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Reply from the FL regarding the ticket pricing.


Thank you for your email.




Football League Regulation 32.2.11 (agreed by our member clubs) states that, ‘Discounts or special promotions (in each case for one match only) made available to supporters of the Home Club must also be made available on a similar basis to visiting supporters provided always that each Club shall be permitted to designate four (4) Matchers per Season as ‘local promotion’ Matches where this Regulation shall be deemed not to apply. Clubs shall notify the Executive of the Matches so designated as and when they are designated.’


Portsmouth has notified the Executive of their offer and it complies with these regulations. Whilst we encourage clubs to be fair with their pricing and where possible make gestures to both home and away clubs, every club has the ability to run four local promotions per season, and as individual businesses, can set their discounts accordingly. This regulation was agreed to and voted for by our member clubs.



Thank you for contacting The Football League.










Andrew Pomfret


Customer Services Officer


The Football League Limited

Email - enquiries@football-league.co.uk



So they are allowed 4 promotions per season? Is this the 1st? I thought there have been other schemes? Or was the free tickets to kids and so on no more than a rumour much like our supposed give aways?

So much effort to shift 18k tickets. Pathetic support.


3K of those are for Leeds I think? unless they sell the rest these sceme could actualy lose them more money I think?


Pompey's £5 discount offer isn't much in the grand scheme of things, most clubs who take advantage of those 4 "local" offers tend to go mental on the discounting.


Bradford City are also doing a local promotion for tomorrow's game against Hereford United. Home fans can get in for £1, while travelling Hereford fans are still being charged £20 :uhoh:


Any odds on the away end being empty? :rolleyes: :lol:


They love me up there in skatesville


Email from PN:

Your web comments have been reported to us and forwarded on to the appropriate groups.


Could you please refrain from posting abusive messages on our site, otherwise action will be taken.




Howard Frost

The News


I have replied and asked him whether he sends this email to anyone who he construes as abusive? Pointed out that regular users of his site threaten violence to anyone who they suspect is a scummer, which is of course a term of abuse in itself ;-)


I have yet to receive a reply and i'm not holding my breath


For the record, under the email address he sent this to, I am struggling to work out what I said that was abusive, but I imagine this is no more than a shallow threat of nothingness so i'm not going to lose any sleep over it f'sure!


‘Just stick with us. We are in this together – us and the supporters – make no bones about that.’


Muttered £20K-a-week, injury-prone and underperforming midfielder Lawrence, as he bottled a passer-by for looking funny at his Ferrari, before rubbing salt in the wounds of a recently-sacked office worker by taking their job as part of a feeble PR stunt.


'It's always someone else's fault', he continued rather predictably, 'and as long as I can blur the connection between my ridiculous salary and the club's financial problems then all is good' the pub thug said, before stealing lunch money from a small child en route to a short promo video shoot in a prison cell where he is being held on charges of brand marketing copyright theft from a Mr Cortese.


Yeah, all in it together - the battling troops Lawrence, Kitson, Ben Haim....but not Mildred from the office who had to go to save £200 a week, she can jog on!

All united, as one.:scared:



Cut the spin, it's boring.


A Saints Fan, A Bournemouth Fan, A Brighton Fan, A Portsmouth Fan were all on an airplane together when one of the engines fails. The pilot explains the situation to the all of the passengers. He tells them if someone doesn't jump out they will all be dead. He asks who is prepared to die for the greater good, adding that they will be remembered as a hero forever. The brave Bournemouth fan says 'Ok then, i will do this for the glory of my Fellow footie fans and jumps out. The pilot turns around and tells the remaining passengers that the plane is still going down and someone else must do the right thing. The Brighton Fan tells every one that as he is the oldest out of all the passengers, he will take the plunge, so he jumps out . Again the pilot turns around and says, its helping but we need 1 more to jump for the rest of the passengers to survive. So the Saints Fan says 'well I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I will do this for the greater good and for the glory of my country. So he grabs the Pompey Fan and throws him out the door

Posted (edited)
20,700 and no.
Yes they do. The toilets as they havent been refurbed yet. LOL Which is a shame, because i think more of them enjoyed watching sh*t swirl round one bowl than the other sh*t in the other bowl! PMSL :D Edited by SOTONS EAST SIDE
A Saints Fan, A Bournemouth Fan, A Brighton Fan, A Portsmouth Fan were all on an airplane together when one of the engines fails. The pilot explains the situation to the all of the passengers. He tells them if someone doesn't jump out they will all be dead. He asks who is prepared to die for the greater good, adding that they will be remembered as a hero forever. The brave Bournemouth fan says 'Ok then, i will do this for the glory of my Fellow footie fans and jumps out. The pilot turns around and tells the remaining passengers that the plane is still going down and someone else must do the right thing. The Brighton Fan tells every one that as he is the oldest out of all the passengers, he will take the plunge, so he jumps out . Again the pilot turns around and says, its helping but we need 1 more to jump for the rest of the passengers to survive. So the Saints Fan says 'well I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I will do this for the greater good and for the glory of my country. So he grabs the Pompey Fan and throws him out the door




;) :lol:

‘Just stick with us. We are in this together – us and the supporters – make no bones about that.’


Muttered £20K-a-week, injury-prone and underperforming midfielder Lawrence, as he bottled a passer-by for looking funny at his Ferrari, before rubbing salt in the wounds of a recently-sacked office worker by taking their job as part of a feeble PR stunt.


'It's always someone else's fault', he continued rather predictably, 'and as long as I can blur the connection between my ridiculous salary and the club's financial problems then all is good' the pub thug said, before stealing lunch money from a small child en route to a short promo video shoot in a prison cell where he is being held on charges of brand marketing copyright theft from a Mr Cortese.


Yeah, all in it together - the battling troops Lawrence, Kitson, Ben Haim....but not Mildred from the office who had to go to save £200 a week, she can jog on!

All united, as one.:scared:



Cut the spin, it's boring.


Its in the same vein and makes just as much sense, as:


"We're all in this together"

David Cameron MP, Conservative Party Conference 6/10/2010

Great stuff Rallyboy


I think we'll have to hold a TSF Pompey takeover thread annual awards once every so often


Nominees for funniest poster - Rallyboy, holepuncture


Nominees for best post - anothersaintinsouthsea's selection of Corp Ho quotes, half of Rallyboy's summaries of events over a 24 hour period


Nominees for Worst troll - oh hang on there's only one nominee for that





I just love the fact that a club in such crisis who are "so much a part of the community, a community that would be worse off without their beloved football club" HAVE to come up with gimmicks, discounts etc just to get "The Bestest Fans In The World" to even bother to go to a home game. That pathetic sh*thole of a club and its deluded half wit fans deserve each other and I truly hope they all go away for the sake of all the other clubs in the land.


I know it's difficult, but just try to imagine a football club that has built up debts over the last few years of more than £180 million more than it had any intention or prospect of ever of paying back, and is routinely fielding teams of "premier league" players who regularly don't get paid, and which will still be relegated to the 3rd division at the end of the season.


A club that has been bankrupt twice in less than two years.


A club that has had six owners in the last five years, and four of those last six owners have been charged in Court on Fraud-related charges.


If you believe that's possible then you're clearly deluded.


After all, the football authorities would never allow one of their football clubs to urinate the equivalent of one third of the total annual income of the Portsmouth City Council down the drain.


Football League Community Club of the Year? You bet they are. Unless, that is, you're old. Or young. Or unemployed. Or employed. Or a homeowner. Or a council tenant. Or disabled. Or at school. Or sick. Or a Council employee.


But I don't give a toss about them, coz I live in a blue caravan, & work cash in hand.



I know it's difficult, but just try to imagine a football club that has built up debts over the last few years of more than £180 million more than it had any intention or prospect of ever of paying back, and is routinely fielding teams of "premier league" players who regularly don't get paid, and which will still be relegated to the 3rd division at the end of the season.


A club that has been bankrupt twice in less than two years.


A club that has had six owners in the last five years, and four of those last six owners have been charged in Court on Fraud-related charges.


If you believe that's possible then you're clearly deluded.


After all, the football authorities would never allow one of their football clubs to urinate the equivalent of one third of the total annual income of the Portsmouth City Council down the drain.


Football League Community Club of the Year? You bet they are. Unless, that is, you're old. Or young. Or unemployed. Or employed. Or a homeowner. Or a council tenant. Or disabled. Or at school. Or sick. Or a Council employee.


But I don't give a toss about them, coz I live in a blue caravan, & work cash in hand.




Well when u put it like that.........It all seems fine :x

I know it's difficult, but just try to imagine a football club that has built up debts over the last few years of more than £180 million more than it had any intention or prospect of ever of paying back, and is routinely fielding teams of "premier league" players who regularly don't get paid, and which will still be relegated to the 3rd division at the end of the season.


A club that has been bankrupt twice in less than two years.


A club that has had six owners in the last five years, and four of those last six owners have been charged in Court on Fraud-related charges.


If you believe that's possible then you're clearly deluded.


After all, the football authorities would never allow one of their football clubs to urinate the equivalent of one third of the total annual income of the Portsmouth City Council down the drain.


Football League Community Club of the Year? You bet they are. Unless, that is, you're old. Or young. Or unemployed. Or employed. Or a homeowner. Or a council tenant. Or disabled. Or at school. Or sick. Or a Council employee.


But I don't give a toss about them, coz I live in a blue caravan, & work cash in hand.




You held back a bit and pulled a few punches then!!


This may have already been posted but it is a semi decent summary by a skate. He (of course) blames everyone but Pompey and fails to point out that there has been no protest up until now. However, it does seem that for some the penny has finally dropped...


By AboutMyArea Blogger, Tony Goodall*


The last time the Club went in to Administration Pompey fans were assured that all the financial woes of the Club would be behind it and there would be a Football League endorsed survival and regeneration plan, which encompassed a maximum wage limit and a decent sized squad of players.* Gone would be the boom and bust days and the key to being a strong Club again would be realistic wages and a squad of quality not quantity.


So it was somewhat a surprise for fans to hear at the latest Administration hearing for Portsmouth Football Club that apart from the Tax issues, currently standing at £2.4M it would seem, there was a Gas bill owed which totalled £2M and other assorted bills, none of which were small and had obviously accrued over a period of time, possibly since coming out of Administration the last time.


Many fans still feel that much of the financial problems now facing the club were due to lucrative, long, Player contracts signed and sealed by Peter Storrie. What they cannot fathom is why these contracts never took in to account the possibility of Relegation, even if it was only slipped in as a safeguard, and therefore the Players' contracts reflected the lower Division in their earnings. Fans were assured following the last period in Administration that there would be a fiscal wipe down, that things would be done differently, because they had to be done differently and they were going to be done differently.* Tales were told of financial excess on players wages where Players had a reasonable weekly wage, but exorbitant payments for "Image Rights"! For those that don't know, an Image Right is the use of a players name on a shirt or poster etc.* This was forged by the likes of David Beckham when at the height of his game and fame. So it was with some relief that suggestions of a £10K wage cap were going to apply to all new signings and we would have only the staff we needed to run the club, after all a Club such as Birmingham City with better infrastructure had only 200. This was, after all, a club that had being ploughing through roughly an unsustainable £3M a month!


So Pompey's latest flirtation with financial meltdown has already revealed some startling facts. The number of staff employed by Pompey has risen to near 500 in the past few years, up from the 300 plus when the Club was last in Administration. The new Administrator has revealed that Pompey were running very much in the same way they were before their previous Administration, i.e. spending way above their income, with no sign of real attempts at reducing that. Players were signed above the agreed £10k per week wage cap and others allowed to continue with crippling wages and bonuses. Pompey's highest paid player, still earns in excess of £30K per week!! That, yet again, there wasn't an outright purchase of the Club by a new owner, but a deferred payment scheme, which seemingly relied on CSI pumping in vast amounts of cash. Meanwhile the Small Creditors had not been paid - and have still not - and it seems the CVA wasn't serviced either. All this was against a backdrop of new leadership at Fratton which promised transparency and honesty.* So much for that then.


Those that follow football rely on Football's well paid governing bodies to regulate the game and the clubs properly, out of this falls the Fit And Proper Person Test (FPPT).* The FPPT is, according to Trevor Birch of Pannell Kerr Forster (PKF) Pompey's current Administrators, is a test run on a series of objective measures rather than subjective measures. It has to be that way because if people are rejected on a subjective basis that leads to all sorts of issues and is likely to be difficult and costly to defend against.* There is currently much angst amongst fans that the Football League allowed Vladamir Antonov and CSI to purchase Portsmouth with the backing of the Snoras bank, when only a few years earlier, in a widely available report by the Financial Services Authority, Snoras was allegedly refused a UK banking licence as there were question marks over whether it would adhere to certain banking regulations. Mr Birch's comments go someway to understanding why CSI were able to purchase Pompey.* The FPPT had already been tightened following Pompey's unenviable "First" of being the only club to go into Administration in the Premier league. However, many fans feel that the Football league gave the permission for CSI to purchase Pompey and so therefore they have some questions to answer now that CSI are in Administration.* They may have a point , but the league could not realistically have known that Snoras would have its assets seized at CSI would go in to Administration......or so you would think.* There is a story and e-mail going round, purported to be from the Football League in response to an e-mail from a Portsmouth fan, that more or less says that during the application process by CSI, they (The Football League) were misled.* If that is the case, it has subsequently been denied by the Football League allegedly although it has been widely publicised, then the FPPT is at best flawed. Certainly the Football League have not played a blinder over this one and it will no doubt lead to a further review, well at least you would like to think so, but to a certain extent football appears to be run on a basis of a franchise of Gentlemen's Clubs so it may not suit to make it more stringent, because after all, when Clubs are valued at around £1bn as both Manchester clubs reputedly are, who in the UK could realistically afford that?


The other big problem at Pompey over the past few years has been Communication.* Under the highly likeable Lucius Peart, Pompey were able to reach out to their Fans and communicate.* Peart would always listen to fans groups and try and act on their concerns, the most obvious was after Pompey's relegation from the Premiership, he called three members of Pompey Independent Supporters Association and they sat down and thrashed out a ticketing policy for the 2010/11 season that realistically reflected the Division they were in, even though there were several more matches. For a club newly regulated, there was a better than expected take up of Season tickets. This disappeared with the arrival of CSI.* What seemed to happen was a withdrawal of the previous openness and this was put down to the premise that this is just the way the Russians do their business.* What now appears to have been the case, is knowing that Pompey is a club who increasingly over recent times has become more openly challenged by its own fans, the shutters of secrecy were being put up.* How many people knew there was a Transfer Embargo in operation at Fratton?* Pompey's CEO was the only one who dealt with the Football League and whilst some may have wondered if there was an unofficial embargo on, others assumed it was the Football League ensuring Pompey were not living beyond their means.* In reality we owed money to other clubs for players recently bought in, that failure to pay brought restrictions.* Only this week when Michael Appleton was getting frustrated at the Football League stance towards Pompey and finally managed to speak to the league himself, was he made aware of what had been going on.* How he felt having been hired, with that hidden, only he knows, but it shows how the Club has been operating over recent times.


On Wednesday 22nd February Trevor Birch from PKF held a fans forum where he laid a few things on the line.* He was very blunt about the situation Pompey find themselves in, Liquidation is not out of the equation, in fact he was quite clear. Pompey have enough money to get through until April if the players agree to wage deferrals and other due incomes are realised. They currently do not have enough money to finish April and therefore the season.* There is little the fans can do in some aspects other than continue to go to Fratton and buy merchandise.* To that end, there has been a surge for tickets against Leeds United. Even though these are £30 each.* Fans at the recent meeting with the Administrator made it clear that too many have given up with Fratton as they felt all their money was going to pay Balram Chainrai.* Whilst Trevor Birch has made it clear that that is definitely no longer the case, he recognises that once fans stop going it is a very hard task to get them back again.* He has however taken £5 off the ticket prices in a bid to get more through the turnstiles.* Pompey merchandise, in classic fan black humour, is now seen as a "Must have" as a club who could realistically cease to exist come May.


Birch's biggest challenge will be to convince fans that if he sells the club, it will be going to someone that will have the nous to run a club properly and who will genuinely listen to the fanbase. That whoever takes over is able to re-engage with the many small and medium sized businesses that have been let down by Pompey, the employees at Fratton who have had to go without payment at one of the toughest times of the year and the many disaffected fans that have moved away from watching Pompey since the 30,000 who sang and cheered long after the final whistle at Wembley in May 2010, or the near 200,000 who lined the streets of Portsmouth to cheer on the FA Cup winning team of 2008.*

I know it's difficult, but just try to imagine a football club that has built up debts over the last few years of more than £180 million more than it had any intention or prospect of ever of paying back, and is routinely fielding teams of "premier league" players who regularly don't get paid, and which will still be relegated to the 3rd division at the end of the season.


A club that has been bankrupt twice in less than two years.


A club that has had six owners in the last five years, and four of those last six owners have been charged in Court on Fraud-related charges.


If you believe that's possible then you're clearly deluded.


After all, the football authorities would never allow one of their football clubs to urinate the equivalent of one third of the total annual income of the Portsmouth City Council down the drain.


Football League Community Club of the Year? You bet they are. Unless, that is, you're old. Or young. Or unemployed. Or employed. Or a homeowner. Or a council tenant. Or disabled. Or at school. Or sick. Or a Council employee.


But I don't give a toss about them, coz I live in a blue caravan, & work cash in hand.



Yet Saints fans on this thread keep posting that its "funny" and "lol". Nothing amusing about it at all, it's disgusting.
Yet Saints fans on this thread keep posting that its "funny" and "lol". Nothing amusing about it at all, it's disgusting.


It is. It really is.


I think the "amusing" bit is the complete ignorance from anyone with any links to Portsmouth about the whole situation. Although to be honest, that's pretty abhorrent too.

Yet Saints fans on this thread keep posting that its "funny" and "lol". Nothing amusing about it at all, it's disgusting.

I must admit it was a bit of a rant. I find it all a bit distasteful, particularly celebrating admin.


I'm old enough to remember when people would have been embarrassed to go bankrupt, rather than see it as a victory.


In other pointless historical news, it's now 57 months since the heady days of helpmerhonda.


So time for an utterly irrelevant snippet, of no use to anyone whatsoever.


Guess who was going to be his CEO at SMS?








(Here's a clue, he'll never get onto AA's Christmas Card list)




(Another one? He probably thinks that Lumpitt was the worst CEO in footballing history (after Storrie teller)

I know it's difficult, but just try to imagine a football club that has built up debts over the last few years of more than £180 million more than it had any intention or prospect of ever of paying back, and is routinely fielding teams of "premier league" players who regularly don't get paid, and which will still be relegated to the 3rd division at the end of the season.


A club that has been bankrupt twice in less than two years.


A club that has had six owners in the last five years, and four of those last six owners have been charged in Court on Fraud-related charges.


If you believe that's possible then you're clearly deluded.


After all, the football authorities would never allow one of their football clubs to urinate the equivalent of one third of the total annual income of the Portsmouth City Council down the drain.


Football League Community Club of the Year? You bet they are. Unless, that is, you're old. Or young. Or unemployed. Or employed. Or a homeowner. Or a council tenant. Or disabled. Or at school. Or sick. Or a Council employee.


But I don't give a toss about them, coz I live in a blue caravan, & work cash in hand.




THAT is the sort of email tht should be sent to the FL, because they are only responding with vague bog standard answers


I don't think they actually want to accept how corrupt PFC have been, and continue to be



.......... but if the club in question were the likes of Luton, or Bournemouth were to break as many rules, then the FL would come down on them like a ton of bricks


.... Oh

I must admit it was a bit of a rant. I find it all a bit distasteful, particularly celebrating admin.


I'm old enough to remember when people would have been embarrassed to go bankrupt, rather than see it as a victory.


I agree. What they fail to take on board is that when they declare themselves bankrupt, it impacts on many other people who have lost out. There seems to be little care about their circumstances. That it is the tax man making the biggest noise seems to make it OK, as no one really likes him. But what about all those others?

In other pointless historical news, it's now 57 months since the heady days of helpmerhonda.


So time for an utterly irrelevant snippet, of no use to anyone whatsoever.


Guess who was going to be his CEO at SMS?








(Here's a clue, he'll never get onto AA's Christmas Card list)




(Another one? He probably thinks that Lumpitt was the worst CEO in footballing history (after Storrie teller)




I think it has already been mentioned fleetingly.



I think it has already been mentioned fleetingly.


Yep. I think DP was enroute to Blighty when the HelpMeRhonda connection surfaced last week.


What's Mr Williams up to these days I wonder....?

Yep. I think DP was enroute to Blighty when the HelpMeRhonda connection surfaced last week.


What's Mr Williams up to these days I wonder....?


Didn't he go a bit nuts?


Prob became 19C




In other ramblings.


TB this week has been like sticking your face to one of those nozzles in the bottom of an airplane luggage bin to get some fresh air when the person next to you has not washed for a month and has eaten Garlic every day for a week.


It doesn't stop the awful stench, but just occassionally you get to breath some fresh air for a few seconds.


So good news is that they ARE struggling to survive as a going concern. Bad news is that will likely create a siege mentality amongst the players to see them start to carve out unexpected results.


Personally, not only do I believe that ONLY - 10 is grossly unfair, but also that the FL are still keeping their Powder Dry and I do expect to see more deductions heading their way IF they survive.


What are we starting to see here?


TB starting to tell the truth. OK that's a start.


Pennies are dropping (no not just mordant) but as in that blog, they STILL cannot see how Quality v Quantity which they bought into MEANT that those players WOULD be unsustainable (Quality IS more expensive, just because they all buy their clothes at Car Boot sales doesn't mean second hand PL players are also cheap)


So, until there is REAL understanding I still hope they die because they still don't see it was cheating.


The "It's not fair" argument. The FL have made it very clear that they cannot stop people under the current rules. Yes a Licence system will be an improvement but that will not happen for some years. Under Corporate Law (yes Football IS a business strangely) The Officers of a Company do NOT have to accept a Takeover bid so STOP MOANING - the FL did not accept the bid - YOU did. (Example? SISU & Saints).


At what point will I believe that they have been punished?

Acceptance by their fans that they cheated

Acceptance by their fans (and some of the media - Matt) that the reason this thread kept going was that WE saw things were wrong and that WE were cheated at SMS in the FA Cup (sod them cheating to win it, they HAD to have lied in Court to be allowed to sign those loan players before that game)

Acceptance by Voldermort that he needs to shut up and play the kids

Relegation and a MINIMUM of -10 next season

Legal action against Lumpitt & Storrie teller leading to being banned (and TBH Jail time)

An apology OR a refusal to accept Nomination in the Awards list for Community Club of the Year - that is an utter disgrace


Then, JUST POSSIBLY, I could accept their continued survival.


as they sell their tickets at cut prices in one of the more glamorous games of their season, just grab the sick bowl as the media start telling us how the fans are coming out in numbers to support their fantastic club in its hour of need

as they sell their tickets at cut prices in one of the more glamorous games of their season, just grab the sick bowl as the media start telling us how the fans are coming out in numbers to support their fantastic club in its hour of need




IF ONLY they had invested just a few pounds of their TV income to expand a stand to fit in more seats so that all the bestest fans ™ could get in to see the game

THAT is the sort of email tht should be sent to the FL, because they are only responding with vague bog standard answers


I don't think they actually want to accept how corrupt PFC have been, and continue to be



.......... but if the club in question were the likes of Luton, or Bournemouth were to break as many rules, then the FL would come down on them like a ton of bricks


.... Oh


I still believe but have no proof, that pfc have the FLs balls firmly in the palm of their hand and, once every now and then, give them a gentle squeeze to remind the FL of what pfc know.

I still believe but have no proof, that pfc have the FLs balls firmly in the palm of their hand and, once every now and then, give them a gentle squeeze to remind the FL of what pfc know.


But who's left now that knows anything?


From the Official Pompey Twitter


Portsmouth FC ‏ @officialpompey

We are currently unable to make any updates to the official website pending agreement from our website supplier... #pompey


Can't imagine what the problem can be ....


Haha Adrian Durham on Talksport... reporting that Pompey reporting (on Twitter I think he said) that they can't update their website today, someone from Stevenage responded that perhaps they could get West Brom to update their website on their behalf!


Followed by another quick rant about Pompey basically being supported by West Brom (due to Appleton) as they're paying the wages for loanee's when they shouldn't be bringing them in as they're in admin.


Anyone on Twitter and able to confirm what was said?


Matchday Live ‏ @talksportmdl

Not got anything against Pompey. It is unfair that WBA are subsidising Pompey survival but not funding Coventry or Doncaster


Matchday Live ‏ @talksportmdl

Posh paid full wages of 2 Man Utd loan players this season. No help from Fergie Snr. Why are WBA funding Pompey survival?


Matchday Live ‏ @talksportmdl

I don't want Pompey to go under. WBA only helping them cos they know Appleton. Would they loan other clubs players and pay their wages?



blue bob

Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 12:51 PM

@13, surely you realize, it's quality, not quantity, I wouldn't expect the usual minority of southampton fans, I hasten to add( the less inteligent Southampton fans ), to understand what that means.


This is to a reply to a message of mine on the Blew Few Snooze site!

Still living in a world called Deluded!!!!

Posted (edited)

"surely you realize, it's quality, not quantity, I wouldn't expect the usual minority of southampton fans, I hasten to add( the less inteligent Southampton fans ), to understand what that means. "


Fair enough, but he won't be complaining when they haven't got enough players to fill the bench? Not that they can afford first teamers OR an academy at the moment.

Edited by suewhistle
Haha Adrian Durham on Talksport... reporting that Pompey reporting (on Twitter I think he said) that they can't update their website today, someone from Stevenage responded that perhaps they could get West Brom to update their website on their behalf!


Followed by another quick rant about Pompey basically being supported by West Brom (due to Appleton) as they're paying the wages for loanee's when they shouldn't be bringing them in as they're in admin.


Anyone on Twitter and able to confirm what was said?


Was listening to that in the car earlier. Yep, Durham has definitely got it in for them. Good man :-)

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