or ethical code that should exist if wanting to ensure sporting integrity of the league... sadly they just dont get it. They think they are hard done by. I used to be quite sorry for them.... but the ore I see them skirm they way through the moral maze and dont see anyone acknowledging that these advanatges have benefitted the survival of the the more I want the cheating C **TS to dissapear up their own arseholes.


You see now I can't believe nobody has spotted what this is all about, the whole fun and games is all a massive plot from Tesco.


Tesco want to build a new superstore where fratton park is, but don't what the pompey faithful in the store or causing issues. So they employ all these people to create the situation that has been the last few years. Using BC as the figure head. So Chinny gets the ground and Gaddy gets the land around it wait for pompey to no longer exists and Tesco gets let land for their new mega superstore for £30m (£17m to Chinny and £3m to Gaddy but with a nice retainer for all their hard work and patience).


As the councillor said once the football club dies then whats the point in keeping fratton park as a sports only venue. Then Tesco get to build their store on the land, BC and Gaddy get their money and it all disappears into the wilderness and no one would of ever known.


Now I know how powerful Tesco can be so i'm going into hiding just in case.


Remember the truth is out there.

uhmm.. they have in effect done this already - at the last admin 2 years ago, PFC was in effect liquidated and NewCo inherited the golden share on the proviso that the old co would be subject to forensic accounting etc... this is teh biggets feckin feck up within the system as the new co (now also in admin) is no longer in effect liable for the previous CVA, nor will it be liable (unlike Luton) if any financial irregularities are uncovered in the old co (if thr forensic accounting is evne being followed up)... so in effect by liquidating the old co, the new co (current) are no longer punishable for any misdemeaners uncovered form the old co, no longer liable for teh old co CVA, yet teh new co get all the benfits of the old co in the shape of teh golden share AND the parachute payments - surely what should have happened as a prerequisite of teh golden share passing to the the new co, wa sthta ALL the parachute payments remaining automatically went to the old co to pay off its creditors....

... and we get the f uckwit nonsensce for corpse and other portsmouth fans complaining that they did not cheat the system... fair enough they have not cheated the system, but even they with limited inteligence must recognise that this is completely against any moral or ethical code that should exist if wanting to ensure sporting integrity of the league... sadly they just dont get it. They think they are hard done by. I used to be quite sorry for them.... but the ore I see them skirm they way through the moral maze and dont see anyone acknowledging that these advanatges have benefitted the survival of the the more I want the cheating C **TS to dissapear up their own arseholes.


The moral issue is continuing to overspend beyond their means and making no effort to cut costs whatsoever whilst the fans make out that they're victims. It's got a lot less to do with how takeovers in football happen. There's certainly a problem if they don't attempt to pay off the old CVA, but that's a side-effect of the unsustainable spending without having rich owners to support, not an issue in its own right.

The moral issue is continuing to overspend beyond their means and making no effort to cut costs whatsoever whilst the fans make out that they're victims. It's got a lot less to do with how takeovers in football happen. There's certainly a problem if they don't attempt to pay off the old CVA, but that's a side-effect of the unsustainable spending without having rich owners to support, not an issue in its own right.


To an extent you are right in that there is more than one issue here, but I am commenting on the legal loop holes that they have bene allowe dto jump through - something else they fail to acknowledge as an advantage - how the feck can a New co inherit all the benefit, yet not the punishments? How can it be RIGHT (morally) that the New co get teh parachutes and not the creditors of the old co... and tw ats like corpse have the gall to come on here and say they have been hard done by... of course teh continued spending is another matter of equal moral corruption, but that does not dilute the fact that even before the current admin, the newco inheriting the parachute payments as well as teh golden share and f uck the creditors of he old co, whilst absorbing the parachutes... we had corpse say on may ocaisions how he was morally at peace because teh parachutes had been 'ring fenced' to cover teh old CVA, and we now all know what bull shiedt that is.... The fans would be innocent of all this naturally and I would have no problem in acknowledging it was not their fault if they were not so feckin stupid and morally deficient in trying defend the situation...

To an extent you are right in that there is more than one issue here' date=' but I am commenting on the legal loop holes that they have bene allowe dto jump through - something else they fail to acknowledge as an advantage - how the feck can a New co inherit all the benefit, yet not the punishments? How can it be RIGHT (morally) that the New co get teh parachutes and not the creditors of the old co... and tw ats like corpse have the gall to come on here and say they have been hard done by... of course teh continued spending is another matter of equal moral corruption, but that does not dilute the fact that even before the current admin, the newco inheriting the parachute payments as well as teh golden share and f uck the creditors of he old co, whilst absorbing the parachutes... we had corpse say on may ocaisions how he was morally at peace because teh parachutes had been 'ring fenced' to cover teh old CVA, and we now all know what bull shiedt that is.... The fans would be innocent of all this naturally and I would have no problem in acknowledging it was not their fault if they were not so feckin stupid and morally deficient in trying defend the situation...[/quote']


I'm pretty sure that ALL of the parachute payments were assigned to football creditors (inc the ones Birch only "found out they didn't have" a week or so ago), and I'm fairly certain that's been captured earlier in this thread, so I'm constantly surprised to hear any discussion of where the parachute money is going, as as far as I'm aware it's all been channelled elsewhere.


Can't really be bothered to argue on their behalf on anything else either, the CVA forfeiture should be the same as failing to agree one as far as I can see, -10 points on top of any deductions they already have. It is asking a lot for the FL to try and trap all of the loopholes with their rules, but I'm still amazed PFC keep finding and somehow exploiting the loopholes.


Frankly if they were that financially adept they'd be better off channelling their energies into trying to run the club properly. But then if they did that, I guess they'd never have bought an FA Cup.

Thinking of starting a portfolio Mr. Buctootim?


Bit out of my league Im afraid - a one house building plot maybe, but definitely not in Fratton :)


Just interested to know the economics behind what will be driving Chanrai's and Gayadamaks decisions. If the site is worth a fortune it makes the clubs survival less likely.


They are real starting to f*** me off now !!! More loan in players, more pleading their innocence, more organisations bending ober backwards to well them.


I wish they would hurry up & die !


Not sure I'm too worried about Skates getting Chris Maguire in :


"Derby County striker Chris Maguire has joined fellow npower Championship side Portsmouth on a 28-day emergency loan deal.


The former Aberdeen forward completed the relevant paperwork this afternoon and is available to feature in Pompey's trip to Brighton & Hove Albion on Saturday.


Manager Nigel Clough said: "With four strikers - Steven Davies, Theo Robinson, Nathan Tyson and Callum Ball - ahead of Chris in the pecking order and young Mason Bennett very much in our plans, his first-team chances have been limited this season.


"This loan move will allow Chris to get some regular first-team football under his belt at Championship level."


What date are we playing them again ? Saturday 7th April... So.. 9th March, +28 days... 31 days in March, so his emergency loan deal runs out the day before they play us, and after the loan window is closed.

They are real starting to f*** me off now !!! More loan in players, more pleading their innocence, more organisations bending ober backwards to well them.


I wish they would hurry up & die !


Pretty sure the FL advancing them that £400k means they will do exactly that in May, when they will have no income over the summer instead of the £200k FL payments they'd have got in May/June.

Pretty sure the FL advancing them that £400k means they will do exactly that in May, when they will have no income over the summer instead of the £200k FL payments they'd have got in May/June.


Birch would not allow these loan players if money was going to be that tight in the summer surely ! :?

I f*cking love Balram Chainrai! Southampton legend.





He really deserves something to mark his achievements and services to Southampton FC...




Sod all the services shutting down due to cutbacks lets spunk all the council tax on buying Fratton park.


Er it wont be the first time, They went and Spunked 30mill of our council tax coin on that useless feckin Spike, And the cheeky bastards want us to pay full price to go up it!

Oh and before some know it all bright spark on-ear starts chirping (the lotto paid for it) Lotto coughed up 6mill, by the time it was finished(****ed lifts un-all) price was 36mill.

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